9 years ago

Volume 16 Issue 8 - May 2011

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Choral
  • Singers
  • Concerts
  • Jazz
  • Musical
  • Repertoire
  • Orchestra
  • Arts

Toronto Continuo

Toronto Continuo Collective/CardinalConsort of Viols. Joyne Hands: ChamberMusic from Seventeenth-Century London. Tuesday May 24Canadian Opera Company.Vocal Series: 21st Century Troubadour.St. James Cathedral.Vicki St. Pierre,organ.Canadian Opera Company. Orfeo edEuridice. Art of Time Ensemble. Songbook 5with vocalist Sarah Slean. Harold Green Jewish Theatre Company.To Life. Royal Conservatory. piano. Toronto Continuo Collective/CardinalConsort of Viols. Joyne Hands: ChamberMusic from Seventeenth-Century London.Wednesday May 25Yorkminster Park Baptist Church.Noon Hour Organ Recital Series. Harold Green Jewish TheatreCompany. To Life. Civic Light Opera. Anything Goes.A. Concerts in the GTACanadian Opera Company. LaCenerentola. Art of Time Ensemble. Songbook 5with vocalist Sarah Slean.Massey HallGordon LightfootNathaniel Dett Chorale. And Still weSing…Esperanza y Luz: A Celebration of Hopeand Light. Thursday May 26Canadian Opera Company.Vocal Series: Les Adieux.Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation/Christ Church Deer ParkLunchtime ChamberMusic.Organix Concerts. David Palmer,pipe organ.Toronto Public Library NorthernDistrict. Orchardviewers. Canadian Opera Company. Orfeo edEuridice. Samantha Chang Productions. MargotRydall’s Fortieth Faculty Anniversary Gala.Civic Light Opera. Anything Goes.Gallery 345. Mark Laver and ChrisDonnelly. Harold Green Jewish Theatre Company.To Life. Massey HallGordon Lightfoot Toronto Symphony Orchestra. TanDun Water & Paper ncertos.Via SalzburgTime’s ArrowFriday May 27Canadian Children’s Opera Company.Choral Concert. Canadian Opera Company. Ariadneauf NaxosOrganix Concerts. Tribute to FrenchComposer Jehan Alain (1911-1940). St. James CathedralAnnual LastNight of the Proms.St. Michael’s Choir School. A ChoralCelebration. Aurora Cultural CentreGreat ArtistPiano Series: Elizabeth SchumannCivic Light Opera. Anything Goes.Ensemble Polaris. Who’s Who in Valhalla.Harmony Singers. The Circle of Life.Massey HallGordon LightfootVia SalzburgTime’s ArrowSaturday May 28Common Thread CommunityChorus. Viva! Songs and Rhythms of LatinAmerica. Harold Green Jewish TheatreCompany. To Life. Larkin Singers. Rise Up. Canadian Opera Company. Orfeo edEuridice. Blythwood Road Baptist Church.40 thewholenote.comMay 1 – June 7, 2011

Vocal Recital. Choirs of Grace Church on-the-Hill.Melva’s Greatest Hits! Oakville Children’s ChoirColoursand LightsTimeless Classics. In Concert. Annex Singers of TorontoTheWeather ReportCanadian Children’s Opera Company.Fiddling with Mozart.North York Concert Band. EnchantedNight. Toronto Symphony Orchestra.TanDun Water & Paperncertos. CATHEDRAL BLUFFS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA2010–2011NORMAN REINTAMM artistic directorSATURDAY, 5May 28, 2011 * at 8 pmP.C. Ho Theatre 5183 Sheppard Ave E, ScarboroughRegular adult, st/sr (under 12 free) | Premium adult, st/sr (under 12 free)* Subscription Concert no. | 416.879.5566Village Voices. Voices of Nature: ACelebration of Nature and Spring. Cathedral Bluffs Symphony OrchestraMahler:Symphony No.5.Civic Light Opera. Anything Goes.Gallery 345. Strega Trio. Harmony Singers. The Circle of Life.Jubilate Singers. Out of Africa. Kir Stefan the Serb Choir. Slavic,Sacred and Traditional Music. Grace Churchon-the-Hill300 Lonsdale RoadTorontoSaturday May 287:00pmPlease joinThe Choirs of Grace Church on-the-Hillfor a concert marking Melva Treffinger Graham’sretirement and celebrating her leadershipas Music Director at Grace Church on-the-Hillover the past 25 years.This event is a unique opportunity to reunitealumni, alumni parents, and friends ofthe choir.The evening will feature musical memoriesas the choirs present some of their favouriteworks performed over the last quarter-century,as well as favourite hymns selected by ourcongregation and our alumni.Admission by Freewill Donation416-488-7884 x333bjahnke@gracechurchonthehill.cawww.gracechurchonthehill.caMay 1 – June 7, 2011 41

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)