9 years ago

Volume 17 Issue 2 - October 2011

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Concerts
  • Toronto
  • Artistic
  • Choral
  • Singers
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Performances
  • Musical

Rm. 330. 416-240-8573.

Rm. 330. 416-240-8573. /(EB).•Oct 02 11:00: Rick Sacks. Hands On PercussionWorkshop. Group improvisation, rhythmexercises, different grooves. Workshop will berecorded; participants can bring storage devicesor receive a free CD. Array Music Studio,60 Atlantic Ave. 416-532-3019. A CultureDays event.•Oct 02 12:00 noon: Hart House. Play theDrums. Workshop led by Dave Clark. Enrolmentlimited to 30; no pre-registration, seatsprovided on a first-come first-served basis. 7Hart House Circle. 416-978-5363. A CultureDays event.•Oct 02 3:00: Hart House. Play the Ukulele.Workshop led by Thomas Dean. Enrolment limitedto 30; no pre-registration, seats providedon a first-come first-served basis. 18 ukulelesavailable; participants welcome to bring theirown. 7 Hart House Circle. 416-978-5363. ACulture Days event.•Oct 02 4:00: Art With A Heart. MusicalPlay with Handmade Instruments. 1007 WaltonBlvd., Whitby. 905-430-7339. A CultureDays event.•Oct 16 1:30-4:00: Toronto Early MusicPlayers Organization. Mid- to Late 16thCentry Settings of Psalms. Coach RosamundMorley, teacher of viol at New Haven NeighbourhoodMusic School and Yale CollegiumMusicum. Participants invited to bring viols,recorders, early intruments and music stand;music available at the door. Armour HeightsCommunity Centre, 2140 Avenue Rd. 416-245-3413. .•Oct 16 2:30: CAMMAC. Fado Workshop. Portuguesesinging with Jessica Lloyd and LouisSimao. Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre,750 Spadina Ave. 905-877-0671. ;(members).•Oct 21 7:30: CAMMAC Recorder Players’Society. Renaissance and Baroque Music workshopfor recorder and other early instrumentplayers. Scott Paterson, coach. Church of theTransfiguration, 111 Manor Rd. E. 416-480-1853. ; (members).•Oct 23 2:00: CAMMAC. Reading for Singers.Handel: Coronation Anthems. RichardBirney-Smith, conductor. Christ Church DeerPark, 1570 Yonge St. 416-605-2793. ;(members).GIVEAWAYS•Humber Valley United Church wishes to donateto any choir 26 rust coloured gowns and18 cream collars. 76 Anglesey Blvd. 416-231-2263 x22. cheryl@hvuc.caOPEN REHEARSALS•Oct 1 3:00: Mississauga Children’s Choir.Open Rehearsal. Junior Choir (ages 8-11) rehearses;information available about all fivePublicity, press kits& image consultingfor performers416.544.1803www.lizpr.comMississauga Children’s Choirs (ages 6-17).Westminster United Church, 4094 TomkenRd., Mississauga. 905-624-9704. A CultureDays event.•Oct 2 7:00: Wellington Winds. Open Rehearsal.Participants will meet the conductorand players, and learn about the preparationthat goes into the ensemble’s performances.22 Dupont St. E., Waterloo. 519-579-3097. ACulture Days event.OPEN HOUSE•Oct 01 10am-4pm: Metalworks Group.Open House. As part of Doors Open Ontario,tour the recording studio, entertainment artsinstitute and live event company. 3611 MavisRd., Mississauga. 905-615-3200 x4063. ACulture Days event.•Oct 01 2:00: Music & Opera AppreciationInc. Open House. Multimedia display, afternoontea and information about club history andcurrent season. 1144 Ontario St., Stratford.226-921-0082. A Culture Days event.•Oct 02 10am: Burlington Performing ArtsCentre. The Keys to the Future Committee OpenHouse. Public invited to view the 9 foot ShigeruKawai piano recently acquired through communityfundraising efforts, including musicalperformances and tour of the venue. 440 LocustSt., Burlington. 905-331-8701. A CultureDays event.•Oct 02 12:00: Michael Johnston MusicStudio. Open House. Tour of the music studio,opportunity to meet teachers, students andparents. 119A Roncesvalles Ave. 416-516-9186. A Culture Days event.•Oct 16 1:00: Toronto Centre for the Arts.Season Launch Open House. Jazz, classical andmusical theatre performances. 5040 Yonge St.416-733-9388. Free.OPEN JAM•Oct 01 1:00: Schinbein’s Music/Perth ArtsConnect/Hermione. Random Acts of Music.Live jam at Schinbein’s Music featuring country,folk, blues and singalong. 117 St. AndrewSt., Perth. A Culture Days Event.ETCETERA!•Oct 01 10am-10pm: Elmer Iseler Singers.Culture Days Celebration. Choral treasure hunt,composer’s talk and organ recital. Meet LydiaAdams, conductors and Shawn Grenke, organistand music director. All Saints’ KingswayAnglican Church, 2850 Bloor St. W. 416-217-0537. A Culture Days event.•Oct 01 12:00 noon: Toronto Early MusicCentre. Early Music Fair. Exhibits, CDs, books,information on historical performance, and livemusic. Montgomery’s Inn, 4709 Dundas St. W.416-464-7610. A Culture Days event.•Oct 01 1:00: Perth Arts Connect/NorthA Little Night MusicJoin Maestro Kerry Strattonfor a weekly series of informal discussionson music & composers, with liveperformances by prominent artists.OCTOBER 3 ...In The Shadow of BrahmsThe Vienna of Brahms& his colleagues.Guests: Kornel Wolak, clarinet& Younggun Kim, piano.OCTOBER 17 ...Franz Liszt: Prophet & CharlatanThe influential bravura pianist,conductor, composer & thinker.Guest: Adam Zukiewicz performsLiszt’s Piano Sonata in B Minor.OCTOBER 24 ...The Programme Symphony:Hector Berlioz, Symphony Fantastique,Harold In Italy.Berlioz wrote for orchestra as no onebefore him had imagined.Guest: Jonathan Craig, viola.NOVEMBER 7 ...Music as Mirror:A composer speaks.Guests: Norbert Palej& Joseph Macerollo.NOVEMBER 14 ...Strauss & Vienna: The Magic of 3/4 Time.What is it about the Viennese masterthat continues to charm?Guests: Iris Rodrigues, soprano, & friends.NOVEMBER 21 ...Early 20th Century Modernism:Debussy Violin Sonata.Inspired by poetry – “I am dreaming ofcharacters who submit to life!”Guest: Corey Gemmell, violin.Art Gallery at the Toronto Centre for the Arts,7:30 pmsubscriptions 0.50,single tickets .25For individual tickets or subscriptionscall 416-733-0545tickets online www.ticketmaster.caa presentation ofOctober 1 – November 7, 2011 55

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