Blue PagesWELCOME TO THE WHOLENOTE’SBlue Pages, our annual directoryof concert presenters. This is awindow on Toronto and SouthernOntario’s upcoming concertseason, from amateur choirs toprofessional orchestras, fromsmall chamber ensembles to operacompanies! We’ve been collectingprofiles since the summer, 164in total this year, written by thepresenters themselves, concertorganizations who have opted tobecome WholeNote Members.We hope you’ll enjoy perusingthese pages for a unique overviewof who’s doing what in 2011/12.While we’ve done our best tocollect as many profiles as possiblein time for publication, there arealways latecomers, so please visitour website at (click on “Directories,” then“Blue Pages”) for additions andupdates throughout the year.SONY CENTRE FOR THE PERFORMING ARTSFor presenters who missed theOctober magazine but who wishto become part of this directoryonline or who would like moreinformation on the benefitsof WholeNote membership,please contact me at the e-mailaddress below.All the best for the 2011/12concert season, whether you are inthe audience or onstage!— Karen Agesmembers@thewholenote.com416-323-2232 x26● THE 2011 BLUE PAGES TEAMProject Manager Karen AgesProject Editor Adam WeinmannProofreader Sharna SearleLayout & Design Uno RamatWebsite Bryson WinchesterCover Photo ©Lindsay Noechel/istockphoto●●ACADEMY CONCERT SERIESSince 1991, the Academy Concert Series has beenbringing live chamber music that is faithful to periodperformance practices to Toronto. The programmesare thematic and deliberately crafted to highlight aspecific time, place or composer. The performers includeestablished musicians as well as those in thedeveloping stages of their careers, playing on periodinstruments and adhering to historical practices andinterpretations. The music is introduced by a professionalactor who helps the audience understand itshistorical significance through an engaging and dramaticnarrative.Our 2011/12 season features performances of baroque,classical and romantic music from composerswith special connections to the city of Vienna.“Vivaldi Visits Vienna” (November 12, 2011) willfeature soprano Natalie Paulin. “Mozart: A Yearin Vienna” (January 28, 2012) will include NicolaiTarasov, co-artisitic director of the ACS, on clarinet.“Schubert’s Final Journey” (April 28, 2012) will featurethe Lumière Quartet.All concerts are held Saturdays at 8pm, in the outstandingacoustics of Eastminster United Church(310 Danforth Ave., Toronto).Kerri McGonigle, co-artistic●●ALDEBURGH CONNECTIONThirty years Celebrating the Art of Song! Join artisticdirectors and pianists Stephen Ralls and BruceUbukata, along with an unprecedented gathering ofCanada’s vocal Olympians — Gerald Finley, NathaliePaulin, Susan Platts, Benjamin Butterfield, TylerDuncan — and many others, for our 30th anniversarygala in Koerner Hall on Sunday afternoon, February19, 2012, climaxing in Vaughan Williams’s ecstaticSerenade to Music for 16 soloists. Two of our honorarypatrons, Catherine Robbin and Christopher Newton,C.M., will host the event. Four other concerts roundout our Sunday Series: “Clair de Lune,” songs ofGabriel Fauré (October 16), “The Great Comet,” thelife of Franz Liszt (November 27), “Schubert andthe Esterházys” (March 18) and “A Country HouseWeekend,” an English idyll (April 29). To concludethe celebratory season, the sixth annual BayfieldFestival of Song runs from June 1 to 10 on Ontario’swest coast.Stephen Ralls, co-artistic director416-531-3330Box Office: 416-735-7982contact@aldeburghconnection.orgwww.aldeburghconnection.orgtheWholeNote 2011-2012 PRESENTER PROFILES●●ALEXANDER SINGERS & PLAYERSThe Alexander Singers and Players started 25 years agoas a summer choir directed by Angela Hawaleshka. Itnow presents highly acclaimed performances of operettas,Gilbert and Sullivan and Broadway musicals.The group has an educational mandate and is activein supporting charitable causes. Members work towarda strong musical foundation and an ensembleof experienced singers presents staged and costumedexcerpts from operettas and Broadway musicalsthroughout the year.On Saturday December 10, 2011, at 7:30pm, we willpresent a seasonal concert, performing a wide varietyof music — folk songs, spirituals, musicals andopera excerpts — and an opportunity for all to singalong with Christmas carols, Hanukkah songs and theHallelujah Chorus. The group will present It’s a WonderfulLife — the Radio Play in November 2011 and in May 2012will stage the delightful musical Kiss Me Kate by ColePorter (based on Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew).
All performances are at York Woods Library Theatre.Angela Hawaleshka416-733-7937Tickets:●●ALL SAINTS KINGSWAYANGLICAN CHURCHThe All Saints’ Choir provides musical leadershipat weekly Sunday morning Eucharists, FestivalEvensongs, community outreach projects and concertsthroughout the year. The choir has tourednotable cathedrals in the UK, recorded two CDsand performed throughout Toronto. Recent performancesinclude the Canadian premiere of KarlJenkins’ Stabat Mater with orchestra, soloist and choir,Ruth Watson Henderson’s From Darkness to Light andDuruflé’s Requiem.In 2009, the ASK choir celebrated the installation ofthe new 3-manual Casavant organ whilst performingwith the Amadeus Choir of Toronto under the directionof Lydia Adams. Upcoming choral concerts includethe “Out of the Cold” concert this year withportions of Handel’s Messiah, “The Call of Christmas”on December 118 with the True North Brass and aperformance of Fauré’s Requiem on April 1 with theAmadeus Choir of Toronto. This concert will also premieretwo compositions for choir and organ.ASK also has a concert series from September toMay each year and welcomes new members. For alist of the complete concert series 2011/12 please visitthe All Saints website.Shawn Grenke, director of●●AMADEUS CHOIRFounded in 1975, the Amadeus Choir, under the directionof conductor Lydia Adams, is celebrating its 37thyear. The choir performs a regular series of concerts,presenting well-known artists in works by Canadianand international composers, including major workswith full orchestra as well as challenging a cappellaperformances.The Amadeus Choir’s 2011/12 season begins withJenkins’ The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace, with theHannaford Street Silver Band on November 12, andcontinues December 17 with “Glorious Sounds ofthe Season.” This performance, featuring the BachChildren’s Chorus, highlights winning compositionsfrom the choir’s 25th annual Seasonal SongwritingCompetition. February 3, the choir joins theElmer Iseler Singers and ProArteDanza, in RodionShchedrin’s choral opera, The Sealed Angel. April 21, thechoir presents “Music of the Spheres,” with the ElmerIseler Singers and Canadian astronaut Dr. RobertaBondar, featuring a fusion of music, visual art andscience and including works by Lydia Adams andJason Jestadt.Lydia Adams, conductor and artistic directorShawn Grenke, accompanistJulie Winn, interim general●●AMICI CHAMBER ENSEMBLEAmici’s 2011/12 “Discovering the Senses” season isfull of fun and interesting collaborations. Artistic directorsJoaquin Valdepeñas, David Hetherington andSerouj Kradjian have once again come up with creativeand innovative ideas to share with you. The firstconcert of the season, “La Bonne Cuisine: ExploringTaste and Sound,” will be led by none other thanALL ARRAY THE MUSIC KING’S ENSEMBLEVOICESJames Chatto and chef Alex Feswick of the BrocktonGeneral along with the fabulous soprano Aline Kutan.The other three concerts explore behind-the-sceneswith our music critics, fashion as art, and paintingthe music!As is tradition, Amici has outstanding guests thisseason — too many to list them all! Guests include LaraSt. John, Marie Bérard, Yehonatan Berick, BenjaminBowman, the Cecilia Quartet, Andrew McCandless,Michael Sweeney and Jean Stilwell.All concerts are at the Glenn Gould Studio, 250Front St. W. Full series subscriptions (four concerts):adult 0, senior 5, student .Amici Office: 416-901-6279Box Office: 416-872-4255;;;●●THE ANNEX SINGERS OF TORONTOThe Annex Singers of Toronto is a vibrant communitychoir that delivers an eclectic repertoire with spiritand sophistication. Now in its 32nd season, the60-voice choir performs highlights from the classicaland contemporary repertoire, including premieresof Canadian works. The Annex Chamber Choir,a 20-voice ensemble drawn from the larger group, performspieces from the chamber choir repertoire at eachconcert. Director Maria Case’s dynamic leadershipand programming continue to invigorate the choir, attractingnew members and wider audiences. We typicallypresent two formal concerts each year and closethe season with a cabaret. Singers with vocal experienceare welcome in September. We rehearse Mondayevenings at St Thomas’s Church, 383 Huron St.Richard Partington, president416-968-7747Cynthia O’●●ARADIA ENSEMBLEThe JUNO-nominated Aradia Ensemble presents aninnovative series that incorporates old-world artistryand modern-day relevance, performing an eclecticblend of orchestral, operatic and chamber music onbaroque instruments.Fresh from touring Newfoundland and Italy, weare delighted to present our third season of concertsat Glenn Gould Studio. Aradia’s Septemberseason launch was a deeply moving programmeof 17th-century English music from the ChapelRoyal. In December, back by popular request, isour “Dublin Messiah.” The Toronto Star called us“upstarts” for presenting an alternative to other titanicToronto Messiahs! Why not give ours a try?February’s “Capriccio Stravagante” offers a feast ofVenetian music juxtaposed with new compositionsfrom our Baroque Idol competitors Rose Bolton andChris Meyers. In May, Aradia teams up with Georgianchoir Darbazi to present “The Grain of the Voice,” aprogramme which explores raw and vital ways of portrayingbaroque music.Aradia will be performing at Glenn Gould Studio onDecember 17, 2011, February 18, 2012, and May 5, 2012.Kevin Mallon, artistic director416-924●●ARRAY NEW MUSIC CENTREThe Array New Music Centre exists to provide composerswith an environment in which they are free totake risks, challenge themselves, and push the traditionalboundaries of musical expression. By findingaudiences and venues for performance, we help composersreach a wider group of people and, in turn, exposea greater portion of the general public to the richdiversity of contemporary music.Through an annual season of concerts featuring theArray Ensemble, recordings, commissions, tours, collaborations,and an eclectic improvisation series called“The Array Sessions,” the Array New Music Centrecontributes to the rich musical discoveries and activitiesof a vanguard of creative music artists. Additionaleducational workshops, outreach concerts, pre-concerttalks/lectures, a library of scores and a databaseonline, after-concert receptions and a communityrehearsal/workshop space give musical artists andaudiences diverse opportunities to sculpt, experienceand deepen their knowledge of today’s fine art music.Arraymusic is supported by the Toronto ArtsCouncil, Ontario Arts Council, Canada Councilfor the Arts, SOCAN Foundation, Ontario TrilliumFoundation, Metcalf Charitable Foundation and generousindividual donors.Rick Sacks, artistic directorSandra Bell, general managerwww.arraymusic.com416-532-3019theWholeNote 2011-2012 PRESENTER PROFILES
Baroque Orchestra and Chamber Choir
Compañia FlamencaJosé PorcelGypsy
When we contacted ChristinaPetrowsk
David Mirvish PresentsThe Marquis E
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As the Fur FliesBENJAMIN STEIN2011-
Elmer Iseler SingersLydia Adams, Co
“Beat by Beat / In With the NewJu
Shifting GearsJACK MACQUARRIEIn las