9 years ago

Volume 16 Issue 8 - May 2011

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  • Choir
  • Toronto
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®Glionna MansellCorporation11A Music Festival unlike any otherORGANIX CONCERTSwww.organixconcerts.ca416-571-3680May 2 – May 30, 2011William O’Meara and Gordon D. Mansell – Artistic DirectorsWhat is the month of Maywithout ORGANIX?TheGold Standardof Organ BuildingThe Elite program is theembodiment of well-articulatedmusical ideals. A cohesive tonal concept isat the heart of every Elite organ.Elite Opus VII is a comprehensive fourmanual, 95-stop instrument designed toserve as a major concert instrument. Thededication concert series on this instrumentfeatures major internationally knownconcert artists such as Peter Latona(Basilica of the National Shrine of theImmaculate Conception), Sophie-VeroniqueCauchefer-Choplin (St. Sulpice) and DianeBish. Ms. Bish had recently inaugurated themagnific ent new Allen Heritage organ atMississauga’s St. Patrick’s CatholicChurch.To see a video of the Opus VII through finaltesting at the factory and in performance, orto learn more about the Elite program, theDiane Bish Signature Series, Heritage orany of the other fine digital organs fromAllen Organ Company, visit us or contactGordon Mansell, President andArtistic Director.Glionna Mansell Corporationrepresents excellence in organbuilding, service and performance.www.glionnamansell.com416-769-5224toll free: 1-877-769-5224Proud supporter of Organix 1111A Music Festival unlike any otherLeasing available through First Maestra Leasing Inc.Opus VIITMThe Jennie Laurie Memorial OrganDr. Andreas Sieling atHoly Trinity AnglicanChurch Friday May 6,7:30 p.m.John Tuttle at St.Thomas’sAnglican Church.Friday May 27,7:30 p.m.www.glionnamansell.comWilliam O’MearaORGANIX is unlike any othermusic festival you have been to.Each concert is a thrilling experienceof the sights and sounds ofa magnificent pipe organ, TheKing of Instruments. Those whohave had previous ORGANIXexperiences look forward to themonth of May for the manyunique solo and ensembleconcerts the festival offers.Order your tickets early. You cando this by mail, by phone orthrough our website. With greatmusic-making throughout themonth, don’t miss out on yourown ORGANIX experience, fromMay 2 through to May 30!May 2, 12:15 – 1:00 May 19, 12:15 – 1:00Andrew Adair with the ORGANIX Aaron Tan at Metropolitan Unitedbrass ensemble at Holy Trinity Church.Anglican Church.May 23, 12:15 – 1:00May 2, 8:00Sarah Svendsen at Holy TrinityJonathan Ortloff plays Popular Anglican Church.Favourites at Casa Loma.May 26, 12:15 – 1:00May 6, 7:30David Palmer and extraordinaryDr. Andreas Sieling at Holy Trinity talent will perform at MetropolitanAnglican Church.United Church.May 7, 10:00 a.m. May 27, 7:30A Masterclass with Dr. Andreas John Tuttle, and conductorSieling at St. Andrew Evangelical Elizabeth Anderson with the choirLutheran St. Thomas’s Anglican Church. AMay 9, 12:15 – 1:00 memorial concert in honour ofAlison Clark will play Jazz Jehan Alain (1911 - 1940).inspired organ repertoire at Holy May 28, All dayTrinity Anglican ChurchDoors Open Toronto at HolyMay 16, 12:15 – 1:00 Trinity Anglican Church.David Troiano will play indigenous May 30, 12:15 – 1:00Mexican repertoire at Holy Trinity Paul Jenkins and the UnionvilleAnglican ChurchString Orchestra (dir: LarryBeckwith) at Holy Trinity AnglicanChurch.See website for concert details www.organixconcerts.caGlionna Mansell Corporationwww.rcco.caChurch of the Holy Trinity William WrightMusicPrint and Graphics Mondaysm

Baroque Orchestra and Chamber ChoirJeanne Lamon, Music Director | Ivars Taurins, Director, Chamber Choir1o.11CONCERT SEASONItalianissimo! withStefano Montanari, Guest Conductor"…young Italian fireball, Stefano Montanari, electrified the musicians …" THE GLOBE AND MAILWed May 11 at 7pmThurs May 12, Fri May 13,Sat May 14 at 8pmSun May 15 at 3:30pmTrinity-St. Paul’s Centre416.964.6337tafelmusik.orgTuesMay17at8pmGeorge Weston Recital HallTorontoCentrefortheArts416.872.1111ticketmaster.caStefano Montanari returnsto Tafelmusik as guestconductor in a programme ofexuberant symphonies andovertures by Sammartini,Cambini, Durante and more.Un finale fantastico!SEASONFINALESeason Presenting SponsorMay 11-15GWRH Concerts Supported byMay 17 concert is part ofTBSF Supported byMargaret and Jim Fleck11.12Concert SeasonCelebrating Jeanne Lamon's 30th Anniversaryas Music Director, and the 30th Anniversaryof the Tafelmusik Chamber Choirwith the generous support ofSeason Presenting Sponsor Sun Life FinancialSeason Highlights Include:Beethoven Eroica SymphonyHandel HerculesChoral Anniversary with theTafelmusik Chamber ChoirHouse of Dreams – anewconcert by Alison Mackayand Fabulous Guest Artists includingRachel Podger, violin,Alfredo Bernardini, oboe, andMarion Verbruggen, recorderSUBSCRIBETODAY!SUBSCRIBE AND SAVE! CALL 416.964.6337For more information visit

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