9 years ago

Volume 16 Issue 8 - May 2011

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Choral
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Canary PagestheWholeNote

Canary PagestheWholeNote CHOIR LISTINGS | 2011-2012director late spring or early fall. The festivalchoir adds 10–15 singers to the core choir andrehearses Sunday afternoons for six weeks priorto Good Friday. Past concerts featured Bach,Mozart, Fauré, Duruflé, Gilles and others. TheMetropolitan Sparklers (ages 4–6), Choristers(7–11), Great Heart Ensemble (vocal and instrumental,ages 12 and up) and MetropolitanHandbells are groups open to all.Patricia Wright 416-363-0331 ext• Milton ChoristersThis dynamic auditioned community choir hasentertained audiences in Halton Region and beyondfor 42 years. The 60-member choir performsthree concerts annually, often includingpremier guest soloists and musicians. We arecommitted to our community and enjoy performingin numerous local events. Our new artisticdirector, Dr Lana Lysogor, is expanding ouralready wide range of music. From classical tocontemporary, sacred to secular, we do it all!The 2011/2012 season will include our debut inthe new Milton Centre for the Arts. Rehearsalsare Tuesdays 7:30–9:30pm from September toJune. New singers are welcome!Jim Douglas• Mississauga Children’s ChoirThe Mississauga Children’s Choir is a treblevoiced choir of 150 children aged 6–17 years.Under the direction of artistic director ThomasBell, the MCC includes five graded choral ensembles.The senior choir won the children’schoir category of the 2010 Association of ChoralCommunities/CBC Choral Competition. MCCcelebrates its 30th anniversary season onJune 4th with a gala concert at the Living ArtsCentre, which will include the world premièreof Peter Tienfenbach’s Cantate Domino. TheMCC is delighted to be attending Festival 500in Newfoundland this summer. Auditions fornew members are held April through June.Kathy Brisley, executive director,• Mississauga Choral SocietyThe award-winning Mississauga Choral Society(MCS), founded in 1975, presents concerts ofclassical masterworks, as well as programs ofjazz and broadway music. MCS partners withcommunity, arts, and charitable groups forbenefit concert events, and o≠ers an innovativeprogram for young listeners. The organizationpromotes the highest level of musicalexcellence in its choristers, supports emergingsolo artists, and regularly commissions newCanadian• Mississauga Festival ChoirMississauga Festival Choir (MFC) is a 95-voiceadult non-auditioned community choir, whichincludes a small auditioned chamber choir thatperforms separately. MFC rehearses and performsconcerts each season in the Mississaugaarea. Founded in 1984, MFC is dedicated toexcellence in choral music and performs awide range of musical styles and traditions.Performances take place in December andMay at the Living Arts Centre and a benefitmassed choir festival in February. We rehearseMonday nights from September to May at theCawthra Seniors Centre. New members (especiallytenors and basses) are always welcome.Come sing with us!• Mississauga Festival Youth ChoirThe Mississauga Festival Youth Choir is an inclusive,multi-cultural music education andperformance program open to all youth in thecommunity, striving to reflect our community’sdiversity and musical practices. Founded in1997 by Deborah Bradley in answer to the community’sneed for choral music education opportunitiesfor young people, the choir is opento singers ages 7–19. The Mississauga FestivalYouth Choir is a member of the Mississauga ArtsCouncil, Choirs Ontario, and a≠iliated with theCity of Mississauga. We gratefully acknowledgethe financial support of the City of MississaugaO≠ice of Arts and Culture.Deborah Bradley, artistic• Monday Morning SingersThe Monday Morning Singers is an internationallytravelled women’s choir. Since its formationin 2001, the group has grown in both numbersand talent. The choir’s mandate is to providean opportunity for women who love to singand each season the repertoire continues tochallenge and entertain both the choir and itsaudiences. The choir performs in Uxbridge forthe Christmas season and again in the spring.In addition, MMS hosted a French women’schoir, travelled to France to perform, continuesto perform in many local communities, includingLemonville, Goodwood, Ajax, and most recentlyat Butternut Manor in Uxbridge. TheMonday Morning Singers also frequently featurelocal talented musicians and performersat their• Nathaniel Dett ChoraleThe Nathaniel Dett Chorale is a 21-voice SATBprofessional choir based in Toronto, dedicatedto performing Afrocentric music of all genres,including classical, spiritual, gospel, jazz,folk and blues. Founded by artistic directorBrainerd Blyden-Taylor in 1998, the Choraleis Canada’s premier performer of Afrocentriccomposers, and a touchstone for the educationof audiences and communities regardingthe full spectrum of Afrocentric choral music.The mission of the Chorale is to build bridgesof understanding, appreciation and acceptancebetween communities of people throughthe medium of music. The Chorale has a threeconcertsubscription series, tours extensivelyeach season, and has released several CDs andDVDs. Membership is by audition.Alexandra Asher, administrator,• newchoirJoin newchoir and let your shower-singing innerrock star out into the world. newchoir isan SATB non-audition adult community choirof over 140 singers that performs a rock andpop repertoire, ranging from ‘70s prog rockto today’s chart toppers. With its rockin’ fivepiece band, newchoir presents two shows eachyear (May/December) and has performed inthe Festival of Lights and on the CBC EasterSeals Telethon. The choir is directed by ScottPietrangelo. New members with vocal experienceare welcome to join this unique and vibrantgroup that rehearses Monday nights at StSimon-the-Apostle Church on Bloor Street East.New members welcome at the start of each season(September and January).Vaune Davis• Newtonbrook United ChurchChancel ChoirThe chancel choir consists of a group of volunteersingers, supported by a number ofprofessional section-leads. The choir sings aclassical and contemporary repertoire and providesstrong musical leadership for each Sundayworship service, twelve months of the year. Inaddition to full choir anthems, various ensemblesand solos are presented by members of thechancel choir. On selected Sundays, the choirpresents extra choral music such as traditionalcarols at Christmas and a cantata at Easter.Choral music from all parts of the globe is alsoregularly featured in the choir’s o≠erings.Rehearsals are held on Sunday morning beforethe service and on selected Thursday eveningsthrough the year.Taylor Sullivan,• Oakham House ChoirOakham House Choir, founded in 1986, isa≠iliated with Ryerson University. It is led bymusic director Matthew Jaskiewicz, and specializesin large oratorio and choral masterworks.For our Christmas concert we are

presenting Ralph Vaughan Williams’ Fantasiaon Christmas Carols and John Rutter’s Gloria.In April 2012 we will perform Karl Jenkins’L’homme armé: A Mass for Peace. OakhamHouse Choir is one of the few Toronto choirsin which amateur singers perform with a professionalorchestra – the Toronto Sinfonietta.Singers with some choral experience are welcome.Rehearsals are Mondays at OakhamHouse, 63 Gould Street at Church Street.Maestro Jaskiewicz• Oakville Children’s ChoirMusic director Sarah Morrison, associatemusic director Janet Stachow, conductor Je≠MacLean. Bringing outstanding choral, musicaland performance training to young people inHalton Region, the Oakville Children’s Choir(OCC) o≠ers a comprehensive music educationprogram for over 120 auditioned choristers ages5–18. The OCC presents three annual concerts,participates in and hosts choral workshops,appears at community functions, performscompetitively locally and abroad, produces recordings,and collaborates with other Ontarioartists. Six choirs o≠er varied and age-appropriatemusical challenges: Little Notes PreparatoryChoir, Cherub, Intermediate, Senior, Chamberand Indigo Voices SATB Youth Choir. Choristersreceive theory instruction, musicianship,vocal coaching, and performance training; andthrough their experiences gain valuable communityand social values. Auditions for nextseason can be booked in April, May and June2011, and the late summer/early fall through ourwebsite or OCC o≠• Oakville Choral SocietyThe Oakville Choral Society has been an integralpart of the Oakville community since 1960.This season we are celebrating our 50th anniversary.We are a community choir of 80–100members who love music, possess a true passionfor singing and enjoy contributing culturallyto the community. No auditions are required;however, a love of music and a willingness tolearn are important. We perform a wide repertoire,from the classics to broadway. Rehearsalsare Tuesdays 7:45–10pm at St Aidan’s AnglicanChurch, 318 Queen Mary Drive, Oakville, andregistration is held in September and January.We hold two performances annually, in lateApril/early May and early December. Our musicdirector is David Bowser.Lynda Sturgeo≠, president,• Oakville EnsembleThe Oakville Ensemble, founded by maestroStéphane Potvin, includes both a sixteen-voiceAUDITION THE CHOIRThinking about joining? Visit choir and a professional orchestra. TheEnsemble launched its first concert season inSeptember 2007 and is rapidly building a reputationfor quality and exciting performance. TheOakville Chamber Ensemble is a professionallevel group in Oakville and the choir regroupsboth paid professionals and auditioned, highlyqualified amateurs. The repertoire performedis strictly classical, and ranges from Gregorianchant to contemporary works. Rehearsals takeplace in Oakville in the few days preceding eachconcert.Stéphane Potvin, founder & artistic• Oasis Vocal JazzOasis Vocal Jazz, Toronto's longest-runningclose harmony ensemble, directed by MelissaLocke, has been singing together since 1985.We enjoy sharing our love of vocal jazz witha wide range of audiences. Our mixed-voicegroup performs in community/corporate events,charitable fundraisers and our own concerts.We value the pursuit of musical excellence andthe joy of making music with each other. Ourseason runs from the first week of Septemberuntil the end of June. Auditions: September.Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 7:45–9:45 pm at KeeleStreet Church Of Christ, 97 Annette, Toronto.Brad Antle, chairperson,• Oriana Singers of NorthumberlandOur lively director Markus Howard challengesand delights us weekly with new learningsand varied repertoire as we prepare forour three or four concerts a year. Our skilledaccompanist, Bob Grandy, gives experiencedsupport. The growing choir membership of over60 auditioned voices travel from near and farto rehearse on Wednesdays from September toJune in• ORIANA Women’s ChoirThe year 2011-2012 will be ORIANA’s 40th anniversaryseason. This auditioned choir of about30 singers is known for its musical excellence,its welcoming, supportive atmosphere, itscollaborations with brilliant Canadian artists,and its significant contribution (through manycommissions) to Canada’s choral repertoire.ORIANA has released five CDs and is led by artisticdirector William Brown with accompanistGergely Szokolay. ORIANA presents threesubscription concerts every year, in December,March, and May, at Grace Church on-the-Hill.Auditions: August 31. Rehearsals: Wednesdays7:30–9:45pm.Samantha Clarke, manager,• Orpheus Choir of TorontoExpect something di≠erent! Founded in 1964,this 60-voice choir aims to o≠er somethingdi≠erent to concert-goers and singers alike.The choir has a four-concert season, plus occasionalguest performances, including collaborationsoutside the Toronto area. Under theenergetic leadership of Robert Cooper, repertoireis both sacred and secular, from a cappellato full orchestral accompaniment, and includesmany new or less well-known works. The choiralso provides opportunities for young singers togain experience as soloists through its SidgwickScholarship positions. Rehearsals are Tuesdayevenings at Yorkminster Park Baptist Church.Admission is by audition in May/June and periodicallythroughout the year.Helen Coxon, 416-420-9660orpheuschoir@sympatico.cawww.orpheuschoirtoronto.comoriana women's choirtheWholeNote CHOIR LISTINGS | 2011-2012

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

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Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)