9 years ago

Volume 17 Issue 2 - October 2011

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Concerts
  • Toronto
  • Artistic
  • Choral
  • Singers
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Performances
  • Musical


Saturday October 01• 12:00 noon: Colours of Music. Schola Magdalena– Inspired Song. Works by von Bingenand Gregorian chant. Stephanie Martin, JuliaArmstrong and Janet Reid Nahabedian, voice.Trinity Anglican Church, 24 Collier St., Barrie.705-726-1181. . Festival Passportsavailable.• 2:30: Colours of Music. Gone Fishin’. Worksby Gershwin, Milhaud, Wagner, Finzi and Q.Nachoff (world premiere). Peter Stoll, clarinetand saxophone; Cecilia String Quartet. BurtonAvenue United Church, 37 Burton Ave. St. N.,Barrie. 705-726-1181. . Festival Passportsavailable.• 7:30: Colours of Music. Angels in Song.Works by Hatfield, Rutter, Daley (world premiere).Bach Children’s Chorus; Eleanor Daley,piano; Linda Beaupré, conductor. Hi-Way PentecostalChurch, 50 Anne St. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181. . Festival Passports available.• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. TheVirtuoso Piano. Wagner: Overture to The FlyingDutchman; Liszt: Piano Concerto No.1 in E-flat;Piano Concerto No.2 in A; Kodály: Dances ofGalanta. André Laplante, piano; Edwin Outwater,conductor. Centre in the Square, 101Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-745-4711 or1-888-745-4717. –.Sunday October 02• 12:00 noon: Wilfrid Laurier University.Sing Fires of Justice. Choral concert; Dr. LeeWillingham, director. Maureen Forrester RecitalHall, 75 University Ave. W., Waterloo. 519-884-0710 x2150. ; (sr/st).• 2:30: Colours of Music. Graceful Song.Works by Scarlatti, Schumann, Barber, Fauré,Ravel and Britten. Monica Whicher, soprano;Judy Loman, harp. Burton Avenue UnitedChurch, 37 Burton Ave. St. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181. . Festival Passports available.• 2:30: Kingston Symphony. Mostly Mozart.Mozart: Piano Concerto No.20; MagicFlute (overture); Tchaikovsky: SymphonyNo.4. Jan Lisiecki, piano; Glen Fast, conductor.Grand Theatre, 218 Princess St., Kingston.613-530-2050. -; -(sr);-(st).• 3:00: Elora Festival Singers. Rossini: PetiteMesse Solennelle. Noel Edison, conductor. St.John’s Church, 33 Henderson St.,Elora. 519-846-0331 or 1-888-747-7550. .• 7:30: Colours of Music. ConcertoB. Concerts Beyond the GTAIN THIS ISSUE: Barrie, Brantford, Cambridge, Elora, Guelph,Hamilton, Huntsville, Kingston, Kitchener, London, Mount Hope,Owen Sound, Orillia, St. Catharines, Timmins and Waterloo.Celebration. Turina: Rhapsodia Sinfonica; Saint-Saëns: Wedding Cake, caprice-valse for pianoand strings; also works by Vaughan Williams,Dvořák and Mendelssohn. Valerie Tryon, piano;Sinfonia Toronto, Nurhan Arman, conductor.Central United Church, 54 Ross St., Barrie.705-726-1181. . Festival Passportsavailable.• 7:30: Cuckoo’s Nest Folk Club. KieranHalpin. Irish folksinger. Chaucer’s Pub, 122Carling St., London. 519-672-1967 or 519-472-2099. /(adv).• 7:30: Wilfrid Laurier University. Sing Firesof Justice. Choral concert. Lee Willingham,director. St. Matthews Lutheran Church, 54Benton St., Kitchener. 519-884-0710 x2150.; (sr/st).Monday October 03• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Till Fellner, piano. Haydn: Sonata inC; K. Armstrong: Half of One, Six Dozen ofthe Other; Schumann: Scenes from ChildhoodOp.15; Liszt: Années de pèlerinage II: Italie.KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo.519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).Tuesday October 04• 12:00 noon: Marilyn I. Walker School ofFine and Performing Arts/Brock UniversityDepartment of Music. Music@Noon: Facultyand Guest Recital. Peter Thompson, baritone;Erika Reiman, piano. Sean O’Sullivan Theatre,Brock University, 500 Glenridge Ave., St.Catharines. 905-688-5550. x3817. Free.• 12:30: McMaster School of the Arts.Lunchtime Concert Series. Zoltan Kalman, clarinet.Convocation Hall, 1280 Main St., Hamilton.905-525-9140 x27038. Free.Wednesday October 05• 12:00 noon: Midday Music with Shigeru.Dharma-Li Piano Duo. Works by Mozart andSchubert. Samuel Dharma and Matthew Li,pianos. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church, 50 AnneSt. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ; free(st).• 12:00 noon: University of Waterloo Departmentof Music. Noon Hour Concerts:String Duo. Annette-Barbara Vogel, violin; DanielSweaney, viola. Conrad Grebel UniversityCollege Chapel, 140 Westmount Rd., Waterloo.519-885-0220 x24226. Free.• 12:15: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.Wednesday Noon Concerts. John Vandertuin,organ. 54 Queen St. N., Kitchener.Search listings by genreonline at thewholenote.com519-576-2129. Free.• 12:15: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.Wednesday Noon Concerts. John Vandertuin,organ. 54 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-576-2129. Free.Thursday October 06• 12:00 noon: Wilfrid Laurier University.Music at Noon. Irshad Khan, world ensemble(sitar, tanpoora, keyboards, western and latindrums). Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, 75University Ave. W., Waterloo. 519-884-0710x2150. Free.• 12:00 noon: Wilfrid Laurier University.Music at Noon. Irshad Khan, world ensemble(sitar, tanpoora, keyboards, Western and Latindrums). Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, 75University Ave. W., Waterloo. 519-884-0710x2150. Free.• 8:00: University of Western OntarioDon Wright Faculty of Music. UWO SymphonyOrchestra. Beethoven: Die Weihe desHauses Overture Op.124; Mahler: Lieder einesfahrenden Gesellen; Mozart: Symphony No.41K551. Geoffrey Moull, conductor; guest: CourtneyV. Murias, mezzo. Paul Davenport Theatre,Talbot College, 1151 Richmond St., London.519-672-8800 or 1-800-265-1595. ;(sr/st).Friday October 07• 8:00: NUMUS Concerts/PSQ Projects.Song of the Earth. Mahler: Das Lied von derErde (arr. Schönberg); Buhr: Red Sea (Song ofthe Earth). Sarah Slean, mezzo; Adam Luther,tenor; Kimberly Barber, mezzo; PendereckiString Quartet; Paul Pulford, conductor. WilfridLaurier University, Maureen Forrester RecitalHall, 75 University Ave. W., Waterloo. 519-884-0710 x2150. ; (sr); (under29); (student rush).Sunday October 09• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Tokai String Quartet. Mozart: Quartetin F K590; Shostakovich: String Quartet No.7;Mendelssohn: String Quartet Op.80. KWCMSMusic Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).Tuesday October 11• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Marc Toth, piano. Bach: GoldbergVariations; Liszt: Pilgrim’s Chorus from Tannhaueser;Paganini: Etude No.2; Harmonies duSoir; Venezia e Napoli. KWCMS Music Room,57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673.; (sr); (st).Wednesday October 12• 12:15: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.Wednesday Noon Concerts. Leap of Faith, countrygospel band. 54 Queen St. N., Kitchener.519-576-2129. Free.• 7:30: Centre for the Arts, Brock University.Nikki Yanofsky. Jazz vocalist. SeanO’Sullivan Theatre, 500 Glenridge Ave., St.Catharines. 1-866-617-3257. .• 8:00: Wilfrid Laurier University. StudentComposer Concert. Glenn Buhr, Peter Hatch,directors. Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, 75University Ave. W., Waterloo. 519-884-0710x2150. Free.Thursday October 13• 12:00 noon: Wilfrid Laurier University.Music at Noon. junctQin: Elaine Lau, JosephFerretti, Stephanie Chua, keyboards. MaureenForrester Recital Hall, 75 University Ave. W.,Waterloo. 519-884-0710 x2150. Free.• 12:30: University of Western Ontario DonWright Faculty of Music. UWO Chamber Orchestra.Schubert: Symphony No.5 D485; Mozart:Piano Concerto No.23 K488. Stéphan Sylvestre,piano; Geoffrey Moull, conductor. PaulDavenport Theatre, Talbot College, 1151 RichmondSt., London. 519-661-3767. Free.Friday October 14• 8:00: McMaster School of the Arts. CelebrityConcert Series. Carol Welsman, jazz vocals.Convocation Hall, 1280 Main St., Hamilton.905-525-9140 x24246. ; (sr); (st).Saturday October 15• 8:00: Kingston Symphony. Classical Mix.Mouret: Fanfare-Rondeau; Haydn: Cello Concerto;Albinoni: Adagio for Strings; Mozart:Eine Kleine Nachtmusik; Vaughan Williams:Fantasia on a Theme by Tallis. Wolf Tormann,cello; Glen Fast, conductor. St. George Cathedral,270 King St. E., Kingston. 613-530-2050. -; -(sr); -(st).Sunday October 16• 3:00: Orillia Wind Ensemble. Mass BandConcert. With Canadian Band Association OntarioMembers and guest conductors. OrilliaOpera House, 20 Mississaga St. W., Orillia.705-326-8011. ; $17(sr); (st).• 4:00: Karen Schuessler Singers. Lions,Tigers and Kids. Interactive concert for childrenwith songs from the barnyard and jungle. BeckAuditorium, 1250 Dundas St., London. 519-455-8895. ; (children); (family).Monday October 17• 8:00. Wilfrid Laurier University. ImprovEnsemble Concert. Peter Wiegold. Maureen ForresterRecital Hall, 75 University Ave. W., Waterloo.519-884-0710 x2150. Free.• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Arkady Yanivker, violin and EmmanuelleBeaulieu-Bergeron, cello. Works by Kodalyand others. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St.W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr);(st).Tuesday October 18• 12:00 noon: Marilyn I. Walker School ofFine and Performing Arts/Brock UniversityDepartment of Music. Music@Noon:Faculty Recital. Zoltan Kalman, clarinet; MatthewTherrien, piano. Sean O’Sullivan Theatre,Brock University, 500 Glenridge Ave., St.Catharines. 905-688-5550. x3817. Free.Wednesday October 19• 12:00 noon: Music at St. Andrew’s. AndrewKnevel, organ, and Liselotte Rokyta, panflute. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 47Owen St., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ; free(st).• 12:00 noon: University of Waterloo Departmentof Music. Noon Hour Concerts: LatinHeat. Cabaret music by L’accordeoniste. KimberlyBarber, soprano; Mary-Lou Vetere, accordion;Peter Tiefenbach, piano; Carol Bauman,percussion. Conrad Grebel University CollegeChapel, 140 Westmount Rd., Waterloo. 519-885-0220 x24226. Free.• 12:15: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.Wednesday Noon Concerts. Koichi Inoue, piano.54 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-576-2129.Free.• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Musical Aviary. Vivaldi: Violin Concerto in A“The Cuckoo”; Haydn: Symphony No.83 “Lapoule” (The Hen); Boccherini: Quintet Op.1146 thewholenote.comOctober 1 – November 7, 2011

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