• 7:00: St. Thomas’s Church/Poculi LudiqueSocietas. A Medieval Christmas: Go We Henceto Bethlehem’s Bower. See Dec 14.• 7:30: Bach Children’s Chorus/BachChamber Youth Choir. Shine Like a Star.Eleanor Daley, accompaniment; Linda Beaupré,conductor. George Weston Recital Hall, TorontoCentre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge St. 416-431-0790 or 1-855-985-2787. –.A. Concerts in the GTA• 7:30: Church of the Holy Trinity. TheChristmas Story. See Dec 7; also 4:30pm.• 7:30: Exultate Chamber Singers. Of Iceand Light. Poulenc: Un Soir de Neige; Schafer:Snowforms; Thomson: Frostiana. Guests:Havergal College Treble Choir; Karen Grylls, conductor.Church of St. Mary Magdalene, 477Manning St. 416-971-9229. ; (sr);(st).• 7:30: Festival Wind Orchestra. RussianChristmas Music. Reed: Russian ChristmasMusic; Tchaikvosky: The Nutcracker Suite;Rimsky-Korsakov: Variations on a Theme ofGlinka. Katrina Liddell, oboe; Keith Reid, conductor.Betty Oliphant Theatre, 404 Jarvis St.647-267-6877. ; (st); free(under 5);(family).• 7:30: Grace Church on-the-Hill. Messiahat Grace Church on-the-Hill. Excerpts fromMessiah. Guests: Cantabile Chamber Singers.300 Lonsdale Rd. 416-488-7884. ; (sr/st).• 7:30: Green Door Cabaret at the LowerOssington Theatre. Lindsay SutherlandBoal. 100A Ossington Ave. 416-915-6747.(reserved); ; (arts worker).• 7:30: Kindred Spirits Orchestra. Handel’sGlorious Messiah. With full symphony orchestraorchestration by Mozart. Rebeca Whelan-Martin, soprano; Claudia Lemcky, mezzo;Stephan Harland, tenor; Andrew Tees, baritone;Village Voices, Joan Andrews, conductor;Kristian Alexander, conductor. Flato MarkhamTheatre, 171 Town Centre Blvd., Markham.905-305-7469. ; $18(sr/st). 6:45: Preconcertchat.• 7:30: Oakville Choral Society. Handel’sMessiah. See Dec 14.SHINING NIGHTJENNY CROBER, Artistic DirectorELIZABETH ACKER, AccompanistMARY-ELIZABETH BROWN, violinRACHEL POMEDLI, celloDANIEL RUBINOFF, saxophoneRAY DILLARD, percussionCHARLIE ROBY, guitarSAT., DEC. 15, 2012, 7:30 pmEastminster United Church310 Danforth Ave. / Sr. / St.www.vocachorus.ca• 7:30: St. Michael’s Choir School. St.Michael’s Choir School At Massey Hall. Susa:A Christmas Garland; Britten: A Ceremony ofCarols (excerpts); also carols in English, French,Spanish and Slavonic. William O’Meara, organ;Jerzi Cichocki, Terri Dunn, Charissa Baganand Jakub Martinec, conductors. Guests: TrueNorth Brass. Massey Hall, 178 Victoria St. 416-872-4255. –. Also Dec 16(mat).• 7:30: St. Theodore of CanterburyAnglican Church. A Dramatic Reading ofCharles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Performedby members of St. Theodore of CanterburyChurch, the Tunes and the Choir of St.Theodore’s. 111 Cactus Ave. 416-222-2461..• 7:30: Singing Out. Shining Night: A Holiday50 thewholenote.com December 1 – February 7, 2013
Concert. See 3:00.• 7:30: Theatre Columbus. The Story. SeeDec 4.• 7:30: VOCA Chorus of Toronto. ShiningNight. Seasonal songs of light. Elizabeth Acker,accompanist; Jenny Crober, director; guests:Mary-Elizabeth Brown, violin; Rachel Pomedli,cello; Ray Dillard, percussion; Daniel Rubinoff,soprano sax; Charlie Roby, guitar/bouzouki.Eastminster United Church, 310 Danforth Ave.647-260-0740. ; (sr); (st).• 8:00: Cathedral Bluffs SymphonyOrchestra. Subscription Series Concert No.2.Tchaikovsky: excerpts from Nutcracker; WaltzScherzo; Symphony No.2; Sarasate: Navarre.Alex Volkov, violin. P.C. Ho Theatre, 5183Sheppard Ave. E., Scarborough. 416-879-5566.–; –(sr/st); free(under 12).• 8:00: Civic Light Opera Company. TheSound of Music. Also 2:00. See Dec 5.• 8:00: Corporation of Massey Hall andRoy Thomson Hall. The Barra MacNeils: AnEast Coast Christmas. With guests Alan Doyle,Jimmy Rankin, David Myles and MeaghanSmith. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. .50–.50.• 8:00: Gallery 345. Jazz Doubleheader: UglyBeauties and the Lena Allemano Four. MarilynLerner, piano; Matt Brubeck, cello; Nick Fraser,drums; Lena Allemano, trumpet; Brodie West,alto sax; Andrew Downing, bass. 345 SoraurenAve. 416-822-9781. ; (sr); (st).• 8:00: Georgetown Bach Chorale. AMedieval Christmas. See Dec 14.• 8:00: Royal Conservatory. QuartettoGelato. Works by Corelli, Bach, Tchaikovskyand others. Guest: Alejandra Ribera, voice.Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208.–.• 8:00: Scarborough Concert Band. Joyous& Triumphant. Christmas concert. St. Dunstanof Canterbury Church, 56 Lawson Rd..Scarborough. 416-458-1585. Free.• 8:00: Toronto Consort. Praetorius Mass forChristmas Morning. See Dec 14.• 8:00: York Symphony Orchestra. YSOHoliday Spectacular. See 3:30.• 8:30: Hugh’s Room. An Acoustic Night ofTriumph and More! Featuring Rik Emmett andDave Dunlop. 2261 Dundas St. W. 416-531-6604. .50/(adv).• 10:00pm: Dande Music Showcase. CDRelease: Bongozozo. Afro-Jazz band withZimbabwean roots. May Café, 876 DundasWest. 416-768-0066. Free before 11:30pm; after.Sunday December 16• 1:00: Hugh’s Room. Ault Sisters Celebratethe Season. A mix of holiday music, jazz andpop songs. 2261 Dundas St. W. 416-531-6604..50/(adv); (child)/(adv).• 1:30: Oakville Symphony Orchestra.Family Christmas Concert. Robert De Clara, conductor;guest: Oakville Children’s Choir. OakvilleCentre for the Performing Arts, 130 Navy St.,Oakville. 905-815-2021 or 1-888-489-7784.; (sr); (st). Also at 4:00.• 2:00: Aurora Culture Centre. A JazzyFamily Holiday Concert. Paul Neufeld, piano;Quisha Wint, vocals. 22 Church St., Aurora.905-713-1818. .• 2:00: Civic Light Opera Company. TheSound of Music. See Dec 5.• 2:00: Jacqueline Gélineau Presents.Jacqueline Gélineau, contralto, and BrahmGoldhamer, piano. Works by Brahms,Reichenauer and Handel. With John Holland,baritone; Darlene Shura, soprano; DavidColpitts, violin; David Rodrigo, cello; AllanShantz, viola; and others. Heliconian Hall, 35Hazelton Ave. 416-922-3618. PWYC.• 2:00: Royal Conservatory. Anagnosonand Kinton. Beethoven: Piano Sonata in D forpiano 4-hands; 3 Marches for Piano 4-hands;8 Variations on a Theme by Count Waldsteinin C for piano 4-hands; 6 Variations on Ichdenke dein in D; Grosse Fuge in B-flat. JamesAnagnoson and Leslie Kinton, piano. MazzoleniConcert Hall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208..• 2:00: Toronto All-Star Big Band. ASwinging Christmas. Markham Theatre, 171Town Centre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469. .• 3:00: Blessed Trinity Choir. Gaudete!Family Christmas concert. Holst: ChristmasDay; Handel: Messiah (excerpts). Blessed TrinityChurch, 3220 Bayview Ave. 416-733-0210.; (st under 21).• 3:00: Cabbagetown Classical YouthChoir. Amahl and the Night Visitors. GianCarlo Menotti. With guests: Gary Relyea, bass;Alexander Veprinsky, conductor. St. Peter’sAnglican Church, 188 Carlton St. 647-701-5033. . Also at 7:00.• 3:00: Green Door Cabaret at the LowerOssington Theatre. Nancy White andFriends. 100A Ossington Ave. 416-915-6747.(reserved); ; (arts worker).• 3:00: Humber Valley United Church.Handel’s Messiah. Humber Valley United ChurchConcert Choir with guest soloists and membersof the Etobicoke Philharmonic Orchestra; PaulChant, conductor. 76 Anglesey Boulevard. 416-231-2263. ; (sr); free(under 12).• 3:00: Islington United Church. Christmas inIslington. Music for choirs, brass, organ and handbells.John Derksen, director. 25 BurnhamthorpeRd. 416-239-1131. Freewill offering.• 3:00: St. Elizabeth Scola CantorumHungarian Choir. Christmas Concert. Rutter:Magnificat (excerpts); Christmas carols. AllisonC. Arends, soprano. Imre Olah, conductor/organist.St. Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church, 432Sheppard Ave. E. 416-441-8300. ; (st).Post-concert reception.• 3:00: St. Michael’s Choir School. St.Michael’s Choir School At Massey Hall. SeeDec 15.• 3:30: Toronto Consort. Praetorius Mass forChristmas Morning. See Dec 14.• 4:00: All Saints Kingsway AnglicanPRESENTSSUNDAY DEC. 163 PM & 7 PMST. PETERʼSANGLICAN CHURCH188 CARLTON ST.TORONTO, ONSpecial Guest Artist Gary RelyeaTICKETS 647-701-5033• THE 4TH ANNUAL •CITY CAROL SINGIn collaboration with CitytvIn support of Food Banks across CanadaSATURDAY, DEC. 15TH - 2:00 PMYORKMINSTER PARK BAPTIST CHURCH1585 Yonge Street (two blocks north of St. Clair Ave.)CHOIRS :: BRASS :: ORGAN :: READINGSWITH SPECIAL GUESTSRichard Margison tenor • Russell Braun baritoneLauren Margison sopranoFiona Reid & Gord MartineauADMISSION FREE A collection will be taken for the Churches-on-the-Hill Food BankFor more information: (416) 922-1167www.yorkminsterpark.com | www.christchurchdeerpark.org | www.9sparrowsarts.orgWWW.CABBAGETOWNCLASSICALYOUTHCHOIR.COMGIAN CARLO MENOTTIʼSCHRISTMAS OPERAChurch. Never a Brighter Star. Christmasconcert with massed choir, chamber orchestraand carols. Pippa Lock, soprano; MargaretBárdos, mezzo; Kevin Bieman, tenor; ShawnMattas, baritone; Shawn Grenke, conductor;Krista Rhodes, piano. 2850 Bloor St. 416-233-1125. .• 4:00: Canadian Men’s Chorus. AGentlemen’s Christmas: Carols by the Fire. P.Murray: The Christmas Night (text by L.M.Montgomery); also carols by Willan, Loomer,Sametz, Wiliford and others. Greg Rainville, director.Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. W.416-573-5993. /(adv).• 4:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Twilight Recitals. David Briggs, organ. 65Church St. 416-364-7865 x231. Freewilloffering.• 4:00: Church of Saint Simon-the-Apostle.Nine Lessons and Carols. Works by Holman,Biebl, Oldroyd, Rutter and sing-along carols.Maurice White, organ; Saint Simon’s Choir,Robin Davis, director. 525 Bloor St. E. 416-923-8714. Religious service. Free, donationswelcome.December 1 – February 7, 2013 thewholenote.com 51