October 13 I felt like I knew a whole lot more aboutmy fellow-Ontarians’ attitudes to the arts than Idid the previous day. I knew, for example, that:• 83% of Ontarians listen to music on a local radiostation at least once a week• 45% listen to music through a website or other streaming radio• 79% of Ontarians read articles in newspapers or magazine at leastonce a week• 60% attend professional music concerts “at any frequency,”another 55% attend professional stage plays or musicals and 51%visit art museums or art galleries• Of the 43% of Ontarians who dance socially, 61% said it is “veryimportant” to them• 80% of respondents who visit art museums and galleries alsoreported it is “very important” to them. The home is thepredominant setting for engaging in music (89%), dance (51%) andvisual arts (71%) activities• 45% and 48% of respondents do music and dance activities inrestaurants, bars or night clubs, respectively• Ontarians who engage in participatory music activities attendconcerts by professional musicians at a rate that is two tothree times higher than those who do not• 95% of Ontarians said they would like to be doing more artsactivities than they are doing now.The thing that happened overnight between October 12 and October13 to make me so much better informed was that the Ontario ArtsCouncil (OAC) released the findings of a major commissioned report,FOR OPENERS / DAVID PERLMANART WORKSthe Ontario Arts Engagement Study, that looked at “thefull spectrum of arts activities from traditional audiencebasedactivities (such as attending performing arts eventsor visiting an art gallery) to personal practice activities(such as playing a musical instrument, painting, or takingdance lessons), including arts participation via electronic,print and digital media (such as radio, television or the Internet).” Andit explored “the importance of these arts activities to Ontarians, thesettings in which arts activities take place, the relationships betweenpersonal arts practice and attendance, and the patterns of engagementacross regions and demographic groups such as age and gender.”So as I said, October 13 found me better informed than I had beenthe day before, but not necessarily a whole lot wiser.Thankfully along with the report there was a “List of Things ToThink About” (for people like me, I guess, who find information aobstacle to thought).“The report raises questions and implications for arts organizationsseeking to enhance their relationships with audiences” it said, and wenton with its questions. There were eight. So far I’ve got as far as three:Given the pivotal role of electronic, print and digital media in thelandscape of arts engagement, how might arts organizations reach moredeeply into the population through these media? …How will online activities, such as downloading music, change theway we deliver our artistic product?How can arts organizations move forward and meet audiences, especiallythe younger ones, where they are and where they want to be?Aha. Now there’s a plan …—David Perlman,publisher@thewholenote.comSN BIANCAThe WholeNote The Toronto Concert-Goer’s GuideVolume 17 No 3 | november 1 – december 7, 2011720 Bathurst St, Suite 503, Toronto on M5S 2R4Main Telephone 416-323-2232Fax 416-603-4791Switchboard & General Inquiries Ext 21Chairman of the BoardAllan Pulkerdirectors@thewholenote.comPublisher/Editor In Chief | David Perlmanpublisher@thewholenote.comCD Editor | David Oldsdiscoveries@thewholenote.comEvent Advertising/MembershipKaren Ages | members@thewholenote.comAdvertising/Production Support/OperationsJack Buell | adart@thewholenote.comListings TeamSharna Searle | Listings Editorlistings@thewholenote.comOri Dagan | Jazz Listings, The etceterasjazz@thewholenote.com, etc@thewholenote.comWebsiteBryson Winchester | systems@thewholenote.comCirculation, Display Stands & SubscriptionsChris Malcolm | circulation@thewholenote.comPatrick Slimmon | patrick@thewholenote.comThanks to this month’s contributorsCover PhotoSN BiancaBeat ColumnsBandstand | Jack MacQuarriebookshelf | Pamela Marglesclassical & beyond | Sharna SearleChoral scene | Benjamin Steindiscoveries | David OldsEarly Music | Simone Desiletsin the clubs | Ori Daganin with the new | David PerlmanJazz notes| Jim GallowayMusical life | mJ buellOpera | Christopher HoileWorld Music | Andrew TimarFeaturesDavid Perlman, Robert WallaceCD ReviewersTamara Bernstein, Geoff Chapman, Max Christie,Duncan Chisholm, Daniel Foley, Janos Gardonyi,Richard Haskell, Tiina Kiik, Roger Knox,Leslie Mitchell-Clarke, Terry Robbins,Sharna Searle, Bruce Surtees, Andrew Timar,Robert Tomas, Ken WaxmanProofreadingKaren Ages, Ori Dagan, Sharna SearleListingsOri Dagan, Sharna SearleLayout & DesignBrian Cartwright (cover), Uno RamatSubscriptions per year + HST (10 issues)Upcoming Dates & DeadlinesFree Event Listings Deadline6pm Tuesday November 15Display Ad Reservations Deadline6pm Tuesday November 15Advertising Materials Due6pm Friday November 18Publication DateWednesday November 30Next issue, Volume 17 No 4is a double issuecovering December, 2011 to February 7, 2012WholeNote Media Inc. accepts no responsibilityor liability for claims made for any product orservice reported on or advertised in this issue.Printed in CanadaCouto Printing & Publishing ServicesCirculation StatementNovember 2011: 30,000 printed & distributed.Canadian Publication ProductSales Agreement 1263846issn 14888-8785 WHolenotePublications Mail Agreement #40026682Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:WholeNote Media Inc.503-720 Bathurst StreetToronto on M5S 2R4www.thewholenote.comCopyright © 2011 WholeNote Media Inc6 thewholenote.comNovember 1 – December 7, 2011
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