9 years ago

Volume 16 Issue 8 - May 2011

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Choral
  • Singers
  • Concerts
  • Jazz
  • Musical
  • Repertoire
  • Orchestra
  • Arts

Canary PagestheWholeNote

Canary PagestheWholeNote CHOIR LISTINGS | 2011-2012other organizations. Rehearsals are Mondaysat 7:30pm at Assumption College School,Brantford. For an audition, contact RichardCunningham.Richard Cunningham, artistic• Guelph Youth SingersGuelph Youth Singers, founded in 1991, is enteringits 21st year this season, and is led byartistic director Linda Beaupré. GYS has fourtreble choirs of youth and children aged 6through 18. Choristers are placed in each ofthe choirs based on age and skill level. Weeklyrehearsals at Guelph Youth Music Centre includevocal technique, theory and sight singing.GYS performs up to three major concertsper season as well as workshop, festival, communityand guest performances. Auditions areheld in April and May for entry in September,and in November for a limited number of positionsin January.Cathy Meggison• Hamilton Children’s ChoirCome sing with us! The award-winningHamilton Children’s Choir o≠ers performancesthat go far beyond technical excellence whiledazzling audiences with a focused sound, brilliantrepertoire, and captivating stage presence.Guided by world-renowned Zimfira Poloz, whobelieves “if you can speak, you can sing,” anda talented artistic team, the HCC o≠ers fourdi≠erent choir programs to approximately 150young singers ranging in ages from 4 to 20 yearsthat live in Hamilton and surrounding areas.The HCC presents an unmatched opportunityfor personal growth, challenging work, andrewarding experiences accomplished throughchoir camp, rehearsals, workshops, recording,performances and touring.Tricia LeClair, general manager,• Harbourfront ChorusYou’re invited to join the Harbourfront Chorus,a non-auditioned choir performing a diverserepertoire for a diverse city. Under directorDallas Bergen, we rehearse Tuesdays, 7:45–9:15pm at Harbourfront Community Centre, 627Queens Quay West at Bathurst, in the dance studio.Our season runs September through May.All levels of experience are welcome. Come tryus on! Observe a rehearsal, any Tuesday eveningthrough the end of May. New season beginsSeptember 13, 2011.Dwight Gri≠in 416-977-6448dgri≠• Harmony SingersFormed in 1965, this dynamic women’s chorusis one of Toronto’s longest-established communitychoruses. Under conductor HarveyPatterson the 35-voice choir memorizes,stages and performs a sparkling repertoire ofpopular, folk, show and light classical pieces.Accompanist is the renowned pianist BruceHarvey. The Singers perform a yearly Christmasconcert and will present The Circle of Life onMay 27 and 28. The group also entertains atcharity events, hospitals and senior residences.There are a few openings for second sopranosand altos. Rehearsals are Mondays, 7:30–9:45pmat Martin Grove United Church.Harvey Patterson• Hart House SingersThe Hart House Singers at the University ofToronto are a non-auditioned choir that providesan opportunity for first-time and experiencedsingers to share in the joy of choralsinging, learn the art of song, and sing culturallyand historically diverse repertoire. Underthe enthusiastic direction of David Arnot-Johnston, rehearsals are at Hart House, 7 HartHouse Circle, U of T (downtown campus): fromSeptember to April, Mondays 7:15–9:30pm; andfrom May to July, Wednesdays 7:15–9:30 pm.We perform three concerts per year in themagnificent Great Hall of the same building.Dawn Cowling and Carly Stasko,program coordinators,• Healey Willan SingersThe Healey Willan Singers is a women’s choirbased in the west end of Toronto, and we arecurrently looking for new singers! Named afterDr Healey Willan, the “dean of Canadian choralmusic,” this choir performs music by Canadiancomposers, promotes the work of women composersand poets, and presents well-knownfavourite pieces from the choral repertoire aswell. Rehearsals are held on Saturday morningsfrom 10:15am–12:15pm. Auditions are heldthroughout the season (September to April)• The High Park Choirs of TorontoUnder artistic director Zimfira Poloz, the childrenof the High Park Choirs create a beautifulsound! We offer five skills-based divisions forchildren ages 5–18. Weekly rehearsals, held inBloor West Village, include music theory andear training; regular activities include concerts,community engagements, workshops, retreatsand tours. The High Park Choirs are the officialChildren’s Choir in Residence for the Universityof Toronto’s Faculty of Music. Now acceptingchoristers for the 2011-2012 season.Helen Nestor, manager,• Irish Choral Society of CanadaThe Irish Choral Society of Canada is a communitySATB choir performing secular, sacred, folkand pop works centered on Irish and Canadianthemes. We perform at concerts and specialevents within the GTA and the Irish community,often accompanied by brilliant traditionalIrish musicians. We are seeking experiencedsingers to join us during this time of growth.We are launching our inaugural Boat Cruise onJune 25th complete with two Celtic bands anda short concert performance by the Irish ChoralSociety. We are planning an East Coast Tour inJuly 2012 and Ireland in September 2013. Allvoices are welcome. Rehearsals: every Tuesdayevening from 7:00–9:00pm in central• Islington United Church ChoirsThe extensive and active music programmeat Islington United Church Choirs, under thedirection of Dr John Derksen and assisted bymany talented and committed musicians, includesthe junior (ages 6–12), youth, and seniorchoirs, along with four handbell choirs,chimes, string and brass ensembles, and eveningworship band. Supported by a magnificentSchoenstein organ and grand piano, music ringsthrough the neo-Gothic sanctuary for two morningservices each Sunday, monthly Taizé andevening contemporary services, and numerousspecial services, events and concerts. The accomplishedsenior choir, with 25–30 talentedsingers enriched by section leads, is attentiveto musical detail and expressiveness to enhanceworship.John Derksen 416-239-1131 ext• John Laing SingersFounded in 1982, The John Laing Singers isa classical chamber choir of singers from theGolden Horseshoe. We have representedCanada in France, Switzerland and the USA.Besides our regular concerts, we perform forspecial events upon request. By invitation, wecelebrated Hamilton Day in Sarasota, Floridain 2006. In June 2011 we will perform at TheOakville Arts Festival, and in July 2011 we willbe the featured choir at the National Conventionof the RCCO. We have released three CDs: MyLove Dwelt in a Northern Land (1998), MerrilySing We (2008) and A Noel Tapestry (2011).John Laing is retiring in May 2011, so we willbe under new direction from September 2011.We look forward to honouring his legacy bycontinuing our standard of excellence in the2011/2012 concert season.905-628-5238• Jubilate SingersThe Jubilate Singers is a mixed voice chamberchoir specializing in eclectic internationalmusic, often multi-lingual. Under the directionof Isabel Bernaus, we perform 3 concertsa year along with community appearances. Our2011-2012 season will be music from aroundthe Mediterranean with special guest MaryemTollar; Argentinian songs and tango; and a concertof Canadian composers reflecting the ethnicdiversity of Toronto. Rehearsals: Tuesdays7:30pm at St Leonard’s Anglican Church, 25Wanless Ave (near Yonge and Lawrence).Auditions are held in September and January.Good blend, pitch and some sight reading required.Interested singers are encouraged to sitin on a rehearsal before auditioning.David Reddin• Kingsway Children’s Choir& Drum EnsembleVenturing outside the bounds of traditionalchoir training, The Kingsway Children’s Choir& Drum Ensemble is a unique, liberating choralexperience for children aged 7 and up. Directedby a professional music educator with extensivechoral conducting experience, The KingswayChildren’s Choir explores a vast repertoirespanning world music, folk songs and classicchoral works. Weekly rehearsals are an invigoratingmusical work-out encompassing voiceand body warm-ups, vocal technique, singingskills and drum circle (each chorister receivesan African djembé drum to keep). Throughoutthe 30-week season, choristers take their musicto various stages including adjudicated festivals,recitals and community events.Sharon Burlaco≠• Larkin SingersThe Larkin Singers, a 16-voice chamber choir,has quickly established itself as one of thefinest examples of Canada’s strong choral heritage.Founded in 2008 under the direction ofMatthew Larkin, the choir’s members performregularly as professional choristers and soloistsin Canada and abroad. The Larkin Singers presentsan annual subscription series at ChristChurch Deer Park (Toronto), and performsregularly in Toronto, Ottawa, London and furtherafield. The Larkin Singers has toured inboth the UK and the US, with plans for furthertouring in future seasons. In 2008, the choir releasedits first recording, A New Work is Comeon Hand.Kirsten Fielding, general managerinfo@larkinsingers.comwww.larkinsingers.comAUDITION THE CHOIRThinking about joining? Visit• Lawrence Park CommunityChurch ChoirLawrence Park Community Church Choirsings weekly at Sunday worship services inits newly renovated building from Septemberthrough June, with Thursday evening rehearsals.Consisting of 20+ members, including aprofessional quartet, the choir presents specialmusical o≠erings at Christmas, during HolyWeek and is featured annually in LawrencePark’s Fridays@8 concert series. The choir hascommissioned a number of anthems from composersincluding Bob Chilcott, Ruth WatsonHenderson and Paul Halley. Recent CD recordingshave included Awake, my soul andsing, Peace for a New Millennium and a newChristmas CD Beauty, Peace and Joy, availablethrough the church o≠ice.Mark Toews, director of music,• Lyrica Chamber Choir of BarrieFounded in 2000 by the late Natalyia Gurin anddirected since 2005 by Steve Winfield, LyricaChamber Choir of Barrie strives to presenteclectic and evocative programs of excellentchoral chamber music. The 28 singers of Lyricademonstrate a strong desire to present artisticallyvaried choral programs with a high degreeof musicianship to the community of Barrie andsurrounding area. Recent highlights includeperformances of Faure’s Requiem, Finzi’s InTerra Pax and Vaughan Williams’ Fantasia onChristmas Carols. Professional soloists and instrumentalmusicians regularly join Lyrica forperformances. Our regular accompanist BrentMayhew enhances the choir’s performanceswith extraordinary skill and sensitivity.Steve Winfield• Masterworks of OakvilleChorus and OrchestraWe are a community-based group dedicatedto performing the great works of the WesternClassical tradition, particularly sacred worksfor choir and orchestra. We have a strong commitmentto artistic excellence and are proud topreserve and continue a great musical tradition.Masterworks performs in Oakville churches,each of which host and produce our concertsthemselves, with the assistance of Masterworks’dedicated team of volunteer administrators.Masterworks exists with the enthusiasm of itschoristers and orchestra players, which is thehallmark of its• MegaCity ChorusThe MegaCity Chorus is one of Toronto’s premierall-male a cappella groups and always welcomesnew amateur singers. Entering its 15thseason, the chorus has performed to sold-outhalls locally and internationally. Our impressiverepertoire of music stems from a widevariety of musical genres performed in 4-partharmony. We are fortunate to have a fantasticmusical director (Dan Rutzen, doctorial candidate,musical arts/conducting) who has a wayof getting the best out of each performer. Noformal music training required. Weekly ensemblevocal training provided. Rehearsals: Tuesday7:00pm, Lawrence Park Community Church,2180 Bayview• Metropolitan United Church ChoirThe auditioned 35-member MetropolitanUnited Church Choir has eight lead singers,rehearses Thursday evenings, and singson Sunday mornings and special occasions,September through June. Repertoire is medievalthrough 21st century. Singers must have sightsingingability. A waiting list exists: contactkingsway children's choirtheWholeNote CHOIR LISTINGS | 2011-2012

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)