9 years ago

Volume 18 Issue 4 - December 2012

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Nutcracker Suite. Their

Nutcracker Suite. Their solo featurewill be Rimsky-Korsakov’sVariations on a Theme ofGlinka with Katrina Liddell asoboe soloist.Rather than break with tradition,the oldest of the bands thatwe heard from, the NewmarketCitizens Band, is carrying on witha long-standing tradition thatmost “town bands” have abandoned.They are performing inno fewer than four Santa Clausparades and are also playing threeconcerts for residents of retirementor long term care facilities.The Scarborough Society of Musicians.usually expect. At their annualRemembrance Day dinner, theUxbridge branch of The RoyalCanadian Legion did just thatby inviting Steffan Brunette,conductor of the UxbridgeCommunity Concert Band astheir guest speaker.Back on the repertoire frontagain, I would like to report onmy discovery of a daunting workfor trumpet soloist. During avisit to America in the late 1800s,Jacques Offenbach wrote hisAmerican Eagle Waltz. Althoughoriginally written for trumpetTheir commitment to these parades is strong enough that the bandowns a complete set of well-insulated winter uniform jackets.In the new year: After a recent recital by flutist Christopher Lee, Ihad a fascinating conversation with his accompanist, Simon Capet. Inthe months ahead this talented accompanist and conductor will bea globetrotting ambassador of music, conducting such groups as theOrchestra of Light and Hope in Cairo where all of the musicians areblind women, or the Calcutta Chamber Orchestra where all membersare men from a single orphanage. While this certainly does not qualifyas community banding per se, it definitely qualifies in the category ofbringing communities and music together. Rather than attempt to dojustice to this amazing venture in bringing peoples around the worldtogether through music, I suggest a visit to Simon’s website: about his plans for this year in Ghana, Egypt andSri Lanka.We rarely see tangible recognition of the many ways in which alocal band may serve its community. I was fortunate enough recentlyto see tangible recognition of such service in a form one does notand orchestra, there are now arrangements on the market for band aswell. I wonder if Herbert L. Clarke might have performed this one. Ifyour band is looking to shake up your trumpet section, this numbershould do it.Other bands: The Brampton Concert Band will perform their concert“Christmas at The Rose” December 8. The Milton Concert Bandwill present their concert, “Home for the Holidays,” at the MattamyTheatre in Milton on December 8 at 8pm (not in the listings) with aspecial performance of Twas the Night Before Christmas. They havealso announced that their conductor Joseph Resendes is taking a leavewhile he assumes new duties at McMaster University for the comingyear. During that period, the band’s assistant conductor, SheenaNykolaiszyn will take over the baton.Among the newer bands to appear on the scene in recent years,Resa’s Pieces is certainly prospering with over fifty regular members.However, Resa tells me that they could use another trombone andeuphonium as well as some extra percussion including timpani.Having not heard from them in a long time, it was good to hearthat the Scarborough Society of Musicians have embarked on theirfifth season. Formed by a small group of high school graduates who“wanted to stay involved in music and ensure an opportunity exists fornew grads to continue exploring their talents,” they expect to play anumber of retirement home concerts in the coming months. If interested,visit their website at Unfortunately,some of the press releases and posters sent to us by these groups weredamaged and unreadable. Check the listings section for more details.Argos: As I am writing this column, the 100th Grey Cup game andits festivities are dominating the news in Toronto. The Argonauts arein the game, but there is no official Argonaut band for the pregameor halftime shows. Few Argo fans are aware that the team did haveits own official 48-piece professional band from 1957 to 1967. In fact,when I telephoned the Argonaut office not long ago, nobody couldfind any record of such a band in the team’s archives. The band playedfor all home games and some parades, but never got to play for aGrey Cup. How am I so sure? I played in that band for all ten years ofits existence.Clarification: On another front, my memory has recently been challenged.In the March 2010 issue of this publication I referred to anearly wax cylinder recording of a conversation reputed to be betweenThomas Edison and Johannes Brahms. Recently I have been takento task by a reader who questions the existence of such a recordingwith the comment: “There is no evidence, apparently, that Edison andBrahms ever met.” He has thrown down the gauntlet and asked thatI now substantiate my statement in that 2010 column with proof. Hestates: ”A statement that does not stand up to inspection must notremain unchallenged.” Since all of my old cylinder recordings fellunder my son’s jurisdiction a few years ago, they are not right at handfor me to check. If such a recording might be as rare and valuable asthe reader suggests, I had better get after my son to track down all ofthose old cylinders. They could be worth a princely sum.Jack MacQuarrie plays several brass instruments andhas performed in many community ensembles. He canbe contacted at December 1 – February 7, 2013

A Rainbow’sWorth ofMusical Promise!• BLUE PAGESPublished every October and updatedyear-round at, the BluePages is our annual guide to SouthernOntario concert presenters. This month,a warm WholeNote welcome to our twonewest members, Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch and Urban Flute Project.• CANARY PAGESPublished every May and updated year-roundat, the Canary Pages isyour guide to choral opportunities at every ageand level of skill, across Southern Ontario.• GREEN PAGESUpdated every spring, online, and inprint every June, the Green Pages isthe WholeNote guide to summer music,Ontario-wide, across Canada, and beyond.• NEW!! ORANGE IS FOR EDUCATIONCommencing online in February andprinted in March, The WholeNote surveysMusic Education, summer and beyond.Address all directory inquiries toKaren Ages at 416-323-2232, ormembers@thewholenote.comINDEX OF advertisersAldeburgh Connection28, 58Alex Cuba / CaracolRecords 65All Saints KingswayAnglican Church 51Amadeus Choir 44Annex Singers of Toronto45Aradia Ensemble 21Associates of the TSO17, 57ATMA 5Attila Glatz ConcertProductions 54, 88Aurora Cultural Centre 15Bach Children’s Chorus 49Cabbagetown ClassicalYouth Choir 51Canadian Opera Company14, 43Cathedral Bluffs SymphonyOrchestra 50Chamber Music Society ofMississauga 57Christ Church Deer ParkJazz Vespers 35Church of St. MaryMagdalene 20Civic Light Opera 33Classical 96.3fm 82Cliff Ojala 69Cosmo Music 37Eglinton St. George’sUnited Church 47Elora Festival Singers 67Ensemble Polaris 54Esprit Orchestra 4, 59Etobicoke Centennial Choir45Exultate Chamber Singers50, 68Gallery 345 40, 51Grand Philharmonic Choir22Greater TorontoPhilharmonic Orchestra44Hannaford Street SilverBand 24, 38, 47Heliconian Hall 66I Furiosi 55Jubilate Singers 67Kevin Mallon conducts 23Kindred Spirits Orchestra50King Edward Choir 61Larkin Singers / Group of27 28Li Delun Music Foundation55Liz Parker 69LIZPR 66Long & McQuade 34Metropolitan CommunityChurch 53MNJCC 68Mooredale Concerts 60Music at Metropolitan 42,46, 52Music Toronto 9, 43, 47,56, 57, 59Musicians in Ordinary 54Nathaniel Dett Chorale19, 47New Music Concerts 25,47, 57, 60Norm Pulker 69Off Centre Salons 28Ontario Philharmonic 12Ontario Pianos 85Orchestra Toronto 45Organix 20Orpheus Choir 22Pasquale Bros 67Pattie Kelly 69Peter Mahon 20Remenyi House of Music18Roy Thomson Hall 7, 51Roy Thomson Hall 51Royal Conservatory 13Scola Magdalena 29Sheila McCoy 69Sine Nomine 53Sinfonia Toronto 16, 49, 58Soulvoice Toronto 68Soundstreams Canada10, 59St. Anne’s Music andDrama Society 58St. James’ Cathedral 23,48St. Michael’s Choir School21, 50St. Olave’s 55St. Philip’s Anglican Church35St. Thomas’s Church /PLS 48Steinway Piano Gallery 39Steve Jackson Pianos 32Sue Crowe Connolly 69Summers International /Canadian Music Centre24Syrinx Concerts 36, 46,56, 60Tafelmusik 2, 3, 43, 52,56, 59Talisker Players 56The Sound Post 26Toronto Centre for theArts 41Toronto Chamber Choir 45Toronto Children’s Chorus19Toronto Choral Society 48Toronto Consort 18, 30, 49Toronto Masque Theatre 27Toronto Mendelssohn Choir48, 61Toronto Operetta Theatre54Toronto SymphonyOrchestra 86, 87Trillium Brass Quintet 73Trinity College Chapel 46U of T Faculty of Music 11Univox Choir 49Urban Flute 41Via Salzburg 17, 44Victoria Scholars 52Voca Chorus of Toronto 50Voicebox – Opera inConcert 31Voices of Colour Music –Denise Williams 69Wychwood Clarinet Choir46York University DanceDepartment 68Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch 46, 51You and Media 69December 1 – February 7, 2013 39

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