The WholeNote ListingsThe WholeNote listings are arranged in four sections:A.GTA (Greater TORONTO AREA) covers all ofToronto plus Halton, Peel, York and Durhamregions (zones 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the map below).B.Beyond THE GTA covers many areas of SouthernOntario outside Toronto and the GTA (zones 5, 6, 7,and 8 on the map below). In the current issue, there arelistings for events in Barrie, Brantford, Cobourg, Dundas, Guelph,Hamilton, Kingston, Kitchener, Lindsay, London, Orillia, OwenSound, Peterborough, Port Hope, Prescott, St. Catharines, SaultSte. Marie, Stoney Creek, Sudbury and Waterloo. Starts on page 49.C.In THE Clubs (MOSTLY JAZZ)is organized alphabetically by club.Starts on page 52.D.The EtCeteras is for galas, fundraisers,lectures, symposia, masterclasses, workshops andother music-related events (except performances)which may be of interest to our readers. Starts on page 55.A general word of CAuTION A phone number is provided withevery listing in The WholeNote — in fact, we won’t publish a listingwithout one. Concerts are sometimes cancelled or postponed; andartists or venues may change after listings are published. Pleasecheck before you go out to a concert.How TO List Listings in The WholeNote in the four sections aboveare a free service available, at our discretion, to eligible presenters.If you have an event, send us your information no later than the15th of the month prior to the issue or issues in which your listing iseligible to appear.Tuesday November 01• 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Chamber Music Series: Reeds and Keys. Mozart:Clarinet Concerto in A; Gershwin: Rhapsodyin Blue; Peterson: Hymn to Freedom. KornelWolak, clarinet; Chris Donnelly, piano. RichardBradshaw Amphitheatre, Four Seasons Centrefor the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.• 12:30: York University Departmentof Music. Music at Midday. Student showcase.Martin Family Lounge, 219 AccoladeEast Building, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-2100x22926. Free.• 1:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Bach Series X. Andrew Adair, organ. 65 ChurchSt. 416-364-7865 x231. Freewill offering.• 7:30: Opera Atelier. Don Giovanni. Mozart.Philip Addis, baritone (Don Giovanni); CarlaHuhtanen, soprano (Zerlina); Vasil Garvanliev,baritone (Leporello); Peggy Kriha Dye, soprano(Donna Elvira); Meghan Lindsay, soprano(Donna Anna); Curtis Sullivan, baritone (Masetto/Commendatore);Lawrence Williford,tenor (Don Ottavio); artists of Atelier Ballet.Elgin Theatre, 189 Yonge St. 855-622-2787.-$175. Also Nov 2, 4, 5.• 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Faculty Concert Series: Janet Obermeyer,soprano and Leslie De’Ath, piano. R.Strauss: Four Last Songs; and selected lieder.Tribute Communities Recital Hall, 112 AccoladeEast Building, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-5888. ; (sr/st).• 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Fela! Story andmusic of Nigerian Afrobeat pioneer Fela Kuti.A. Concerts in the GTABill T. Jones, director and choreographer. CanonTheatre, 244 Victoria St. 416-872-1212 or1-800-461-3333. –0. Also Nov 2–6;Nov 5 and 6(mat and eve).• 8:00: Royal Conservatory. Philippe Jarousskywith Apollo’s Fire: Handel and Vivaldi Fireworks.Vivaldi: “Allegro” from Concerto grossoin D; Violin Concerto in E-flat Op.8 No.5; Concertogrosso “La follia”; and other works; Handel:“Agitato da fiere tempeste”; “Ho perso ilcaro ben”; “Se potessero I sospir miei”; andother works. Philippe Jaroussky, countertenor;Apollo’s Fire, baroque orchestra. Koerner Hall,273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. and up.Wednesday November 02• 12:30: Yorkminster Park Baptist Church.Noon Hour Organ Recital Series. William Maddox,organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167.Free.• 2:00 and 8:00: Mirvish Productions. TwoPianos Four Hands. Musical comedy aboutmusic teachers, lessons and competitions.Written and performed by Ted Dykstra andRichard Greenblatt. Panasonic Theatre, 651Yonge St. 416-872-1212 or 1-800-461-3333.-. Also Nov 3–6; 9-13; 16-20; matevery Wed/Sat/Sun.• 5:30: Canadian Opera Company. Jazz Series:Noir. Raskin: “Laura”; Mercer: “Blues in theNight”; selections from “The Blue Angel” and“Love Me or Leave Me” and other film noir. AdiBraun, vocals; Jordan Klapman, piano; DanielBarnes, percussion; George Koller, bass. RichardBradshaw Amphitheatre, Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St.W. 416-363-8231. Free.Double Issue The next issue covers the period from December 1,2011 to February 7, 2012. All listings must be received by6pm Tuesday November 15.Listings can be sent by e-mail to or byfax to 416-603-4791 or by regular mail to the address on page 6. Wedo not receive listings by phone, but you can call 416-323-2232 x27for further information.listings zone map Visit our website to see a detailed versionof this map: www.thewholenote.comGeorgianBayLakeHuron675Lake Erie83 42 1City of TorontoLake Ontario28 thewholenote.comNovember 1 – December 7, 2011
• 6:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Dvořák and Mendelssohn. Mendelssohn: ViolinConcerto; Dvořák: Symphony No.7. Stefan Jackiw,violin; Christoph Koenig, conductor. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828 or416-593-0688(Chinese). –. Also Nov3(mat) and Nov 5.• 7:30: Opera Atelier. Don Giovanni. Mozart.See Nov 1.• 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Small Jazz Ensemble. Upper Jazz Studio,90 Wellesley St. W. 416-978-0492. Free.• 8:00: ArtHouse/Philip Aziz Centre. Sheridanin Motion. Evening of song and dance withmusic from the 60s through to the 21st century.Featuring students of Sheridan College’sMusic Theatre Performance Program. GlennGould Studio, 250 Front St. W. 416-363-9196or 905-815-2021. .• 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Fela! SeeNov 1.• 9:00: Massey Hall and Roy Thomson Hall.Joan Baez. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St.416-872-4255. .50–.50.Thursday November 03• 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Dance Series: Bharatanatyam Beat. Indian classicaldance and music. Nova Bhattacharya,dancer; Ed Hanley, tabla. Richard BradshawAmphitheatre, Four Seasons Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.• 12:10: Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation/Christ Church Deer Park. Lunchtime ChamberMusic. Narelle Martinez, soprano; Monica Zerbe,mezzo; Ozskar Morsza, piano. 1570 YongeSt. 416-241-1298. Free, donations welcome.• 12:10: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Thursdays at Noon: Shauna Rolston,cello and Jacques Israelievitch, violin. Honegger:Sonatina for violin and cello; Schulhoff: Duo forviolin and cello; Kodály: Duo for violin and celloOp.7. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building, 80Queen’s Park. 416-978-0492. Free.• 12:15: Music at Metropolitan. Noon atMet. Ron Jordan, piano. Metropolitan UnitedChurch, 56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331 x26.Free.• 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz at Noon: The Andy Middleton Quartet.Andy Middleton, saxophone; Lorne Lofsky,guitar; Jim Vivian, bass; Barry Romberg,drums. Martin Family Lounge, 219 Accolade345 Sorauren Avenue[Dundas/Roncesvalles]■ Chelsea Shanoff,Teresa Vaughan,Beatriz Boizan, DonBraden, Julie Michels,Dave Restivo,Sharlene Wallace,Sora, Mel M’Rabet,Hilario Duran, DavidLidov, Bill Wescott,Annex Quartet, MauroBertoli, Kevin White,Ilya Poletaev, AxelStrauss, AlejandroVela, Theresa Rudolph■ for monthlyperformances go■ 416.822.9781 forreservationsModern, Classical, Jazz,Folk, World, RentalsEast Building, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-2100x22926. Free.• 2:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Dvořák and Mendelssohn. See Nov 2; programmealso to include Bartók’s Dance Suite.• 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Small Jazz Ensemble. Upper Jazz Studio,90 Wellesley St. W. 416-978-0492. Free.• 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Symphonic Impressions. Debussy:Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune; Ibert: Concertinoda Camera; Ravel: Rhapsody espagnole;Mussorgsky: Pictures at an Exhibition(arr. Ravel). Marc Funkenhauser, saxophone; Uof T Symphony Orchestra, David Briskin, conductor;MacMillan Theatre, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208.; (sr/st).• 8:00: Corktown Chamber Orchestra. 88Keys & Quieter Trees. Tchaikovsky: StringSextet in d Op.70 “Souvenir de Florence”;Bach: Piano Concerto in d; O’Donnell: QuieterTrees for Piano and String Orchestra. RogerO’Donnell, Tamara Taktakishvili, piano; PaulMcCulloch, conductor. Little Trinity AnglicanChurch, 425 King St. E. 416-367-0272. ;free(child).• 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Two PianosFour Hands. See Nov 2.• 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Fela! SeeNov 1.• 8:00: Opera York. Madama Butterfly. Puccini.Deirdre Dulton, soprano (Madama Butterfly);Louisa Cowie, mezzo (Suzuki); Romulo Delgado,tenor (B.F. Pinkerton); Jason Hales, baritone(Goro); with full orchestra; Sabatino Vacca,artistic director; Madeline Hubbard, stagedirector. Richmond Hill Centre for the PerformingArts, 10268 Yonge St. 905-787-8811. -; (st). Also Nov 5.• 8:00: Scarborough Music Theatre. Josephand the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Lyricsby Rice, music by Webber. Scarborough VillageTheatre, 3600 Kingston Rd. 416-267-9292.; (sr/st – Thurs/mat). AlsoNov 4-6, 9-13, 17-19.• 8:00: Sony Centre For The PerformingArts/David Mirvish. Bharati: The Wonder ThatIs India. Music and dance from India, featuring70 dancers, actors, singers, acrobats and musicians.With Rahul Vohra, narrator and BhavnaPani (Bharati). 1 Front St. E. 1-855-872-7669.–9. Also Nov 4–6; Nov 5, 6(mat).Friday November 04• 7:30: Opera Atelier. Don Giovanni. Mozart.See Nov 1.• 7:30: Opera by Request. Herodiade. Massenet.Ellen Vesterdal, mezzo (Herodiade); HenryIrwin, baritone (Herod); Nadine Guertin, soprano(Salome); Oliver Dawson, tenor (Jean);Joel Katz, bass (Phanuel); and others; WilliamShookhoff, piano and music director. CollegeStreet United Church, 452 College St. 416-455-2365. .• 8:00: Green Door Cabaret at the LowerOssington Theatre. Katsura Sunshine. Japanesestory-telling performed in English. 100AOssington Ave. 416-915-6747. (reserved);; (st/industry with ID).• 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Two PianosFour Hands. See Nov 2.• 8:00: Mirvish Productions. Fela! SeeNov 1.• 8:00: Royal Conservatory. World, Pop andEverything in Between Series: Cigala & Tango.Flamenco and tango music. Diego El Cigala, vocals.Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. and up.Michèle Bogdanowicz and Andrea Ludwig. Photo: Gary BeecheyHANSEL AND GRETELSPECIALLY ADAPTED PERFORMANCE FOR Nov. 5, 201111 a.m. & 2 p.m.Adults: Youth/Seniors: Children: (15 and under)Discounted rates for groups of10 or more.PRICE INCLUDES Afun AND interactiveWORKSHOP45 MINUTES BEFORE EACHPERFORMANCE.Xstrata Ensemble Studio School TourMedia PartnerJoey and Toby Tanenbaum Opera Centre227 Front St. E., TorontoCreative: EndeavourNovember 1 – December 7, 2011 29