Tyler Yarema and his Rhythm; Every WedBradleyand the Bouncers; Every ThuDave MurphyBand. Every FriDeeDee & the Dirty Martinis;Every SatTyler Yarema and his Rhythm.Revival Bar and LoungeMay 2 Grace: A Musical Variety Show starringShelley Hamilton. Rex Hotel Jazz and Blues Bar, TheMay 1 Excelsior Dixieland Jazz, Miriam Snider& Guimar Campbell, Peripheral Vision, TrevorFalls Collective. May 2 George Grosman Trio,Josh Grossman’sToronto Jazz Orchestra. May3 Elvis Bossa Nova, Classic Rex Jazz Jam. May4 Jesse Barskdale Trio, P.R.A.M. Trio. May 5Kevin Quain, Jamie Reynold’s Trio. May 6 HogtownSyncopators, The MAisies, Buckaloose.May 7 Danny Marks & Friends, Pat Carey’s JazzNavigators, Sara Dell, David French CD Release.May 8 Humber Community Music Recitals,Club Django, Peripheral Vision, Scott Marshall.May 9 George Grosman Trio, Stop Time. May10 Elvis Bossa Nova, Classic Jazz Jam. May 11Jesse Barksdale Trio, P.J. Perry & Kevin Dean.May 12 Kevin Quain, P.J. Perry & Kevin DeanQuartet. May 13 Hogtown Syncopators, LauraHubert, Pat Collins. May 14 Danny Marks &Friends, Kit Trio CD Release, Sara Dell, PaulRead Orchestra CD Release with David Braid (p)and Trish Colter (voc). May 15 Excelsior DixielandJazz, Blues Harmonica, Peripheral Vision,Monsoon. May 16 George Grosman Trio, JohnCheesman Jazz Orchestra. May 17 Elvis BossaNova. May 17 Elvis Bossa Nova, Classic JazzJam. May 18 Jesse Barksdale Trio, Mike MilliganTrio. May 19 Kevin Quain, Sinal Alberto.May 20 Hogtown Syncopators, The Maisies,Justin Bacchus. May 21 Danny Marks &Friends, Chris Hunt Tentet + 2, Sara Dell, SteveKoven’s Project Rex. May 22 Excelsior DixielandJazz, Bohemian Swing, Peripheral Vision,Random Access. May 23 George Grosman Trio,Jazz Mechanics Big Band. May 24 Elvis BossaNova, Classic Jazz Jam. May 25 Jesse BarksdaleTrio, Kirk MacDonald Quartet. May 26Kevin Quain, Kirk MacDonald Quartet. May 27Hogtown Syncopators, The Maisies, Tyler HornbyQuartet. May 28 Danny Marks & Friends,Swing Shift Big Band, Sara Dell, Joel HaynesQuartet, Rich Brown’s Rinse the Algorithm. May29 Exclesior Dixieland Jazz, Peripheral Vision,Nick Teehan. May 30 Juno Party: John Mac-Leod’s Rex Hotel Orchestra. May 31 Elvis BossaNova, Classic Jazz Jam.Saint Tropez, LeC. In the Clubs (Mostly Jazz)Statlers on ChurchEvery Mon SINGular Sensation Opern Mic w/Jenni Walls and Donvoan LeNabat Every TueChris Tsujiuchi; Every Wed Bram Zeidenberg;Every Thu Open Mic w/ Donavan LeNabat;Every Fri Julie Michels & Kevin Barrett; EverySat Alex Hopkins. Every Sun James Moyer.Ten Feet TallEvery 2nd and 4th Tuesday Dunstan Morey& the Toronto Fingerstyle Guitar Association.NEW: Every Thu Jazz Jam hosted by BrendanDavis Trio w/ guest Chris Gale. Saturday NightCabaret, 8PM pay-what-you-can: May 7Ilana Waldston sings Blossom Dearie. May14 Kristin Lindell. May 21 TBA. May 28 RosKindler. Sunday Afternoon Matinee, 3:30-6:30 NO COVER: May 1 Jim Gelcer Trio. May8 Mother’s Day w/ Amy McConnell, Pat Murrayand Carin Redman. May 15 Norman MarshallVilleneuve Quartet. May 22 Yvette Tollar. May29 Lisa Particelli’s GNO Jazz Jam.Trane StudioTranzacEvery Mon Open Mic 10PM. Every Fri TheFoolish Things 5PM.May 1 Monk’s Music. May 2 This is Awesome.May 3 Süss. May 4 Michael Peters. May 5Bluegrass and Oldtime. May 6 Stacey McLeod.May 7 Keith Shiner & the Shiitake Project. May8 Lina Allemano 4. May 9 This is Awesome.May 10 Peripheral Vision. May 11 Alicia Hansen“Fractography” CD Release. May 12 NAGsPlayers present: Cruisin’ through the 60s. May13 Heavy Ethics. May 14 Scott B. May 15Monk’s Music. May 17 Al Purdy Project. May18 néGar. May 19 Clara Engel. May 20 TheWoodshed. May 21 Michael Davidson. May22 Marianne Girard. May 24 Muskox. May 25Make It! May 26 Sam Broverman “Dream Maker,Heartbreaker” CD Release. May 27 RyanDriver Quartet. May 28 Joe Hall. May 29 SteveWard. May 31 Toronto Folk Singers.Zemra Bar & LoungeEvery Wed Open Mic and JamEvery Fri Live Music FridaysLook for favourite live music venues onour website map, World of The WholeNotethewholenote.comPerspectives,Etcetera!ELLIE SKROW, specialevents curator of the TorontoJewish Film Festival (TJFF)has a real knack for coming upwith a creative, plausible themethat then gives her an excuse topull together a program of eventscontaining an astonishingly diverseand seemingly unconnectedarray of material.Last year’s theme was “Peopleof the Comics” – based on the observationthat a disproportionatenumber of the people involved inthe emergence of the comic bookwere Jewish. It made for a reallyentertaining perspective, overallmuch more rewarding than justLenny Who?trotting off to disconnected showthat matter) can be.So what do you do for an encore after a brainwave like that?Well if you’re Skrow, you notice that three well-known people in thearts, who interest you for very different reasons, not only all happenThree Lennys” – this year’s TJFF Skrow special – is born.Unlike last year’s theme which would have been of particularinterest only to readers of The WholeNote who were also movie orcomic book fans, this year’s event directly ties in with what we areall about. Lenny Bruce is maybe the least obvious musical tie-in.But if you think about it, he sure knew how to scat, in a manner ofspeaking, and it was in the very clubs in which the “devil’s music”found its home that he found his. As for Bernstein and Cohen, whatbetter time to view them through the same lens, especially in theyear that the Glenn Gould Foundation, formerly a bastion of classicaltaste, has broadened its criteria to honour Cohen as its laureate?In any case, we thought it worthwhile to bring the event to yourattention. As you know from a well-programmed concert, sometimesit is from the seeming incongruity of the programmed pieces that themost interesting perspectives arise.MIND YOU, YOU COULD SAY the same about the range of contentin the section of our listings that we call “The ETCeteras.”Just looking at the headings gives a clue to the variety: Galas andFundraisers; Competitions and Scholarships; Screenings; Lectures/Symposia; Masterclasses; Workshops; Announcements … etcetera!As diverse as the headings themselves are, the range of activitiesand opportunities captured under each heading is even more astonishing:Annual Booksale Fundraiser; The 2011 MARTY Awards;a Pulmonary Fibrosis Research Fundraiser; Choral CompositionCompetition; … The Lives and Loves of King Edward VII. You getmy point.What they all have in common, despite their diversity (or perhapsbecause of it), is that they afford wonderful opportunities, beyondgoing to concerts, to live an even better-rounded musical life.We urge you to explore and sample the range of material coveredhere. And we invite you, having done so, to bring to our attention(by e-mail to etc@thewholenote.com) future events and opportuni-Taste and enjoy.—David Perlman50 thewholenote.comMay 1 – June 7, 2011
GALAS AND FUNDRAISERSEloraFestival. Annual Booksale Fundraiser. Elora. Mississauga Arts Council.The 2011 MARTY Awards. Pulmonary Fibrosis ResearchFundraiser. String Fling. Toronto Consort/Bata ShoeMuseum. One … Two … Buckle My Shoe. COMPETITIONS & SCHOLARSHIPSOriana Women’s Choir. CanadianChoral Composition Competition forYoung Composers (30 years and under). Silent NightLaudate DominumRubies Toronto Symphony VolunteerCommittee. Toronto Symphony Orchestra NationalPiano Competition.SouthernD. The ETCeterasOntario Chamber Music Institute. Ann VallentyneMemorial Scholarship. SCREENINGSMAY 7-15: TORONTO JEWISH FILM FES-TIVAL. The Three Lennys: A Tribute to LeonardBernstein, Lenny Bruce and Leonard Cohen.Toronto Jewish Film Festival.Looking for Lenny. Toronto Jewish Film Festival.Ladies and Gentlemen … Mr. Leonard Cohen.Toronto Jewish Film Festival.Leonard Bernstein: Reaching for the Note. May 1 – June 7, 2011 thewholenote.com 51