• 2:30: Orchestra Kingston. In Concert.Copland: Outdoor Overture; Borodin: PolovtsianDances; Bizet: L’Arlesienne Suite No.1; Mozart:Violin Concerto No.3. Guest: Sandra Smith, violin.Salvation Army Citadel, 816 Centennial Dr.,Kingston. 613-389-3525. ; (sr/st).• 2:30: Orillia Concert Association. TorontoConcert Orchestra. Grieg: Piano Concertoin a Op.16; Larsson: Pastoral Suite; Wirén:Serenade. Carl Petersson, piano; Kerry Stratton,conductor. Orillia Opera House, 20 MississaugaSt. W., Orillia. 705-325-1757. By subscriptiononly.• 4:30: King Edward Choir/Lyrica Choir/Bravado Show Choir/Huronia Symphony.Choralfest. Jenkins: The Armed Man – a Massfor Peace; Beethoven: Coriolan Overture;Symphony No.9 “Ode to Joy” (fourth movement).Oliver Balaburski, conductor. W.A. FisherAuditorium, Barrie Central Collegiate Institute,125 Dunlop St. W., Barrie. 705-721-4752 or705-739-4299. .50; .50(under 18).• 7:30: Cuckoo’s Nest Folk Club. Alan Reidand Rob van Sante. Chaucer’s Pub, 122 CarlingSt., London. 519-473-2099. $18/(adv).• 7:30: Opera by Request. Belle Nuit: AnEvening of Arias and Duets. Deena Nickleford,soprano; Sangeetha Ekambaram, soprano;Rebecca Foth, piano. Fairmont UnitedCommunity Church, 29 Tweedsmuir Ave.,London. 647-388-6676. . Also Nov 1 and 3(both in Toronto).Monday November 05• 7:30: Orillia Wind Ensemble/Soldiers’Memorial Hospital Volunteer Association.Joint Effort 2012. Fundraiser Concert.Performances by the Hawkestone Singers,Orillia Wind Ensemble, Jazzamatzz, LizAnderson, Even Steven and others. Orillia OperaHouse, 20 Mississauga St. W., Orillia. 705-326-8011. .Wednesday November 07• 12:00 noon: Midday Music with Shigeru.Lance Anderson, piano. Oscar Peterson:Hymn to Freedom; and other works. Hi-WayPentecostal Church, 50 Anne St. N., Barrie.705-726-1181. ; free(st).• 8:00: Jeunesses Musicales Ontario/Brookside Music Association. GuitarNomads. Midland Cultural Centre, 33 King St.E., Midland. 705-527-4420. ; (sr);free(13 and under).Thursday November 08• 12:00 noon: University of Guelph Collegeof Arts. Thursday at Noon: Problems with Love.Songs by Canadian composers, touching onpoignant and funny sides of love. Patricia Green,mezzo; Stephen Runge, piano. GoldschmidtRoom, 107 MacKinnon Bldg., 50 Stone Rd. E.,Guelph. 519-824-4120 x52991. Free.Saturday November 10• 8:00: Da Capo Chamber Choir. Thresholdof Night. S. Rose: Song of Invocation. Guests:University of Waterloo Chamber Choir; MarlinNagtegall, organ; Miriam Stewart-Kroeker, cello.Church of St. John the Evangelist, 23 Water St.N., Kitchener. 519-725-7549. ; (sr/st); (high school/12 and under). Also Nov 11(mat, Waterloo).• 8:00: Eggplant Entertainment. Alex Cuba:“Ruida in el Sistema” Album Launch Tour.Cuban music. Market Hall, 140 Charlotte St.,Peterborough. 705-742-9425. .50.B. Concerts Beyond the GTA• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Attacca String Quartet. Haydn:Quartet Op.64/3; Thomas: Quartet; Ravel:Quartet. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St.W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr);(st).• 8:00: Port Hope Friends of Music. TorontoSymphony Orchestra. Britten: Simple SymphonyOp.4; Copland: Appalachian Spring; Beethoven:Romance No.2 in F; Mozart: SinfoniaConcertante in E-flat. Jonathan Crow, conductor.Port Hope United Church, 34 South St.,Port Hope. 905-885-1071 or 1-800-434-5092.; (13-29).Sunday November 11• 2:30: Georgian Music. The FrenchConnection. Works by Thomas, Ravel and Saint-Saëns. Attaca String Quartet; Ian Parker, piano.Central United Church, 54 Ross St., Barrie.705-726-1181. By subscription: ; (st);65(single ticket).• 3:00: Caskey School of Music. The Artof the Concert Pianist. Music by Chopin, Liszt,Ravel, Rachmaninoff. Alexei Gulenco, piano.First Unitarian Church, 170 Dundurn St. S.,Hamilton. 905-528-5395. ; (st).• 3:00: Da Capo Chamber Choir. Thresholdof Night. S. Rose: Song of Invocation. Guests:University of Waterloo Chamber Choir; MarlinNagtegall, organ; Miriam Stewart-Kroeker,cello. Knox Presbyterian Church, 50 Erb St. W.,Waterloo. 519-725-7549. ; (sr/st);(high school/12 and under). Also Nov 10 (eve,Kitchener).Monday November 12• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Russian Duo: Oleg Kruglyakov,balalaika; Terry Boyarsky, piano. Handel:Passacaglia; Boccherini: Menuet; Trostyansky:Grotesque and Reflection; Daquin: Kukushka;Andreyev: Polonaise; Oginski: Polonez;Korobushka: Concert Variations; Selection ofRussian and Soviet Songs. KWCMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).Wednesday November 14• 2:30: Seniors Serenade. A Stroll DownMemory Lane. Cabaret repertoire. MarilynReesor, piano and vocals. Central UnitedChurch, 54 Ross St., Barrie. 705-726-1181.Free.Thursday November 15• 12:00 noon: University of Guelph Collegeof Arts. Thursday at Noon:Jeng Yi. Koreanpercussion and dance ensemble. GoldschmidtRoom, 107 MacKinnon Bldg., 50 Stone Rd. E.,Guelph. 519-824-4120 x52991. Free.• 7:15: Skyliners Big Band. In Concert atBarrie City Hall. Big band standards and otherselections. Maria Branje, jazz vocals; RonRobbins, director. Barrie City Hall Rotunda, 70Collier St., Barrie. 705-487-2574. Free, donationswelcome.• 7:30: Centre for the Arts, BrockUniversity. Matt Dusk. Sean O’SullivanTheatre, 500 Glenridge Ave., St. Catharines.905-688-5550 x3257. .Friday November 16• 7:30: Brock University Department ofMusic. ENCORE! Professional Concert Series:TorQ Percussion Quartet. Sean O’SullivanTheatre, 500 Glenridge Ave., St. Catharines.905-688-5550 x3257. .50; .50(sr/st);(eyeGO).• 8:00: Garden City Productions. Nunsense.Book, music and lyrics by D. Goggin. KathieGosen (Sister Mary Regina); Betsy Tauro (SisterMary Hubert); Kylie Whissell (Sister RobertAnn); Chelsea DiFranco (Sister Amnesia); BretonLalama (Sister Mary Leo); Tom Inglis and JohnValleau, music directors; Di Nyland, stage directorand choreographer. Mandeville Theatre,Ridley College, 2 Ridley Rd., St. Catharines.905-682-1353. /(preview); 23(st/child)/$18(preview); (eyeGo). Also Nov17(opens), 18, 23–25, 30, Dec 1, 2; starttimes vary.• 8:00: McMaster School of the Arts.Celebrity Concert Series. Adi Braun, jazzvocals. Convocation Hall, Rm.213 UniversityHall, McMaster University, 1280 Main St.W., Hamilton. 905-525-9140 x24246. ;(sr); (st).Saturday November 17• 7:30: Georgetown Bach Chorale. Messiah.Handel. North United Church, 56 North St.,Goderich. 905-877-6569 or 905-873-0352.; (st). Also Nov 18, 23, 25 (all inBrampton).• 7:30: Grand Philharmonic ChamberSingers. Made in Canada. P. Murray: Summer,A Twilight Hymn (world premiere); also worksby Willan, Somers, Teehan, Halley and Enns.Mark Vuorinen, conductor; guest: WillemMoolenbeek, saxophone. Church of St. John theEvangelist, 23 Water St. N., Kitchener. 519-578-1570. –.• 8:00: Garden City Productions. Nunsense.See Nov 16.• 8:00: Karen Schuessler Singers. ThePeacekeepers. Celebration of Canadian contributionsto world peace. Works by Bach, VaughnWilliams, Daley and Seeger. Christian Haworth,voice; Ted Barris, host. Wesley-Knox UnitedChurch, 91 Askin St., London. 519-455-8895.; $18(sr); (st); free(under 12).• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Shoshana Telner, piano. Bach: TheSix Keyboard Partitas, BWV825–830. KWCMSMusic Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).Sunday November 18• 2:00: Gallery Players of Niagara. InConcert. Beethoven: Piano Trio Op.1 No.2;Mozart: Piano Trio K502; Schubert: Notturno.Julie Baumgartel, violin; Margaret Gay, cello;David Louie, piano. St. Barnabas’ Church, 33Queenston St., St. Catharines. 905-468-1525.–.• 2:00: Garden City Productions. Nunsense.See Nov 16.• 3:00: Georgian Bay Symphony. TwoClarinets and Some Strings. Music byTelemann, Mendelssohn and Williams. Rob Titeand Christine McLean, clarinet; John Barnum,conductor. Meaford Hall, 12 Nelson St. E.,Meaford. 519-372-0212. $18.50; (sr);(under 25).• 3:00: Metropolitan United Church.Music@Met: Choral Evensong. MetropolitanUnited Senior Choir. 468 Wellington St.,London. 519-432-7189 x27. suggesteddonation.• 3:30: Melos Choir and ChamberOrchestra. Celebrating the Diamond Jubileeof Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Handel:Four Coronation Anthems; Suite in F (fromWater Music); Stanford: Te Deum; and introitsand anthems by McKie, W.H. Harris and C.H.Parry. St. George’s Cathedral, 270 King St. E.,Kingston. 613-549-7125. Free.Wednesday November 21• 12:00 noon: Music at St. Andrews.Ian Sadler, organ. St. Andrews PresbyterianChurch, 47 Owen St., Barrie. 705-726-1181.; free(st).• 7:00: University of Guelph Collegeof Arts. U of G Concert Winds Ensemble.John Goddard, conductor. University CentreCourtyard, 50 Stone Rd. E., Guelph. 519-824-4120 x52991. Free.• 8:00: Acoustic Muse Concerts and TheAeolian. Nathan Sings Stan: The RogersLegacy Continues. Nathan Rodgers and band.Aeolian Hall, 795 Dundas St., London. 519-672-7950. /(adv).• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Haydn’s Wife? Boccherini: CelloConcerto in B-flat; Symphony in A; Handel:Concerto grosso in F; Concerto grosso in D.Catherine Anderson, cello; Evan Mitchell, conductor.First United Church, 16 William St. W.,Waterloo. 519-745-4711. . Also Nov 23(Guelph), 24 (Cambridge).Thursday November 22• 12:00 noon: University of Guelph Collegeof Arts. Thursday at Noon: Guitars of Fire.Johannes Linstead and Geoff Hlibka, guitars.Goldschmidt Room, 107 MacKinnon Bldg., 50Stone Rd. E., Guelph. 519-824-4120 x52991.Free.• 7:30: Great Canadian Fiddle Show.On Tour. Celina Di Cecca, Cindy Thompson,Kyle Charron and Alanna Jenish, fiddle; JakeCharron, piano and guitar; Tony Nesbitt-Larking,guitar and percussion. Sydenham StreetUnited Church, 82 Sydenham St., Kingston.416-402-1642. /(adv). Also Nov 23(Peterborough).Friday November 23• 7:30: Great Canadian Fiddle Show.On Tour. Celina Di Cecca, Cindy Thompson,Kyle Charron and Alanna Jenish, fiddle; JakeCharron, piano and guitar; Tony Nesbitt-Larking, guitar/percussion. Market Hall, 140Charlotte St., Peterborough. 416-402-1642./(adv). Also Nov 22 (Kingston).• 8:00: Garden City Productions. Nunsense.See Nov 16.• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Haydn’s Wife? Boccherini: CelloConcerto in B-flat; Symphony in A; Handel:Concerto grosso in F; Concerto grosso in D.Catherine Anderson, cello; Evan Mitchell, conductor.Harcourt Mermorial United Church, 87Dean Ave., Guelph. 519-745-4711. . AlsoNov 21 (Waterloo), 24 (Cambridge).Saturday November 24• 3:00: Capella Intima. In Concert. Music byGrandi, Sances and Strozzi. Emily Klassen, soprano;Bud Roach, tenor/baroque guitar. MacNeillBaptist Church, 1145 King St. W., Hamilton.905-517-3594. suggested donation. AlsoNov 17 (Toronto), 18 (Toronto).• 7:30: Barrie Concerts. Christmas withAngèle Dubeau & La Pietà. Hi-Way PentecostalChurch, 50 Anne St. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181.By subscription: 0; (st); (singleticket).• 7:30: John Laing Singers. Yesterday,Today, Tomorrow: The Timeless Music ofChristmas. J.C.F. Bach: Come Arise; Penfound:Hodie Christus Natus Est (premiere); music byRheinberger, Taverner, Lauridsen and others.52 thewholenote.com November 1 – December 7, 2012
Roger Bergs, conductor. St. Paul’s UnitedChurch, 29 Park St. W., Dundas. 905-628-5238. ; (st). Also Nov 25 (Burlington).• 7:30: Peterborough Singers. Carols withBrass. Venabrass brass quintet; Sydney Birrell,conductor. George Street United Church, 534George St. N., Peterborough. 705-745-1820.; (st).• 8:00: Garden City Productions. Nunsense.See Nov 16.• 8:00 Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Haydn’s Wife? Boccherini: CelloConcerto in B-flat; Symphony in A; Handel:Concerto Grosso in F; Concerto Grosso in D.Catherine Anderson, cello; Evan Mitchell, conductor.Central Presbyterian Church, 7 QueensSq., Cambridge. 519-745-4711. . Also Nov21 (Waterloo), 23 (Guelph).• 8:00: Kingston Symphony. Making of aMaestro. Favourite pieces from the conductor’syouth. David Stewart, violin; Glen Fast,conductor. Grand Theatre, 218 Princess St.,Kingston. 613-530-2050. –.Sunday November 25• 2:00: Concert Association of Huntsville.In Concert. Monica Whicher, soprano; JudyLoman, harp. Trinity United Church, 33 Main St.E., Huntsville. 705-787-1918. ; free(under18).• 2:00: Garden City Productions. Nunsense.See Nov 16.• 3:00: Elora Festival Singers. Amahl andthe Night Visitors. Menotti. Noel Edison, conductor.Knox Church, 55 Church St., Elora.519-846-0331 or 1-888-747-7550. .• 3:00: University of Guelph College ofArts. U of G Chamber Ensemble. Henry Janzen,conductor. Goldschmidt Room, 107 MacKinnonBldg., 50 Stone Rd. E., Guelph. 519-824-4120x52991. Free.• 3:00: Dublin Street United Church(Friends of Music). Sundays @ 3: InAnticipation of Christmas. Dublin ChancelChoir, Martin Anderle, conductor; Jane Watsonand Blythe Watson, seasonal readings; guest:Trillium Brass. 68 Suffolk St. W., Guelph. 519-821-0610. ; (st). Donations to ChalmersCommunity Services Centre Food Programgratefully accepted.• 7:00: Guelph Concert Band. A ChristmasFestival. Colin Clarke, conductor. HarcourtMemorial United Church, 87 Dean St., Guelph.519-824-0022 x73660. ; (sr/st);(child).Tuesday November 27• 12:30: McMaster School of the Arts. FreeLunchtime Concert Series. Troy Milleker, doublebass; Naomi Barron, cello. Convocation Hall,Rm.213 University Hall, McMaster University,1280 Main St. W., Hamilton. 905-525-9140x27038. Free.• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Les Voix Humaines: The SunQueen – Music of the 17th Century. Worksby by Sainte-Colombe, Couperin, Rameau andCorrette. Margaret Little and Susie Napper,violas da gamba. KWCMS Music Room, 57Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ;(sr); (st).Wednesday November 28• 7:30: Centre for the Arts, BrockUniversity. Colm Wilkinson. Sean O’SullivanTheatre, 500 Glenridge Ave., St. Catharines.905-688-5550 x3257. .Thursday November 29• 12:00 noon: University of Guelph Collegeof Arts. Thursday at Noon: Student SoloistsDay. Featuring applied music students.Goldschmidt Room, 107 MacKinnon Bldg., 50Stone Rd. E., Guelph. 519-824-4120 x52991.Free.• 8:00: University of Guelph College ofArts. U of G Jazz Ensemble. Ted Warren, conductor.Manhattans Pizza Bistro and JazzClub, 951 Gordon St., Guelph. 519-824-4120x52991. .Friday November 30• 7:30: Arcady. Welcome Yule! Christmasmusic of R. Beckett. Carolyn Stronks-Zeyl,flute; Rebecca Booker, piano; Ronald Beckett,conductor. St. Andrew’s United Church,95 Darling St., Brantford. 519-752-5823.–.• 8:00: Garden City Productions. Nunsense.See Nov 16.• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Edwin and Gustav: An Invitation.Schubert: Entr’acte No.3 from Rosamunde;Mahler: Symphony No.5 in c-sharp. EdwinOutwater, conductor. Centre in the Square, 101Queen St. N., Kitchener. –. 519-745-4711. Also Dec 1.Saturday December 01• 7:30: Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra.Pops Series: Wicked Divas. Music from Carmen,Wicked, Chicago, Titanic, My Fair Lady andother Broadway, opera and popular music selections.Alli Mauzey and Nicole Parker, vocals;Matthew Kraemer, conductor. Hamilton Place,1 Summers Ln., Hamilton. 905-526-7756.–; –(sr); (under 35).• 7:30: Mohawk College Community Choir.In Concert. Mozart: Coronation Mass in C.guest: Mercredi Musique Chamber Orchestra ofNiagara. St. Paul’s United Church, 29 Park St.W., Dundas. 905-526-7938. .• 8:00: Garden City Productions. Nunsense.See Nov 16.• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo SymphonyOrchestra. Edwin and Gustav: An Invitation.See Nov 30.• 8:00: University of Guelph College ofArts. U of G Symphonic & Women’s Choir:The Mystery of Bethlehem. Marta McCarthyand Lanny Fleming, conductors. Church of OurLady, 28 Norfolk St., Guelph. 519-824-4120x52991. ; (sr/st).Sunday December 02• 2:00: Garden City Productions. Nunsense.See Nov 16.• 3:00: Wellington Winds. Bringing inthe Christmas Season. Traditional and seasonalfavourites by Vaughan-Williams, Bach,Holst, Corelli, Curnow and Prokofiev. Guest:Kevin Ramessar, guitar. Daniel Warren, conductor.Knox Presbyterian Church, 50 Erb St.W., Waterloo. 519-579-3097. ; (sr);free(st).• 7:30: Metropolitan United Church.Music@Met: RCCO Lessons and Carols.Featuring the Salvation Army Band. 468Wellington St., London. 519-432-7189 x27. suggested donation.• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Olena Klyucharova, piano; MarcusScholtes, violin: all-Prokofiev. Piano SonataNo.3; Suite from Romeo and Juliet; Marchfrom Love of Three Oranges; Violin SonataNo.1. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St.W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr);(st).Monday December 03• 8:00: Acoustic Muse Concerts and TheAeolian. The Kruger Brothers. Aeolian Hall,795 Dundas St., London. 519-672-7950./(adv).Tuesday December 04• 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Mårten Falk, guitar. Villa-Lobos:Selections from Preludes, Chôros, and Etudes;Britten: Nocturnal, Op.7; Miller: In MemoriamJoseph Brodsky; Vetrov: Canzona; Sychra:Etude; Orekhov: Sokolov Polka. KWCMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).Friday December 07• 7:30: Sound Investment CommunityChoir. A Christmas Gift. Rutter: Gloria; alsoWhite Chrismas, Christmas Song, otherChristmas classics and sing-along. Trillium BrassQuintet, Brian Rae, conductor; Keiko Yoden-Kuefper, accompaniment. Trinity United Church,140 Maple St., Collingwood. 705-293-0573.; free(12 and under). Also Dec 8(mat).Search listings by genre online at thewholenote.comNovember 1 – December 7, 2012 thewholenote.com 53