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Volume 16 Issue 8 - May 2011

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Choral
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Canary PagestheWholeNote

Canary PagestheWholeNote CHOIR LISTINGS | 2011-2012• Pax Christi Choraleand Chamber ChoirPax Christi Chorale is a 90-voice auditionedoratorio choir attracting singers from acrossthe GTA. Our 25th season (2011-2012) includesSalieri’s Mass in D Major, Britten’s SaintNicolas, and a rare performance of Elgar’schoral masterpiece The Kingdom at KoernerHall, all with full orchestra and fabulous soloists.Paid positions exist for choral scholars.Rehearsals Monday nights: Yonge/ Sheppard;concerts Grace Church on-the-Hill. Artisticdirector Stephanie Martin is known for adventurousprograming. The choir is dedicatedto performing the great works of choral literature,with a view to achieving musical excellence,while sustaining a supportive choralcommunity.Laura Adlers, General ManagerMatthew Otto, Assistant Conductor/• Pax Christi Youth ChoirPax Christi Youth Choir provides young singersaged 14 to 22 with a rich choral educationand rewarding performance opportunities bothwith Pax Christi Chorale and in informal performances.Led by Lynn Janes, gifted conductorand educator, PCYC choristers experiencemusic that draws from the best of classicaland contemporary musical traditions. Partof PCYC’s 2011/12 season will be participatingin Pax Christi Chorale’s 25th anniversary programme(please see ad.) Rehearsals Mondaynights, Yonge/ Sheppard area. Auditions lateMay. All young people are welcomed to growmusically with us in a supportive atmosphere.Christine Dulude, General Manager/• Penthelia SingersPenthelia Singers is a vibrant ensemble ofwomen performing culturally diverse andmusically sophisticated choral repertoire. Ledby artistic director Alice Malach, the choir iscommitted to musical excellence and concertsof professional quality. Penthelia Singers striveto connect with their audience through innovativeand accessible programming presented ina variety of venues. In addition to giving twomajor concerts per season, Penthelia Singersperform in collaboration with other choirs, atfestivals and community events. Rehearsals areat Rosedale Presbyterian Church, Wednesdays7:30–9:30pm. Membership in this welcominggroup is by audition in June, August andJanuary.Alice Malach• Quodlibet Chamber ChoirQuodlibet is a 12-voice chamber choir foundedin 2001 by Arthur Wenk, and since 2007directed by Marcus Reinkeluers, with thegoal of sharing the joy of singing with eachother and with our audiences. The spirit ofQuodlibet engenders thematic programmingthat brings together familiar and lesser-knownchoral music, the hallmark of our largely, butnot exclusively, a cappella concerts. We are alwaysseeking experienced singers with clearblending voices and superior reading skills.Our two main concerts are performed yearly,December and June, at the Church of St Leonard(Anglican) at Yonge and Lawrence. Rehearsalsare Friday evenings, and performances are onSaturday’s. Auditions are by appointment beginningin September.Marcus Reinkeluers (under construction)• Renaissance SingersThe Renaissance Singers was founded in 1972in Kitchener-Waterloo. Currently under thedirection of Gordon Burnett, the choir is anauditioned, 30-voice choir, whose early reputationwas based on its polished performanceof Renaissance a cappella literature. Today, thechoir sings music from the masters of all centuries.The Renaissance Singers have also commissionedand premiered the works of leadingCanadian composers, and have produced fourCDs. Performances are based in Kitchener-Waterloo and environs.Katherine Lees, press & publicity, 519-745-0675kathybob@golden.net• Scola CantorumScola Cantorum is Toronto’s Hungarian choir,directed by conductor/organist Imre Oláh.Scola Cantorum presents annual spring andChristmas concerts with soloists and instrumentalists,and Lenten adoration with organ. Italso partakes a few times a year at Mass, and alsoperforms at local Hungarian cultural events. Therepertoire ranges from sacred a cappella renaissanceto romantic music, often in Latin orHungarian. Our 18-voice mixed choir rehearsesat St Elizabeth Church (Bayview and Sheppard)on Monday evenings, September through June.If you know Hungarian and have good sightreading abilities, please phone for an audition;we would love to have you sing with us.Adeodata Czink• Serenata ChoirSerenata Choir is a 30 voice SATB based inMidland, Ontario and directed by conductorGary Heard. Serenata's repertoire variesfrom sacred to secular and has included majorworks with professional orchestras. The choirperforms two concerts per year, December andMay, in addition to community performancesduring the season. Serenata is a vibrant choralgroup that has a reputation for providing quality,enjoyable choral music for the Midland area.The ability to read music is desirable but notnecessary. Rehearsals are held once weekly, onMondays, from September to June.Vince• Serenata SingersThe Serenata Singers, founded in 1976, comprise65 seniors. They celebrate their 35th season thisyear as they present their annual spring concertsat the P C Ho Theatre, Chinese Cultural Centre.This flourishing community choir, underthe direction of Audrey McLeod, rehearsesWednesday mornings from September to Mayat the Wilmar Heights Centre, 963 PharmacyAve. The choir’s repertoire includes an eclecticmix of folk songs, spirituals, show and popsongs. The choir performs in the communityupon• St Anne’s Anglican ChurchSt Anne’s Anglican Church has a 17-voiceSATB choir that provides leadership in worshipthrough music. The choir sings regularlyat the 10:30am Holy Eucharist on Sundaysand also participates in special liturgies andother musical events. It consists of five sectionleads and a group of volunteers that rehearse onThursday evenings at 7:30 pm during the yearand on Sundays at 10:00am, just prior to the service.The choir engages in many musical stylesand sings with orchestral accompaniment onmultiple occasions each year. The sesquicentennialof the Parish of St Anne, Toronto, willcontinue through 2012 providing an opportunityfor special musical presentations. Singersinterested in joining the St Anne’s choir are encouragedto contact Daniel Norman.Daniel Norman, director of• St Michael’s Choir SchoolSt Michael’s Choir School (SMCS) is Canada’spremier boy choir school. For 73 years excellencein sacred music has been the school’s enduringlegacy. The school’s mission is to providemusic for St Michael’s Cathedral and to trainchurch musicians for the Toronto Archdiocese.In addition to singing at St Michael’s Cathedral,the students share their music with a wideraudience through recordings, media appearances,and concert tours. SMCS has performedfor dignitaries such as His Holiness Pope JohnPaul II, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and

former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien.W Edward McCall, executive• Summer SingersLooking for a summer choir to join? Look nofurther! The Summer Singers is a fun- andmusic-loving adult ensemble of 60 voices whichmeets Tuesday evenings 6:30–8:30pm in Juneand July (eight weeks) in the Gymnasium ofTrinity-St Paul’s Church, 427 Bloor Street West.Repertoire is a cool mix of folk, pop, standardsand more. An informal concert is presented onthe last evening. No audition. Nominal paidmembership.Linda Eyman, music director,• Tafelmusik Chamber ChoirThe Tafelmusik Chamber Choir, directed byIvars Taurins, is one of Canada’s leading ensemblesspecializing in historically informedperformances of the music of the 17th and 18thcenturies. Formed in 1981, it has been praisedfor its clarity, nuance and brilliance. The choirjoins the Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra for itssubscription series at Trinity-St Paul’s Centreand George Weston Recital Hall, concerts atKoerner Hall, including Handel’s Messiah, andSing-Along Messiah at Massey Hall. The choirregularly collaborates with Opera Atelier. In the2011/12 season the choir will celebrate its 30thanniversary. Auditions are held as required tofill vacancies.Stephanie Miletic, artistic administration &education manager, 416-964-9562 ext• Tallis ChoirFounded in 1977, the Tallis Choir, directedby Peter Mahon, specializes in renaissancechamber music but performs a wide varietyof musical styles. The 2011-12 season begins inOctober with A Celebration of Victoria: 1611 –2011, featuring the music of Tomas Luis daVictoria on the 400th anniversary of his death.In December 2011, with Charpentier: MidnightMass for New France, 1725, choir, soloists andorchestra join forces to recreate a ChristmasHigh Mass in colonial Quebec. In March 2012,Stabat Mater: Music for Passiontide, focuseson the music of Holy Week from seventeenthcentury Italy, featuring the music of Palestrina,Monteverdi, Lotti and Scarlatti. Finally, in May2012 the Tallis Choir presents The Glory of theEnglish Anthem, a 500 year pageant of a cappellamasterpieces from England. Rehearsals areWednesday evenings at Trinity College, U of T.416-286-9798info@tallischoir.comwww.tallischoir.comAUDITION THE CHOIRThinking about joining? Visit• Tapestry Chamber ChoirSince 1988 Tapestry Chamber Choir has developedinto an exciting cultural gem in theNewmarket/Aurora area. Under the musicaldirection of Tony Browning, Tapestry enjoysexploring the artistry of any composer of anyperiod while creating its “weavings of song”.Most of the repertoire is a cappella but opportunitiesto perform with piano, organ or orchestralaccompaniment are welcome. If interestedin joining the choir please contact us in Augustor September when new members are welcome.Tapestry presents concerts in December, Marchand June at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church,484 Water Street, Newmarket.Catherine Brydon, business• Tempus Choral SocietyThe Tempus Choral Society is an 80-voiceSATB community choir based in Oakville andfounded as a millennium project by directorBrian L Turnbull. Its repertoire encompassescontemporary, broadway, Great Americansongbook, gospel, classical and – rare for a communitychoir – jazz. Tempus has sung with theCanadian Male Orpheus Choir, Sankt AnnaeYouth Choir of Denmark and at many festivalsincluding the Charleston InternationalChoral Festival. Its choristers are an eclecticbunch with many musical interests, which iswhy break-out groups, including a high-poweredmale quartet, add to the sparkle of Tempusperformances.Cathy Dwyer• Timothy Eaton Memorial ChurchChoir SchoolFounded in 1976 by David Ouchterlony, theTEMC Choir School introduces young singersaged 6–18 to the joy of making music together.Under the enthusiastic direction of music directorElaine Choi, choristers perform musicfrom many genres, from classical, to gospel,to jazz. Choirs perform at two Sunday servicesper month, September through May. TheChoir School also competes in the KiwanisMusic Festival, sings in Christmas eventsand a Spring Celebration Concert. Rehearsalsare Wednesdays at Timothy Eaton MemorialChurch, 5:30–6:30 for Juniors, 6:30–7:30 forYouths. Our new season begins September 14th,2011 with an information session and first rehearsalopen to all interested – come join us!Elaine Choi, choir school conductor416-925-8494 ext• Toronto Beach ChoraleToronto Beach Chorale (TBC) is an auditionedSATB choir of approximately 40 voices, underthe direction of Mervin Fick. The choir focuseson Classical repertoire from Renaissanceto 20th Century, with occasional forays intobroadway, jazz or pop music; presents threeconcerts per season, and participates in communityand fund-raising events. TBC is a registeredcharitable organization, and was awardeda Toronto Arts Council grant in 2010. Rehearsalsare Wednesdays, 7–9 pm, September–May, atKingston Rd. United Church. Auditions areheld in September and January for all voiceparts; ability to read music and previous choralexperience are definite• Toronto Beaches Children’s ChorusDo you love to sing? Do you enjoy drama? ThenThe Toronto Beaches Children’s Chorus is foryou! The TBCC was founded by music directorand singer Bronwen Low in 2006. The choirprovides both vocal and dramatic training in atempus choral societytheWholeNote CHOIR LISTINGS | 2011-2012

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Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

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