9 years ago

Volume 16 Issue 8 - May 2011

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Choral
  • Singers
  • Concerts
  • Jazz
  • Musical
  • Repertoire
  • Orchestra
  • Arts

Canary Pageswide variety

Canary Pageswide variety of choral repertoire from classicalto contemporary in many di≠erent styles. Thechoir has performed with other choirs in Ontarioand has been guest artists with the CathedralBlu≠s Orchestra, the Markham Concert Bandand The Kindred Spirits Orchestra, with whomthey will present Messiah on December 15,2011. Rehearsals are on Wednesday eveningsin Unionville. New members are welcome.Marg Clarke• VIVA! Youth Singers of TorontoVIVA! Youth Singers of Toronto is a vibrant, innovativechoral organization for children andyouth ages four to twenty-five. 2010-2011 marksVIVA!’s eleventh season as a downtown groupof choirs whose mission is to provide childrenand youth with artistically excellent musical opportunitiesin a supportive, inclusive environment.Our membership of over 120 choristersis drawn from the downtown area and acrossthe• Vivace VoxEstablished in September 2007 within TheToronto Singing Studio, Vivace Vox is an excitingand energetic ensemble of 24 mixed voices.Led by music director Linda Eyman, the groupis known for its joy of performance and audienceappeal. The wide-ranging repertoire – frommadrigals to jazz standards and masterworks tomusic theatre – sweeps away all musical boundaries.Vivace Vox rehearses Thursday evenings7:00–9:00pm at Bloor Street United Church, 300Bloor St West. Membership is by audition onlyand a seasonal membership is paid.Linda Eyman, music director,• VoicesVoices, designated as one of the finest amateurchoirs in Ontario, has been the recipient of numerousaccolades and awards. A mixed voice ensembleof 24 members, this auditioned choirperforms three concerts each season, togetherwith occasional collaborations with otherchoirs and orchestras. On Saturday June 11, 2011,Voices will celebrate its 15th anniversary witha special season finale. We occasionally haveopenings in all sections of the choir, and anyoneinterested in joining this dynamic choralgroup is requested to contact the artistic directorto arrange an audition.Ron Ka Ming Cheung,artistic director/conductor,• Voices of ParadiseVoices of Paradise is a choral group whosemembers consist mainly of Antiguans andBarbudans. The group was formed for theexpress purpose of representing their homeislands as goodwill ambassadors and celebratingtheir culture through a variety of songs. Ourrepertoire currently includes sacred, classical,gospel, spirituals, secular, jazz, R&B, andfolk. The group’s primary purpose is to giveglory to God in thanksgiving for His blessings,hoping that all who hear them will find evidentthe natural bond which exists becauseof their common heritage and love of music.Voices of Paradise, founded June 2004 byEulalie Walling-Sampson, rehearses weeklyand sings at religious, social, private, corporateand cultural events. Rehearsals: Mondays7:00–9:00pm, Oakwood Baptist Church, 421Oakwood Avenue, Toronto. Membership byaudition; we are currently recruiting voices forall sections.Eulalie or Karen416-712-1206, 905-889-4580www.voicesofparadise.comWayne• York University Music DepartmentYork University’s Music Department is hometo nine choral ensembles. Dr Lisette Cantondirects the York University Chamber Choir,Men’s Choir and 70-voice Concert Choir,all performing western classical repertoire.The 100-voice York University Gospel Choiris directed by Professor Karen Burke. York’sfour Jazz Choirs are directed by Bob Hamperand Mim Adams. The World Music Chorus,presenting traditional songs from around theglobe, is led by Judith Cohen. Each ensemblegives several public concerts during the seasonin the superb new Tribute Communities RecitalHall at York’s Keele campus. All the choirs areopen to York students, faculty and sta≠, withauditions held in early• Yorkminstrels Show ChoirThe Yorkminstrels Show Choir, directed byCathy Whiteside, is a mixed-voice communitychoir, founded in 1974 as a spin-o≠ from TheYorkminstrels musical theatre company. Withour mostly broadway repertoire, costumesand choreography, the choir has evolved intoa unique group, performing 15–18 concerts annually(seniors residences, private/corporate/community events). Rehearsals are held onWednesdays from 7:30–10:30pm at CummerLodge, North York, from September throughJune. Openings are available in the tenor andbass-baritone sections. We perform o≠-bookand a simple audition is required. If you loveto sing, please join us!Sandi Horwitz 416-229-9313horwitz@rogers.comwww.yorkminstrels.comtheWholeNote CHOIR LISTINGS | 2011-2012• Vocal Horizons Chamber ChoirJoin Canada’s award-winning choir in its 2011/2012 season! Vocal Horizons is an auditionedmixed-choir consisting of volunteers from diversebackgrounds dedicated to performingmusic at a high quality. Regular rehearsals areheld every Sunday afternoon 3:30–6:00pm inThornhill. The Chamber Choir is currentlyholding auditions for singers to expand theiralto and bass sections as well. If you have a passionfor singing and experience performing inchoruses, we are also auditioning for all sectionsand section leads for our big chorus performancesacross the city.Hazel Hetimier, executive director,• Wayne Gilpin SingersBeautiful melodies, rocking sax solos, edgynew jazz arrangements of Handel’s Messiah –if any of this appeals to you, read on. The WayneGilpin Singers is an auditioned (a singer-friendlyaudition, we promise!) chamber choir whichsings a wide variety of music, including contemporaryChristian, gospel, show tunes, spiritualsand more. Resident composer/accompanistAndrew Gilpin pens unique arrangements for anever-expanding Jazz Messiah, an annual eventthat twins Handel’s beautiful melodies withmodern rhythms and musical styles. Also featuredin concert are talented guest artists onbass, drums and saxophone, providing an unforgettablemusical experience for both audienceand choir.• Young SingersExperience the magic of music. Release yourchild’s musical artistry through choral music!Celebrating our 20th year, Young Singers iscomposed of four distinct choirs in programsbetween September and June. A unique musicaleducation is o≠ered in a supportive and challengingenvironment. YoungER Singers is for ages6–8 (Mondays 5:45–6:45pm), Treble Notes isfor ages 8–14, (Mondays 6–7:00pm), Director’sChoir is for ages 10–15 (Tuesdays 7–8:45 pmand alternate Saturdays 10–12pm – this is anauditioned treble choir), and Random Notes isfor ages 14+ (Wednesdays 7–9pm, auditionedSATB) • 416-323-2232 ext 26

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)