9 years ago

Volume 18 Issue 3 - November 2012

  • Text
  • November
  • Toronto
  • December
  • Jazz
  • Arts
  • Theatre
  • Symphony
  • Orchestra
  • Choir
  • Concerts


RCM_WHOLENOTE_Nov_ Current_PhotoBurton, piano. Oriole York Mills United Church,2609 Bayview Ave. 416-462-9601. ;(sr/st); free(under 12).• 7:30: Music at Metropolitan. Baroque andBeyond! – Music by Chopin and Rachmaninoff.Arnold Tirzits and Oscar Morzsa, piano.Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St. E.416-363-0331 x26. .• 7:30: St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.High Strings, Deep Voice. Works by Schubert,Music at MetropolitanpresentsBaroque and Beyond!Music by Chopin and RachmaninoffM u s i cat MetropolitanA. Concerts in the GTAWolf and Haydn. Rupert Bergman, bass-baritone;Katharina Radlberger, violin; Martin Dubé,piano. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 73Simcoe St. 416-593-5600 x231. ; (st).• 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Opera: L’elisir d’amore. See Nov 22.• 7:30: VIVA! Youth Singers. Noye’s Fludde.Also 2:30. See Nov 23.• 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. York U Gospel Choir. See Nov 23.Arnold Tirzits and Oscar Morzsa, pianoSaturday, November 24 7:30 pmAdmission: Metropolitan United Church56 Queen Street East (at Church Street), Toronto416-363-0331 (ext. 26) www.metunited.orgCanadian SinfoniettaCS LOVES THE VIOLAYoung Artist’sConcertRivka Golani violaTak Ng Lai conductorwith members of the CSYOGlenn Gould StudioSat Nov 24, 8 PM• 8:00: Canadian Sinfonietta. Young ArtistsConcert: CS Loves the Viola. Bach: BrandenburgConcerto No.6 in B-flat BWV1051; VaughanWilliams: Fantasia on a Theme for ThomasTallis; Finch: Concerto for Viola and ChamberOrchestra “Night Love Song”; A.G. Bell: BearChild for Viola and Orchestra and Narrator (textby F. Stenson). Rivka Golani, viola; Tak Ng Lai,conductor; members of the Canadian SinfoniettaYouth Orchestra. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 FrontSt. W. 416-872-4255. ; (sr); (st).• 8:00: Mississauga Symphony. An dieMusik. Beethoven: Leonore Overture No.3;Schnittke: Concerto for Piano and Strings;Schumann: Symphony No.3 “Rhenish”. AndrewBurashko, piano; Stephen Sitarski, guest conductor.Hammerson Hall, Living Arts Centre,4141 Living Arts Dr., Mississauga. 905-306-6000. –; .20–.80(sr);(16–26); (under 15).• 8:00: Steppin’Out Theatrical Productions.Fiddler on the Roof. Also at 2:00. See Nov 21.• 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Haydn and Beethoven. Haydn: SymphonyNo.101 “The Clock”; Piano Concerto in D;Beethoven: Symphony No.1 in C Op.21.Alexandre Tharaud, piano; Bernard Labadie,conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St.416-593-4828. –5. Also Nov 25 (mat,George Weston Recital Hall).Sunday November 25• 10:15 am: St. John’s United Church.World Music Sunday. Sacred classics and newcompositions. Peter Togni Trio. 416-491-1224.2 Nobert Rd. Free.• 11:00 am: Windsor Arms Hotel. JazzBrunch. Adrean Farrugia, piano; Bob Brough,saxophone. 18 St. Thomas St. 416-971-9666.; (12 and under). Brunch included.• 2:00: Maniac Star/Royal Conservatory.Brian Current’s Airline Icarus. Opera-oratorioabout the intersecting thoughts of passengersaboard a commercial flight. Fifteen-memberensemble includes Carla Huhtanen, soprano;Kristztina Szabó, mezzo; Alexander Dobson,baritone; Claudia Chan, piano; Brian Current,conductor. Mazzoleni Concert Hall, RoyalConservatory, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. .• 2:00: S.H.A.R.E. Agriculture Foundation/St. Paul’s United Church. Toronto WelshMale Voice Choir Benefit Concert. 30 Main St.,Brampton. 905-451-1405 or 905-838-0897.Brian Current’sAirline IcarusCANADIAN PREMIERESunday, November 25, 2012 2pmMazzoleni Concert Hall273 Bloor Street West, TorontoTICKETS ONLY ! In support of S.H.A.R.E. and St. Paul’s.• 2:00: Steppin’Out Theatrical Productions.Fiddler on the Roof. See Nov 21.• 2:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Opera: L’elisir d’amore. See Nov 22.• 2:30: VOICEBOX: Opera in Concert.Armida. Rossini. Raphaëlle Paquette, soprano(Armida); Edgar Ernesto Ramirez, tenor(Rinaldo); Christopher Mayell, tenor (Goffredo);Michael Ciufo, tenor (Genardo); and others;Michael Rose, conductor and piano accompaniment;Robert Cooper, chorus director. JaneMallett Theatre, St. Lawrence Centre for theArts, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723 or 1-800-708-6754. .40–.02.• 3:00: Campbellville Chamber Concerts.All the Ends of Earth. Music by Schubert,Rachmaninoff, Granados, Bolling, Reed,Piazzolla. Marion Samuel-Stevens, soprano;Rosanne Warren, flute; Larisa Gulenco, piano.St. David’s Presbyterian Church, 132 Main St.N., Campbellville. 905-528-5395. ; (sr);(st).• 3:00: Durham Community Choir.Christmas Classics. Bach: Magnificat; Vivaldi:Gloria. Erin Bardua, soprano; Vicki St. Pierre,mezzo; Talisker Players; J.C. Coolen, conductor.College Park Seventh-day Adventist Church,1164 King St. E., Oshawa. 905-983-9494.; (12 and under).• 3:00: Georgetown Bach Chorale.Messiah. Handel. St. Elias Ukrainian Church,10193 Heritage Rd., Brampton. 905-877-6569 or 905-873-0352. ; (st). AlsoNov 17 (Goderich), 18 (Christ Church Anglican,Brampton), 23 (St. Elias).• 3:00: John Laing Singers. Yesterday,Today, Tomorrow: The Timeless Music ofChristmas. J.C.F. Bach: Come Arise; Penfound:Hodie Christus Natus Est (premiere); music byRheinberger, Taverner, Lauridsen and others.Roger Bergs, conductor. St. Matthew on-the-Plains Anglican Church, 126 Plains Rd. E.,Burlington. Also Nov 24 (Dundas).• 3:00: Mooredale Youth Orchestra. InConcert. Grieg: Holberg’s Suite; Barber: Adagiofor Strings; Valentini: Christmas Symphony;marches by Schubert and Handel. WilliamRowson and Clare Carberry, conductors.Rosedale Heights School of the Arts, 711 BloorSt. E. 416-922-3714 x103. ; (sr/st).• 3:00: Penthelia Singers. A Ceremony ofCarols. Britten: A Ceremony of Carols; seasonalworks including In Praise of Christmas,44 November 1 – December 7, 2012

Elizabeth’s “Ave.” Alice Malach, conductor.Rosedale Presbyterian Church, 129 MountPleasant Rd. 416-921-1549. .• 3:00: Royal Conservatory. Piano Series:Piotr Anderszewski. Bach: English Suite No.3in g BWV808; English Suite No.6 in d BWV811;French Suite No.5 in G BWV816; ItalianConcerto BWV971. Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St.W. 416-408-0208. and up.• 3:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Haydn and Beethoven. Haydn: SymphonyNo.101 “The Clock”; Piano Concerto in D;Beethoven: Symphony No.1 in C Op.21.Alexandre Tharaud, piano; Bernard Labadie, conductor.George Weston Recital Hall, TorontoCentre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge Street. 416-593-4828. .50–.50. Also Nov 24 (eve,Roy Thomson Hall).• 3:00: York University Department ofMusic. York U Wind Symphony. Works byReed, Bernstein, Whitacre and others. WilliamThomas, conductor. Tribute CommunitiesRecital Hall, Rm.112, Accolade East Bldg.,4700 Keele St. 416-736-5888. ; (st).• 3:30: Jubilate Singers/Toronto JewishFolk Choir. L’khayim: A Celebration of JewishMusic. Celebrating the 80th birthday of MiltonBarnes. Barnes: Sefarad (three part a capellasuite in Ladino; words from Sephardic texts);Dos Naye Lid (The New Song), klezmer suite;and additional Jewish music including Chanukahsongs. Jubilate Singers, Isabel Bernaus, conductor;Sherry Squires, piano; Toronto JewishFolk Choir, Alexander Veprinsky, conductor;Lina Zemelman, piano; Shtetl Shpil, klezmerensemble. Grace Church on-the-Hill, 300Lonsdale Rd. 416-485-1988 or 905-669-5906./(adv); (sr); (st); free(12 andunder).• 4:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Twilight Recitals. David Briggs, organ. 65Church Street. 416-364-7865 x231. Freewilloffering.• 4:00: St. Philip’s Anglican Church. JazzVespers. Peter Togni Trio. 25 St. Phillips Rd.,Etobicoke. 416-247-5181. Freewill offering.• 4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. JazzVespers. Mark Eisenman Trio (Mark Eisenman,piano; Steve Wallace, bass; John Sumner,drums). 1570 Yonge St. 416-920-5211 x22.Freewill offering.• 7:30: Naria. In Concert. Female classicalcrossover vocal group. Popular operaticHeliconian Hall,7:30 PMNovember 25favourites and original classical crossover compositions.Katya Tchoubar, Anna Bateman,Michelle Danese and Annaliese Jelilian, vocals;guests: Oleksandra Fedyshyn, violin; DanielPicillo, drums. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave.416-727-2143. .• 7:30: Oakville Ensemble. RenaissanceChristmas. Coventry carol; Gloucester wassail;Palestrina: Hodie Christus Natus Est;Mouton: Noe, noe, psalite; Victoria: O magnummysterium; and other works. Grace LutheranChurch, 304 Spruce St., Oakville. 905-825-9740. /(adv); (sr)/(adv); (st);(family)/(adv). Non-perishable food itemscollected for the Salvation Army of Oakville.• 7:30: Opera by Request. Eugene Onegin.Tchaikovsky. James Levesque, baritone (EugeneOnegin); Vilma Vitols, soprano (Tatiana); VanyaAbrahams, tenor (Lenski); Cindy Won, mezzo(Olga); and others; Bluebridge Festival Singers,Catherine Maguire, director; William Shookhoff,piano. College Street United Church, 452College St. 416-455-2365. . Also Nov 16(Crescent School).• 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Percussion Ensemble. Walter Hall,Edward Johnson Bldg., 80 Queens Park. 416-978-0492. Free.• 7:30: VIVA! Youth Singers. Noye’s Fludde.See Nov 23.• 8:00: Gallery 345. Danielle Dudycha,soprano; Martin Dubé, piano. Works byRachmaninoff, Poulenc, Dvořák, De Falla andDuparc. 345 Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781.; (st).Monday November 26• 7:00: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Monday Evening Concerts: CeciliaString Quartet with Menahem Pressler, piano.Brahms: Piano Quintet; and other works. WalterHall, Edward Johnson Bldg., 80 Queens Park.416-408-0208. ; (sr); (st).• 7:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival. Combos directed by LorneLofsky and Mark Eisenman. Martin FamilyLounge, Rm.219, Accolade East Bldg., 4700Keele St. 416-736-2100 x22926. Free.• 8:00: Acting Up Stage Company.Tapestries: The Music of Carole King and JamesTaylor. Includes I Feel The Earth Move, Fire andRain, It’s Too Late, Sweet Baby James, You’veGot a Friend and other songs. Cynthia Dale,Arlene Duncan, Jake Epstein and Josh Young,vocals; and others; Reza Jacobs, director/vocalarrangements/orchestrations. Koerner Hall, 273Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. –; (st/arts worker).• 8:00: Arraymusic. Array Session #14.Improvised music. Rick Sacks, director, andguests. Array Space, 155 Walnut Ave. 416-532-3019. Free, donations welcome.• 8:00: New Adventures in Sound Art(NAISA). Time and Space: Works from the Jeude Temps / Times Play Competition. M. Corbeil-Perron: Fragments; M. Perron: Effervescence/Somnolence; J. Hoff: Scratch; D.A. Valencia:Canción de Otraparte; G. Barrette: Parasite; G.Campion: eige cendre; D. Copeland: Elephants,Birds and Bats (world premiere). Christie Studio,Artscape Wychwood Barns, Unit #170, 601Christie St. 416-652-5115. –.Tuesday November 27• 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Chamber Music Series: Rising Stars. RoyalConservatory’s Young Artists PerformanceAcademy featuring classical musicians betweenthe ages of 9 and 18. Richard BradshawAmphitheatre, Four Seasons Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.• 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Jazz Festival. Vocal ensembles directedby Mike Cadó. Martin Family Lounge, Rm.219,Accolade East Bldg., 4700 Keele St. 416-736-2100 x22926. Free.• 1:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Music at Midday. Andrew Adair, organ. 65Church Street. 416-364-7865 x231. Freewilloffering.• 6:00: Adam Sherkin. CD Launch: “As AtFirst.” Works for solo piano by Sherkin. AdamSherkin, piano. Academy of Spherical Arts, 1Snooker St. 416-532-2782. Free. 5:00: Preconcertreception.• 7:30: Daniela Nardi Presents. EspressoManifesto. Arrangements of songs by PaoloConte. Daniela Nardi, vocals; Ron Davis, piano;Kevin Barrett, guitars; Larry Crowe, drums; andothers; guest: Fabrizio Bosso, trumpet. GlennGould Studio, 250 Front St. W. 416-872-4255or 416-703-6371. .50.• 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofNovember 1 – December 7, 2012 45

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