9 years ago

Volume 17 Issue 2 - October 2011

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Concerts
  • Toronto
  • Artistic
  • Choral
  • Singers
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Performances
  • Musical

Blue PagestheWholeNote

Blue PagestheWholeNote 2011-2012 PRESENTER●●KING EDWARD CHOIR OF BARRIEKing Edward Choir of Barrie is celebrating its 60thanniversary season. The 75-voice SATB auditionedchoir is known for its varied repertoire and qualityperformances. Artistic director Barbara McCann hasled the choir since 1986, teaching, challenging andproviding opportunities to grow through collaborationswith notable conductors, choirs and musicians.The choir’s 2011/12 season will start September24, 2011, when, as part of Barrie’s Colours of MusicFestival, King Edward Choir and The Tallis Choir ofToronto will perform Brahms’ German Requiem withsoloists soprano Allison Arends and baritone PeterMcGillivray, accompanied by duo pianists PeterTiefenbach and Robert Kortgaard, all under the directionof Peter Mahon. December 9, 2011, the choirwill present Handel’s Messiah — Part 1, with orchestralaccompaniment, as well as Christmas carols new andold and an audience sing-a-long. Our 60th AnniversaryConcert on May 5, 2012, will feature the Premiere ofLady Simcoe’s Diary by Canadian composer and lyricistLeslie Arden, plus new songs and old songs with newtwists, in music by Greg Jasperse, Stephen Hatfield,Eric Whitacre, Moses Hogan and the Beatles.Barbara●●KITCHENER-WATERLOOCHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETYActive since 1974, Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety is one of Canada’s busiest presenters of chambermusic concerts with over 60 concerts per year,ranging from solo recitals to concerts featuring sizableensembles. Programmes range from medieval tocontemporary; most feature both classics and recentmusic. Since 1980 most of our concerts have takenplace at 57 Young St. W., Waterloo, a private homewhere our KWCMS music room holds about 85 people.A superb Steinway piano, good acoustics, a supportiveaudience and an intimate but informal atmospheremake for great concert experiences. Notable performersthis year include Till Fellner, Eric Himy, AndréLaPlante, Michael Lewin, and many more pianists; thePenderecki, Lafayette, Tokai, Cecilia, New Orford andmore quartets; continuation of our “Complete HaydnTrios” series with the Mercer-Oh Trio; Arkel Trio, Triod’Argento, Reiner Trio ... and so on!●●KOFFLER CENTRE OF THE ARTSKoffler Centre of the Arts is Canada’s only multidisciplinary,contemporary Jewish cultural institution presentingcutting-edge exhibitions of new Canadian andinternational art, and diverse programmes in music,dance, literature, film, spoken word and theatre opento everyone from every background. The Koffler engageslocal and visiting artists to teach students ofall ages and stages.Our music department of dedicated and accomplishedfaculty members offers private and grouplessons in piano, violin (including Suzuki), cello, viola,guitar, voice, flute, clarinet, saxophone, percussionand drums. The Koffler is home to the KofflerChamber Orchestra directed by former TSO concertmaster,Jacques Israelievitch. Music classes includeGet Your Chops Back, Rock Band!!, Cello Ensemble,Chamber Music, World Drumming Ensemble, OperaBoot Camp, Women Who Rock and Opera Theatre.The Koffler also produces concerts and musicevents, from the Chamber Orchestra concerts to aperformance this year by international music greatsYair Dalal and Frank London.The Koffler is centrally located in the state-of-the-artProsserman JCC on the Sherman Campus at Bathurstand Sheppard. Check our website for full details.Alexandra Sipos-Kocsis,education and student services416-638-1881●●LARKIN SINGERSThe Larkin Singers, a 16-voice chamber choir, hasquickly established itself as one of the finest examplesof Canada’s strong choral heritage, dedicatingitself primarily to renaissance and baroquerepertoire. Founded in 2008 under the direction ofMatthew Larkin, the choir is formed of professionalchoral scholars from the Toronto area. The LarkinSingers has had successful tours to Bristol, UK, as residentchoir at Bristol Cathedral, and to New York City.They have also presented concerts in Ottawa, Londonand Kingston. In 2008, the Larkin Singers released itsfirst recording, A New Work is Come on Hand featuringmusic of the Christmas season by Bach, R.V. Williams,Howells, Ord and others.Now in its fourth season, the Larkin Singers presentsa three-concert subscription series, outreachand collaborative performances throughout Ontario.This year, Larkin Singers introduces “Conversations,”post-concert chats at the Fox and Fiddle (kitty-cornerto our concert venue), giving audience membersthe chance to unwind with the artists and talk aboutthe performance in a relaxing setting.Kirsten Fielding, general●●LAWRENCE PARKCOMMUNITY CHURCHLawrence Park Community Church has a tradition offine music both in worship and in concert. Sundayservices are held at 10:30am in the recently renovatedand air-conditioned sanctuary. Musical groupsinclude the adult choir (volunteer and professionalsingers), a children’s choir and a group of handbellringers.The 2011/12 “Fridays @ 8” concert series includesa choral concert on November 11 with the Choir ofLawrence Park Community Church, accompaniedby a chamber ensemble, performing Bob Chilcott’sRequiem; a concert with Duo Majoya (piano and organ)on February 24, co-presented by the TorontoCentre of the RCCO; and a spring concert with thesoloists of Lawrence Park Community Church and theGreater Toronto Philharmonic Orchestra, conductedby Floydd Ricketts, on May 11.Mark Toews416-489-1551●●LIVING ARTS CENTREThe Living Arts Centre is an architecturally stunning225,000 square foot multi-purpose facility that openedin 1997. The Living Arts Centre is located in the heartof Mississauga and is home to one of the GTA’s mostexciting venues for both performing and visual arts.Intimate entertainment is provided in all three magnificentperformance theatres, showcasing internationalstars, Canadian talent and local communitygroups. Some of the 2011/12 season highlights include:Opera Kitchener’s Magic Flute and Don Giovanni, TheMiles Davis Experience, Czech Boys’ Choir, Paul Ankaand many more!The Living Arts Centre also houses an exhibitiongallery, eight professional art studios and sophisticatedcorporate meeting facilities. The art studiosare used by talented resident artists to create uniqueworks. Art programmes are offered year-round forchildren, youth, adults and families, who can exploretheir creativity under the guidance of practicingartist-educators.The Living Arts Centre is a not-for-profit organizationdedicated to nurturing, fostering, encouraging,promoting and supporting the presence and developmentof the performing and visual arts in Mississaugaand neighbouring communities.Ron Lenyk, CEOBox Office: 905-306-6000;●●LUMINATOFor ten extraordinary days in June, Toronto’s stages,streets and public spaces are illuminated with artsand creativity. Luminato is an annual multi-disciplinarycelebration of theatre, dance, classical and contemporarymusic, film, literature, visual arts, designand more.Luminato features highly acclaimed Canadian andworld premieres, exciting new works, unexpectedcollaborations, widely accessible free celebrationsand respected education and community outreachprograms which together result in unforgettable creativeexperiences. Now in its sixth year, Luminatowelcomes visitors and Toronto residents each Juneto engage in more than 150 events, most of them free.In 2012, nearly four decades after it was first performedand 20 years since its last production, Einsteinon the Beach will be reconstructed for a major internationaltour. Luminato is thrilled to offer the first revivalin 20 years of Philip Glass and Robert Wilson’scontemporary opera, Einstein on the Beach: An Opera inFour Acts. The presentation marks the North Americanpremiere of this new production.Luminato 2012 is June 8 to●●MARKHAM THEATRE FORTHE PERFORMING ARTSMarkham Theatre’s 2011/12 season encompasses brilliantperformances with quality, diversity and an unprecentedvariety. Our professional series run from“Totally Classical” to “Jazz Divas,” “World Stage toNostalgia” Afternoon Matinees” to “Great CanadianPerformers” and more!Get up close and encounter live world class performanceswith Markham Theatre’s most flexiblepricing offers — yet unmatched in the GTA! Withglobally acclaimed artists, Canadian and GTA premieresand exclusive presentations, this 530 seattheatre, with not a bad seat in the house, offers anexperience that creates unforgettable memories. Weare located at 171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham, ON,L3R 8G5. Free Parking onsite.Tickets: 905-305-7469Toll Free: 1-866-768-8801 (not available in416/647 area codes)● ● MASSEY HALLHerbie Hancock performs a special all-acoustic showwith orchestra, conducted by Alain Trudel, to kickoff “Jazz @ Massey Hall” on October 22. The popularseries also includes performances by Jazz at LincolnCenter Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis and Torontobasedsinger Sophie Milman with the Robi BotosTrio. We are pleased to continue supporting someof Canada’s most celebrated artists including Feist,Chantal Kreviazuk, Burton Cummings, K’naan, Nikki

Yanofsky, Pavlo and Colin James. Chicago, GeorgeThorogood & The Destroyers and Classic AlbumsLive will rock the house and we’ll also celebrate the25th Annual Toronto Blues Society’s Women’s BluesRevue. We also welcome back Chris Botti and Rock n’Roll Hall of Fame inductee Buddy Guy. Massey Hallpresents critically acclaimed artists including JustinRutledge, Jill Barber, Diana Panton, Brandi Disterheftand Alejandra Ribera in the intimate setting of GlennGould Studio and Steven Page, Whitehorse and MattAndersen in the enchanting Winter Garden Theatre aspart of our “Canadian Songbook” and “Jazz @ GlennGould Studio” concerts. The Corporation of MasseyHall and Roy Thomson Hall is a registered charitablenot-for-profit organization.Stephen McGrath416-593-4822 x318stephen.mcgrath@rth-mh.comBox Office: 416-872-4255; on Twitter and Facebook●●MILES NADAL JEWISHCOMMUNITY CENTREThe MNjcc is a vibrant community centre at Bloor andSpadina that is open to all. We have programmes incultural arts, children and youth, Jewish life, wellnessand Active Seniors, along with a fully equipped fitnesscentre and one of Toronto’s rare saltwater pools!In the arts, we have concerts, theatre, film screeningsand studies, gallery exhibitions, music ensemblesand classes. Our vibrant choral programmeincludes four choirs: Community Choir, Women’sChorus, Adult Daytime Choir and Summer Choir.Instrumentalists enjoy our Adult Klezmer Ensembleand children’s Suzuki music programme and summercamp. The Institute for Choral Wellness presentsmusic workshops and educational opportunities suchas rhythmic training for singers, Alexander Techniqueand other ways to stay fit chorally. The 2012 SummerInstitute for Creative Adults will offer a full-weekchoir camp and more. Home to the Al Green Theatre,a state-of-the-art venue with a grand piano, full stage,and film screen, the MNjcc is perfect for dance, film,music, literary, theatre and corporate events. We hostmany festivals and seasons, including the TorontoJewish Film Society subscription series.416-924-6211●●MISSISSAUGA CHILDREN’S CHOIRThe Mississauga Children’s Choir is a treble choir ofover 140 children aged 6 to 17 years. Lead by artisticdirector Thomas Bell, the choir includes four gradedensembles — the Training, Junior, Main and ConcertChoirs — and a Boys Choir. Major performances takeplace at the Mississauga Living Arts Centre: “A Starfrom the East” on Sunday December 4, 2011, and“City Scapes” on Saturday June 2, 2012, which willinclude the world premiere of a new composition byMichael Coghlan. The season opens with “Music ofthe Americas” on Saturday October 20 at Eden UnitedChurch, Mississauga. Recently returned from a highlysuccessful tour to Festival 500 in Newfoundland, thechoir is anticipating another busy season includingparticipation in three children’s choir festivals, furtherrecordings and competitions.For over 30 years the Mississauga Children’s Choirhas been providing young singers with exceptionalmusical experiences through excellence in performance,music education, recording, touring and serviceto the community. Details of our numerous activitiestogether with information on how to join us are availableon our website.Thomas Bell, artistic directorDenise Heggart, choir managerMISSISSAUGA CHILDREN’S●●MISSISSAUGA CHORAL SOCIETYThe Mississauga Choral Society, with artistic directorMervin Fick, is an award-winning concert choirthat presents a series of classical masterworks andcontemporary choral pieces. Our 2011/12 season,“Voiced Soundscapes,” includes four ticketed concerts:a benefit concert in support of the CompassFood Bank (November 5), Handel’s Messiah, “Vivaldiand the Italian Baroque” and “Soundscapes: Classicand Contemporary.”The choir is involved in a variety of communityevents such as singing at “Take 2,” part ofMississauga’s Culture Days. As well, MCS has beeninvited back as guest chorus in the TSO’s ”MessiahFor The City.”MCS’s arts education program, “Gallery of Song,”brings an interactive program of music, poetry andvisual arts to school-aged children and our ChoralScholars Program invites high-school aged studentsto sing with MCS.The organization actively supports emerging voiceand instrumental artists and is well known for commissioningand performing Canadian repertoire.Choristers benefit from opportunities for vocal training.Weekly rehearsals are held on Tuesday eveningsand we welcome new●●MISSISSAUGA FESTIVAL CHOIRThe Mississauga Festival Choir is a community choirdedicated to excellence in choral performance in awide variety of styles and for all ages. The teachingof musicianship for all singers and the promotion ofmusicians from the community, both performers andcomposers, is at the heart of the organization.MFC recently released its first professional recording,Together, Sing in Harmony, which features a broadrange of music from Handel to Hammerstein. MFC hasbeen under the leadership of artistic director DavidAmbrose since 2005 and has recently added a smallerauditioned Chamber Choir to its programming.Our current season will comprise four concerts:“And On Earth, Peace,” “Festival of Friends” inFebruary, the MFC Chamber Choir’s “Life Everlasting”in March, and finally, in May, “From Coast to Coast.”For more information about the choir, please visitour●●MOOREDALE CONCERTSTwo orchestras, two superb string quartets, two starviolinists, two great pianists, one bewitching sopranoand a superstar cellist!Cellist Ofra Harnoy gives her first Canadian recitalafter a decade-long sabbatical from her meteoric career,with pianist Anton Kuerti. Leading violinistRoman Simovic plays Brahms in his Toronto debutwith the Ontario Philharmonic Orchestra and MaestroMarco Parisotto at a special Tuesday evening performanceat Koerner Hall. Violin virtuoso DmitriBerlinsky solos with his own spectacular chamberorchestra. Famed Canadian pianist Stéphane Lemelinpresents a recital with celebrated Canadian sopranoDonna Brown. 2011/12 six-concert subscriptions for“Toronto’s Best Bargain for Great Music!” are only5/0, including tickets for the three MooredaleYouth Orchestra concerts.Five of the featured concerts will also be presentedas a one-hour “Music and Truffles” interactive performancefor children 5 to 15, each concluding witha chocolate truffle. There is a sixth concert February12, 2012, with Anton Kuerti as host. Adults wishingto learn more about music-making are also welcome.All take place at Walter Hall, Sundays at 1:15pm, withsubscriptions at .416-922-3714● ● MUSIC AT METROPOLITANMusic at Metropolitan presents a variety of concertsat Metropolitan United Church, featuringMetropolitan’s choir, soloists and guest artists. Thisseason features BachFest — a series of four concerts:“Christmas Oratorio” on November 25, “Jam Sessionswith Bach” on February 4, “Bach and the King ofInstruments” on March 16 and a performance of Bach’sMass in B Minor on Good Friday, April 6. The annual“Hallowe’en Phantoms of the Organ” is on October 28.Co-sponsored with ORGANIX is a piano/organ duoconcert on May 11. “Noon at Met” — free recitals featuringthe organ and other instrumentalists/vocalists— is held every Thursday at 12:15pm. Our specialChristmas events include the “Carols United” carolsing with the Metropolitan Silver Band and organon December 4 and our “Candlelight Carol Service”theWholeNote 2011-2012 PRESENTER PROFILES

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)