9 years ago

Volume 17 Issue 2 - October 2011

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Concerts
  • Toronto
  • Artistic
  • Choral
  • Singers
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Performances
  • Musical

Orchestra. Peter and the

Orchestra. Peter and the Wolf LIVE. Performedto the screening of stop-motion animated film.Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf. Ji Soo Choi, violin;Stéphane Denève, conductor. Roy ThomsonHall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828 or416-593-0688(Chinese). –. Pre-concertperformance in the lobby half an hour priorto each performance.•Oct 28 7:30: All Saints’ Kingsway AnglicanChurch. Jekyll & Hyde. Silent film withorganist William O’Meara. 2850 Bloor St.W. 416-233-1125. and up.•Oct 29 8:00: Guelph ChamberChoir. Screening of Hunchback of Notre Damewith Live Music for Choir and Organ. Mergingof 1923 film, choral music and improvisationon the church organ. Guests: Edward Moroney,organ and piano; Robert Cooper, conductor. St.George’s Anglican Church, 99 Woolwich St,Guelph. 519-763-3000. ; (4 or moretickets); . Pre-concert talk with Joan Nickstitled, “Filmmaking and Hollywood Style in theJazz Age.”•Oct 29 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Oz with Orchestra. Screening ofThe Wizard of Oz (1939), accompanied bythe TSO; with Emil de Cou, conductor. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828 or 416-593-0688(Chinese). –5.Also Oct 30 (mat).•Oct 30 3:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Oz with Orchestra. Screening ofThe Wizard of Oz (1939), accompanied bythe TSO with Emil de Cou, conductor. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828 or 416-593-0688(Chinese). –;.50–(ages 5-12).LECTURES/SYMPOSIA•Thursday mornings until December 8: OperaIs. Previews of Upcoming Operas. Lectures byIain Scott pertaining to upcoming productionsat MetOpera, COC, Opera School, etc.. Artsand Letters Club, 14 Elm St. 0 per series of 4.•Oct 01 9:30am: Canadian Opera Company.Opera Exchange: A Greek Family Reunion:Gluck’s “Iphigenia in Tauris.” Delve into the social,political and artistic implications of selectedCOC operas with international academicsand members of the COC’s artistic and productionteams. Lecturers: Martin Revermann,Nathan Martin and Steven Philcox. Walter Hall,Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen’s Park.416-363-8231. ; (st).•Oct 02 1:30: Sharing a Significant MusicHeritage. Ennio A. Paola: Significant Music.Discussion of the Rag Era and ragtime music.Call ahead for location. 905-509-3815. A CultureDays event.•Oct 03 7:30: Toronto Concert Orchestra.A Little Night Music: In the Shadow of Brahms.Performance followed by informal discussionon the Vienna of Brahms and his relationshipswith colleagues Max Bruch and Joachim Raff.Kerry Stratton, lecturer; guests: Kornel Wolak,clarinet and Younggun Kim, piano. Gallery Theatre,Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040 YongeSt. 416-733-0545. .•Oct 03 6:30pm: Istituto Italiano di Cultura.An Evening with Maestro Stefano Montanari.Guest condcutor of Opera Atelier’s productionof Don Giovanni will meet with the audience totalk about his career and his interpretation ofMozart’s music. 496 Huron St. 416-921-3802x221. Free.•Oct 04 2:30 and 7:00: Opera Is. Basic Fundamentalsof Opera: “Why almost everybody startswith Puccini”. Lecture by Iain Scott. Royal CanadianYacht Club City Clubhouse. 416-486-8408. •Oct 12 7:00: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Convergance: Form and freedom increative music pedagogy. Peter Wiegold, lecturer.Gelger-Torel Room, Edward Johnson Building,80 Queen’s Patk. Free.•Oct 15 12:00 noon: Northumberland LearningConnection. Opera Brown-bag Lunch Talk:Donizetti’s Anna Bolena. Ian Montagnes givesa half-hour talk ahead of Metropolitan OperaHD broadcast. 20 Queen St., Port Hope. 905-349-3402. (includes coffee/tea).•Oct 17SIGHT-SINGINGLESSONSPrivate coaching sessionswithSheila McCoy416-574-5250smccoy@rogers.comCombinableBags for: Guitar DJ Cello Wind Brass Ukulele LaptopPlay in ourKlezmer MusicEnsemble!With bandleaderEric SteinTuesdays 7:30‐9:30 pmFall term—10 weeks, starts Oct 11MNjcc 750 Spadina music@mnjcc.org416‐924‐6211 x 0Call for the location of aretailer near you1 800 690-051552 thewholenote.comOctober 1 – November 7, 2011

7:30: Toronto Concert Orchestra. A LittleNight Music: Franz Liszt: Prophet & Charlatan.Performance of Liszt’s Piano Sonata in B Minor,followed by informal discussion on the pianist,conductor, composer and thinker. KerryStratton, lecturer; guest: Adam Zukiewicz,piano. Gallery Theatre, Toronto Centre for theArts, 5040 Yonge St. 416-733-0545. .25.•Oct 18 8:00: X Avant New Music FestivalVI. Tim Brady: Six Strings, Five Lines. Therole of electric guitar in contemporary compositions.Fellowship Room, Music Gallery, 197John St. 416-204-1080. Free.•Oct 22 2:30: X Avant New Music FestivalVI. Markus Popp, Oval: Full Circle. One of theinventors of “glitch” music talks about how hiscreative process led him away from and backto music. Fellowship Room, Goethe-Institut,100 University Ave. 416-204-1080. Free.•Oct 23 8:00: X Avant New Music FestivalVI. Michael Gordon: Where I Live and Work.Founder of Bang on a Can talks about the influenceof New York on his music. FellowshipRoom, Music Gallery, 197 John St. 416-204-1080. Free.•Oct 24 7:30: Toronto Concert Orchestra. ALittle Night Music: The Programme Symphony:Hector Berlioz, Symphony Fantastique, Harold inItaly. Performance followed by informal discussion.Kerry Stratton, lecturer; guest: JonathanCraig, viola. Gallery Theatre, Toronto Centrefor the Arts, 5040 Yonge St. 416-733-0545..25.•Oct 26 7:00 - Nov 23 7:00: Opera Is. Great“Mature Period” Operas of Giuseppe Verdi. Lectureseries of five Wednesday evenings, 7-9pm,covering 10 operas and the Manzoni Requiem.Prosserman Jewish Community Centre, 4588Bathurst Ave. W. 416-638-1881 x4259.November 12th & 13th, 2011CAREER MOVESOPERA SINGERSINSTRUMENTALISTSDANCERSCOMPOSERSCONDUCTORSSATURDAYNOVEMBER 12THMaking it Happen:Working as aPerforming ArtistA panel discussionfeaturing Presenters,Managers, a Publicist,Critics, & Artists.presented by theIRCPAINTERNATIONAL RESOURCECENTRE FOR PERFORMING•Oct 29 7:30: Toronto Gilbert and SullivanSociety. An Evening with WS Gilbert. FeaturingGilbert’s work with and without Sullivan. St.Andrew’s United Church, 117 Bloor St. E. 416-763-0832. (non-members).•Nov 05 11:00am: Northumberland LearningConnection. Opera Brown-bag Lunch Talk:Wagner’s Siegfried. Ian Montagnes gives ahalf-hour talk ahead of Metropolitan Opera HDbroadcast. 20 Queen St., Port Hope. 905-349-3402. (includes coffee/tea).•Nov 07 7:30: Toronto Concert Orchestra. ALittle Night Music: Music as Mirror – a ComposerSpeaks. Performance followed by informaldiscussion. Kerry Stratton, lecturer; guestsNorbert Palej and Joseph Macerollo. GalleryTheatre, Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040Yonge St. 416-733-0545. .25.•Registration Open. International ResourceCentre for Performings Arts. “CareerMoves” Seminar for Classical Performing Artists.Two afternoons of seminars and discussionsdesigned to help people make a career asclassical singers, instrumentalists, conductors,composers and other related professionals.Day one: panel discussion featuring presenters,managers, publicists, critics and artists; daytwo: a Q&A with retired artist manager EdnaLandau, a co-founder of IMG in New York. Seminarto take place on November 12 and 13 from2-5pm, location TBA. per day or forboth; before November 1: per day or for both. 416-362-1422 or•Oct 08 10:30-4:30: Long & McQuade/TAKE YOUR CAREERTO THE NEXT LEVEL!Spend two afternoons,2pm-5pm, hearingperforming arts professionalsshare vital information aboutwhat is expected ofperformers in the industry.SUNDAYNOVEMBER 13TH“Ask Edna” In Person: Questionand Answer with Edna Landau.Meet the renowned ArtistManager, and MusicalAmerica blogger of “AskEdna” Career Advice for thePerforming Arts.SAT & SUN 2:00PM- 5:00PM-/DAY, -/BOTH DAYSVENUE: TO BE ANNOUNCEDE-MAIL: SUMINTL@ROGERS.COMPHONE: 416-362-1422Pictured here with the Winnipeg Symphony, Tim Brady lectureson the role of electric guitar in contemporary composition at the XAvant Music Festival VI October 18 at theMusic Gallery; he also performs October 20 (see listings section A).Miyazawa Flutes. Ian Clarke, British flutistand composer. Flute masterclass. St. Andrew’sUnited Church, 117 Bloor St. E. 416-588-7886or (performers);free(auditors).•Oct 16 2:00: Singing Studio of DeborahStaiman. Masterclass. Musical theatre/auditionpreparation, using textual analysis andother interpretative tools for the “sung monolgue.”Yonge & Eglinton area – please call forexact location. 416-483-9532.•Oct 21 2:30: York University Departmentof Music. Caroline Schiller, soprano.ALEXANDER KATSA rst class Russian-trainedconcert pianist/teacheris accepting students forregular private lessons orrepertoire coaching, fromadvanced (ARCT, university)to all grades of RCMincluding theoryCall: (416) 340-1844alexander.kats@sympatico.caMasterclass in classical voice, with participantsfrom the studios of Catherine Robbin,Stephanie Bogle, Norma Burrowes, MichaelDonovan, Janet Obermeyer and Karen Rymal.Observers welcome. Tribute Communities RecitalHall, Rm.112, Accolade East Building,4700 Keele St. 416-736-5186. Free.•Oct 23 2:00: Home Music Club of Toronto.Chamber Music Masterclass with Peter Longworth.Piano trio repertoire. Royal Conservatory,273 Bloor St. W. 416-850-0612. Free.WORKSHOPS•Oct 01 9am-1pm: Riverside Celtic College.EXPERIENCEDCHOIRDIRECTORavailable forchurch and/orcommunity choirJUDITH YOUNG416 493 6421Fallis Voice Studio∂Practical and technical, imaginative& inspirational! ∂Lessons &coachings, recitals & master classesoffered. ∂Professional collaborativepianist available as needed∂MARY LOU FALLIS maintainsa studio at Trinity St Paul’s Centre,427 Bloor Street West.∂416-925-6889 ploum@interlog.comwww.maryloufallis.comANDREW SIKORSKYOctober 1 – November 7, 2011 53

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