and the 50s and 60s. Featuring Maria Branje,vocals. Barrie City Hall Rotunda, 70 CollierSt., Barrie. 705-487-2574. Free, donationswelcome.• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Ensemble Chaconne: Measure forMeasure. Music from Shakespeare’s plays. Renaissancequartet with flutes, lute, gamba andvoice. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W.,Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); .Friday November 18• 7:30: Brock University Department ofMusic. Encore! Concert Series. PendereckiString Quartet. Sean O’Sullivan Theatre, 500Glenridge Ave., St. Catharines. 905-688-5550 x3257. .50; .50(sr/st); (highschool eyeGo program).• 7:30: Melos Choir & Chamber Orchestra.Welcome to all the Pleasures! Celebratingthe 300th anniversary of the birth of WilliamBoyce. Purcell: Cecilian Ode; Walmisley: Music,All Powerful; selected works by Boyce. Guest:Michael Capon, conductor. St. George’s Cathedral,270 King St. E., Kingston. 613-549-7125. –.• 8:00: Jeffrey Concerts. Martha Guth, soprano,Tyler Duncan, baritone and Erika Switzer,piano. Works by Schubert, Fauré, Britten, Copland,Barber and others. Wolf PerformanceHall, 251 Dundas St., London. 519-672-8800.; (sr); (st).• 8:00: McMaster School of the Arts. CelebrityConcert Series. Ensemble Chaconne.Music from Shakespeare’s plays. ConvocationHall, 1280 Main St., Hamilton. 905-525-9140B. Concerts Beyond the GTAx24246. ; (sr); (st).• 8:00: NUMUS Concerts. Pop/Rock AvantSeries: Sergeant Pepper/Magical Mystery Tour.Music of the Beatles. Pete Oldridge and the UrbanMonks; Lukas Bouda, lead guitar and sitar;NUMUS Chamber Orchestra. Conrad Centrefor the Performing Arts, 36 King St. W., Kitchener.519-896-3662. ; (sr); (st;rush only).• 8:00: Wilfrid Laurier University. OperaExcerpts. Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, 75University Ave. W., Waterloo. 519-884-0710x2150. ; (sr/st). Also Nov 19.• 2:00 and 7:30: Shoreline Chorus. PopcornMusic. Music from the movies. “Theme fromNew York, New York”; “Great Balls of Fire”;“C’mon Everybody”; “The Grinch” (medley);and other works. Ann-Marie MacDairmind,director. Division Street United Church Hall,997 4th Ave. E., Owen Sound. 519-599-2710. .Saturday November 19• 7:30: Brock University Department ofMusic. Viva Voce Choral Series. Vivaldi: Gloria.Avanti Chamber Singers and String Ensemble,Harris Loewen, conductor. St. Barnabas AnglicanChurch, 31 Queenston St., St. Catharines.905-688-5550 x3817. ; (sr/st);(13 and under/high school eyeGo).• 8:00: Karen Schuessler Singers/AnimalRescue Foundation. All Creatures Great andSmall. Wesley-Knox United Church, 91 AskinSt., London. 519-455-8895. /(adv);(sr)/$17(adv); (st); free(6-12); children 5and under cannot be admitted.• 8:00: Wilfrid Laurier University. Opera Excerpts.See Nov 18.Sunday November 20• 2:00: Gallery Players of Niagara. NewYork, New York! Works by Gershwin, Joio, Eldinand Bernstein. Douglas Miller, flute; MargaretGay, cello; Karen Di Bella, piano. St. BarnabasChurch, 33 Queenston St., St. Catharines.905-468-1525. ; (sr); (st/child);(family).• 3:00: Capella Intima. Venice and Beyond.Sacred and secular music by Merula, Sances,Grandi and Milanuzzi. Bud Roach, tenor andbaroque guitar; Cory Knight, tenor; David Roth,baritone; Sara-Anne Churchill, organ and harpsichord;Justin Haynes, gamba. MacNeill BaptistChurch, 1145 King St. W., Hamilton. 905-517-3594. ; (sr); (st/arts worker).Tuesday November 22• 12:00 noon: Brock University Departmentof Music. Music@Noon. Instrumentalstudents. Sean O’Sullivan Theatre, 500 GlenridgeAve., St. Catharines. 905-688-5550x3817. Free.• 7:30: Brock University Department ofMusic. University Wind Ensemble. Original andtranscribed symphonic works for wind band.Zoltan Kalman, conductor. Sean O’SullivanTheatre, 500 Glenridge Ave., St. Catharines.905-688-5550 x3817. .Wednesday November 23• 12:15 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.Wednesday Noon Concerts. Stephen Zurakowsky,guitar. 54 Queen St. N., Kitchener.519-576-2129. Free.• 7:30: University of Waterloo Music Department.East-West Music Concert Series:Eternal Joy: Songs of Union and Reunion. Storiesof adoption told through narratives, musicand song. Conrad Grebel University CollegeChapel, 140 Westmount Rd., Waterloo. 519-885-0220 x24226.• 8:00: Wilfrid Laurier University. StudentComposer Concert. Maureen Forrester RecitalHall, 75 University Ave. W., Waterloo. 519-884-0710 x2150. Free admission.• YOUR EVENT COULD BE LISTED HERElistings@thewholenote.comCAPELLA INTIMApresentsVenice & BeyondMusic sacred andsecular byMerula, Sances,Grandi, andMilanuzziNov 19, 3pmTORONTONov 20, 3pmHAMILTONNov 20, 7:30pmTORONTOwww.capellaintima.comCelebratethe holidays withJohn Laing Singers!Sumptuous, Satisfying, Sublime & Simplewith Roger Bergs, Artistic Directorand special guests Charlene Pauls, soprano, and Paul Grimwood, organThe John Laing Singers present Christmas music atits finest, featuring an amazing diversity of worksspanning many centuries, styles and musical cultures.Bach’s powerful motet Jesu, meine Freude is joined bymusic of Poulenc, Vaughan Williams and Sandstrom,as well as creative carol settings from Poland to Peru. Saturday, November 26, 2011, 7:30 p.m.Central Presbyterian Church,165 Charlton Avenue West, Hamilton Sunday, November 27, 2011, 3:30 p.m.St. Matthew on-the-Plains Anglican Church,126 Plains Road East, BurlingtonBuy tickets online atwww.johnlaingsingers.comor call 905-628-5238.Adults: in advance, at the doorStudents: The John Laing Singers gratefully acknowledge the support of:Hamilton’s Community Partnership Programfor CultureThe Ontario Trillium Foundation is an agencyof the Government of Ontario50 thewholenote.comNovember 1 – December 7, 2011
Thursday November 24• 12:00 noon: Wilfrid Laurier University.Music at Noon: Ton Beau String Quartet. MaureenForrester Recital Hall, 75 University Ave.W., Waterloo. 519-884-0710 x2150. ;(sr/st).• 8:00: Jeunesses Musicales Ontario. TRIO(violin, cello & piano). See Nov 4 for repertoireand performers. Salle Paroissiale Sainte-Annedes-pins,14 Beech St., Sudbury. 705-525-5606 x4. ; (st); (high school).Friday November 25• 7:00: National Presbyterian Museum.Praise! Ca. 1904. Organ recital and heritagehymns. Angus Sinclair, organ; Karianne Pasma,soprano. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church,54 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-864-1119./(adv); (sr/st)/(adv).• 7:30: Platinum Concerts International.Christmas with the Kyiv Chamber Choir. Ukrainianchoral music and Christmas music. MykolaHobdych, conductor. First United Church, 16William St. W., Waterloo. 1-877-266-2557..Saturday November 26• 7:30: Barrie Concerts. Czech Boys Choir:Silent Night. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church, 50Anne St. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181. By subscriptiononly.• 7:30: Brock University Department ofMusic. Viva Voce Choral Series: Another SongShall Rise. Brock University Men’s and Women’sChoruses, Harris Loewen, conductor.St. Thomas Anglican Church, 99 Ontario St.,St. Catharines. 905-688-5550 x3257. ;(sr/st); (13 and under/high school eyeGo).• 7:30: John Laing Singers. Sumptuous,Satisfying, Sublime and Simple. Bach: Jesumeine Freude (motet); and works by Poulenc,Vaughan Williams and Sandstrom; also varietyof carol settings. Central Presbyterian Church,165 Charlton Ave. W., Hamilton. 905-628-5238. /(adv); (st).• 7:30: Peterborough Singers. Carols withBrass. Syd Birrell, conductor; Venabrass brassquintet; Ian Sadler, organ. George Street UnitedChurch, 534 George St. N., Peterborough.705-745-1820. ; (st).• 7:30: Platinum Concerts International.Christmas with the Kyiv Chamber Choir. Ukrainianchoral music and Christmas music. MykolaHobdych, conductor. Cathedral of St. Catherineof Alexandria, 3 Lyman St., St. Catharines.1-877-266-2557. .• 8:00: Guelph Chamber Choir. Voices ofLight: An Advent Festival of Music and Poetry.Halley: Voices of Light; Pinkham: ChristmasCantata; Whitacre: Lux aurumque; Silver: TheTwelve Days After Christmas; also carols singalongand an opportunity to sing the “HallelujahChorus” amidst the choir. With Musica VivaBrass; Gerald Neufeld, conductor; ChristopherDawes, organ. St. George’s Anglican Church,99 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519-763-3000.; (st).• 8:00: Jeunesses Musicales Ontario. TRIO(violin, cello & piano). See Nov 4 for repertoireand performers. Kiwanis Community TheatreCentre, 1007 Trunk Rd., Sault Ste. Marie.705-945-7299. ; (st).• 8:00: NUMUS Concerts. ContemporaryConcerti with the WLU Symphony Orchestra.Works by Pärt, Wright, Scartabello, Gorecki,Nishimura and Hatch. Wilfrid Laurier UniversitySymphony Orchestra; Jeremy Bell, JerzyKaplanek, violin; James Mason, oboe; KathrynLadano, bass clarinet; Glenn Buhr, piano; andothers; Paul Pulford, conductor. Maureen ForresterRecital Hall, 75 University Ave. W., Waterloo.519-896-3662. ; (sr); (under29); (st).• 8:00: Port Hope Friends of Music. TheElmer Iseler Singers. Lydia Adams, conductor.Port Hope United Church, 34 South St., PortHope. 905-797-2295. ; (sr); (st).Sunday November 27• 2:30: Kingston Symphony. Suite Variations.Saint-Saëns: Cello Concerto; Tchaikovsky:Rococo Variations; also works by Ravel andRespighi. Guest: David Eggert, cello. KingstonGospel Temple, 2295 Princess St., Kingston.613-530-2050. –.• 3:00: Caskey School of Music. Piano Recital.Works by Beethoven, Rachmaninov andProkofiev. Alexei Gulenco, piano. First UnitarianChurch of Hamilton, 170 Dundum St. S.,Hamilton. 905-528-5395. /(adv);(st)/(adv).• 3:00: University of Western Ontario DonWright Faculty of Music. UWO SymphonyOrchestra. Ravel: Piano Concerto in G; Dvořák:Symphony No.8 Op.88; Edgar Suski, piano;Geoffrey Moull, conductor. Alumni Hall, UWO,1151 Richmond St., London. 1-800-265-1593.; (st).• 4:00: Spiritus Ensemble. Bach Vespers forAdvent. Bach: Cantata 1, “Wie schöen leuchtetder Morgenstern”; “Lobbe den Herrn” BWV230. Stephanie Kramer, soprano; Brandon Leis,tenor; Kirk Lackenbauer, baritone; KennethHull, conductor. St. John the Evangelist AnglicanChurch, 23 Water St. N., Kitchener. 519-743-0228. Free, donations welcome.• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Alexander Tselyakov, piano, with membersof Canadian Sinfonietta. Mozart: DivertimentoK136; Mendelssohn: Octet for Strings;Chopin: Piano Concerto No.2. Joyce Lai, SarahBoyer, Kenin McKay, Jennifer Burford, violins;and others. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St.W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr);(st).Tuesday November 29• 12:00 noon: Brock University Departmentof Music. Music@Noon. Piano students. SeanO’Sullivan Theatre, 500 Glenridge Ave., St.Catharines. 905-688-5550 x3817. Free.• 12:30: McMaster School of the Arts.Lunchtime Concert Series. Lita Classen, vocals.Convocation Hall, 1280 Main St., Hamilton.905-525-9140 x27038. Free.Wednesday November 30• 12:15 St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.Wednesday Noon Concerts. Mark Lewis, singer/storyteller. 54 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-576-2129. Free.• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Janusz Skowrun, piano. Schumann:Symphonic Etudes; Liszt: Mazeppa; works byChopin. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W.,Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); .Thursday December 01• 2:00 and 8:00: Sanderson Centre for thePerforming Arts. The Irish Rovers. 88 DalhousieSt., Brantford. 519-752-9910 x202 or1-800-265-0710. .• 8:00: Wilfrid Laurier University. ImprovisationConcerts Ensemble. Glenn Buhr andKathryn Ladano, directors. Maureen ForresterRecital Hall, 75 University Ave. W., Waterloo.519-884-0710 x2150. Free.Friday December 02• 8:00: Wilfrid Laurier University. ChamberMusic Concert. Beth Ann de Sousa, director.Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, 75 UniversityAve. W., Waterloo. 519-884-0710x2150. Free.Saturday December 03• 7:30: Guelph Youth Singers. Candles inOur Hearts. St. George’s Anglican Church, 99Woolwich St., Guelph. 519-763-3000. ;(sr/st); (eyeGo).• 7:30: Mohawk College Community Choir.Christmas at St. Paul’s. Saint-Saëns: ChristmasOratorio; Fawcett: Three Marian Carols(premiere); Handel: “Hallelujah Chorus,” fromMessiah; and other works. St. Paul’s UnitedChurch, 29 Park St. W., Dundas. 905-526-7938. ; (sr/st).• 7:30: Orchestra Kingston. Singalong Messiah.Salvation Army Citadel, Centennial Parkway,816 Centennial Dr., Kingston. 613-389-8110. ; (sr). Choristers welcome.• 8:00: Lindsay Concert Foundation. DonnellyWolak Duo: Classical Jazz Fusion. Chris Donnelly,piano; Kornel Wolak, clarinet. Works byBach, Brahms, Donnelly, Gershwin, Petersonand Rimsky-Korsakov. Glenn Crombie Theatre,Fleming College, 200 Albert St. S., Lindsay.705-878-5625. ; (youth).• 8:00: Wilfrid Laurier University. WLUWind Orchestra. Jessica Kun, conductor. MaureenForrester Recital Hall, 75 University Ave.W., Waterloo. 519-884-0710 x2150. ;(sr/st).Sunday December 04• 7:30: Brantford Symphony Orchestra.Christmas Favourites. Guest: Hamilton Children’sChoir. Sanderson Centre for the Arts,88 Dalhousie St., Brantford. 519-758-8090.–; free(12 and under).• 7:30: Wilfrid Laurier University. ChapelChoir. Elvera Froese, director. Keffer MemorialChapel, 75 University Ave. W., Waterloo. 519-884-0710 x2150. ; (sr/st).• 8:00: Wilfrid Laurier University. ChamberMusic Concert. Beth Ann de Sousa, director.Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, 75 UniversityAve. W., Waterloo. 519-884-0710x2150. Free.Tuesday December 06• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Peter Vinograde, piano, with theBremen String Quartet. Haydn: Piano Concertoin D; Quartet Op.9 No.4; Quartet Op.9 No.4;Mozart: Piano Concerto No.9. KWCMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); .Wednesday December 07• 12:15: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.Wednesday Noon Concerts. Banfield-DumlavwallaDuo, violin and piano. 54 Queen St. N.,Kitchener. 519-576-2129. Free.• 12:30: University of Western Ontario DonWright Faculty of Music. UWO Chamber Orchestra.Britten: Soirées Musicales; Les Illuminations;Respighi: Antiche arie e danze. JackalynShort, soprano; Geoffrey Moull, conductor.Paul Davenport Theatre, UWO, 1151 RichmondSt., London. 519-661-3767. Free.Search listings bygenre & geographic zone online atthewholenote.comNovember 1 – December 7, 2011 51