9 years ago

Volume 18 Issue 7 - April 2013

  • Text
  • April
  • Toronto
  • Jazz
  • Theatre
  • Arts
  • Choir
  • Symphony
  • Quartet
  • Concerts
  • Singers

W. 416-631-4300. PWYC.

W. 416-631-4300. PWYC. Lunch and snackfriendly. Also Apr 5, 12, 19.●●7:30: Canadian Opera Company. Lucia diLammermoor. See Apr 17.●●7:30: Oakville Choral Society. Mozart’sRequiem. David Bowser, conductor; AnneMarie Leonard, accompanist; guests: soloistsand orchestra. ClearView Christian ReformedChurch, 2300 Sheridan Garden Dr., Oakville.905-827-6129. /(adv); (st); free(12and under). Also Apr 27.●●8:00: Acting Up Stage Company. Falsettos.See Apr 23.●●8:00: Aldeburgh Connection. BrittenFestival of Song: The Canticles. My Belovedis Mine; Abraham and Isaac; Journey of theMagi; Ballad of Little Musgrave and LadyBarnard; Purcell realisations. Daniel Taylor,countertenor; Benjamin Butterfield, tenor;Alexander Dobson, baritone; Stephen Rallsand Bruce Ubukata, piano; Choir of St.Thomas’ Church. Glenn Gould Studio, 250Front St. W. 416-872-4255. ; (st).A. Concerts in the gtA Queensway, Etobicoke. 416-255-0141 or 416-improvisational accompaniments to filmsby Fellini and Méliès. Guest: Anna Atkinson,multi-instrumentalist/vocals. Trinity-St Paul’sCentre, 427 Bloor St. W. 416-588-4301. ;(sr/st); (under 12). 7:15: Pre-concerttalk by Shirley Hughes.●●8:00: Esmeralda Enrique Spanish DanceCompany. Portales. See Apr 25.●●8:00: Maria Soulis. From Greeceto Granada. Works by de Falla, Lorca,Theodorakis and Beauvais. Maria Soulis,mezzo; William Beauvais, guitar; Julian Knight,violin and viola. Heliconian Hall, 35 HazeltonAve. 416-224-9844. /(adv).●●8:00: Milton Concert Presentations. GoingOut In Style. A program of pop and operaticselections. Toronto Concert Orchestra;Michael Ciufo, tenor; Kerry Stratton, conductor.Milton Centre for the Arts, 1010 MainSt. E, Milton. 905-878-6000. ; (sr).●●8:00: Onstage Productions. The PajamaGame. See Apr 25.●●8:00: Rose Theatre Brampton. The Mikado.Gilbert and Sullivan. New York Gilbert &Sullivan Players. Main Stage, 1 TheatreLn., Brampton. 905-874-2800 . -;(youth). Also Apr 27.●●8:00: Sine Nomine Ensemble for MedievalMusic. Orientis partibus: a musical meetingof East and West. Saint Thomas’s AnglicanChurch, 383 Huron St. 416-638-9445. ;(sr/st).singer-songwriter. The Rivoli, 334 Queen St.W. 416-596-1908. ; (adv). Opening set:Matt Tomlinson.Saturday April 27●●2:00: Oakville Children’s Choir. JustPretend ... A Few Good Men (Boys and YoungMen’s Choir); guests: Cawthra Park ChamberChoir; The Nighttime Parade. St. Cuthbert’sAnglican Church, 1541 Oakhill Dr., Oakville.905-337-7104. ; (sr/st/12 and under).Proceeds to benefit the Oakville LighthouseProgram for Grieving Children.●●2:00: Onstage Productions. The PajamaGame. Also at 8:00. See Apr 25.●●4:30: Canadian Opera Company. Salome.See Apr 21.●●6:30: Aurora Seniors Association/AuroraEvergreen Choir. Aurora Choral Celebration.Nickel: All The Little Rivers; Handel: YeBoundless Realms of Joy; other works. AuroraEvergreen Choir; Aurora United ChurchChancel Choir; Youthful Spirits; La ChoraleFrancophone de la Region de York; Men ofNote Male Voice Choir; and others. AuroraUnited Church, 15186 Yonge St., Aurora. 905-726-4767. .●●7:00: Celebrity Symphony Orchestra.Golden Voices. Verdi: Quartet from Rigoletto;Puccini: Nessun Dorma from Turandot; Bizet:Habañera from Carmen; Rossini: Cat duet;Ukrainian dumkas; and other works. HollyChaplin, soprano; Malgorzata Walewska,mezzo; Vasyl Grokholsky, tenor; MaciejMiecznikowski, bass; Andrew Rozbicki, conductor.Church on the Queensway, 1536 The567-1278(group student tickets of 10 or more).-58; (st).●●7:30: Canadian Music Centre. DuoConcertante Fundraiser: A Taste of Canada.Works by Gougeon, Morlock, Jaeger andSchafer. Nancy Dahn, violin; Tim Steeves,piano. 20 St. Joseph St. 416-961-6601 x201.0. Also wine, food, beer and prizes. All proceedsto CMC and its concert grand piano.●●7:30: North York Concert Band. Melodieson the Winds. Bach: Toccata and Fugue; selectionsfor woodwind solo and sections. JohnEdward Liddle, conductor. Al Green Theatre,750 Spadina Ave. 416-652-2077. ; free(12and under).●●7:30: Oakham House Choir/TorontoSinfonietta. Opera in Disguise. Puccini: Messadi Gloria; opera arias and choruses by Verdi,Rossini, Bizet and Puccini. Romulo Delgado,tenor; Michael York, baritone; MatthewJaskiewicz, conductor. Calvin PresbyterianChurch, 26 Delisle Ave. 416-960-5551. ;(sr); (st); free(under 12).●●7:30: Oakville Choral Society. Mozart’sRequiem. See Apr 26.●●7:30: Opera by Request. Così fantutte. Mozart. Jonathan MacArthur,tenor (Ferrando); Josh Whalen, baritone(Guglielmo); Janaka Welihinda, baritone(Don Alfonso); Naomi Eberhard,soprano (Fiordiligi); Alexandra Beley,mezzo (Dorabella); Natalie Fagnan, soprano(Despina); William Shookhoff, piano. CollegeSt. United Church, 452 College St. 416-455-2365. .● ● 8:00: Ensemble Polaris. Polaris Goes tothe Moon: an evening of silent film, music andmovie music. Downing: new work (to accompanyMan Ray’s film Starfish); also music andOPERA IN DISGUISEPuccini: MESSA DI GLORIA — a mass in operatic styleOpera arias and choruses by Verdi, Rossini, Bizet and Puccini• Romulo Delgado, tenor• Oakham House Choir• Michael York, baritone• Toronto SinfoniettaMatthew Jaskiewicz, music directorSaturday, 27 April 2013, 7:30 p.m.Calvin Presbyterian Church, 26 Delisle Ave., Toronto, , , under 12 free | | 416-960-5551●●8:00: Soundstreams. Piano Ecstasy: a celebrationof music for multiple pianos. Cage:The Beatles 1962-1970; Reich: Six Pianos;Shostakovich: Concertino for Two PianosOp.94; Lutoslawski: Variation on a Theme ofPaganini for Two Pianos; McPhee: BalineseCeremonial Music; Buhr: Two Pieces for ThreePianos (world premiere). Glenn Buhr, SimonDocking, Chris Donnelly, Tania Gill, RussellHartenberger, Serouj Kradjian, pianos; andothers. Koerner Hall, Royal Conservatory, 273Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. -. Preconcertchat with Glenn Buhr.●●8:30: Hugh’s Room. A Celebration of LevonHelm. Tribute concert to The Band’s drummerand vocalist. Weber Brothers; Cameo BluesBand; and others. 2261 Dundas St. W. 416-531-6604. /(adv).●●8:30: Jon Davis Presents. “OpenShore” Release Concert. Jon Davis,“44 | April 1 – May 7, 2013

●●7:30: Tallis Choir. A Grand Concert for theBattle of York, 1813. Haydn: Mass in Time ofWar; Boyce: Where Shall Wisdom Be Found?;Billings: Let Tyrants Shake; Beethoven:Wellington’s Victory; Wesley: Variations onGod Save the King; and other works. MicheleDeBoer, soprano; Vicki St. Pierre, alto; PaulZiadé, tenor; Andrew Mahon, bass; RachelMahon, organ; Peter Mahon, conductor;guests: Choir of St. James Cathedral; TaliskerPlayers. St. James Cathedral, 65 Church St.416-286-9798. /(adv); (sr); (st).●●7:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. TSYOSpring Concert. Verdi: Overture to La forzadel destino; Barber: Adagio for Strings;Weber: Clarinet Concerto No.1; Elgar: EnigmaVariations. Slavko Popovic, clarinet; TorontoSymphony Youth Orchestra; Shalom Bard,conductor. MacMillan Theatre, EdwardJohnson Bldg., 80 Queen’s Park. 416-593-4828 or 416-593-0688(Chinese). -.●●8:00: Academy Concert Series. A Portraitof Paganini. Paganini: Quartet No.2 in C forviolin, viola, cello and guitar MS29; TerzettoConcertante in D for viola, cello and guitarMS114; Grande Sonata for guitar and violinMS3; Caprice No.24 in a “Tema con Variazioni.”Lucas Harris, guitar; Edwin Huizinga, violin;Emily Eng, viola; Kerri McGonigle, cello.Eastminster United Church, 310 Danforth Ave.John Edward Liddle,ConductorpresentsMelodies on the WindsSaturday, April 27 — 7:30 pmAl Green TheatreMiles Nadal Jewish Community Centre, 750 Spadina AvenueA great mix of music from Bach to Beatles andjazz, featuring members of the woodwind section.Tickets: Children under 12 admitted freeFor tickets or information call 416-652-2077416-629-3716. ; (sr/st).●●8:00: Acting Up Stage Company. Falsettos.See Apr 23.●●8:00: Esmeralda Enrique Spanish DanceCompany. Portales. See Apr 25.●●8:00: Gordon Murray Presents. PianoSoirée. Sieczynski: Vienna, City of MyDreams; Lehar: selections from The MerryWidow; Romberg: Will You Remember (fromMaytime); Novello: We’ll Gather Lilacs (fromPerchance to Dream); Coward: I’ll See YouAgain (from Bittersweet); and other selections.Gordon Murray, piano. Trinity-St. Paul’sUnited Church, 427 Bloor St. W. 416-631-4300.; (st).●●8:00: Mississauga Choral Society Chorus.With Stars in Your Eyes. Massed choir performanceof classic and popular repertoire.St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, 921 FlagshipDr., Mississauga. 905-278-7059. ; $18(sr);(st).●●8:00: Musicians in Ordinary. FrenchCantatas Mixed with Symphonies. Music writtenfor the court of French King Louis XIV.Works by Clerambault, Jacquet de la Guerre,Marais and others. Hallie Fishel, soprano;John Edwards, theorbo; Christopher Verrette,violin; Philip Fournier, harpsichord; JustinHaynes, viola da gamba. Heliconian Hall, 35Hazelton Ave. 416-535-9956. ; (sr/st).●●8:00: New Music Concerts. A Tribute toGilles Tremblay. Tremblay: Phrases; Réseaux;Trançantes (auprès, au loin ...); Musiques del’eau; Gonnevile: Volées. Carillons d’oiseauxLOUISE BESSETTE(pour Gilles Tremblay); Palmieri: PréludeXI Elevazione (Disperate vibrazioni raschianoil silenzio) (à Monsieur Gilles Tremblay);Boudreau: Les Planètes. Louise Bessette,piano. Gallery 345, 345 Sorauren Ave. 416-961-9594. ; (sr/arts worker); (st). 7:15:Introduction.●●8:00: Onstage Productions. The PajamaGame. Also at 2:00. See Apr 25.●●8:00: Rose Theatre Brampton. The Mikado.See Apr 26.●●8:00: Royal Conservatory. Bluebird North.Evening with Canadian songwriters. KevinKane, Dave Diamond and Mr. Zero; BlairPackham, host. Conservatory Theatre, 273Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. .●●8:30: Cameron House Records/RegentPark School of Music. Deeply Rooted ConcertSeries. Music with jazz, blues, roots, swing,rockabilly and country influences. DevinCuddy, piano and vocals; Tarantuela (roots/blues band). Back room, Cameron House, 408Queen St. W. 416-703-0811. Free, donations toRPSM welcome. All proceeds to RPSM.Sunday April 28● ● 1:15: Mooredale Concerts. Music & Truffles:Pierrot Moonstruck – A Festival of Song, PianoMusic, Poetry and Mime. A one-hour interactiveconcert for young people ages 6-15.Works by Schumann, Chopin, Debussy, Ravel,Fauré and others. Allison Angelo, soprano;Olga Primak, mime; Larry Bent, reader;Kathleen van Mourik and Charles Foreman,Markham Concert Bandpresentswww.northyorkconcertband.caThe Musicians In Ordinary for the Lutes and Voices8PM April 27, 2013Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Avenue~ French CantatasMixed With Symphonies ~Cantatas and Dance Suitesof the French BaroqueHallie Fishel, soprano and John Edwards,theorbo with Christopher Verrette, violin,Philip Fournier, harpsichord andJustin Haynes, viola da gambaSingle tickets Students & Seniors TRIBUTE TO TREMBLAYNEW MUSIC CONCERTSSATURDAY APRIL 27 2013GALLERY 345 | 345 SORAURENThe Bestof BroadwaySing along with your favouritesfrom The Sound of Music,Mamma Mia, & Jersey Boys.Special guestCarline WatlingDoug Manning, conductorSunday, April 28, 2pmFlato Markham April 1 – May 7, 2013 | 45

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