9 years ago

Volume 18 Issue 4 - December 2012

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  • Toronto
  • December
  • Theatre
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  • Arts
  • Symphony
  • Choir
  • Concerts

World. Shostakovich:

World. Shostakovich: Festive Overture; Rimsky-Korsakov: Polonaise from Christmas Eve Suite;Traditional Christmas music from around theworld; Chinese folk songs. North 44° Ensemblechamber choir; Yiping Chao, soprano; HowardCable, conductor and host; guest: GeoffreyButler, conductor. Salvation Army ScarboroughCitadel, 2021 Lawrence Ave. E., Scarborough.416-429-0007. ; (sr); (st). 7:15:Pre-concert chat.• 8:00: St. Michael’s College StudentUnion. Sweeney Todd: The Demon of FleetStreet. Music and lyrics by Sondheim, book byH. Wheeler. Peter Grant Mackenchie (SweeneyTodd); Victoria McEwan (Mrs. Lovett); ShelbyMeaney (Johanna); Joe Loreto (Anthony); BenTremblay (Judge Turpin); and others; MikeWisniowski, director. Hart House Theatre, 7Hart House Circle. 416-978-2452. ; (sr/st). Also Dec 7, 8(mat and eve).• 8:00: Toronto Chinese Orchestra/ChineseCultural Centre of Greater Toronto. RedChamber. Mei Han, zheng and liugin; Guilian Lui,pipa; Zhimin Yu, zhongruan and daruan; GelingJiang, sanxian and ruan. Chinese Cultural Centreof Greater Toronto, 5183 Shepphard Ave. E.416-568-8024. .Sunday December 02• 11:00am: Windsor Arms Hotel. JazzBrunch. Ron Davis, piano; Mike Downes, bass.18 St. Thomas St. 416-971-9666. ; (12and under). Brunch included.• 2:00: Angelwalk Theatre/Winnipeg StudioTheatre. Ordinary Days. See Dec 1.• 2:00: Carolyn Hague Presents. Love,Sweet and Sassy: Songs of the Heart. Worksfrom musical theatre and classical repertoire.Carolyn Hague, soprano; Marie-Line Ross, piano.Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416-459-7859. .• 2:00: Flato Markham Theatre. A SeasonalCelebration. Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Suite;other seasonal classics. HMCS York BrassQuintet. 171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham.905-305-7469. ; (sr/st).• 2:00: Markham Concert Band. A SeasonalCelebration. Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Suite;other seasonal Christmas and Chanukah classics;also a sing-along with a member of theUnionville Theatre Co. Kate Kunkel, harp;HMCS York Brass Quintet; Doug Manning, conductor.Flato Markham Theatre, 171 TownCentre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469. ;(sr/st).• 2:00: Paul Mercs Concerts. Raffi:BelugaGrads Concert. Family concert. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255..50–.50; (includes post-show meetand greet).• 2:00: York Region Community Choir.A. Concerts in the GTATogether for the Holidays. Seasonal favourites.Renate Naghavi, music director. SapphireNavaratnarajah, accompaniment. TrinityAnglican Church, 79 Victoria St., Aurora. 905-853-9542. Free.• 2:30: Aldeburgh Connection. MadameBizet. Music by Bizet, Debussy, Hahn, Poulencand others. Nathalie Paulin, soprano; BrettPolegato, baritone; Fiona Reid, Mike Shara,readers; Stephen Ralls and Bruce Ubukata,piano. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Bldg., 80Queen’s Park. 416-735-7982. ; (studentrush seats).• 2:30: Bel Canto Singers. There’s a Songin the Air. Christmas Concert. GuildwoodPresbyterian Church, 140 Guildwood Parkway,Scarborough. 416-286-8260. . Also 7:30.• 2:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Choirs in Concert: Gloria! Seasonalmusic across the centuries. U of T Women’sChorus, Ana Alvarez, conductor; U of T Men’sChorus, David Holler conductor; U of T Women’sChamber Choir, Hilary Apfelstadt, conductor.MacMillan Theatre, Edward Johnson Bldg., 80Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. ; (sr);(st). 2:00: Pre-concert lobby performance bythe High Park Choirs, Zimfira Poloz, conductor.• 3:00: Gallery 345. Found Things. Lost-thenfoundmusic for piano, bassoon and electronics.Nadina Mackie Jackson, bassoon; Hye WonCecila Lee, piano. 345 Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781. ; (sr/arts worker); (st).• 3:00: Green Door Cabaret at the LowerOssington Theatre. Scott Walker: AmericanSongbook. 100A Ossington Ave. 416-915-6747. (reserved); ; (arts worker).• 3:00: Hart House Singers. Celebrate! Worksby Mozart, Britten and Halley. Jeff Vidov,piano; David Arnot-Johnston, conductor. GreatHall, Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle. 416-978-2452. Free. Food donations to the U of TFoodbank welcome.• 3:00: Healy Willan Singers. The Angels’Song. Works by Holst, Biebl, Rutter, Quartel andothers. Ron Ka Ming Cheung, conductor; JohnStephenson, piano; guest: Tilman Lewis, cello.Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, 151 GlenlakeAve. 416-519-0528. ; (sr/st).• 3:00: Pax Christi Chorale. In Concert. SeeDec 1. 2:15 Pre-concert chat.• 3:30: Koffler Chamber Orchestra. MusicalCrossroads. Mendelssohn: String SymphonyNo.8 in D; Stravinsky: Concerto for Strings inD; Elgar: Introduction and Allegro for StringQuartet and String Orchestra Op.47. JacquesIsraelievitch, conductor. Temple Emanu-El, 120Old Colony Rd. 416-638-1881 x4016. ;(st); (adv); (st).• 4:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Twilight Recitals. David Briggs, organ. 65Church Street. 416-364-7865 x231. Freewilloffering.• 4:00: Church of Saint Simon-the-Apostle.Advent Lessons and Carols. Works by Holman,Wood, Lloyd, Joubert, Praetorius and sing-alonghymns. Maurice White, organ; Saint Simon’sChoir, Robin Davis, director. 525 Bloor St. E.416-923-8714. Religious service. Free, donationswelcome.• 4:00: Mississauga Youth Orchestra.Autumn Masterworks. Mendelssohn: TheHebrides; Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Suite;Anderson: Sleigh Ride; Pachelbel: Canon inD; Bach: Allegro from Brandenburg Concerto.Ben Bolt-Martin and Brandon Chui, conductors.Eden United Church, 3051 Battleford Rd.,Mississauga. 905-451-0988. /(adv);(child 4-17)/(adv).• 4:00: St. Olave’s Church. Advent ChoralEvensong, with St. Olave’s Choir and TimShowalter, organ. Featuring the music of C.V. Stanford. Followed by Christmas Tea andClarinet at Christmas. Reade: Victorian KitchenGarden suite; Stanford: Sonata in B-flat forclarinet. Helen Russell, clarinet; Karen Quinton,piano. 360 Windermere Ave. 416-769-5686.Donations welcome.• 4:00: St. Philip’s Anglican Church. JazzVespers. Jazz arrangements of songs by theBeatles. Pat Murray Quartet. 25 St. Phillips Rd.,Etobicoke. 416-247-5181. Freewill offering.• 4:00: Toronto Classical Singers. InConcert. Bach: Magnificat BWV243; Saint-Saëns: Christmas Oratorio Op.12. JenniferTaverner, soprano; Sandra Boyes and DanielleMacMillan, mezzo; Zachary Finkelstein, tenor;Peter McGillivray, baritone; Talisker Players.Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416-443-1490. ; (sr/st).• 4:00: Vivace Vox. Songs of Light. Worksby Vivaldi, Rutter, Berger and others. ChristineKim, piano; Linda Eyman, director. Trinity-St.Paul’s Centre, 427 Bloor St. W. 416-455-9238.; (sr/st); (family).• 4:30: Cathedral Church of St. James.Advent Procession of Lessons and Carols. 106King St. E. 416-364-7865. Free, donationsaccepted. Religious service.• 7:00: Show One Productions. DenisMatsuev, piano: all-Russian program.Tchaikovsky: The Seasons Op.37b; MeditationOp.72 No.5; Dumka Op. 59; Rachmaninoff:Prelude in g Op.23 No.5; Prelude in g-sharpOp. 32 No.12; Stravinsky: Petrouchka (threemovements). Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W.416-408-0208; –5.• 7:30: Bel Canto Singers. There’s a Song inthe Air. See 2:30.• 7:30: Church of St. Timothy, Anglican.Amahl and the Night Visitors. Menotti. Dramaticreading by Marilyn Lightstone, David Fox andothers; also choral interludes and carol singing.Brainerd Blyden-Taylor, director. 100 OldOrchard Grove. 416-488-0079. /(adv);(sr/st)/(adv).• 7:30: Flato Markham Theatre. Songs forthe Season. Performers include ChristppherDallo, Silverthorn Symphonic Winds, Coro SanMarco, York Region Police Pipes and Drums,Markham-Unionville Rotary Choir, and Deyi Ye,piano. 171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469. .• 7:30: Jubilee United Church. JOSEPH:Jubilee Organ Sunday Evening Program Hour.Includes opening march, music by Bach and19th century masters, organ transcriptionsand other works. 40 Underhill Dr. 416-447-6846. Free.• 7:30: Musica Reflecta. Bach in the Mirror.Works by Bach, Gabrielli, Barber, Forsyth,Raminsh, Willan, Carnfield and Cabena.Musica Reflecta Chamber Choir and ChamberBrass Ensemble, Anastasia Tchenikova, conductor;guest: Steve Arsenault, conductor. St.Barnabas Anglican Church, 361 Danforth Ave.416-275-5670. /(adv); (st/artsworker)/(adv).• 7:30: Yuan Tian Presents. MusicalMoments: Yuan Tian Solo Piano Recital.Debussy: General Lavine (eccentric); Peixun:Autumn Moon Over the Calm Lake; Schubert:Wanderer Fantasy; Chopin: Grande PolonaiseBrillante Op.22; Liszt/Verdi: RigolettoParaphrase. Merriam School of Music RecitalHall, 2359 Bristol Circle, Oakville. 905-829-2020. ; (sr/child).• 8:00: Robert Bruce Music. ClassicalNouveau. Art songs, interludes and danceepisodes. Robert Bruce, composer and pianist;Janet Obermeyer, Amy Dodington, KarenBarrett-Grignon, soprano; Cynthia Konopka,violin; Dave Simpson, percussion; and others.Trinity-St. Paul’s United Church, 427 Bloor St.W. 905-777-9196. /(adv).• 8:30: Blythwood Winds. Blythwood WindsPlay Victory! Featuring wind quintet arrangementsof Rossini overtures, Ravel’s Tombeaude Couperin, and arrangements of folk songs.Victory Cafe, 581 Markham St. 416-999-6097. Free.• 8:30: Hugh’s Room. Kruger Brothers.2261 Dundas St. W. 416-531-6604./.50(adv).Monday December 03• 12:30: York University Department ofMusic. Music at Midday: Wind Masterclassin Concert. Patricia Wait, director. TributeCommunities Recital Hall, Rm.112, AccoladeEast Bldg., 4700 Keele St. 416-736-2100x22926. Free.• 3:00: University of Toronto Scarborough.Small Chamber Ensemble Recital. UTSC studentsperform solo and ensemble pieces. RoomAA303, Arts and Administration Bldg. 1265Military Trail, Scarborough. 416-208-2931.Free.• 6:45: Hazel Boyle Presents. Out ofthe Woods Trio. Educational concert invitingparticipation, for all ages. 454 CollegeSt. 416-929-3019. ; (sr); (child);(family). 6:00: Community dinner.• 7:30: Gallery 345. Christmas with Hi andLo. Musical comedy cabaret. Written by A.Moran, C. Munch and J. Millan; performed byKyra Millan and John Alcorn; Christina Fayeand Mark Eisenman, piano; Steve Wallace,bass. 345 Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781. ;(st); (VIP). Also Dec 10 and 17.• 8:30: JAZZ.FM91. Cabaret Series: Ian Shaw.Jazz vocalist and pianist. Hugh’s Room, 2261Dundas St. W. 416-531-6604. /(adv).• 9:30: Toronto Jazz Orchestra. The T.J.O.Dance Party. Celebrating dance music throughthe ages, from classic swing to contemporarypop. Josh Grossman, director; guests: KCRoberts, vocals and guitar; Allison Toffan, tapdancer; Abdominal, rapper; Justin Bacchus,vocals. The Rex Hotel, 194 Queen St. W. 416-899-5299. .Tuesday December 04• 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Vocal Series: GrimmFest: Happily Ever Opera.COC artists perform operatic arias and duetsinspired by the Brothers Grimm. RichardBradshaw Amphitheatre, Four Seasons Centrefor the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.42 December 1 – February 7, 2013

• 1:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Music at Midday. Michael Bloss, organ. 65Church Street. 416-364-7865 x231. Freewilloffering.• 7:30: Jesse Barksdale Presents.Introducing Jesse Barksdale. CD release. PoetryJazz Café, 244 Augusta Ave. 416-599-5299.(includes CD).• 7:30: Opera Five. Waking Up The Senses.Hindemith: Hin und zurück; Rachmaninoff:Aleko; Granger: Talk Opera. Aria Umezawa andErik Thor, directors; Maika’i Nash and KimberlyBartczak, musical directors. Gallery 345, 345Sorauren Ave. 647-523-5746. –. AlsoDec 5, 6.• 7:30: Theatre Columbus. The Story.Nativity play performed in an outdoor theatre.Written by M. Ross. Performed by NeemaBickersteth, Haley McGee, Sanjay Talwar, RyanWilkie and Jeff Yung; John Millard, music director;Jennifer Brewin, stage director. EvergreenBrick Works, 550 Bayview Ave. 416-504-7529.; .50(sr/st); .50(child/preview).Shuttle service available from Broadview subwaystation. Preview performances: Dec 4, 5.Runs Tuesday to Sunday (except Dec 25, 26)until Dec 30.• 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Small Jazz Ensembles. Upper JazzStudio, 90 Wellesley St. W. 416-408-0208.Free.• 8:00: Angelwalk Theatre/Winnipeg StudioTheatre. Ordinary Days. See Dec 1.• 8:00: Flato Markham Theatre. CarolWelsman. Jazz vocals and piano. 171 TownCentre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469.–.• 8:00: Ontario Philharmonic/MooredaleConcerts. Great Soloists: Majestic Brahms.Brahms: Piano Concerto in B-flat Op.83;Symphony No.4 in e op.98. Anton Kuerti, piano;Marco Parisotto, conductor. Koerner Hall, 273Bloor St. W. 416-922-3714 x103. and up.• 8:30: Richard Flohil & Tom DertingerPresent. Leon Redbone. Hugh’s Room,2261 Dundas St. W. 416-531-6604./.50(adv). Also Dec 5.Wednesday December 05• 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.World Music Series: GrimmFest: Fairy Talesfrom Faraway Lands. Maryem Tollar, vocals;Roula Said, vocals/dance/percussion; NaghmehFarahmand, percussion and vocals; WaleedAbdulhamid, bass/percussion/vocals. RichardBradshaw Amphitheatre, Four Seasons Centrefor the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.• 12:30: Yorkminster Park Baptist Church.Noon Hour Organ Recital Series. Giles Bryant,organ; Beverley Bell, soprano. 1585 Yonge St.416-922-1167. Free.• 7:00: Civic Light Opera Company. TheSound of Music. Rodgers and Hammerstein.Finnie Jesson (Maria); Joe Cascone (Captainvon Trapp); Barbara Boddy (Mother Abbess);David Haines (Max); Stephanie Douglas (Elsa);and others; Joe Cascone, director. York WoodsLibrary Theatre, 1785 Finch Ave. W. 416-755-1717. . Also Dec 6–9, 12–16; start timesvary.• 7:00: Tafelmusik. French BaroqueChristmas. Charpentier: In nativitatem Dominicanticum (Christmas oratorio); mass for doublechoir and orchestra. Tafelmusik BaroqueOrchestra and Chamber Choir, Ivars Taurins, director.Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre, 427 Bloor St.W. 416-964-6337. –; –(sr);–(30 and under). Also Dec 6–9.• 7:30: Green Door Cabaret at the LowerOssington Theatre. Barbra Lica, vocals. 100AOssington Ave. 416-915-6747. (reserved);; (arts worker).• 7:30: Markham District High SchoolMusic Department. Sounds of the Season.Holiday concert.171 Town Centre Blvd.,Markham. 905-305-7469. . Also Dec 6.• 7:30: Opera Five. Waking Up The Senses.See Dec 4.• 7:30: Theatre Columbus. The Story. SeeDec 4.• 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Guitar Ensemble. Jeffrey McFadden,conductor. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Bldg.,80 Queens Park. 416-978-0942. Free.• 8:00: Angelwalk Theatre/Winnipeg StudioTheatre. Ordinary Days. See Dec 1.• 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Tchaikovsky Spectacular. Tchaikovsky:Suite from Swan Lake; Piano Concerto No.2;Symphony No.1 “Winter Dreams.” AlonGoldstein, piano; Toronto Symphony YouthOrchestra, Ainars Rubikis, conductor. RoyThomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828or 416-593-0688(Chinese). –5. AlsoDec 6.• 8:30: Richard Flohil & Tom DertingerPresent. Leon Redbone. Hugh’s Room,2261 Dundas St. W. 416-531-6604./.50(adv). Also Dec 4.Thursday December 06• 12:15: Music at Metropolitan. Noon atMet. Conrad Gold, organ. Metropolitan UnitedChurch, 56 Queen St. E. 416-363-0331 x26.Free.• 2:00: Northern District Branch, TorontoPublic Library. Orchardviewers Series. JohnShowman & Chris Coole Bluegrass Songs. Aselection of music from the Appalachian mountainsand arrangements of gospel music andtraditional American songs. Rm.224, NorthernDistrict Public Library, 40 Orchard View Blvd.416-393-7610. Free.• 7:30: Essentia Vocal Ensemble. Welcomethe Light. Rosemary Phelan, director; EmilynStam, piano and violin; Anne Lindsay, violin andnyckelharpa. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Av.416-922-3618. .• 7:30: Green Door Cabaret at the LowerOssington Theatre. David Warrack’s NewFaces. 100A Ossington Ave. 416-915-6747.(reserved); ; (arts worker).• 7:30: Markham District High SchoolMusic Department. Sounds of the Season.Holiday concert. Flato Markham Theatre,171Town Centre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469.. Also Dec 5..• 7:30: Opera Five. Waking Up The Senses.See Dec 4.• 7:30: Royal Conservatory. Glenn GouldSchool New Music Ensemble. Celebration ofKorean music. Sukhi Kang: Mosaicum Visio;Unsuk Chin: Acoustic Wordplay; Matalon:Trame IV; Harman: Der Tag mit seinem Licht.Lucy Fitz Gibbon, soprano; Ryan McEvoyMcCullough, piano; Brian Current, conductor.Mazzoleni Concert Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. and up.• 7:30: Theatre Columbus. The Story. SeeDec 4.• 7:30: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. World Music Ensembles. AfricanDrumming and Dancing, Klezmer, and JapaneseDrumming ensembles. MacMillan Theatre,Edward Johnson Bldg., 80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. Free.• 8:00: Angelwalk Theatre/Winnipeg StudioTheatre. Ordinary Days. See Dec 1.• 8:00: Civic Light Opera Company. TheSound of Music. See Dec 5.• 8:00: Music Toronto. Quartet Series:Gryphon Trio. Rachmaninoff: Trio elegiac(1892) in g; Tchaikovsky: Piano Trio in a; newwork from Student Composers’ program. JaneMallett Theatre, St. Lawrence Centre for theArts, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723. –; (st; accompanying adult half price);pay-your-age (ages 18–35, plus facility andhandling fees).• 8:00: Salt and Light Catholic MediaFoundation. Venite Adoremus 2012 Featuringthe Priests. Christmas classics and standardrepertoire performed by The Priests, a classicalmusical group made up of three Catholic priests.Guests: Amabile Youth Singers; RosannaRiverso. Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. –0.• 8:00: Tafelmusik. French BaroqueChristmas. See Dec 5.• 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Tchaikovsky Spectacular. See Dec 5.• 8:30: Hugh’s Room. Craig Cardiff. Guest:Brooke Miller. 2261 Dundas St. W. 416-531-6604. /.50(adv).• Your event could be listed here.listings@thewholenote.comFriday December 07• 7:30: Brampton Folk Club. Friday FolkNight: A Winter Night with Wendell Fergusonand Katherine Wheatley. Sanderson Hall,St. Paul’s United Church, 30 Main St. S.,Brampton. 647-233-3655. ; (sr/st).• 7:30: Bruno Cormier, Aurélie Cormierand Marty Smyth Present. Airs de Noel – aChristmas Recital. French Christmas carols andother holiday favourites. Aurélie Cormier, mezzo;Bruno Cormier, baritone; Marty Smyth, piano;guest: Alex Toskov, violin. Newman Centre, 89St. George St. 416-963-5137. Freewill offering.Portion of the proceeds to the Newman CentrePiano Fund.• 7:30: Canadian Opera Company. TheBrothers Grimm. Burry. Family friendly, one-actopera. Regent Park Arts & Cultural Centre, 585Dundas St. E. 416-363-8231. ; (under16). Also Dec 8(mat and eve).• 7:30: Church of the Holy Trinity. TheChristmas Story. Musical pageant. 10 TrinitySq. 416-598-8979. Suggested donation: ;(under 12). American Sign Language atselected performances. Also Dec 9(mat), 14,15, 16(mat), 20, 21, 22, 23(mat).• 7:30: David Occhipinti Presents. Camera.CD release. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave.416-922-3618. ; (includes CD).• 7:30: Green Door Cabaret at the LowerOssington Theatre. Geoffrey Tyler, vocals.100A Ossington Ave. 416-915-6747.(reserved); ; (arts worker).• 7:30: Theatre Columbus. The Story. SeeDec 4.• 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. U of T Schola Cantorum and Theatreof Early Music. Handel: Coronation Anthems.Daniel Taylor, conductor. Trinity College Chapel,6 Hoskin Ave. 416-408-0208. ; (sr);(st).• 7:30: Whitby Brass Band. ChristmasBrass. Guest: Nuance Vocal Ensemble. HebronChristian Reformed Church, 4240 Anderson St.,Whitby. 905-430-8392. ; (sr/st).• 8:00: Angelwalk Theatre/Winnipeg StudioTheatre. Ordinary Days. See Dec 1.• 8:00: Civic Light Opera Company. TheSounds of Music. See Dec 5.• 8:00: Corporation of Massey Hall and RoyThomson Hall. Go Tell It On The Mountain:The Blind Boys of Alabama ChristmasShow. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St.December 1 – February 7, 2013 43

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