Mondays: Laura Marks Trio w/ guests. Jamwelcomes instrumentalists and vocalists; jazzand other genres welcome. No Cover/PWYC.Reposado Bar & Lounge136 Ossington Ave. All shows: PWYC.Every Wed 9:30pm Spy vs Sly vs Spy. EveryThu, Fri 10pm The Reposadists Quartet.Reservoir Lounge, The52 Wellington St. E. (full schedule).Every Tue 7-9pm Apres Work Series; 9:45pmTyler Yarema and his Rhythm. Every Wed7-9pm Apres Work Series; 9:45pm Big RudeJake. Every Thu 7-9pm Apres Work Series(Alex Pangman, first Thursday of everymonth); 9:45pm Sophia Perlman. Every Fri9:45pm Dee Dee and the Dirty Martinis. EverySat 9:45pm Tyler Yarema and his Rhythm.Rex Hotel Jazz & Blues Bar, The194 Queen St. W. (call for cover charge info)Apr 1 6:30pm Groundup Showcases: Maz,Three Meter Day; 9:45pm Snarky Puppy. Apr2 6:30pm Groundup Showcases: Maz, ThreeMeter Day; 9:45pm Snarky Puppy. Apr 36:30pm Norman Marshall Villeneuve’s JazzMessage; 9:45pm Dave Turner Quartet. Apr4 6:30 Darren Sigesmund Sextet; 9:45pmDave Turner Quartet. Apr 5 4pm HogtownSyncopators; 6:30pm Gray Matter; 9:45pmTorben Waldorf Band. Apr 6 12pm DannyMarks & Friends; 3:30pm Hotfoot Orchestra;7pm Sara Dell; 9:45pm Sinal Aberto. Apr 712pm Hart House/Jazz.Fm91 Youth Band;3:30pm Club Django; 7pm Tom ReynoldsTrio; 9:30pm Julia Cleveland. Apr 8 6:30pmU of T Student Jazz Ensembles; 9:30pm JayBurr’s Tuba 4. Apr 9 6:30pm Fern LindzonTrio; 9:30pm Al Kay’s Bone Orchestra:Annual Jerry Johnson Memorial ScholarshipFundraiser. Apr 10 6:30pm Norman MarshallVilleneuve’s Jazz Message; 9:45pm Roarshaq.Apr 11 6:30pm Darren Sigesmund Sextet;9:45pm Manuel Valera. Apr 12 4pm HogtownSyncopators; 6:30pm Sara Dell; 9:45pmManuel Valera. Apr 13 12pm Danny Marks &Friends; 3:30pm The Jazz Mechanics; 7pm EricSt. Laurent Trio; 9:45pm Cameron Wallis. Apr14 12pm Excelsior Dixieland; 3:30pm Red HotRamble; 7pm Tom Reynolds Trio; 9:30pm MikeDaley Trio. Apr 15 6:30pm SickKids HospitalFundraiser: Klezconnection; 9:30pm JohnCheesman Jazz Orchestra. Apr 16 6:30pmFern Lindzon Trio; 9:30pm Classic Rex JazzJam w/ host Mat MacDonald. Apr 17 6:30pmNorman Marshall Villeneuve’s Jazz Message;9:45pm Michael Adkins Quartet. Apr 186:30pm Darren Sigesmund Sextet; 9:45pmMichael Adkins Quartet. Apr 19 4pm HogtownSyncopators; 6:30pm Sara Dell; 9:45pmPalter/Barsh/Childs. Apr 20 12pm DannyMarks & Friends; 3:30pm Laura Hubert Band;7pm TBA; 9:45pm Kieran Overs’ Eleven. Apr 2112pm Excelsior Dixieland Jazz; 3:30pm T.J.O.Big Band; 7pm Tom Reynolds Trio; 9:30pm LaBonte w/ Julie Mahendran. Apr 22 6:30pmYork University Student Big Band; 9:30pmIan Froman Trio. Apr 23 6:30pm Fern LindzonTrio; 9:30pm Classic Rex Jazz Jam w/ host MatMacDonald. Apr 24 6:30pm Norman MarshallVilleneuve’s Jazz Message; 9:45pm JackZorawski. Apr 25 6:30pm Darren SigesmundSextet; 9:45pm Paul DeLong: The Code. Apr26 4pm Hogtown Syncopators; 6:30pm SaraDell; 9:45pm Jane Fair & Rosemary Galloway.Apr 27 12pm Danny Marks & Friends; 3:30pmSwing Shift Big Band; 7pm Eric St. Laurent Trio;9:45pm Ross Wooldridge: Benny GoodmanTribute. Apr 28 12pm Exclesior Dixieland Jazz;3:30pm Freeway Dixieland; 7pm Tom ReynoldsTrio; 9:30pm Random Access. Apr 29 6:30pmU of T Student Jazz Ensembles; 8:30pm JohnMacLeod’s Rex Hotel Orchestra. Apr 306:30pm Fern Lindzon Trio; 9:30pm Classic RexJazz Jam w/ host Mat MacDonald.Rivoli, The334 Queen St. W. 416-805-6714rivoli.caApr 9 8:30pm Larra Skye: CD Release .Salty Dog Bar & Grill, The1980 Queen St. E. 416-849-5064saltydogbarandgrill.caApr 9 7-10pm Greg Pilo Quartet feat KellyJefferson (sax). No Cover.Seven44(Formerly Chick n’ Deli/The People’s Chicken)744 Mount Pleasant Rd. All shows: No Cover.Every Sat 4-7pm Climax Jazz Band. EveryMon Big Band Night.Statlers Lounge487 Church St. 416-922-0487All Shows: No Cover/PWYCEvery Mon 9:30pm-1am SINGular Sensation:Musical Theatre Open Mic w/ Jennifer Walls,Donovan LeNabat & Jamie Bird. Every Tue10pm Top Star Tuesday: Talent Night. EveryWed 6-10pm Kendall Partington. Every Thu9:30pm Open Mic w/ Donovan LeNabat &Jamie Bird. Every Sat 10pm-1:30am KendallPartington.Tranzac292 Brunswick Ave. (full schedule)3-4 shows daily, various styles. Mostly PWYC.Every Mon 7pm This is Awesome; 10pm OpenMic. Every Fri 5pm The Foolish Things. EverySat 3pm Jamzac. Apr 2 10pm Peripheral Visionw/ Phill Albert. Apr 7 5pm Monk’s Music. Apr9 10pm Ken McDonald Quartet. Apr 10 10pmKen Aldcroft: Threads. Apr 11 10pm NicoleRampersaud, Allison Cameron & GermaineLui. Apr 14 10pm Lina Allemano Four. Apr 167:30pm Aurochs; 10pm Michael Davidson &Harley Card. Apr 19 7:30pm Karen Ng & LisaConway. Apr 21 10pm Makeshift Island. Apr24 7:30pm Run Stop Run. Apr 26 10pm RyanDriver Quartet. Apr 28 10:30pm Steve WardPresents. Apr 30 10pm Nick Fraser Presents.Victory Café, The581 Markham St. 416-516-5787Every Wed 9:30pm-12am Hot Jazz StringQuartet: Drew Jurecka (violin); JesseBarksdale (guitar); Chris Bezant (guitar);Chris Banks (bass). Every Sun 9pm Open Mic.Zemra Bar & Lounge778 St. Clair Ave. W. 416-651-3123zemrabarlounge.comAll shows: 9pm; (call for cover charge info).Every Wed Open Mic and Jam w/ All Nighters& Irene Torres. Apr 26 Errol Fisher.Zipperz72 Carlton St. 416-921-0066Every Mon 10pm-12am & Every Fri 7-9pmRoxxie Terrain w/ Adam Weinmann. NoCover/PWYC.GALAS & FUNDRAISERS●●Apr 20 8:00: Acoustic Harvest. TorontoFriday Night Song Circle Fundraiser.Performances by Eve Goldberg, JoanneCrabtree, Tony Quarrington, Anne Walker andothers. St. Nicholas Anglican Church, 1512Kingston Rd. 416-264-2235. ; (sr).●●Apr 27 6:00: Places to Stay Niagara. Foodand Music in Wine Country. Three coursemeal and performance by the Mike Field JazzQuintet. Stone Church Winery, 1242 Irvine Rd.,Niagara-on-the-Lake. 1-877-342-4374. 0.Only 80 tickets to be sold.●●Apr 27 7:30: Canadian Music Centre. DuoConcertante Fundraiser. Works by Gougeon,Morlock, Jaeger and Schafer. Nancy Dahn,violin; Timothy Steeves, piano. Music, wine,food, beer and prizes. 20 St. Joseph St.416-961-6601 x201. 0. Proceeds to theCanadian Music Centre.●●May 8 6:15: Toronto Mahler Society. 10thAnniversary Celebration. Cocktail reception,talk by composer Kevin Lau, mini-recitalby mezzo Susan Platts, dessert and prizes.Mahler: Ruckert Lieder. Canadian MusicCentre, 20 St. Joseph St. 416-993-9298. .COMPETITIONS●●Deadline to Apply: May 1 HarbourfrontCentre. SoundClash Music Awards. Livemusic competition for forward-thinkingindependent artists of all genres in the GTA.Finalists perform at SoundClash Fesitval,Jul 12–14. Cash prizes. 235 Queens Quay W.416-973-4600.●●Deadline to Apply: Jun 1 Pax ChristiChorale. Great Canadian Hymns Competition.Composers to submit original compositionsset to a hymn text. Winning entries will be performedby the choir. & SYMPOSIA●●Apr 8 7:00: Toronto New Music Alliance.New Music 101: Part 1 – Arraymusic and EveEgoyan. Part one of a four-part lecture/demonstrationseries highlighting new directionsin music creation and performance.Arraymusic director Rick Sacks discusses theinteraction between music and poetry; pianistEve Egoyan discusses her artistic processand performs excerpts from upcoming projects.John Terauds, host. Elizabeth BeetonAuditorium, Toronto Reference Library, 789Yonge St. 416-961-6601 x207. Free.●●Apr 15 7:00: Toronto New Music Alliance.New Music 101: Part 2 – The Music Galleryand New Adventures in Sound Art. JournalistVenue Rental• in the heart of Yorkville• historical heritage building• Steinway Grand Piano• recital and special events• lighting and sound systems• accomodates caterers• reasonable ratesD. The ETCeterasJoshua Ostroff and musician Alaska Bexplore ways video game designers are creatingnew approaches to music; three performersfrom New Adventures in Sound Artpresent an improvisation based on geographicaldata. John Terauds, host. Elizabeth BeetonAuditorium, Toronto Reference Library, 789Yonge St. 416-961-6601 x207. Free.●●Apr 18 12:00–1:00: Canadian OperaCompany. Vocal Series: “Disc”overingStrauss. Lecturer Stephen R. Clarke offersinsights into early recordings of RichardStrauss’ art songs, with samples fromlandmark recordings. Richard BradshawAmphitheatre, Four Seasons Centre for thePerformings Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.●●Apr 18 8:00: Gallery 345/AlimentaryInitiatives/Culture of Cities Centre. Cricketson the Tip of Your Tongue. Jakub Dzamba discusseseating insects to address sustainableprotein production. Music by jazz quintet featuringDoug Tielli, trombone; Bea Labikova,alto sax; Dan Friedman, tenor sax; ChrisAdriaanse, bass; Raphael Roter, drums. 345Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781. ; (sr/artsworker); (st).●●Apr 19 7:00: Soundstreams Salon 21.Piano Lessons. Lecture on the music, artistsand instruments featured in the April26 Soundstreams “Piano Ecstasy” concert.Lawrence Cherney, director; and guests.Gardiner Museum, 111 Queen’s Park. 416-504-1282. Free.●●Apr 22 7:00: Toronto New Music Alliance.New Music 101: Part 3 –The CanadianElectronic Ensemble and New MusicConcerts. The Canadian Electronic Ensemblediscusses differences between studio andlive performances; New Music ConcertsToronto presents cellist David Hetheringtonperforming and discussing solo works ofTremblay and Berio. John Terauds, host.Elizabeth Beeton Auditorium, TorontoReference Library, 789 Yonge St. 416-961-6601x207. Free.●●Apr 28 2:00: Toronto Opera Club. SeasonalLabour. Canadian Opera Company directorAlexander Neef discusses building an operaseason with Wayne Gooding. Room 330,Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen’s Park.416-924-3940. .●●May 4 and 5 (time TBA): MetropolitanUnited Church of London. 8th AnnualMetropolitan Alumni Musicians’ AssociationGathering. Guest speaker: Daniel Roth, organistof the Church of St. Suplice, Paris. 468Wellington St., London. 510-432-7189 x27.Free.●●May 5 7:00: Ken Fisher/Tri-City GospelQuartet. 75th Anniversary of the Barbershop35 Hazelton Avenue, Heliconian Hall416-922-3618 rentals@heliconianclub.org56 | April 1 – May 7, 2013
Harmony Society. Lecture examining thebarbershop style. St. Anne’s Anglican Church,270 Gladstone Ave. 905-792-7626. Freewilloffering.●●May 6 7:00: Toronto New Music Alliance.New Music 101: Part 4 – Toy Piano Composersand junctQín Keyboard Collective. Toy PianoComposers collective perform and discusstheir approach to concert music; junctQínKeyboard Collective presents “Inside theComposer’s Studio,” a chat with composersAlex Eddington, Monica Pearce and HirokiTsurumoto. John Terauds, host. ElizabethBeeton Auditorium, Toronto ReferenceLibrary, 789 Yonge St. 416-961-6601 x207.Free.MASTERCLASSES●●Apr 7, Apr 21 and May 5 2:00–5:00: SingingStudio of Deborah Staiman. Masterclass.Musical theatre/audition preparation usingtextual analysis and other interpretative toolsfor the sung monologue. Yonge and Eglintonarea; call for exact location.●●Apr 20 7:00: Life & Music at St. Andrew’s.Masterclass with Edward Auer andJunghwa Moon Auer. Piano students WilliamBellehumeur, Aaron Chow and Arthur Tang.St. Andrew’s Church, 73 Simcoe St. 416-593-5600 x231. ; (st).WORKSHOPS●●Apr 6 10:30am–1:00pm: TorontoMendelssohn Choir. Singsation SaturdayChoral Workshop. Reading for singers.Brahms: Gypsy Songs; Schubert: Mass in G.Jurgen Petrenko, conductor. Cameron Hall,Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, 1585 YongeSt. 416-598-0422. .●●Apr 7 1:30–4:00: Toronto Early MusicPlayers Organization. InstrumentalWorkshop. Recorder player Robert G. Rivers,coach. Bring your recorders, early instrumentsand music stand; scores available atthe door. Armour Heights Community Centre,2140 Avenue Rd. 416-245-3413. .●●Apr 13 10:30am: Canadian FluteAssociation. Playing by Memory Workshopwith Flutist Aisling Agnew. Women’s ArtAssociation Gallery, 23 Prince Arthur Ave. 416-293-1302. .●●Apr 14 1:00: Early Childhood MusicAssociation of Ontario. Sing! Sing! Sing!Workshop for music educators on nurturingthe voice and modeling a healthy voicefor young students. Zimfira Poloz, clinician.Kingsbury Room, Runnymede United Church,432 Runnymede Rd. 416-240-8573. ;(sr/st). 12:30: registration.●●Apr 21 1:30–5:00: CAMMAC. Renaissanceand Baroque Spring Workshop. For recordersand other early instruments. Joëlle Morton,coach. Church of the Transfiguration, 111Manor Rd. E. 416-480-1853. ; (members).Refreshments included.●●Apr 21 2:00: CAMMAC. Reading for Singersand Instrumentalists (winds and brass).Bruckner: Mass in e. Dallas Bergen, conductor.Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 YongeSt. 416-605-2793. ; (members).●●May 4 10:30am–1:00pm: TorontoMendelssohn Choir. Singsation SaturdayChoral Workshop. Saturday choral workshop:reading for singers. Bach: St John Passion.Patricia Wright, conductor. Cameron Hall,Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, 1585 YongeSt. 416-598-0422. .●●May 5 1:30–4:00: Toronto Early MusicPlayers Organization. InstrumentalWorkshop. Recorder player Shannon Purves-Smith, coach. Bring your recorders, earlyinstruments and music stand; scores availableat the door. Armour Heights CommunityCentre, 2140 Avenue Rd. 416-245-3413. .SCREENINGS●●Apr 4 8:00: Toronto Silent Film Festivaland Scaramella. The Passion of Joan of Arc.Film from 1928 with music by Tom Peters. TomPeters, electric stick violone; Joëlle Morton,viola da gamba. Innis Town Hall, 2 Sussex Ave.416-461-9287. /(adv).●●Apr 5 7:30: Toronto Silent Film Festival.Tokyo Chorus (1931). Music by LauraSilberberg, piano. Carlton Cinema, 20 CarltonSt. 416-461-9287. .●●Apr 6 4:00: Toronto Silent Film Festival.The Crowd (1931). Music by Laura Silberberg,piano. Innis Town Hall, 2 Sussex Ave. 416-461-9287. .●●Apr 7 4:00: Toronto Silent Film Festival.1000 Laffs: Slapstick Smorgasbord comedyshorts. Music by Fern Lindzon, piano. FoxTheatre, 2236 Queen St. E. 416-461-9287.●●Apr 8 6:30: Instituto Italiano di CulturaToronto. La voce di Rosa and the Sicilian JazzProject. Screening followed by Q&A with directorNello Correale and performance bythe Sicilian Jazz Project: Robert Occhipinti,Michael Occhipinti and Dominic Mancuso.Bloor Hot Docs Cinema, 506 Bloor St. W. 416-921-3802 x228. ; (members).●●Apr 8 8:00: Toronto Silent Film Festival/Toronto Theatre Organ Society. My Best Girl(1928). Music by Clark Wilson, theatre organ.Casa Loma, 1 Austin Terrace. 416-461-9287..●●Apr 9 7:00: Toronto Silent Film Festival.The General (1926) and The Railrodder (1965).Revue Cinema, 400 Roncesvalles Ave. 416-461-9287. .●●Apr 11 8:00: Images Festival. Tim Hecker,live electronics; Robert Todd, film. Slow-Pitch,live electronics, turntables and video. St.Anne’s Church, 270 Gladstone Ave. 416-971-8405. ; (sr/st/member).●●Apr 16 9:00: Images Festival. Film + LiveMusic. Allures and The Existentialist withLina Allemano Four; Kisses with Eucalyptus;Uberfall with Del Bel. Cinecycle, 129 SpadinaAve. 416-971-8405. ; (sr/st/member)●●Apr 19 10:30: Images Festival. Dusty Stacksof Mom. Jodie Mack, film and live vocals.Cinecycle, 129 Spadina Ave. 416-971-8405.Pwyc.●●Apr 20 8:00: Images Festival. Hamid Drake,drums and percussion, David Mott, saxophone,and Alexandra Gelis, video. St. Anne’sChurch, 270 Gladstone Ave. 416-971-8405.; (sr/st/member). HOUSES●●Apr 19 1:00–8:00: Kingsway Conservatoryof Music. Open House. Studio tours, refreshmentsand discounted registration forsummer programs. 2848 Bloor St. W. 416-234-0121. Free.SINGALONGS●●Apr 9 7:00–8:00: Canada Sings/ChantonsCanada! Toronto-Riverdale. NeighbourhoodSingalong. Canadian folk songs, rock,Broadway, ballads. Mark Bell, songleader;Marjorie Wiens, piano. St. John’s PresbyterianChurch, 415 Broadview Ave. 416-778-0796. Free;donations accepted. MISCELLANEOUS●●Apr 7, 14, 21 and 28 10:30am: CanadianOpera Company. Tour the Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts. 90-minutetours including backstage access to wigrooms, dressing rooms, orchestra pitand more! Four Seasons Centre for thePerforming Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-306-2329. ; (sr/st).●●Apr 8–May 31 all hours: Toronto New MusicAlliance. New Music 101: Part 5 – Cellphonia.New Adventures in Sound Art presents aninteractive installation by Steve Bull and ScotGresham-Lancaster. Call the phone numberincluded in New Music 101 concert flyersto contribute to this constantly transformingsound collage! Elizabeth Beeton Auditorium,Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge St. 416-961-6601 x207. Free.●●Apr 16 1:00-6:00: Royal Canadian Collegeof Organists. Spectular Choral Clinic withLinda Beaupré. Eight Toronto children’s choirwork on previously prepared repertoire withorgan accompaniment, culminating in a concertwith senior members of the Bach YouthChoir. Shawn Grenke, organ. Christ ChurchDeer Park. 416-929-6400. for clinic andconcert.●●Apr 20 10:00am–10:30pm: Jane AustenDancing. A Weekend with Jane Austen.Lectures and workshops on topics from JaneAusten’s time; ball with live music. 10am–12pm: Mackenzie House Museum, 82 BondSt; 12:30pm-10:30pm: St. Barnabas AnglicanChurch, 361 Danforth Ave. 416-327-6997./(before Apr 5); (sr/st)/(sr/stbefore Apr 5). Second event Apr 21.●●Apr 20 7:30: St. Paul’s United Church ofParis. Organ demonstration for the BrantfordRCCO. Stephanie Burgoyne, organ. 48Broadway St. W., Paris. 519-752-0965. Free.●●Apr 21 11:00am–7:00pm: Jane AustenDancing. A Weekend with Jane Austen.Historical activities and 2:45pm concertof music from Jane Austen’s time. MaryEnid Haines, voice; Elizabeth Acker, piano.Montgomery’s Inn, 4709 Dundas St. W. 416-394-8113. /(before Apr 5); (sr/st)/(sr/st before Apr 5).●●May 4 8:00: Harbourfront Centre.HATCH Festival: Winterreise Projekt. Crossdisciplinaryexploration of Schubert’s song cycleby diverse Canadian artists. Kawa Ada, DerekKwan and Hazel Venzon, multidisciplinary artists;Nina Lee Aquino, director. 235 Queens QuayW. 416-973-400. ; (sr/st/arts worker) April 1 – May 7, 2013 | 57
Baroque Orchestra and Chamber Choir