Canary PagestheWholeNote CHOIR LISTINGS | 2011-2012is a 31-voice auditioned SATB choir now underthe leadership of long-time member and localmusician Scott Boyer. The repertoire is eclectic,from traditional and sacred to jazz, pop andbroadway. All pieces are performed by memory,allowing the choir to be more interpretivewith the music and to better connect with theaudience. The end result is an impressive entertainmentexperience, with a focus on musicalexcellence combined with the visual appealof staging or choreography. Each year, Bravado!presents Christmas and spring shows, and isavailable for private functions and• Cambridge Kiwanis Boys ChoirA choir for boys and young men aged 7 throughcollege. Practices are held on Mondays from6:15–8:30 pm at Avenue Road Baptist Church,465 Avenue Rd, Cambridge, ON. The choirsings religious and secular music and sings forchurches, nursing homes, at civic and specialevents, and has a Christmas and spring communityconcert• Canadian Children’sOpera CompanyIn its 44th season, the CCOC consists of sixchoruses for ages 3–19 and is the only permanentchildren’s opera company in Canada toregularly commission and produce operas forchildren. The program prepares young peoplefor the vibrant world of opera by o≠eringmusical and dramatic training and professionalexperience. Members regularly performwith the Canadian Opera Company, theToronto Symphony Orchestra and other majorprofessional organizations throughout the GTA.Rehearsals take place weekdays after school inthe downtown area. Auditions are held May toJune. A non-auditioned after-school workshopprogram called OPERAtion KIDS was launchedin 2008.Ken Hall, general manager,• Cantabile Chorale of York RegionCantabile Chorale is a 40-voice mixed adultchoir performing under founding directorRobert Richardson. The choir presents five orsix major concerts per year, mostly in southernYork Region, and frequently for local charities,and appears at other community events.Repertoire ranges from classical through contemporary,both sacred and secular, and concertsoften feature guest musicians. Rehearsalsare on Monday evenings in Thornhill fromSeptember to June. An annual weekend retreatis held in September, and weekend tours withinsouthern Ontario take place every two or threeyears. Membership is by audition. Potential newchoristers are welcome to sit in on any regularrehearsal.Robert Richardson• Cantemus SingersCantemus Singers, conducted by MichaelErdman, perform mainly renaissance and earlybaroque repertoire. Our 16-voice group givesequal time to religious and secular compositionsof the period in a variety of languages.We present 3 programs a year, in spring, falland during Advent. Although we are primarilyan a cappella ensemble, we occasionally joinforces with ensembles/players of period instruments.Our choristers are a mix of enthusiastic,well-trained amateurs and semi-professionals,all sharing a common interest in early music.Rehearsals are Wednesday evening through theseason at Morningside-High Park PresbyterianChurch in the West end. Membership is byaudition.Michael Erdman, conductor,• Cantores Celestes Women’s ChoirAuditioned women’s choir celebrating 23rd season.Sold-out audiences of over 500 people.Donating over ,000 to charities. Repertoirefrom medieval, baroque, romantic, classicalcontemporary,with touches of Celtic, gospel,bluegrass and Eastern European. Six CDs.They have performed live on CBC Radio, havebeen featured on a CBC video, three filmsfor The History Channel and participated inFestival 500 in St John’s. They have toured NBand Eastern and Western Ontario and performedat the Colours of Music Festival inBarrie. Additional recordings and excitingtours planned. Season concerts include: Dec 3,2011 Carols, and Lullabies of the South West,April 21, 2012. Auditions May, June, and August.Kelly Galbraith, director,• Caribbean Chorale of TorontoThe Caribbean Chorale of Toronto, a registerednon-profit group established in 1993, has a membershipof 40 representing several Caribbeanislands. Our repertoire covers a range of musicalstyles. We have performed at a number ofvenues in the GTA including at benefits for charitableorganizations and fundraising events. Wesponsor The Caribbean Children’s Foundationand The Sickle Cell Association of Ontario, aswell as the Rosetta Batson Bursary which assistsstudents of Caribbean descent in pursuingtertiary education. The Chorale welcomesnew members as well as sponsors of its workand• Cathedral Church of St JamesThe Cathedral Church of St James boasts twochoirs which enhance worship every week. Theparish choir sings at the 9:00am sung eucharistand consists of a group of volunteers assistedby four section leads. It rehearses at 8:00am onSundays prior to the service. Singers interestedin volunteering their time are invited to contactAndrew Adair, interim director of music.The cathedral choir is a fully professional ensemblewhich sings the 11:00am sung eucharistand 4:30pm choral evensong every Sundaythroughout the year.Andrew Adair, interim director of• Celebration ChoirAre you a senior and looking for a fun, energeticand eclectic choir? The Celebration Choir is oneyou should consider! Founded in 2007 withinThe Toronto Singing Studio and directed byLinda Eyman, this 45-voice choir features repertoireto suit every musical taste. Repertoirespans popular to classical to folk with appealingmusical arrangements. The Celebration Choirrehearses from September through May onThursday afternoons, 2:00–4:00pm, in the gymnasiumat Trinity-St Paul’s United Church, 427Bloor St W. Two formal concerts are presentedeach season along with outreach concerts inhospitals, libraries and seniors’ residences.Rehearsals are very sociable. No audition necessary.A seasonal membership is paid.Linda Eyman, music director,• Chinese Canadian Choir of TorontoFounded in 1983, the Chinese Canadian Choirof Toronto has participated in numerous majorconcerts. The Choir was the winner of gold inthe Toronto Kiwanis Music Festival in 1994 and1995 and has collaborated with many local andinternational choirs, orchestras and vocal soloists.The repertoire of the Choir includes a rangeof works, from classical to contemporary (in avariety of languages), and from serious musicto broadway hits. The Choir hosts an annualconcert in late fall each year and often featureslocal solo artists or groups as guest performers.Under the direction of Andrew Chung, theChoir has 50 members practising every Sundayin a friendly environment. All voices welcome.Cecilia Liu,• Choir of Christ Church Deer ParkThe Choir of Christ Church Deer Park is anauditioned mixed-voice choir that rehearsesThursday evenings and sings on Sunday morningsand special occasions from Septemberthrough June. Repertoire is medieval through21st century. The Christ Church Summer Singers
is a non-auditioned mixed-voice choir that rehearsesand sings on Sunday mornings throughJuly and August.Eric N Robertson, organist & director of music416-920-5211 ext• Choirs OntarioChoirs Ontario is a not-for-profit arts serviceorganization dedicated to the support, promotionand celebration of choral music throughoutOntario. Join today and take advantage ofthe many services included with membershipsuch as free concert listings and borrowingprivileges from our extensive choral library.Our key programme, the Ontario Youth Choir,selects 40 talented singers from across Ontarioto participate in an exciting summer programmeof rehearsals, masterclasses, voice lessons andconcerts. This summer, we are also proud too≠er the Children’s Choir Camp, an opportunityfor young choristers to learn and grow atthe National Music Camp. Connect chorally.Make life sing!416-923-1144, toll free• Choralairs of North YorkFounded in 1962, the Choralairs of North Yorkperform for seniors in retirement or long-termcare settings. We are a 40-member mixed voicenon-audition choir that sings a variety of showtunes and popular songs. The music director,Judith Ross, has extensive experience in conductingchoirs. Though reading music could behelpful, it is not essential. Rehearsals take placeevery Tuesday evening from 7:15–9:45pm at EarlBales Community Centre. In addition to severalconcerts, we present an annual Sunday afternoonconcert for the community at Earl BalesPark (this year on Sunday, June 5 at 1:30pm) Allvoices welcome.Sally 416-636-8247Brian• Chorus NiagaraChorus Niagara’s mission is to entertain, inspireand educate through the performance offine choral music. As Niagara Region’s premiersymphonic chorus, Chorus Niagara performsboth beloved as well as seldom heard choralmasterpieces, provides a showcase for emergingCanadian talent, and attracts singers of all agesthrough its Children’s Choir and Side by SideHigh School Chorale. The 2011/2012 season includesTriumph of the Spirit, A Celebration ofChristmas, the premiere of Canadian composerAllan Bevan’s No Mortal Business, and Deep inMy Heart, a festive night of operetta, all underthe direction of Robert Cooper, CM.Diana McAdorey, managing directorAUDITION THE CHOIRThinking about joining? Visit Gilmore, auditions,• Chorus Niagara Children’s ChoirChorus Niagara Children’s Choir o≠ers Niagararegion children ages 7 to 17 the opportunity todevelop their musical knowledge, build relationships,create a sense of community andshare their love of music with others. Choristersreceive a broad musical education, which includessight singing, ear training, music theoryand vocal techniques, in an engaging and energizedenvironment. CNCC is a unique and enrichingopportunity for children and youth tolearn, create, imagine and grow through retreats,rehearsals and performances of choralmusic. Auditions for the 2011-2012 trainingand concert choirs will happen in June andSeptember – any child who loves to sing iswelcome!.Melanie Marlin, conductormelaniejmarlin@gmail.comLyn Hibbitt, choir• Church of St Mary MagdaleneThe Gallery Choir is performing a pay-whatyou-canconcert on Friday June 3rd 2011 at7:30pm, and will repeat this concert in Cobourgon June 4th. Schola Magdalena launches a newCD of medieval music on September 24th at7:30pm. Service highlights include Holy Weekand Christmas every year. Updates are foundon our website. Join us for High Mass at 11amevery Sunday to hear masterpieces of polyphonicchoral music as well as Gregorian chant sungby our ritual choir. Our more casual 9:30amservice includes Taizé, baroque band and Or≠ensemble. SMM o≠ers a unique musical andspiritual experience in this historic Torontolandmark.Stephanie Martin, director of• Church of St Simon-the-Apostle(Anglican) ChoirSt Simon’s Choir is renowned as a professionally-led(currently 7 leads), volunteer-basedmixed-voice choir, providing musical leadershipto the Sunday 10:30am weekly worshipservice. They draw from an extensive repertoireranging from plainsong to 21st centurycompositions, with a firm commitment to excellence,and rooted in the wonderfully richheritage of music from the Anglican tradition.Weekly anthems and service music are oftenpresented a cappella. Carol services are presentedfor Advent and Christmas. Our annualconcerts feature major works, with soloists andinstrumental ensemble accompaniment. Forconcerts and other special events, the choir issometimes joined by additional singers from theparish and wider community. Weekly rehearsalsare on Thursdays 7:00–9:00pm and Sundayat 9:45am.Robin Davis, organist & director of music905-409-6121 or 416-923-8714 ext• Coro San MarcoCoro San Marco was founded in 1995 and iscomposed of members who share a love forchoral music. The choir has a vast repertoireof folk, classical, religious and operatic music.In the year 2000 the choir performed in the closingceremony for the City of Toronto Olympicbid at Roy Thompson Hall. In December 2002and October 2004, the choir performed withNova Amadeus Orchestra from Rome. InAugust 2004, Coro San Marco sang with thechoir from Italy, Gioventu’ in Cantata. In Junecaribbean chorale of torontotheWholeNote CHOIR LISTINGS | 2011-2012
®Glionna MansellCorporation11A Mus
Of This and ThatEACH MONTH this sea
The Music Comes FirstJohn Tuttle an
The Choral“Right Stuff”BENJAMIN
Beat by Beat / Classical & BeyondOn
Canada’s Bechstein Selection Cent
Christopher Hoile is a Toronto-base
String Quartet Op.131Tenebrae in it
to Brazilian guitarist Carlos Berna