9 years ago

Volume 18 Issue 3 - November 2012

  • Text
  • November
  • Toronto
  • December
  • Jazz
  • Arts
  • Theatre
  • Symphony
  • Orchestra
  • Choir
  • Concerts

• 8:00: Fallen Rock

• 8:00: Fallen Rock Productions. The RockyHorror Show. See Nov 1.• 8:00: Gallery 345. Lovers and Coquettes:An Evening of Opera and Song. Leigh-Ann Allen,soprano; Michelle Garlough, mezzo; Mai’kaiNash, piano. 345 Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781.; (sr/arts worker); (st).• 8:00: Living Arts Centre. José Feliciano.4141 Living Arts Dr., Mississauga. 905-306-6000. –.• 8:00: Lower Ossington Theatre. TheRocky Horror Show. See Nov 1.• 8:00: Milton Concert Presentations.Scandinavian Serenade. Grieg: Piano Concertoin a Op.16; Larsson: Pastoral Suite; Wirén:Serenade. Carl Petersson, piano; TorontoConcert Orchestra, Kerry Stratton, conductor.Milton Centre for the Arts, 1010 Main St. E.,Milton. 905-854-4028 or 905-854-0919. ;(sr).• 8:00: Victoria College Choir. Fall Concert.Franck: Mass in A; Puccini: Requiem. TaylorSullivan, conductor. Victoria College Chapel, 73Queen’s Park. Free.Saturday November 03• 1:30 to 5:30: Harbourfront Centre. Dayof the Dead Festival. Mexican cultural festival,featuring various activities and performances,including music by Pedro Montejo Jorge Salazar,Café Con Pan, Jorge Lopez and Viva MexicoMariachi. York Quay Centre, 235 Queen’s QuayW. 416-973-4000. Free. Also Nov 4.• 2:00: Art of Time Ensemble. The War ofthe Worlds. Also at 8:00. See Nov 1.WITH ONEVOICE!The Toronto Children’s Chorus& The Bach Children’s Chorushonouring Linda Beaupréin her 25th & final seasonas Music Director of BCCSaturday, November 3, 3pmTrinity St. Paul’s Centre• 3:00: Toronto Children’s Chorus/BachChildren’s Chorus. With One Voice! Worksby Chilcott, Leithead, Patriquin and WatsonHenderson. Elise Bradley and Linda Beaupré,conductors. Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre, 427 BloorSt. W. 416-932-8666 x231. ; (sr/st);(under 13).• 4:30: Canadian Opera Company. DieFledermaus. See Nov 1.• 7:00: Castle Frank House of Melody.Mucho Massenet. Vocal music by Massenet andChausson. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave.416-966-2685. PWYC.• 7:00: Mississauga Children’s Choir.On My Journey Now. Thomas Bell, director.Eden United Church, 3051 Battleford Rd.,Mississauga. 905-624-9704. $18; (sr/st).A. Concerts in the GTA• 7:30: Cantabile Chorale of York Region.Eternal Light. Goodall. Requiem in honour ofRemembrance Day. Robert Richardson, director;guest: Chorus Novus. Thornhill United Church,25 Elgin St., Thornhill. 905-731-8318. .• 7:30: East End Refugee Committee. ChoirFest ’12. Sacred and secular selections byseven Beach area choirs, individual and massed.Kingston Road United Church, 975 KingstonRd. 416-691-4560 or 416-699-6091. ;(under 12). Proceeds to East End RefugeeCommittee.• 7:30: Oakville Chamber Orchestra.Brilliance and Light. Beethoven: Triple Concerto;Mozart: Symphony No.4. Blakemore Trio (violin,cello, piano); Charles Demuynck, conductor.Central Baptist Church, 340 Rebecca St.,Oakville. 905-483-6787. ; (sr); (st);(child). Also Nov 4 (mat, St. Simon’sAnglican Church, Oakville).• 7:30: Opera Atelier. Der Freischütz. SeeNov 2.• 7:30: Opera by Request. Belle Nuit: AnEvening of Arias and Duets. Deena Nickleford,soprano; Sangeetha Ekambaram, soprano;Rebecca Foth, piano. West Toronto BaptistChurch, 3049 Dundas St. W. 647-388-6676.. Also Nov 1 (College Street United Church),4 (London).• 7:30: Opera by Request. L’Elisir d’Amore.Donizetti. Marissa Solow, soprano (Adina); ZachFinkelstein, tenor (Nemorino); George Ossipov,bass-baritone (Dulcamara); John Holland, baritone(Belcore); Stephanie Ferracane, mezzo(Giannetta); William Shookhoff, piano. CollegeStreet United Church, 452 College St. 416-455-2365. .• 7:30: St. John’s United Church. TheVoices of Showtime. Songs of the 40s, 50s and60s. Alan Ely, director. 2 Norbert Rd. 416-491-1224. .• 7:30: Stephen Fraser, organ. In Recital.Works by Bales, Vierne, Muffat and S. Fraser.Grace Church on-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd. 416-488-7884. Freewill offering.• 7:30: Toronto Beach Chorale. BeautyVoiced: Bach in the Beach. Bach: CantataBWV131 “Aus der Tiefe”; Keyboard Concertoin d BWV1052; also motets and a cantata.Chelsea Säuer, soprano; Mervin Fick, conductor.Calvary Baptist Church, 72 Main St. 416-686-2183. ; (ages 7–18).• 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Choirs in Concert: When Music Sounds:Celebrating the 80th birthday of Ruth WatsonHenderson. Watson Henderson: Creation’sPraise; Make Me a World (text by J.W.Johnson). MacMillan Theatre, Edward JohnsonBldg., 80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. ;(sr); (st).• 7:30: Sonny Ochs. Phil Ochs Song Night:A Benefit for Common Thread CommunityChorus. With Bill Garrett and Sue Lothrop,Pat Humphries and Sandy Opatow, Al Parrish,Evalyn Parry and Zach Stevenson. St. Simon’sAnglican Church, 525 Bloor St. E. 416-410-5022. ; (sr/st/unwaged).• 8:00: Art of Time Ensemble. The War ofthe Worlds. Also at 2:00. See Nov 1.• 8:00: Chamber Music Mississauga.From Page to Stage: Great Authors and GreatComposers Series. Dickens: A ChristmasCarol. John D. Huston, actor and narrator;guest: The MadriGALS. Great Hall, UnitarianCongregation of Mississauga, 84 South ServiceRd., Mississauga. 905-848-0015. ; (sr);(st); (family).• 8:00: Corporation of Massey Hall andRoy Thomson Hall. Rose Cousins, guitar/piano/singer-songwriter. Glenn Gould Studio, 250Front St. W. 416-872-4255. .50.• 8:00: Fallen Rock Productions. The RockyHorror Show. See Nov 1.• 8:00: Hannaford Street Silver Band/ORGANIX. Trumpets of the Angels. Burge:Cathedral Architecture for Organ and BrassBand (world premiere); Ridout: Fall Fare;Gregson: Rococo Variations; Trumpets of theAngels (Canadian premiere). William O’Meara,organ; guest: Edward Gregson, conductor.Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St.E. 416-366-7723 or 1-800-708-6754. ;(sr); (st).• 8:00: Harold Green Jewish TheatreCompany. Over the Rainbow with Harold Arlen.Concert celebrating Arlen’s works, includingOver the Rainbow, Get Happy, Stormy Weather,That Old Black Magic, Blues in the Night andothers. With Brent Carver, Cynthia Dale andSterling Jarvis; Mark Camilleri, music director;Avery Saltzman, stage director. George WestonRecital Hall, Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040Yonge St. 416-250-3708. .14 –7.09.• 8:00: Lower Ossington Theatre. TheRocky Horror Show. See Nov 1.• 8:00: Ontario Philharmonic. ShlomoMintz, Violin Legend: Celebrating 50 Years onStage. Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto in D Op.35;Symphony No.5 in e Op.64. Marco Parisotto,director. Regent Theatre 50 King St. E.,Oshawa. 905-721-3399 x2. –; –(st/youth). Also Nov 6 (Toronto).• 8:00: Opera York. La Traviata. See Nov 1.• 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Lavida breve: A Spanish Opera. See Nov 1.• 8:30: Small World Music. Eliades Ochoa.Cuban singer and guitarist. Danforth Music HallTheatre, 147 Danforth Ave. 416-536-5439. –.Sunday November 04• 11:00 am: Windsor Arms Hotel. JazzBrunch. Colleen Allen, saxophone; TrevorGiancola, guitar. 18 St. Thomas St. 416-971-9666. ; (12 and under). Brunchincluded.• 1:30 to 5:30: Harbourfront Centre. Day ofthe Dead Festival. See Nov 3.• 2:00: Art of Time Ensemble. The War ofthe Worlds. See Nov 1.• 2:00: Hugh’s Room. Don Bray CD Release:“I Am Myself”. Done Bray, singer-songwriter;Burke Carrol, pedal steel/lap slide/Reso; RayDillard, percussion; Pat McPhail, bass; DarrinSchott, fiddle and mandolin; Alyssa Wright, celloand harmonies. 2261 Dundas St. W. 416-531-6604. .50/(adv).• 2:00: Royal York Road United Church.Local Outreach Concert: Gene di Novi &the Generations Trio. 851 Royal York Rd.Griegconductor Kerry StrattonPiano ConcertoCarl Petersson pianoworks by Larsson and WirenNovember 5th, 2012 8:00 pm at Glenn Gould StudioGeneral Admission: .50BUY TICKETS NOW – – (416)872-425536 November 1 – December 7, 2012KerryStrattonKerryStratton416-231-1207. .• 2:00: Trio Bravo. In Concert. Reinecke:Trio in A; Lane: Trio No.2; Beethoven: TrioOp.38. Terry Storr, clarinet; Baird Knetchtel,viola; John Selleck, piano. All Saints’ KingswayAnglican Church, 2850 Bloor St. W. 416-242-2131. ; (sr/st).• 2:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. In Memory of Gustav. Concert in honourof Gustav Ciamaga, featuring works byCiamaga, Boykan, Duesenberry, Martynec,Silberberg and Staniland. Leigh-Anne Martin,mezzo; Peter Stoll, clarinet; Vanessa May-lokLee, piano; deVah string quartet; and others.Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Bldg., 80 Queen’sPark. 416-978-0492. Free.• 3:00: Gallery 345. The Art of the Piano:Darrett Zusko. All-Kapustin program. 345Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781. ; (sr/artsworker); (st).• 3:00: Mississauga Choral Society.Malawi Benefit Concert: Voicing Our Care.Music from the modern and classical repertoire,reflecting universal global issues andthemes. William Mervin Fick, conductor. St.Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 295 Queen St.S., Streetsville. 905-567-3674. .• 3:00: Oakville Chamber Orchestra.Brilliance and Light. Beethoven: Triple Concerto;Mozart: Symphony No.4. Blakemore Trio (violin,cello, piano); Charles Demuynck, conductor. St.Simon’s Anglican Church, 1450 Litchfield Rd.,Oakville. 905-483-6787. ; (sr); (st);(child). Also Nov 3 (eve, Oakville CentralBaptist Church).• 3:00: Toronto Symphony YouthOrchestra. In Concert. Tchaikovsky: Suite fromSwan Lake; Shostakovich: Symphony No.5;Vivaldi: Oboe Concerto in a. Hugo Lee, oboe;Shalom Bard, conductor. Centre for the Arts,St. Michael’s College School, 1515 Bathurst St.416-593-4828. –.• 4:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Twilight Recitals. Andrew Adair, organ. 65Church St. 416-364-7865 x231. Freewilloffering.• 5:00: Nocturnes in the City. ZemlinskyQuartet. St. Wenceslas Church, 496 Gladstone.Ave. 289-234-0264. ; (st).• 8:00: Musideum. Brownman +1.Brownman Ali, trumpet; with surprise guest onpiano. 401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323..Monday November 05• 7:00: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Monday Evening Concerts: Macerolloand Stoll. Telemann: Sonata in a; Palej: QuayQuodlibet; Messiaen: Prayer for the Immortalityof Jesus; Nimmons: Duologue; Staniland:Pentagrams for Two Accordions; Piazzolla:Oblivion; and other works. Joseph Macerollo,accordion; Peter Stoll, clarinet. Walter Hall,

Edward Johnson Bldg., 80 Queen’s Park. 416-978-0492. ; (sr); (st).• 8:00: Musideum. Sandra Taylor,singer-songwriter. 401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. PWYC, suggested.• 8:00: Toronto Concert Orchestra. InConcert. Grieg: Piano Concerto in a Op.16;Larsson: Pastoral Suite; Wirén: Serenade. CarlPetersson, piano; Kerry Stratton, conductor.Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. W. 416-872-4255. .50.• 9:30: Toronto Jazz Orchestra. SingersUnite. With Sophia Perlman and Alex Samaras,jazz vocals; Josh Grossman, conductor. RexHotel, 194 Queen St. W. 416-899-5299. .Tuesday November 06• 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.World Music Series: Many Strings Attached:Spotlight on Sarangi. Aruna Narayan, sarangi.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St.W. 416-363-8231. Free.• 12:00 noon: University of TorontoScarborough. The Secret of Cantonese Opera.Lecture and performance with members of theStarlight Chinese Opera. Leigha Lee BrowneTheatre, 1265 Military Trail, Scarborough.416-208-2931.• 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: Student Showcase.Featuring range of works including original compositionsperformed. Martin Family Lounge,Rm.219, Accolade East Bldg., 4700 Keele St.416-736-2100 x22926. Free.• 7:00: Jennifer “Red” Thorne Presents.Ed Bickert at 80: A Jazz Celebration. NeilSwainson, bass; Reg Schwager guitar; TerryClarke, drums; Oliver Gannon, guitar; KevinTurcotte, trumpet; Mike Murley, saxophone;Don Thompson, bass/piano; and many others;Katie Malloch, host. Glenn Gould Studio, 250Front St. W. 416-872-4255 or 647-694-1160.. Proceeds to the Madeline and Ed BickertJazz Guitar Scholarship Fund.• 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Small Jazz Ensembles. Upper JazzStudio, 90 Wellesley St. W. 416-978-0492.Free.• 8:00: Ontario Philharmonic. Great Soloists:Shlomo Mintz, Violin Legend: Celebrating 50Years on Stage. Tchaikovsky: Violin Concertoin D Op.35; Symphony No.5 in e Op.64. MarcoParisotto, director. Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St.W. 416-408-0208. and up. Also Nov 3(Oshawa).Wednesday November 07• 12:30: York University Departmentof Music. York U Chamber Choir. Works byPalestrina, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Barber andothers. Chris MacMartin, conductor; MélisandeSinsoulier, piano. Tribute Communities RecitalHall, Rm.112, Accolade East Bldg., 4700 KeeleSt. 416-736-2100 x22926. Free.• 12:30: Yorkminster Park Baptist Church.Noon Hour Organ Recital Series. EdwardMoroney, organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free.• 12:35: St. Stephen in-the-Fields AnglicanChurch. Concerts at Midday: Victor Kotov,duduk, and Raisa Orshansky, tsimbaly. 103Bellevue Ave. 647-638-3550. Free.• 5:00: Canadian Music Centre/New MusicConcerts. Secret of the Seven Stars CDLaunch. Works by H. Lee and D. Eagle. RobertAitken, flute; Joseph Macerollo, accordion.Chalmers House, 20 St. Joseph St. 416-961-6601 x304. Free.• 5:30: Canadian Opera Company. JazzSeries: Broadsway. Heather Bambrick and JulieMichels, vocals; Diane Leah, piano. RichardBradshaw Amphitheatre, Four Seasons Centrefor the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.• 7:00: Tafelmusik. Mozart’s World. Haydn:Symphony No.52; Mozart: Violin Concerto in AK219; Symphony No.10; also works by Beckand Kraus. Guest: Gottfried von der Glotyz, conductorand violin. Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre, 427Bloor St. W. 416-964-6337. -; -(sr); –(35 and under). Also Nov8–11; start times vary.• 7:30: Essential Opera. The ThreepennyOpera (Die Dreigroschenoper). Weill: TheThreepenny Opera; and other works. JeremyLudwig, baritone (Macheath); Maureen Batt,soprano (Polly); Erin Bardua, soprano (Lucy);David Roth, baritone (Peachum); HeatherJewson, mezzo (Mrs. Peachum); Cathy Nosaty,director. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 647-290-7970 or 416-827-3009. .• 7:30: Medical Musical Group Chorale andSymphony Orchestra. Canadian-AmericanFriendship Concert: 200 Years of Peaceand Friendship! Foster: The Prayer; Haydn:The Heavens Are Telling; von Suppé: LightCavalry Overture; McCrae: In Flanders Fields;Tchaikovsky: 1812 Overture Finale; and otherworks. Mark Masri, tenor; Lacey Purchase, soprano;Deana Martin, vocals; Lindsay Bloom,Kevin Dobson, Kerry Stratton, narrators; andothers; Victor Wahby, conductor. Church on theQueensway, 1536 The Queensway. 1-800-965-9324. ; (reserved).• 9:30: 416 Toronto Creative ImprovisersFestival. 416–2012: 12th Annual 416 Festival.Performers include: Fern Lindzon, vocalsand piano; Heather Segger, trombone; MarkSegger, drums; Chris Cawthray, drums; SimeonAbbott, organ; Bob Vespaziani, electronic wavedrum; Tena Palmer, vocals; Arthur Bull, guitar.Tranzac Club, 292 Brunswick Ave. 416-923-8137. .Thursday November 08• 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Piano Virtuoso Series: Virtuoso Masterpieces.Alexander Seredenko, piano. Richard BradshawAmphitheatre, Four Seasons Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.• 12:00 noon: Jubilee United Church. Musicat Midday: Music for Mary. Half-hour recitalshowcasing the church’s new Phoenix organ.Arthur Wenk, organ. 40 Underhill Dr. 416-447-6846. Free.• 12:10: Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation/Christ Church Deer Park. Lunchtime ChamberMusic. Kathleen Long, cello; Ben Smith, piano.Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416-241-1298. Free, donations welcome.• 12:15: Music at Metropolitan. Noon atMet. Tom Fitches, organ. Metropolitan UnitedChurch, 56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331 x26.Free.• 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Faculty Spotlight: Jacques Israelievitch,violin, and Christina Petrowska Quilico, piano.Three Mozart sonatas. Tribute CommunitiesRecital Hall, Rm.112, Accolade East Bldg.,4700 Keele St. 416-736-2100 x22926. Free.• 2:00: Toronto Public Library, NorthernDistrict. The Extraordinary Life and BeautifulSongs of Marlene Dietrich. Performed byAnnamaria Eisler. 40 Orchard View Blvd. 416-393-7619. Free. Presented as part of theOrchardviewers Series.• 7:30: Brampton Music Theatre. TheSecret Garden. Music by L. Simon, lyrics andlibretto by M. Norman. Rose Theatre Brampton,1 Theatre Ln., Brampton. 905-874-2800. ;(sr/st); $18(under 13). Also Nov 9, 10(matand eve).• 7:30: Iron Strings Quartet. Iron StringsPlays Brahms. Mendelssohn: String QuartetNo.6 in f Op.80; Brahms: Clarinet Quintet in bOp.15. Haruna Monri, violin; Sal Alberti, violin;Jack Chao, viola; Lynn Wei, cello; JongminLee, clarinet. Debates Room, Hart House, 7 HartHouse Circle. 647-968-3035. Free.• 8:00: Corporation of Massey Hall andRoy Thomson Hall. Chilly Gonzales Solo PianoII. Winter Garden Theatre, 189 Yonge St. 416-872-4255. .50–.50.• 8:00: Corporation of Massey Hall andRoy Thomson Hall. Royal Wood, singer-songwriter.Winter Garden Theatre, 189 Yonge St.416-872-4255. .50–.50.• 8:00: Flato Markham Theatre. 1812:Toronto Concert Orchestra. Beethoven:Symphony No.7 in A Op.92; Mozart: ClarinetConcerto in A K622; Herriot: 1812 (new workfor clarinet and orchestra). Kerry Stratton, conductor;guest: Kornel Wolak, clarinet. 171Town Centre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469.–.• 8:00: Gallery 345. Holger Schoorl, guitar.Original compositions for quartet and trio.With Kyle Brenders, bass clarinet; Germaine Liu,vibraphone and percussion; Mark Zurawinski,percssion; Michael Savona, guitar; RobMacDonald, guitar. 345 Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781. ; (sr); (st).• 8:00: Royal Conservatory. Blues Series:Keb’ Mo’. Blues blended with rock, folk andjazz. Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. and up.• 8:00: Show One Productions. My NameIs Not Carmen! Yana Maizel, dancer; ThiagoVasquez, guitar and vocals; Cristo Cortes,vocals. Jane Mallett Theatre, St. LawrenceCentre for the Arts, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723. –. Also Nov 9.• 8:00: Tafelmusik. Mozart’s World. SeeNov 7.• 9:30: 416 Toronto Creative ImprovisersFestival. 416–2012: 12th Annual 416 Festival.Performers include: Build to Suit; Sarah Peebles,electronics; Colin Fisher, Chinese harp/guzheng/guitar; Emilio Guim, jazz guitar. Tranzac Club,292 Brunswick Ave. 416-923-8137. .Friday November 09• 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: Brass Ensemble.Works by Byrd, Belianski, Handel, Bach, Scheidtand others. James MacDonald, conductor.Tribute Communities Recital Hall, Rm.112,Accolade East Bldg., 4700 Keele St. 416-736-2100 x22926. Free.• 7:30: Brampton Music Theatre. TheSecret Garden. See Nov 8.• 7:30: Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation/Christ Church Deer Park. A Concert ofRemembrance. Butterworth: Six Songs from AShropshire Lad; also works by Bach, VaughanWilliams and Elgar. Brendan Cassin, trumpet;Lark Popov and George Vona, piano; Choir ofChrist Church Deer Park, Eric N. Robertson, conductor;guest: Geoffrey Sirett, baritone. ChristChurch Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416-241-1298. Free, donations welcome.• 7:30: Opera by Request. Don Giovanni.Mozart. John Kirby, baritone (Don Giovanni);Marco Petracchi, bass-baritone (Leporello); ErinStone, soprano (Donna Anna); Lisa Faieta, soprano(Donna Elvira); Charles Sy, tenor (DonOttavio); and others; William Shookhoff, piano.College Street United Church, 452 College St.416-455-2365. .ST.THOMAS’S CHURCH383 Huron Street,TorontoFAIRE IS THE HEAVENThe Choirs of St.Thomas’sJohn Tuttle, organist and choirmasterFriday, November 9, 7:30 pmA fundraising concert for thesummer 2013 choir tour to EnglandTickets at door: ; students/seniors Organ RecitalPeter Barley, St. Mary’s Cathedral,Limerick, IrelandFriday, November 30, 7:30 pmTickets at door: ; students/seniors www.stthomas.on.caNovember 1 – December 7, 2012 37

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