• 7:30: St. Thomas’s Church. Faire Is TheHeaven: Music of Remembrance. St. Thomas’sChurch Choirs; John Tuttle, organ and choirmaster.383 Huron St. 416-979-2323. .Fundraiser for 2013 summer tour to England.• 8:00: group of twenty-seven. TheSubversion Project. Beethoven: SymphonyNo.1; Prokofiev: Symphony No.1; Zorn: Cobra;Buhr: and man will only grieve... Nadina MackieJackson, bassoon; Vanessa AvRuskin, narrator;Eric Paetkau, conductor. Grace Church on-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd. 1-800-838-3006. ;(sr); (under 30).• 8:00: Royal Conservatory. World MusicSeries: Alex Cuba – “Ruida in el Sistema” AlbumLaunch Tour. Cuban music. Koerner Hall, 273Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. and up.• 8:00: Show One Productions. My Name IsNot Carmen! See Nov 8.• 8:00: Tafelmusik. Mozart’s World. SeeNov 7.• 8:00: That Choir. That Choir Remembers.Allegri: Miserere Mei; Gorecki: Totus Tuus;Stanford: Beati Quorum Via; Daley: InRemembrance; and other works. Craig Pike,conductor. St. Patrick’s Church, 141 McCaulSt. 416-419-1756. ; (sr/arts workers);(st).• 8:15: Pegaz Art Productions. ZenonLaskowik: Chity dla prosperity. Polish cabaret.Hammerson Hall, Living Arts Centre, 4141Living Arts Dr., Mississauga. 416-306-6000 or1-888-805-8888. –.• 9:30: 416 Toronto Creative ImprovisersFestival. 416–2012: 12th Annual 416 Festival.Performers include: Michael Snow, piano/synthesizer;Paul Dutton, vocals; John Oswald,saxophone; John Kamevarr, percussion; BrodieWest, alto saxophone; Glen Hall, saxophoneand flute; David Story, piano; Rakesh Thewari,drums. Tranzac Club, 292 Brunswick Ave. 416-923-8137. .Saturday November 10• 1:00: Brampton Music Theatre. TheSecret Garden. See Nov 8.• 3:00: Neapolitan Connection. MusicalMatinées at Montgomery’s Inn. NataliyaLepeshikina, piano. Montgomery’s Inn, 4709Dundas St. W. 647-955-2108. ; .50(sr/A. Concerts in the GTAchild). Tea, historical tour, cookies included.• 7:00: Art of Life Community HealthCenter/Prater Ensemble. Music of Unity:Classical Music Charity Concert. Works byBrahms, Rachmaninoff, Sarasate, Wieniawski,Tchaikovsky and others. Runnymede UnitedChurch, 432 Runnymede Rd. 416-449-6747.–; (sr/child).• 7:30: Brampton Music Theatre. TheSecret Garden. See Nov 8.• 7:30: Buffalo Master Chorale/Churchof the Redeemer. Dona Nobis Pacem.Works by Gjeilo, Esenvalds, Daley, Pärt andothers. Doreen Rao, conductor. Church of theRedeemer, 162 Bloor St. W. 416-922-4948.. All proceeds towards Church of theRedeemer’s Lunch Program.• 7:30: Cantabile Chamber Singers. Lux. Acapella concert on the themes of light, love andnight. Works by L. Silberberg, C. Livingston andB. J. Kim. Trinity College Chapel, 6 Hoskin Ave.647-822-5412. ; (sr/st).• 7:30: Excelsior Ensemble. Got Rhythm?Reich: Clapping Music; Vivaldi: Autumn fromFour Seasons; Schickele: Last Tango inBayreuth; Schubert: Octet in F; Gershwin: threesongs. St. Peter’s Estonian Church, 817 MountPleasant Rd. 416-483-5847. PWYC.• 7:30: Music at Islington. A Day forRemembrance. Music honouring Canada’s veterans.Etobicoke Youth Band Wind Ensemble;Les Dobbin, conductor. Islington United Church,25 Burnhamthorpe Rd. 416-239-1131. ;(st); free(12 and under).• 7:30: Toronto Opera Collaborative.Fidelio. Beethoven. Kristine Dandavino, soprano(Fidelio); Jason Lamont, tenor (Florestan);Marion Samuel-Stevens, soprano (Marzelline);Stephen Bell, tenor (Jaquino); Grant Allert, bass(Rocco); and others; Nichole Bellamy, piano andconductor. Bloor Street United Church, 300Bloor St. W. 905-995-2847. .• 8:00: Canadian Men’s Chorus. Honour:We Remember. Sirett: High Flight; Not Dead;also works by Chatman, Gawthrop, Takachand others. Erica Laine, Dot Routledge, RockneCorrigan, Luke Reece and Mike Scott, actors;Pipers’ Quartet; Greg Rainville, director. GlennGould Studio, 250 Front St. W. 647-341-8775./(adv).• 8:00: Cathedral Bluffs SymphonyOrchestra. In Concert. Brahms: Piano ConcertoNo.1; Symphony No.3. Peter Longworth, piano;Norman Reintamm, conductor. P.C. Ho Theatre,5183 Sheppard St. E., Scarborough. 416-879-5566. –; –(sr/st); free(under12).• 8:00: Gallery 345. The Art of the Piano:Roger Admiral. Works by H. Bashaw. 345Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781. ; (sr);(st).• 8:00: Masterworks of Oakville Chorus& Orchestra/Intrada Brass of Oakville. TheArmed Man: A Mass for Peace. Jenkins: TheArmed Man. Ali Zafar, muezzin; Loralee McGuirl,soprano; Heidi Cyfko, alto; Rudy Knispel, tenor;William Price, bass; Charles Demuynck, conductor.St. Matthew Catholic Church, 1150Monks Passage, Oakville. 905-399-9732. ;(sr); (st/child). Also Nov 11(mat).• 8:00: Mississauga Big Band. Music toRemember. Music from the 40s, 50s and 60s.Rob Boniface, conductor; guest: Little Peter andthe Elegants. Port Credit Legion, 35 Front St.N., Mississauga. 905-274-6131. .• 8:00: Music Gallery. Post-Classical Series:Frances-Marie Uitti, cello. Harvey: Curve withPlateaux; Gosfield: A Luminour Reflection ofMetallic Direction; Bielawa: Roman HolidayBlues (Canadian premiere); Ueno: Age ofAircraft (Canadian premiere); Stanliand: StillTurning (world premiere); and other works. 197John St. 416-204-1080. /(adv).• 8:00: Tafelmusik. Mozart’s World. SeeNov 7.Sunday November 11• 10:30 am: Royal York Road UnitedChurch. Blessed are the Peacemakers:Remembrance Day Service. Locklair:Remembrance; Hatfield: Amazing Grace. Juniorand Senior Choirs; soloists; Steven Arsenault,trumpet; Liam Hoyle, bagpipes; Lydia Pedersen,organ; Douglas Brownlee, conductor. 851 RoyalYork Rd. 416-231-9401. Freewill offering.Religious service.• 11:00 am: Windsor Arms Hotel. JazzBrunch. Henry Heillig, bass; Stacie McGregor,piano. 18 St. Thomas St. 416-971-9666. ;(12 and under). Brunch included.• 2:00: Nagata Shachu. Work Songs. SeeNov 10.• 2:00: Royal Conservatory. Strings Series:Jennifer Koh, violin. Bach: Sonata No.1 forSolo Violin in g BWV1001; Partita No.1 for SoloViolin in b BWV1002; Bartók: Sonata for SoloViolin BB124; P. Kline: Partita for Solo Violin(world premiere). Mazzoleni Concert Hall, 273Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. and up.• 2:00: Toronto Mandolin Orchestra. InConcert. Featuring Alexander Sevastian, bayan(accordion-like instrument); Ira Erokhina, domra(mandolin-like instrument). Glenn Gould Studio,250 Front St. W. 416-533-2725. .• 2:00: Visual and Performing ArtsNewmarket. Penderecki String Quartet.Newmarket Theatre, 505 Pickering Cres.,Newmarket. 905-953-5122. ; (sr);(st).• 2:00: The Sound Post. Annual Fall SalonConcert. Kevin Fox, cello and voice. 93 GrenvilleSt. 416-971-6990 x244. Free; limited seating,call to reserve. Post-concert reception.• 3:00: Gallery 345. Cecilia Ignatieff, piano,and Matthew Shubin, bassoon. Works by Bach,Brahms and Schumann. 345 Sorauren Ave.416-822-9781. ; (sr); (st).• 3:00: Jazz Entertainment. Ed Stephenson.Spanish and nuevo flamenco music. Ed• 8:00: Nagata Shachu. Work Songs.Japanese taiko and music group in a tributeto labourers, farmers and fishermen. EnwaveTheatre. Harbourfront Centre, 231 Queen’sQuay W. 416-973-4000. –; (sr/st).Also Nov 11(mat).• 8:00: NYCO Symphony Orchestra.Season Premiere. Beethoven: Coriolan OvertureOp.62; Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in eOp.64; Brahms: Symphony No.1 Op.68. JuliaMcFarlane, violin. Centre for the Arts, St.Michael’s College School, 1515 Bathurst St.416-628-9195. ; (sr); (st). 7:30:Pre-concert chat.• 8:00: Royal Conservatory. Marc-AndréHamelin, piano, & Takács Quartet. Schubert:String Quartet No.13 in a D804 Op.29“Rosamunde”; Britten: String Quartet No.1 in DOp.25; Shostakovich: Piano Quintet in g Op.57.Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. and up.38 thewholenote.com November 1 – December 7, 2012
Stephenson, guitar; guest: Sarah Shelton, dancer.RBC Theatre, Living Arts Centre, 4141Living Arts Dr., Mississauga. 416-306-6000 or1-888-805-8888. /(adv); (st).• 3:00: Masterworks of Oakville Chorus& Orchestra/Intrada Brass of Oakville. TheArmed Man: A Mass for Peace. See Nov 10.tHE LatVIaNRaDIO CHOIROne of the world’s greatest chamberchoirs + 4 university choirsNOVEMBER 11 at 3:00 pMsoundstreams.ca• 3:00: Soundstreams. The Latvian RadioChoir. Cage: Four²; Auerbach: Psalm 23;Psalm 130; Lullaby; Sokolović: ASAP 4 SATB(world premiere); Gotham: The Fool by theRoadside; Ratniece: Horo horo hata hata; andother works. University Voices: Calixa LavalleeSingers; Madrigal Singers; University ofGuelph Chamber Choir; University of ManitobaChamber Choir; Kaspars Putnins, conductor.Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208.–. 2:00 Pre-concert chat with AnaSokolović.• 3:30: Tafelmusik. Mozart’s World. SeeNov 7.• 4:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Twilight Recitals. Andrew Adair, organ. 65Church Street. 416-364-7865 x231. Freewilloffering.• 4:00: St. Philip’s Anglican Church. JazzVespers. ZimZum. 25 St. Phillips Rd., Etobicoke.416-247-5181. Freewill offering.• 4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. JazzVespers. Bill McBirnie, flute; Bernie Senensky,piano. 1570 Yonge St. 416-920-5211 x22.Freewill offering.• 4:30: Wesley Mimico United Church. The4 Men: Voices for a Caring World. Songs ofremembrance, hope and inspiration with pianoaccompaniment. 2 Station Rd., Etobicoke. 416-251-5811. ; (sr); (ages 7–18);free(under 7). Proceeds support the UnitedChurch’s Mission and Service Fund.• 8:00: New Music Concerts. GENERATION2012: ECM+. Dharmoo: Ninaivanjali (2012);Groven: Animaris Currens Ventosa (2012);Maimets: Beatitude (2012); A. Black: Jenny’slast rock (2012). Ensemble contemporainde Montréal, Véronique Lacroix, conductor;Véronique Mathiew, violin; Nicolas Gilbert, host.Music Gallery, 197 John St. 416-961-9594.; (sr/arts worker); (st).• 8:00: TorQ Percussion Quartet. Notesfrom Brazil. Brazilian choro tunes and worksby Duggan, Barrosso, Corea and others. Guest:Mark Duggan, percussion. Lula Lounge, 1585Dundas St. W. 416-588-0307. ; (artsworker); (st).Monday November 12• 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: Classical InstrumentalRecital. Tribute Communities Recital Hall,Rm.112, Accolade East Bldg., 4700 Keele St.416-736-2100 x22926. Free.• 8:00: Gallery 345. Michael Guttman, violin,and Stefan Sylvestre, piano. Beethoven: SonataNo.4; Brahms: Sonata No.3; Pärt: Fratres;Fauré: Sonata No.1. 345 Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781. ; (st).• 8:00: New Adventures in Sound Art(NAISA). SOUNDplay: The Flight of Birds andSacred Spirits. Live video music performancesby Freida Abtan and Zazalie Z. Christie Studio,Artscape Wychwood Barns, Unit #170, 601Christie St. 416-652-5115. –.Tuesday November 13• 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.World Music Series: Gideli. Georgian vocalmusic. Darbazi Georgian Choir, ShalvaMakharashvili, director. Richard BradshawAmphitheatre, Four Seasons Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.• 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: York U ChamberStrings. Jacques Israelievitch, director. TributeCommunities Recital Hall, Rm.112, AccoladeEast Bldg., 4700 Keele St. 416-736-2100x22926. Free.• 1:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Music at Midday. Andrew Adair, organ. 65Church Street. 416-364-7865 x231. Freewilloffering.• 7:30: Horatio Alger Association ofCanada. George Perris in Concert. Al GreenTheatre, 750 Spadina Ave. 416-924-6211.; (sr/st).• 7:30: Musicians in Ordinary. Aria diFiorenza. Music from the court of Ferdinandode’ Medici. Works by Bottegari, Caccini andPeri. Hallie Fishel, soprano; John Edwards, theorboand baroque guitar. Charbonnel Lounge, St.Michael’s College, 81 Saint Mary St. 416-535-9956. ; (sr/st).• 8:00: Les Amis/Gallery 345. The Art of theDuo Piano: Erika Crinó and Ellen Annor-Adjei.Bach: Concerto in c BWV1060; Beethoven:Sonata Op.27 No.2 “Moonlight”; Rachmaninoff:Prelude in c-sharp Op.3 No.2; Lutosławski:Paganini Variations. 345 Sorauren Ave. 905-773-7712 or 416-822-9781. ; (sr/artsworker); (st).Wednesday November 14• 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Jazz Series: Bet You Can’t Sit Still! R&B selectionsby James Brown, Tower of Power andEarth, Wind & Fire. Humber Groove Merchants,Mark Kelso, conductor. Richard BradshawAmphitheatre, Four Seasons Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.• 12:30: Yorkminster Park Baptist Church.Noon Hour Organ Recital Series. WilliamMaddox, organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free.• 7:00: Alchemy. An Hour of Chamber Music.J.C. Bach: Oboe Quartet in B-flat; Borodin:String Quartet in D; Britten: Metamorphoses forOboe; Mendelssohn: Capriccio for String QuartetOp.81 No.3. Cristina Sewerin, oboe; CatherineSulem and John Bailey, violin; Dorothy Pellerin,viola; Susan Naccache, cello. Forest Hill Place,645 Castlefield Ave. 416-316-2570. Free. AlsoNov 15 (Northern District Library).• 7:30: Alliance Française de Toronto.Thibault Cauvin: La guitare par-delà les siècles –et les styles. Concert around the theme of guitarthrough the ages. 24 Spadina Rd. 416-922-2014 x35. ; (sr/st/under 12).• 7:30: Toronto Mendelssohn Choir.Carmina Burana. Orff: Carmina Burana; Dove:The Passing of the Year; Whitacre: Cloudburst.Noel Edison, conductor; guests: TorQ PercussionQuartet; James Bourne, piano; Michel Ross,piano; Lesley Bouza, soprano; ChristopherMayell, tenor; Michael Nyby, baritone. KoernerHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. -; -; (30 and under).November 1 – December 7, 2012 thewholenote.com 39