D. The ETCeterasGALAS & FUNDRAISERS•Oct 14 6:00: Mississauga Arts Council.ARTBEATS. Gala and reception, featuringperformance by tenor Michael Ciufo and poptechno world group Naria. Red Rose ConventionCentre, 1233 Derry Rd. E. 905-615-4278.5; 0(for two).•Oct 21 9:00: Canadian Opera Company.Operanation 8: A Muse Ball. Annual fundraisercelebrates artistic inspiration in the worlds ofmusic, art and fashion. A night of dancing andlive entertainment featuring a performance byRufus Wainwright. Isadore and Rosalie SharpCity Room, Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231or 416-306-2309(VIP). 0(main event only);0(VIP, includes dinner).•Oct 26 8:00: Jazz Performance and EducationCentre. Jazz Goes to the Movies. Thirdannual JPEC gala, featuring film music by Bernstein,Gershwin, Mancini, Porter and Rodgers &Hammerstein. Heather Bambrick, Jackie Richardson,Denzal Sinclaire and Francois Mulder,vocals; Mario Romano Quartet; JPEC Jazz Tentet,Denny Christianson, musical director. Ondisplay: the Oscar Peterson Folio by Al Gilbert,a limited edition of eight photographic portraitsof Peterson. Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040Yonge St. 416-872-1111 or 416-733-9388.0(includes VIP reception); 0(concertonly); (students with valid ID).•Nov 05 7:00: Echo Women’s Choir. Fall FlingFundraiser Square Dance. With caller LorraineSutton and live musical accompaniment. Homemadepreserves for sale, home-baked pie raffleand children’s craft activities. Holy TrinityChurch, 10 Trinity Square. 416-588-9050 x3.; (underwaged); (family).COMPETITIONS•Oct 07 submissions due Amadeus Choir.“Sing a New Song” Seasonal SongwritingCompetition. 25th annual competition invitescomposers of all ages and levels of experienceto submit songs in the tradition of theWinter Solstice, and those relating to thetraditional Christmas and Chanukah themes.Complete competition rules and regulations:www.amadeuschoir.com/Competition.aspx.416-220-9573.•Oct 13 8:00: Hart House. U of T Idol. Openingnight of vocal competition featuring Universityof Toronto students, faculty and staff.Event hosted by Dave Clark featuring his band,The Woodshed Orchestra, which will accompanyeach vocalist. Arbor Room, 7 Hart HouseCircle, University of Toronto. 416-978-5362.www.harthouse.ca. Free.•Nov 04 application deadline Toronto Sinfonietta.Sixth Annual Young Musicians ConcertoCompetition. Instruments: violin, cello, pianoand woodwinds; age categories; i) under 16 ii)16 to 19 years. Gala concert of winners to takeplace February 18, 2012 at the Isabel BaderTheatre. For more information:www.torontosinfonietta.com•Seeking volunteers Kiwanis Music Festivalof Greater Toronto. Searching for “Keynotes.”Keynotes are the group of volunteers who assistthe adjudicators, collectin gmusic from theparticipants, preparing the award certificates,recording results in the master programme andphoning in end-of-session results to the FestivalOffice. Festival takes place in late February2012; two trainer/refresher sessions willbe held for Keynote volunteers in late January(West end and East end). 416-686-9008.www.kiwanismusictoronto.orgCREENINGSSCREENINGS•Oct 07 7:30: Robert Bruce Silent FilmPrograms. F.W. Murnau’s Faust (1926). Livepiano accompaniment and score by RobertBruce, piano and composer. Trinity-St.Paul’s United Church, 427 Bloor St. W. 905-777-9196. ; (sr/st).•Oct 22 1:30 and 3:30: Toronto SymphonyPremiere Source for HigH quality food(416) 364-7397 www.pasqualebros.comChildren'sPianoLessonsFriendly, approachable -and strict!Liz Parker416.544.1803liz.parker@rogers.comQueen/BathurstLet YourInner Songbe SungWhole ClassicalVoice training for all ages inall styles of SingingClassical Voice Trainingusing Yoga Postures,Alexander Technique,Mindful Meditation techniques,and Expressive MovementOn Bayview at Eglintonwww.83VoICe.com416 83 VoICe(838-6423)October 1 – November 7, 2011 thewholenote.com 51