9 years ago

Volume 18 Issue 7 - April 2013

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  • April
  • Toronto
  • Jazz
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  • Choir
  • Symphony
  • Quartet
  • Concerts
  • Singers

Parisienne. See May

Parisienne. See May 2.●●2:00: Trio Bravo. In Concert. Stamitz:Clarinet Quartet; Mozart: Divertimento;Schumann: Piano Quartet in E-flat. TerryStorr, clarinet; Baird Knechtel, viola; JohnSelleck, piano; guests: Velma Ko, violin; AlanStellings, cello. All Saints Kingsway AnglicanChurch, 2850 Bloor St. W. 416-242-2131. ;(sr/st).●●2:30: Bel Canto Singers. 20th AnniversaryCelebration: Memorable Melodies. Many choirfavourites including songs from the 20s. LindaMeyer, conductor. St. Dunstan of Canterbury,56 Lawson Rd., Scarborough. 416-286-8260.. Also 7:30.●●3:00: Amici Chamber Ensemble. Soundand Light. Berio: Sequenza XIV; Hatzis: ParlorMusic; Louie: Three Cadenzas for clarinetand percussion; Bartók: Sonata for two pianosand percussion; Babadjanian/Arutunian:Armenian Rhapsody. Guests: BeverlyJohnston and Ryan Scott, percussion; JamieParker, piano. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 FrontSt. W. 519-267-0636. ; (sr); (30 andunder); (st).●●3:00: Cantemus Singers. Love Songs.Works by Josquin, Byrd, Janequin and Schütz.St. Aidan’s Anglican Church, 70 Silver BirchAve. 416-578-6602. ; (sr/st). Also May4(eve, Church of the Holy Trinity).●●3:00: Echo Women’s Choir. Mouth Music.Dalglish: Handlebar of Wings; The Road toCanterbury (set to words from Chaucer’sPrologue to The Canterbury Tales); Westcott:In the Almost Evening (set to words byJoy Kogawa); dance songs from Bulgaria,Macedonia and Georgia. Becca Whitla, pianoand conductor; Echo Band; Alan Gasser, conductor;guest: Maria Dunn, vocals. Church ofthe Holy Trinity, 10 Trinity Sq. 416-779-5554./(adv); (underwaged).●●3:00: John Laing Singers. Morning andEvening. Tavener: Svyati; Bach: music fromCello Suite No.1 (new choral adaptation by R.Bergs); and works by Rutter, Byrd, Vasks andDvorák. Mercer-Park Duo (Rachel Mercer,cello; Angela Park, piano); Guest: YehonatanBerick, violin. St. Matthew On The Plains, 126Plains Rd. E., Burlington. 905-628-5238. ;(st). Also May 4(eve, Dundas).A. Concerts in the gtA●●3:00: Rosedale Presbyterian Church.Recitals at Rosedale: Springtime in Paris.Works by Couperin, Rameau and others.Rezonance Baroque Ensemble. 129 Mt.Pleasant Rd. 416-921-1931. ; (sr/st).●●3:30: Tafelmusik. A Handel Celebration.See May 1.●●4:00: Toronto Classical Singers. InConcert. Schubert: Mass in E-flat D950;Mendelssohn: Psalm 42 Op.42 “As The HartPants”. Sheila Dietrich, soprano; Leigh-AnnMartin, mezzo; Zachary Finkelstein, tenor;Christopher Mayell, tenor; Bruce Kelly, baritone;Talisker Players; Jurgen Petrenko, conductor.Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 YongeSt. 416-443-1490. ; (sr/st).●●7:00: Acting Up Stage Company. Falsettos.Also 2:00. See Apr 23.●●7:30: Bel Canto Singers. 20th AnniversaryCelebration: Memorable Melodies. See 2:30.●●7:30: Canadian Children’s Opera Company.Laura’s Cow: the Legend of Laura Secord. Also2:00. See May 3.●●7:30: Leaside 100 Celebration Committee.Hymn Festival: From the Past will come theOn THEWingmay 7 & 8, 2013, 8 pmwww.taliskerplayers.caFuture. Choirs and musicians from LeasideBible Chapel, Leaside Presbyterian, LeasideUnited, Northlea United, St. Anselm’s andother churches; Jane Pitfield, commentator.Leaside United Church, 822 Millwood Rd. 416-425-1253. Offering donation.Monday May 6●●7:00: Toronto New Music Alliance. NewMusic 101: Part 4–Toy Piano Composers and’junctQín Keyboard Collective. Part fourof a four-part lecture/demonstration seriesthat highlights new directions in musiccreation and performance. John Terauds,host. Elizabeth Beeton Auditorium, TorontoReference Library, 789 Yonge St. 416-961-6601 x207. Free. See listings section D, “TheETCeteras,” under Lectures & Symposia.●●8:00: Glionna Mansell Corporation.ORGANIX. Mark Herman, theatre organ. CasaLoma, 1 Austin Terrace. 416-769-3893. ;(sr); (st). Runs May 6 to June 7.Tuesday May 7●●12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Chamber Music Series: A Strauss Serenade.Strauss: Serenade in E-flat Op.7; Suite in B-flatMajor Op.4. Artist of the COC Orchestra.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre, FourSeasons Centre for the Performing Arts, 145Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.●●1:00: Cathedral Church of St. James. Musicat Midday. Liszt: Fantasia and Fugue on “AdNos, ad solutarem undam” S259 . AndrewAger, organ. 65 Church St. 416-364-7865 x231.Freewill offering.●●1:30: Serenata Singers. TimelessTuesday April 2●●7:30: Brock University Department ofMusic. University Wind Ensemble Concert:Around the World in 80 Minutes. Works byMussorgsky, Bennett, Hazo, Sheldon andSchonberg. Zoltan Kalman, conductor. SeanO’Sullivan Theatre, 500 Glenridge Ave., St.Catharines. 905-688-5550 x3257. .●●8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Windtastic 5! Woodwind Quintet.Poulenc: Novelettes No.1; Rubstov: ThreeMoods; Barber: Summer Music; Arnold:Three Shanties for Wind Quintet; LeošJanáček: Mládí (Youth). Kyle Henning, flute;Danielle Johannes, oboe; Lewis Gilmore, clarinet;Sophie Flood, horn; Kevin Harris, bassoon.KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W.,Waterloo. 416-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).●●12:00_noon: Brock University Departmentof Music. Music@Noon Piano Students’Recitals. Sean O’Sullivan Theatre, 500Glenridge Ave., St. Catharines. 905-688-5550 x3817. Free.Wednesday April 3●●7:30: Brock University Department ofMusic. Student Recitals: Charlotte Mahy,clarinet, with Lesley Kingham, piano. SeanO’Sullivan Theatre, 500 Glenridge Ave., St.Catharines. 905-688-5550 x3817. Free.B. Concerts Beyond the GTAClassics–Part 1. Joshua Tamayo and VictorCheng, piano. Chinese Cultural Centre, 5183Sheppard Ave. E., Scarborough. 416-699-5798. /(adv). Proceeds help supportCanadian Music Therapy Fund; War Child;Eva’s Initiatives.●●7:00: Acting Up Stage Company. Falsettos.See Apr 23.●●7:30: Canadian Opera Company. Salome.See Apr 21.●●8:00: Aldeburgh Connection. BrittenFestival of Song: The Song Cycles. On ThisIsland; A Charm of Lullabies; The Poet’s Echo;and folksong arrangements. Shannon Mercer,soprano; Susan Platts, mezzo; Stephen Rallsand Bruce Ubukata, piano. Glenn Gould Studio,250 Front St. W. 416-872-4255. ; (st).●●8:00: Tafelmusik. A Handel Celebration.Odes, serenades and oratorio choruses.Tafelmusik Chamber Choir, Ivars Taurins, conductor;guests: Sophie Daneman, soprano;Rufus Müller, tenor. George Weston RecitalHall, 5040 Yonge St. 1-855-985-2787. -; -(65 and over); -(35 andunder). Also May 1-5 (Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre;start times vary).●●8:00: Talisker Players. On the Wing: themany musical evocations of birds. Burritt:Moth Poem; Copland: As It Fell Upon a Day;Gideon: Creature to Creature; Hoiby: TheLife of the Bee; Plant: Sandpiper; Pärt: TheNightingale; Telemann: The Canary Cantata.Erin Bardua, soprano; Vicki St. Pierre, mezzo;Graham Abbey, actor and reader; TaliskerPlayers. Trinity-St. Paul’s Centre, 427 Bloor St.W. 416-466-1800. ; (sr); (st). 7:15Pre-concert chat. Also May 8.IN THIS ISSUE: Ancaster, Barrie, Brantford, Cobourg, Colgan,Collingwood, Dundas, Elora, Guelph, Hamilton, Huntsville, Kingston,Kitchener, London, Midland, Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-Lake,Orillia, Owen Sound, Paris, Peterborough, Port Hope, St. Catharines,St. Jacobs and Waterloo.Thursday April 4●●7:30: Brock University Department ofMusic. Student Recitals: Jorgo Kalo, piano.Sean O’Sullivan Theatre, 500 Glenridge Ave.,St. Catharines. 905-688-5550 x3817. Free.●●7:30: Georgian Bay Symphony. An Eveningin the Caucasus. Ippolitiv-Ivanov: CaucasianSketches; Arutiunian: Concerto for Trumpet;Balakirev: Islamey; Khachaturian: GayaneBallet Suite. James Langridge, trumpet; JohnBarnum, conductor. OSCVI Auditorium, 15508th Street E., Owen Sound. 519-372-0212. -; (sr); 5(st).●●12:10: University of Guelph College of Arts.Thursday at Noon Series: Student SoloistsDay. Guelph University Applied Music students.Goldschmidt Room 107, MacKinnonBldg., 50 Stone Rd. E., Guelph. 519-824-4120x52991. Free.Friday April 5●●7:30: Brock University Department ofMusic. Student Recitals: Nathan Pol, trumpet,with Gary Forbes, piano. Concordia SeminaryChapel, Brock University, 500 Glenridge Ave.,St. Catharines. 905-688-5550 x3817. Free.●●7:30: Matapa/Vasco da Gama F.C. WorldMusic Series: Ana Moura, Portugal. AnaMoura, vocals. McIntyre Performing ArtsCentre, Mohawk College, 135 Fennell Ave. W.,Hamilton. 905-575-2122. .50 | April 1 – May 7, 2013

uy tickets●●8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Organ Superstar. Bach/arr. Webern:Musicalisches Opfer: Ricercare from MusicalOffering; Bach: Toccata and Fugue in d;Suite No. 3; Copland: Music for the Theatre;Carpenter: The Scandal. Cameron Carpenter,organ; Edwin Outwater, conductor. Centre inthe Square, 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-745-4711 or 888-745-4717. -. Also Apr 6.●●8:00: University of Guelph College of Arts.University of Guelph Concert Winds Ensemble.John Goddard, conductor. Harcourt UnitedMemorial Church, 87 Dean Ave., Guelph. 519-824-4120 x52991. ; (sr/st).Saturday April 6●●3:00: Port Hope Friends of Music. Stars ofTomorrow. Three final year students from theU of T Opera School. Guest: Iain Scott, host.St. Peter’s Anglican Church, 240 College St.,Cobourg. 905-797-2295. ; (13-29).●●7:30: Barrie Concerts. The Roaring 20s.Spirit ’20 (James Campbell, clarinet; ChloeDominguez, cello; Guy Few, trumpet; MarkFewer, violin; James McKay, bassoon; JohnNovacek, piano). Hi-way Pentecostal Church,50 Anne St. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181. By subscriptiononly.●●7:30: Brock University Department ofMusic. Viva Voce Choral Series: Let the MusicResound. Brock University Choirs; HarrisLoewen, conductor. St. Thomas AnglicanChurch, 99 Ontario St., St. Catharines. 905-688-5550 x3257. ; (sr/st); (under13/eyeGo).●●8:00: Karen Schuessler Singers.Pathways to Paradise. Duruflé: Requiem;Poulenc: Gloria. Guest: Virginia Hatfield, soprano.Wesley-Knox United Church, 91 AskinSt., London. 519-455-8895. /(adv);/$18(sr); (st); free(under 12). No childrenunder 5.●●8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Organ Superstar. See Apr 5.●●8:00: Mississauga Festival Chamber Choir.The Four Seasons. Music celebrating nature’sPORT HOPE38th SEASON 2012-2013STARS OF TOMORROWwith Iain ScottSaturday April 6, 2013, 3:00 PMSt. Peter’s Anglican Church, CobourgDUO RENDEZVOUSSaturday April 13, 2013, 8:00 PMCameco Capitol Arts Centre, Port HopeCANADIAN BRASSSaturday May 25, 2013, 8:00 PMPort Hope United ChurchTICKETSwww.porthopefriendsofmusic.caconstant evolution. First United Church, 16William St. N., Waterloo. 905-403-8415. .●●8:00: Sunfest/Aroma Restaurant. AnaMoura, vocals. Portuguese fado. AeolianHall, 795 Dundas St. E., London. 519-672-7950. /(adv); (Dinner at Aromaand concert; available only through Aroma519-435-0545).●●8:00: University of Guelph College of Arts.University of Guelph Choirs: Paradise Found.Marta McCarthy, conductor. Church of ourLady, 28 Norfolk St., Guelph. 519-824-4120x52991. ; (sr/st).Sunday April 7●●2:00: Concert Association of Huntsville.True North Brass. Concert by brass quintet.Trinity United Church, 33 Main St. E.,Huntsville. 705-787-1918. ; free(18 andunder).●●2:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety/Gallery Momo. Open Harmony StringQuintet. Mozart: Divertimento in D K136; Duofor Cello and Bass in B-flat K292(196c); andother works. 1441 King St. N., St. Jacobs. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).●●3:00: Guelph Symphony Orchestra.Beethoven Symphony No.5. Humperdinck:Hansel and Gretel Overture; Beethoven:Symphony No.5; Tchaikovsky: RococoVariations; Croall: Midawewe’igan–TheSound of the Drum. William McLeish, cello;Judith Yan, conductor. River Run Centre, 35Woolwich St., Guelph. 519-763-3000. ;(under30); (child).●●7:30: Aeolian Hall. Enter The Haggis.Canadian indie/folk rock/world fusion group.95 Dundas St. E., London. 519-672-7950./(adv); (st).●●8:00: University of Guelph College of Arts.University of Guelph Chamber Ensemble.Henry Janzen, conductor. Goldschmidt Room107, MacKinnon Bldg., 50 Stone Rd. E., Guelph.519-824-4120 x52991. ; Free.Tuesday April 9●●7:30: Brantford Music Club. Nathaniel DettChorale. Brainerd Blyden-Taylor, conductor.Sanderson Centre for the Performing Arts,88 Dalhousie St., Brantford. 519-758-8090 or1-800-265-0710. ; (st).●●8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Marcin Dylla, classical guitar. Ponce(arr. Mertz): Sonata Romantica (homage toSchubert); Lindberg: Mano a Mano; Granados:Valses poeticos; Diabelli, Sonata in F. KWCMSMusic Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).Wedesday April 10●●8:00: Aeolian Hall. Viola Dana. Australianquartet performs live soundtrack to 1926silent film The General. 795 Dundas St. E.,London. 519-672-7950. /(adv); $18(st).●●12:15: Wednesday Noon Concerts. Coloursof Spring. Varied announced works, mainlyclassical. Vogel Quintet. St. Andrew’sPresbyterian Church, 54 Queen St. N.,Kitchener. 519-576-2129. Free.●●Thursday April 11●●7:30: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Barely Naked: An Evening with the BrothersCreeggan. Classical, jazz, pop and worldmusic. Jim Creegan, bass/guitar/vocals; AndyCreegan, guitar/piano/accordion/percussion/vocals. Edwin Outwater, conductor. ConradCentre for the Performing Arts, 36 King St.W. , Kitchener. 519-745-4711 or 888-745-4717.. Also Apr 12.●●7:30: Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra.What Next Festival of New Music: Music fora Gallery. Visually inspired works for pianoand string quartet. Art Gallery of Hamilton,123 King St. W., Hamilton. 905-526-7756. .Festival Passes available: (does not includeFiesta); (hpoGO under 35; does not includeFiesta).●●8:00: Aeolian Hall. Ruth Moody, singersongwriter.Canadian roots music. 795Dundas St. E., London. 519-672-7950./(adv).Friday April 12●●7:30: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Barely Naked: An Evening with the BrothersCreeggan. See Apr 11.●●8:00: Kingston Symphony Orchestra. Ella& Oscar. Music of Ella Fitzgerald and OscarPeterson. Carol McCartney, vocals; JohnSherwood, piano. Grand Theatre, 218 PrincessSt., Kingston. 613-530-2050. -.●●8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber MusicSociety. Quatuor Franz-Joseph. Performed onperiod instruments. Haydn: Quartet Op.9 No.2in E-flat; Quartet Op.103 (unfinished: Adagioand Minuet); Quartet Op.77 No.2 in F; Jadin:Quartet Op.1 No.3 in f. KWCMS Music Room,57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ;(sr); (st).●●8:00: Sunfest. 34 Punaladas fromArgentina. Aeolian Hall, 795 Dundas St. E.,London. 519-672-7950. /25(adv).●●8:00: Theatre Ancaster. Made in Canada.Musical Revue of popular Canadian musicsince 1950. Allison Osterman, director.Ancaster High School, 374 Jerseyville Rd.W., Ancaster. 905-304-7439. ; (sr);JOHNLAINGSINGERS with Artistic Director Roger BergsMorning & EveningAn Intriguing Concert ofMusic for Cello & ChoirWorks by Vasks, Dvořák, Rutter, Byrd and anew work by Roger Bergswith guests Rachel Mercer, international cellist,and pianist Angela ParkSpecial appearance by violin sensationYehonatan BerickSaturday, May 4, 2013, 7:30 pmSt. Paul’s United Church, 29 Park St. W., DundasSunday, May 5, 2013, 3:00 pmSt. Matthew on-the-Plains Anglican Church,126 Plains Rd. E., BurlingtonTickets: or call 905-628-5238The JLS gratefully acknowledges the support of(st). Also Apr 13, 14(mat), 19, 20, 21(mat)26, 27.Saturday April 13●●10:00am: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Goldilocks and The Three Musical Bears.Conrad Centre for the Performing Arts, 36King St. W., Kitchener. 519-745-4711 or 888-745-4717. ; (child). 9:00am: Pre-concertsessions with Music for Young Children. Postconcertmeet the performers. Also 11:00amand Apr 27(10:30am, Waterloo).●●11:00am: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Goldilocks and The Three Musical Bears. See10:00am.●●3:00: St. Paul’s United Church. Music forOrgan Solo and Organ Four Hands. StephanieBurgoyne and William Vandertuin, organ. 48Broadway W., Paris. 519-752-0965. Freewilloffering.●●7:30: Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra.What Next Festival of New Music: Entropy.New music for chamber orchestra. TheStudio Theatre, Hamilton Place, 10 MacnabSt. S., Hamilton. 905-526-7756. . FestivalPasses available: (does not include Fiesta);(hpoGO under 35; does not include Fiesta).●●8:00: Port Hope Friends of Music. DuoRendezvous. Jasper Wood, violin; DanielBolshoy, guitar. Cameco Capitol Arts Centre,14 Queen St., Port Hope. 905-797-2295. ;(123-29).●●8:00: Theatre Ancaster. Made in Canada.See Apr 12.Sunday April 14● ● 1:30: Aeolian Hall. The Aeolian Trio. Mary-Elizabeth Brown, violin; Marion Miller, piano;Hamilton’s Community PartnershipProgram for April 1 – May 7, 2013 | 51Celebrate the Passion!30 th Anniversary Concertand GalaSunday Feb 24, 3pm

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)