WE ARE ALL MUSIC’S CHILDRENDecember’s Child Molly Johnsonmj buellPeople either know whoMolly Johnson is, or theydon’t, and the latter maycome to a surprise to some ofher fans.A funny thing often happensif someone asks “so who isMolly Johnson?” There’s thisthunderstruck pause, followedby: “Well! She’s a (pause) singer!She’s a fabulous (pause) singer!”Then without stopping for breaththey’re likely to say: “But she’salso ...” and they will go on totell you something else abouther. “Mother-singer-songwriterartist-philanthropist-radiobroadcaster” proposes her officialonline biography, and pretty mucheveryone who knows Johnson’swork knows from one area knowsabout another as well.The little girl with thetrademark grin in last month’srocking horse photo has rockedand smiled her way into thehearts, minds and musicalhungering of audiences in littleintimate bars, grand and elegantnightclubs, great big concert hallsand packed music festivals acrossCanada and France. Her careeralready embraces five decades,starting with a debut at the ageof four in a Mirvish productionof Porgy and Bess, and includesrunning wild in KensingtonMarket and on Queen Street,simultaneously sort of punk andglam, exploring and makingmusical scenes. On a trajectorythat shows no sign of stopping,Johnson’s music is animated by everythingfrom ballet, music theatre and cabaretrepertoire, to dicso, punky art rock, pop-jazz,singer-songwriter collaborations, and theseveral bands in her experience. The musicshe sings today is significantly blues and jazz:smoky and emotionally informed in ways thatonly come from living broadly. But while hermore recent and recordings areincreasingly rooted in older jazzrepertoire, you can’t pin downMolly Johnson for style.Johnson grew up in Torontowith a black father and a whiteactivist mother. Her ingrainedneed to set things right, but doingit her own way is reflected in herwork with numerous charitableorganisations that supporthealth, education and humanrights. Johnson herself started theKumbaya Foundation and Festivalin 1992 and ten years later, plansare underway to “power up tofocus on the global battle againstthe HIV/AIDS pandemic bybringing together Canadians foran evening of music and words”in 2013.In 2008 Johnson was honouredby being named an Officer of TheOrder Of Canada. She won a 2009Juno Award for Best Vocal JazzAlbum with her record Lucky,and holds a National Jazz Awardfor Best Female Vocalist.Fans of Molly Johnson mightgo right on by her downtownhouse without noticing herhanging out on the porch withher two teenaged sons, herpartner and her dog, or laughinguproariously in the laneway witha neighbourhood acquaintance—maybe even in her housecoatand slippers. But not on Saturdayand Sunday mornings — that’swhen you can hear Johnson’sunmistakable voice on CBCRadio 2 (6am-9am) sharingstories and music by and about ordinary andextraordinary Canadians.Molly Johnson seems to have both thosebases covered herself.George whitesideCONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNERS! HERE’S WHAT THEY WONMolly Johnson launched the 2012/2013 Jazz @ Massey Hall concert series on November 30, joined by DenzalSinclaire, Elizabeth Shepherd, Andrew Craig and the Regent Park Children’s Choir. The series will feature the Jazzat Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis (Jan 30), Esperanza Spalding (Apr 5) and MichaelKaeshammer (May 25). Lucky Rosemarie Fischer was the “early bird” winner of a pair of MasseyHall tickets! Flato Markham Theatre’s Jazz Divas concert series kicks off with a concert by CarolWelsman (Dec 4,). The next concert features “Canada’s Great Lady of Song” Molly Johnson (Jan 26 at8pm), followed by Laila Biali (March 21) and Hiromi (April 29). A pair of Molly Johnson tickets eachfor Ruth Crosby and John Brooker. The brand new Molly Johnson Songbook (A440 Entertainment/Universal Music Canada 252789037) includes favourite recordings from her catalogue: 14 studiorecordings and 2 previously unreleased tracks. Already had enough of “Jingle Bell Rock” and theMessiah? Don’t worry, lucky Margaret Keech and Dean Hedman! Molly’s wonderful CD will get yourheart and soul tuned up and ready to swing into 2013!Music’s Children gratefully acknowledges Meaghan, Victoria, Thom, and John and Suzanne, and ALL of Music’s Children’s mums and dads.70 thewholenote.com December 1 – February 7, 2013
CONTEST! MUSIC’S CHILDREN IN 2012The artists featured in Music’s Children in 2012 are all anticipating wonderful music as the year turns to 2013.Name them and match the numbers beside their photos to the purple words contained in the 10 clues below.We’ll enter the names of readers who match at least eight correctly in a draw for prizes, to be announced in the February issue.Send your best guess to musicschildren@thewholenote.com by January 21, 2013.Win concert tickets and recordings!Very excited about anew song cycle I askedDerek Holman to writefor me called “A Play ofPassion.” Looking forwardto presenting it sometimereally soon. Also, I’ll besinging Tamino in OperaAtelier’s production of theMagic Flute, Apr 6-13 …Burlington PerformingArts Centre (Jan 24),with sophisticated ladiesElizabeth Shepherd, JackieRichardson and DianaPanton, and an all-starCanadian band — JohnSherwood, Reg Schwager,Neil Swainson andTerry Clarke …Bach Cantata Projectwith Early MusicVancouver (Dec), and aWestern Canada tour ofAna Sokolovic’s Svadbawith Queen of Puddings(Jan) … At the RichardBradshaw Amphitheatre(Apr 16) with CanadianArt Song Project, DerekHolman’s song cycle AshRoses (originally writtenfor Karina Gauvin, one ofmy idols).Toronto Jazz OrchestraDance Party at The RexHotel (Dec 3): dancemusic ranging from swingclassics to contemporarypop. Great guest artistsjoining us including twosingers, a tap dancer anda rapper! … Richmond HillPerforming Arts Centre(Mar 7), and MiltonPerforming Arts Centre(Mar 15).I Furiosi’s concert“Addicted To Love” atEastminster UnitedChurch (Jan 5). Also, aTafelmusik concert withstar soprano SandrinePiau at Trinity St. Paul’s(Jan 31–Feb 3) …New Year’s Eve atHugh’s Room! Februaryand beyond, working onthe distribution of a newfilm by Elisa Paloschi“Embracing Voices” thatdeals with making a JunowinningCD, struggleswith depression, and finaltriumph (screenings withperformances) …In December theAmadeus Choir’s:“Magnificat–Joy of theSeason”, at YorkminsterPark Baptist Church(Dec 8), with The BachChildren’s Chorus. Then,the Elmer Iseler Singersand the Amadeus Choir’sBach Mass in B Minorat Metropolitan United(Mar 23) …Performing Mozart’sSinfonia Concertante withTeng Li and the TorontoSymphony Orchestra (Jan16 and 17). And Amicicelebrates 25 years!Great program includingBeethoven’s Septet (Mar 1)at Koerner Hall …“Dublin Messiah” atthe Glenn Gould Studio(Dec 22). Establishing thisToronto alternative to theother Titan Messiah intown! Also excited aboutHandel’s Orlando (Aradia/Opera in Concert) at theSt. Lawrence Centre Feb 3,and my next CD release —3-CD set of Handel opus 6concerti grossi …Concert at Koerner Hall(Jan 31), which highlightsthe 30th anniversary ofClaude Vivier’s death, the100th anniversary of thepremiere of Stravinsky’sThe Rite of Spring andthe 30th anniversary ofthe founding of the EspritOrchestra. Then “30 andCounting!” (Mar 31).1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.MarketPlace | marketplace@thewholenote.comMUSIC FOR YOURHOLIDAY PARTY, WEDDING,OR ANNIVERSARYAny combination of sax, clarinet,flute, guitar, piano, bass and drums.Please call to discuss your plans!Cliff 416-874-7159Reasonable rates. Audio samples available.ChildrenʼsPiano LessonsFriendly, approachable– and strict!Liz Parker416.544.1803liz.parker@rogers.comQueen/BathurstA MarketPlace ad is like handing out yourbusiness card to over 30,000 music lovers.marketing@thewholenote.comHD Video Production ServicesVideoTape = Fame & Fortune• Record your Live Event• Create your Promo VideoLive Stream your event to WWWBrian G. SmithBrian@YouAndMedia.com | YouAndMedia.comSight-Singing with SheilaSheila McCoy416 574 5250smccoy@rogers.comwww.sightsingingwithsheila.com(near Woodbine subway)CLAIM YOUR VOICEOrganic and functional vocal training to gainaccess to your full range, resonance and vocalfreedom. For singers, public speakers, teachers,clergy, or if you just want to enjoy using yourvoice.claimSue Crowe ConnollyHamilton Studio 905-544-1302Toronto Studio 416-523-1154info@cyvstudios.ca www.cyvstudios.cavoiceSTUDIOSNEED HELP WITH YOUR TAXES?Specializing in personal andbusiness tax returns including prioryears and adjustmentsHORIZON TAX SERVICES INC.1 -866-268-1319npulker@rogers.com• free consultation • accurate work • pickup & deliveryDecember 1 – February 7, 2013 thewholenote.com 71
Vol 18 No 4DOUBLE ISSUE!Concert Lis
Volume 18 No 4 | December 1 - Febru
Holiday2012The Barra MacNeilsGo Tel
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KOERNER HALL IS:“A beautiful spac
2013 Great Artist Piano SeriesPrese
Conservatory (in association with A