9 years ago

Volume 18 Issue 4 - December 2012

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • December
  • Theatre
  • Jazz
  • January
  • February
  • Arts
  • Symphony
  • Choir
  • Concerts


416-872-4255. .50–.50.• 8:00: County Town Singers. ChristmasConcert. Barbara Ouellette, music director. St.Thomas Anglican Church, 101 Winchester Rd.E., Brooklin. 905-725-1499. ; (sr)(st). Also Dec 8.• 8:00: Etobicoke Philharmonic Orchestra.Winter Wonderland. Seasonal and classicalfavourites. Amelia Lyon, flute; Andrew Tees,baritone; Sabatino Vacca, conductor. HumberValley United Church, 76 Anglesey Blvd.,Etobicoke. 416-239-5665. ; (sr);(st). 7:00: Silent auction.• 8:00: Gallery 345. Ton Beau String Quartetwith Peter Longworth, piano. Mozart: StringQuartet No. 15 in d K421; Schumann: PianoQuintet; Lau: String Quartet No.2. 345 SoraurenAve. 416-822-9781. ; (sr/arts worker);(st).• 8:00: Living Arts Centre. Kim Stockwood:I Love Santa. Holiday standards and originalmusic. RBC Theatre, Living Arts Centre, 4141Living Arts Dr., Mississauga. 905-306-6000.–.• 8:00: Milton Concert Presentations.Elmer Iseler Singers: Holiday Season ChristmasConcert. Milton Centre for the Arts, 1010 MainSt. E., Milton. 905-878-6000. ; (sr).• 8:00: Music Gallery. Emergents II: ClaudiaChan, piano + Veronique Mathieu, violin.Chin: Etudes; Current: Sungods; Carter: TwoThoughts about the Piano; Boulez: Anthèmes1; Felder: Another Face; Yun: Gasa; andother works. 197 John St. 416-204-1080./(adv).• 8:00: St. Michael’s College StudentA. Concerts in the GTAUnion. Sweeney Todd: The Demon of FleetStreet. See Dec 1.• 8:00: Tafelmusik. French BaroqueChristmas. See Dec 5.• 8:00: Upper Canada Choristers. TomorrowShall Be My Dancing Day. Rutter: The ReluctantDragon; and other works. Valerie Abels, narrator;Laurie Evan Fraser, conductor; guest:Cantemos. Grace Church on-the-Hill, 300Lonsdale Rd. 416-256-0510. /(adv);free(st/child).• 8:00: Via Salzburg. A Warm Place. Muffat:Concerto No.6 “Quis Hic?”; Mozetich: Postcardsfrom the Sky; Mendelssohn: Symphony No.9 inC; Vivaldi: Concerto for Violin and Cello in B-flat.Mayumi Seiler, violin and leader. RosedaleUnited Church, 159 Roxborough Dr. 416-972-9193. ; (under 30); (st).• 8:00: Windmill Theatre. Tis the Seasonof Joy. Christmas Concert. Vaughan Williams:Christmas Fantasia; also carols and gospelmusic. Windmill Orchestra, Raylin Marcotte, director;Victor Cheng, piano; vocalists includeJason Hales, Heidi Cyfko, Loralee McGuirl,Heather Brissenden, and others. Great Hall, 84South Service Rd., Mississauga. 905-338-5702. . Also Dec 8.• 8:30: Hugh’s Room. Liam Titcomb: Cicada.CD release. 2261 Dundas St. W. 416-531-6604. $18/(adv).• 9:00: Hart House. Jazz at Oscar’s: HartHouse Jazz Ensemble. Ernesto Cervini, director.Arbor Room, Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle.416-978-2452. Free.Saturday December 08• 2:00: Canadian Opera Company. TheBrothers Grimm. See Dec 7.• 2:00: Civic Light Opera Company. TheSound of Music. Also 8:00. See Dec 5.• 2:00: St. Michael’s College StudentUnion. Sweeney Todd: The Demon of FleetStreet. See Dec 1.• 3:00: Mellow Singers. Blessings. Music byBach, Daley, Raminsh, Childs, Christmas carols.Guests: Timothy Wong, counter-tenor; Cat Bent,Colin Bent, vocal duo. Teresa Tang, conductor;Jeanne Yuen, accompaniment. Heliconian Hall,25 Hazelton Ave. 416-429-7195. .• 3:00: Onstage Productions. Sounds ofChristmas. Seasonal favourites. 20-memberorchestra. Guest: Ovation Performing ArtsAcademy; Judy Scott-Jacobs, conductor. FlatoMarkham Theatre for the Performing Arts, 171Town Centre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469.; (sr/st).Also at 8:00; also Dec 9.• 3:00: Yuan Tin Presents. Musical Moments.Works by Debussy, Chopin, Peixun, Schubert,Verdi and Liszt. Yuan Tin, piano. St. Simon’sAnglican Church, 1450 Litchfield Rd., Oakville.905-845-3131. ; (sr/child).• 7:00: Carla Huhtanen & Heidi SaarioPresent. Memories and Dreams. Works bySibelius, Kilpinen, Palmgren, Rautavaara,Sallinen and Saariaho. Carla Huhtanen, soprano;Heidi Saario, piano. Heliconian Hall, 35 HazeltonAve, 647-294-6895. .• 7:00: Farmer Memorial Baptist Church. AClassic Christmas Carolfest: Fun for the WholeFamily. Farmer Memorial Baptist Church, 293South Kingsway. 416-762-3061. Free.• 7:00: Newtonbrook United Church. In theChristmas Spirit. Stories and seasonal music.East York Brass and Woodwinds; TorontoFrench Montessori School Choir; Seneca HillPublic School; chancel choir; Paul Bliss, StevenD’Souza and Mark Cullen, hosts. 53 CummerAve. 416-222-5417. ; (under 12).Proceeds to Newtonbrook Drop Inn.• 7:00: Oakville Children’s Choir. Go TellIt On the Mountain. Spirituals and songs ofthe season. Guest: Alana Bridgewater, gospelsinger. Sarah Morrison, music director.St. John’s United Church, 262 Randall St.,Oakville. 905-337-7104. ; (sr/child).• 7:30: Amadeus Choir. Magnificat. Seasonalworks. Guests: Bach Children’s Chorus; LindaBeaupré and Lydia Adams conductors; TrueJOY TO THE WORLDSaturday December 8, 8pmCalvin Presbyterian Church26 Delisle AvenueLenard Whiting conductorEnsemble TrypTych & UTSC ChoirBrett Kingsbury pianoBeethoven: Choral FantasyHarlan: Christmas Canticles2012|13 SEASONWALTZES & OVERTURESSaturday January 26, 8pmColumbus Centre901 Lawrence Avenue WestDavid Fallis ConductorStrauss: Die Fledermaus, Eine Nacht in VenedigVerdi: La TraviataDonizetti: Don PasqualeRossini: Barber of Seville adults, seniors| | 647-478-6122gtpo.ca44 December 1 – February 7, 2013

North Brass; Eleanor Daley and Shawn Grenke,accompanists. Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch, 1585 Yonge St. 416-446-0188. ;(sr); (under 30); (st).• 7:30: Annex Singers. December Diaries.Seasonal concert exploring warmth and generousityof spirit. Works by Purcell, Lully, Britten,Stroope and others. Guests: Anne Lindsay, fiddle;Barbara Gordon and Kevin Hanchard, actors.Bloor Street United Church, 300 Bloor St. W. 416-968-7747. ; (sr/st); free(12 and under).• 7:30: Canadian Opera Company. TheBrothers Grimm. See Dec 7.• 7:30: Etobicoke Centennial Choir. SacredTraditions. Haydn: St. Nicholas Mass; Britten:Ceremony of Carols; other festive works.Brenna Conrad, soprano; Courtney V. Murias,alto; John Barber, tenor; David Yung, baritone;Carl Steinhauser, piano; Boris Treivus, organ;Henry Renglich, director. Humber Valley UnitedChurch, 76 Anglesey Blvd., Etobicoke. 416-769-9271. .• 7:30: Forest Grove United Church. MerryMusique at the Grove! Aurélie Cormier, mezzo;Bruno Cormier, baritone; Forest Grove Juniorand Senior choirs; Alex Toskov, violin; MartySmyth, piano. Forest Grove United Church,43 Forest Grove Dr. 416-222-2781. Freewilloffering.• 7:30: Green Door Cabaret at the LowerOssington Theatre. Deborah Overes. 100AOssington Ave. 416-915-6747. (reserved);; (arts worker).• 7:30: Oakville Ensemble. Messiah. Handel.Mary Mother of God Church, 2745 Ridge TrailN., Oakville. 905-825-9740. ; (sr);(st); (family). Non-perishable food itemscollected for Salvation Army.• 7:30: Royal Conservatory. AcademyChamber Orchestra. Mazzoleni Concert Hall,273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. Free.• 7:30: Theatre Columbus. The Story. SeeDec 4.• 7:30: Toronto Northern Lights Chorus.‘Tis The Season. Intrada Brass; Patricia Wright,organ. Metropolitan United Church, 56 QueenSt. E. 1-866-744-7464. .• 7:30: Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir.Welsh Christmas Concert and Sing-Along. St.Aidan’s Church, 70 Silver Birch Ave. 416-691-2222. .• 7:30: Upper Canada Chorus. The Spirit ofChristmas. Guest: Susan Egen, voice. TorontoCentre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge St. 416-250-3708. .25–.75.• 8:00: Angelwalk Theatre/Winnipeg StudioTheatre. Ordinary Days. See Dec 1.• 8:00: Aurora Culture Centre. SchoolhouseConcert Series: Postcard Comets. DavidPartridge, singer-songwriter. 22 Church St.,Aurora. 905-713-1818. .• 8:00: Brampton Concert Band. Christmasat the Rose. Darryl Eaton, director; guests:Mayfield Singers, Vince Gassi, conductor;Brampton Youth Concert Band, Susan BarberKahro, director. Rose Theatre Brampton, 1Theatre Ln., Brampton. 905-874-2800. ;(sr/st); (12 and under).• 8:00: Civic Light Opera Company. TheSound of Music. Also 2:00. See Dec 5.• 8:00: Corporation of Massey Hall andRoy Thomson Hall. Canadian Songbook:Danny Michel and the Magnificent Seven.Central American influenced folk music. WinterGarden Theatre, 189 Yonge St. 416-872-4255..50–.50.• 8:00: County Town Singers. ChristmasConcert. See Dec 7.• 8:00: Gallery 345. Patrick Boyle, trumpet,Mike Downes, bass, and Nathan Hiltz, guitar.345 Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781. ;(sr/arts worker); (st).• 8:00: Greater Toronto PhilharmonicOrchestra. Joy to the World. Ager: Merrymaking– an English Carol-medley; Harlan:Christmas Canticles; Beethoven: ChoralFantasy; Glazunov: Winter from the SeasonsOp.67. Brett Kingsbury, piano; TrypTychEnsemble & UTSC Choir; Lenard Whiting, conductor.Calvin Presbyterian Church, 26 DelisleAve. 647-487-6122. ; (sr/st).• 8:00: Music in the Barns. Light. Stravinsky:Concertino for String Quartet; Pärt: Psalomfor String Quartet; Summa for String Quartet;Fratres for String Quartet and Percussion;Xenakis: Psappha; Crumb: Black Angels.Music in the Barns Chamber Ensemble; DavidSchotzko, percussion. Artscape WychwoodBarns Mainspace, 601 Christie St. 647-340-7781. ; (sr/st). 7:30: Pre-concert chat.• 8:00: Onstage Productions. Sounds ofChristmas. See 3:00.• 8:00: Royal Conservatory/AllianceFrançaise de Toronto/Bureau du Québec. LaBottine Souriante. Traditional French-Canadianmusic with salsa, jazz and folk influences.Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208.–.• 8:00: St. Michael’s College StudentUnion. Sweeney Todd: The Demon of FleetStreet. See Dec 1.• 8:00: Tafelmusik. French BaroqueChristmas. See Dec 5.• 8:00: Toronto Chamber Choir. A Ceremonyof Carols. Olson: Scel lem duib (Canadian premiere).Julia Seager-Scott, harp; Mark Vuorinen,director. Grace Church on-the-Hill, 300 LonsdaleRd. 416-763-1695. ; (sr); .50(under30).• 8:00: Voices Chamber Choir. WinterSolitudes. Christmas Music from Canada,England and France. Ron Ka Ming Cheung, conductor,John Stephenson, organ. Saint Thomas’Church, 383 Huron St. 416-519-0528. ;(sr/st).• 8:00: Windmill Theatre. Christmas Concert.See Dec 7.• 8:30: Hugh’s Room. Kim Stockwood.2261 Dundas St. W. 416-531-6604..50/(adv).Sunday December 09• 1:30: Music at Metropolitan. Carols United.Metropolitan Silver Band; Patricia Wright,organ. Metropolitan United Church, 56 QueenSt. E. 416-363-0331 x26. By donation.• 2:00: Angelwalk Theatre/Winnipeg StudioTheatre. Ordinary Days. See Dec 1.• 2:00: Civic Light Opera Company. TheSound of Music. See Dec 5.• 2:00: East York Concert Band. ‘Tis theSeason for Peace, Love and Joy. Seasonalfavourites, carol sing-along and band arrangements.Joseph Resendes, conductor. MainBanquet Hall, St. Clement of Ohrid Cathedral,76 Overlea Boulevard. 416-251-4957. ;(youth); free(under 12).• 2:00: Mississauga Big Band Ensemble.Annual Christmas Concert. Rob Boniface, conductor.Cooksville United Church, 2500 MimosaRd., Mississauga. 905-270-5747. ;(sr/child).The Etobicoke Centennial ChoirHenry Renglich, Music Directorecc Sacred TraditionsETOBICOKECENTENNIAL CHOIRand festive carols to celebrate the Christmas season.Saturday, December 8, 2012 at 7:30 pmHumber Valley United Church, EtobicokeTickets: 416-769-9271with choir and soloistsFeaturing Haydn’s St. Nicholas Mass,Britten’s Ceremony of Carolswww.etobicokecentennialchoir.caDecember 1 – February 7, 2013 45

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