JudyLomanLoriGemmellTomAllenPatriciaO’CallaghanAn exciting presentation with Harpists Judy Loman & Lori Gemmell,Soprano Patricia O’Callaghan, Flutist Nora Shulman and hosted by CBC’s Shift’sTom Allen. Also featured, an exhibition by artists on the Autism Spectrum.Saturday, May 11 th , 20137:30pm - Tickets - Students and Seniors tickets by phone at 416-533-7579 or 416-781-8206,pay pal, at haadd.ca or at the door.Armour Heights Presbyterian Church,105 Wilson Ave. (between Yonge St. and Avenue Rd.)Proceeds will benefit The Toronto HarpSociety’s Scholarship Fund and Haadd’s JosephUmbrico Bursary and Project Grant FundsNoraShulman● ● 3:00: SING! The Toronto Vocal Arts Festival.World Collaborations. Featuring LizzyMahashe, Alexander Glenfield, Aviva Chernick,Suba Sankaran and Zari. Fleck DanceTheatre, Harbourfront Centre, 235 QueensQuay W. 416-973-4000. . SING! runs May 9to 12 with concerts and workshops at variousHarbourfront Centre venues. See also sectionD, “The ETCeteras,” under Workshops.● ● 3:00: Thom McKercher Presents. ABridge Across An Ocean. Music by Albéniz,Scarlatti, Pärt and Guastavino. Michael Kolk,guitar. Westminster Presbyterian Church, 154Floyd Ave. 416-424-1376. .● ● 3:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. EmilySaves the Orchestra. See 1:30.● ● 7:00: Oakville Children’s Choir. SingingOur Stories: Myths and Legends throughSong. World premiere of Halton Poetry Competitionwinner set to music by composerJanet Stachow. Clearview Church, 2300Sheridan Garden Dr., Oakville. 905-337-7140./(adv); (sr/under 12).● ● 7:00: Toronto Swedish Singers. AnnualSpring Concert. Swedish and Nordic music.Brigitte Bogar, conductor. Agricola LutheranChurch, 25 Old York Mills Rd. 416-445-2889./(adv); free(under 12). Reception tofollow.● ● 7:30: Bach Children’s Chorus/Bach ChamberYouth Choir. ... And The Earth Sang.Linda Beaupré, conductor; Eleanor Daley,piano. George Weston Recital Hall, TorontoCentre for the Arts, 5040 Yonge St. 416 4310790. -.● ● 7:30: Burlington Civic Chorale. CanadianOdyssey. Selections of Canadian and Acadianfolk music by Howard Cable, Paul Halley, KennethLeslie, Stan Rogers, Connie Kaldor, IanTyson and others. Jill Wiwcharuk, fiddle; GaryFisher, conductor; Jennifer Goodine, acoompanist.St. Christopher’s Anglican Church,662 Guelph Line, Burlington. 905-639-1508./(adv).● ● 7:30: Canadian Opera Company. Dialoguesdes Carmélites. See May 8.● ● 7:30: Green Door. Cabaret Series. LouiseSt. Cyr, vocals; Mark Camilleri, piano. LowerOssington Theatre, 100A Ossington Ave.416-915-6747. /(reserved); (artsworker, rush).● ● 7:30: HAADD/Toronto Chapter AmericanHarp Society. A Night of Art, Music & Storytelling.Judy Loman and Lori Gemmell, harp;Patricia O’Callaghan, soprano; Nora Shulman,flute; Tom Allen, host. Armour HeightsPresbyterian Church, 105 Wilson Ave. 416-533-7579 or 416-781-8206. ; (sr/st).Also featuring an exhibition by artists on theautism spectrum. Concert proceeds to benefitToronto Harp Society Scholarship Fundand HAADD Joseph Umbrico Bursary andProject Grant Funds.● ● 7:30: Opera by Request. Ballad of BabyDoe. D. Moore. Lisa Faieta, director and soprano(Baby Doe); Keith O’Brien, baritone(Horace Tabor); Eugenia Dermentzis, mezzo(Augusta Tabor); Tracy Reynolds, mezzo(Mama McCourt); Steven Henrikson, baritone(William Jennings Bryan); and others;Annex Singers, Maria Case, conductor; WilliamShookhoff, conductor and piano. CollegeStreet United Church, 452 College St. 416-455-2365. .● ● 7:30: Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir.Annual Spring Gala Concert. Guest: RebeccaCollett, soprano. Eglinton St. George’s UnitedA. Concerts in the GTAChurch, 35 Lytton Blvd. 416-410-2254 or 877-410-2254. .● ● 7:30: York Chamber Ensemble. In Concert.Goodall: Requiem; Handel: Chandos Anthems.Trinity Festival Chorus. Trinity AnglicanChurch, 79 Victoria St, Aurora. 905-727-6101.; (sr/st).● ● 8:00: Acting Up Stage Company. Falsettos.See May 1.● ● 8:00: Canadian Men’s Chorus. Music: TheFood of Love. A journey through the manyfacets of love with music. Martin: When YouAre Old; works by Lauridsen, Whitacre, Finziand others. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St.W. 416-573-5993. ; (adv). ticket priceincludes post-concert reception.● ● 8:00: Greater Toronto PhilharmonicOrchestra. Finale. Mendelssohn: Hebridesoverture; Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No.1;Mendelssohn: Concert Piece No.2 Op.114 ind; Borodin: In the Steppes of Central Asia;Bruch: Canzone; Brahms: Variations of aTheme of Haydn. Art Gale and Nina Hollington,clarinet; Alexander Smith, cello; KathleenChang, piano; Pratik Gandhi, conductor.Calvin Presbyterian Church, 26 Delisle Ave.647-478-6122. ; (sr/st).● ● 8:00: Mississauga Symphony Orchestra.Songs from the Auvergne. Albeniz: Navarra;Canteloube: Chants d’Auvergne (Songsfrom the Auvergne); Falla: El sombrero detres picos (The Three-cornered Hat). JohnBarnum, conductor; guest: Lesley Bouza, soprano.Hammerson Hall, Living Arts Centre,4141 Living Arts Dr., Mississauga. 905-306-6000. -; .20-.80(sr); (16-26); (under 16). 7:15: Pre-concert chat.● ● 8:00: Music Gallery. Weird Canada Showcase.Zachary Fairbrother Guitar Orchestra;Soul Sisters Supreme Redux Version 2.0;Wyrd Vision; Jennifer Castle. 197 John St. 416-204-1080. /(adv).● ● 8:00: Musideum. Jessica Lloyd. Fado(music originating from Portugal). JessicaLloyd, vocals; Louis Simao, guitar. Suite 133(main floor), 401 Richmond St. W. 416-599-7323. .● ● 8:00: newchoir. Time of Your Life. ScottPietrangelo, conductor. Ryerson Theatre, 43Gerrard St. E. 416-923-9005. .● ● 8:00: Oakville Symphony Orchestra. VivaVerdi: Happy 200th Guiseppe! Verdi: selected36 | May 1 – June 7, 2013 thewholenote.com
overtures, arias and duets. Guest: LaurieReviol, soprano. Oakville Centre for the PerformingArts, 130 Navy St., Oakville. 905-815-2021 or 1-888-489-7784. ; (sr); (st/child). Also May 12(mat).● ● 8:00: Old Mill Inn. Jeanine Mackie Band.Vintage R&B including renditions of worksmade famous by Aretha Franklin, StevieWonder, Marvin Gaye, Chaka Khan, DionneWarwick and others. 21 Old Mill Rd. 416-236-2641. .● ● 8:00: Scarborough Music Theatre. SouthPacific. Also 2:00. See May 2.● ● 8:00: Scarborough Philharmonic Orchestra.The Romantic Masters. Respighi: Pinesof Rome; Rimsky-Korsakov: Capriccio Espagnol;Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No.2;Saint-Saëns: Havanaise for violin and orchestra.Leo Jarmain, violin; Cissy Zhou, piano;Ronald Royer, conductor. Salvation ArmyScarborough Citadel, 2021 Lawrence Ave. E.416-429-0007. ; (sr); (st). 7:15pm:pre-concert chat.● ● 8:00: SING! The Toronto Vocal Arts Festival.Moments to Remember: A Tribute to HarmonyGroups of the 50s and 60s. HonouringFrank Busseri of the Four Lads. With DenzalSinclaire, cast members from the musicalForever Plaid, FreePlay Duo, Eh440, Countermeasureand others. Fleck Dance Theatre,Harbourfront Centre, 235 Queens Quay W.416-973-4000. . SING! runs May 9 to 12with concerts and workshops at variousHarbourfront Centre venues. See also sectionD, “The ETCeteras,” under Workshops.● ● 8:00: Soulpepper. The Barber of Seville.See May 9.● ● 8:00: Toronto Masque Theatre. Lessons ofLove: A Double Bill of Passion. See May 10.Sunday May 12● ● 12:00 noon: University of Toronto. Mother’sDay Carillon Recital. Selection of classical,traditional and contemporary songs.Roy Lee, carillon. Soldiers’ Tower, 7 HartHouse Circle. 416-978-3485. Free. Outdoorevent, chairs provided. Call in adv to confirmtime.● ● 12:30: SING! The Toronto Vocal Arts Festival.Free Performances At HarbourfrontCentre. 12:30: GREX; 1:00: Onoscatopoeia;1:30: Vocal Minority; 2:00: After Hours; 2:30:Lachan Jewish Chamber Choir; 3:00: Darbazi;3:30: O YA Chorus; 4:00: Betamax; 4:30:Toronto Accolades (four-part barbershopstylewomen’s choir); 5:00: Hampton Avenue.Performances at Lakeside Terrace and StudioTheatre. Harbourfront Centre, 235 QueensQuay W. 416-973-4000. Free. SING! runsMay 9 to 12 with concerts and workshopsat various Harbourfront Centre venues.See also section D, “The ETCeteras,” underWorkshops.● ● 2:00: Acting Up Stage Company. Falsettos.Also 7:00. See May 1.● ● 2:00: Canadian Opera Company. Lucia diLammermoor. See May 9.● ● 2:00: Mississauga Pops Concert Band.Shades of Us. Variety and a special Mother’sDay tribute featuring small ensemblesand soloists. Amy McLennan, conductor.Meadowvale Theatre, 6315 Montevideo Rd,Mississauga. 905-615-4720. ; (st/child).● ● 2:00: Oakville Symphony Orchestra. VivaVerdi: Happy 200th Guiseppe! See May 11.● ● 2:00: Scarborough Music Theatre. SouthPacific. See May 2.● ● 2:30: SING! The Toronto Vocal ArtsFestival. From Sea to Sea: New CanadianChoral Works. World premiere of 13-piecesong-cycle set to poems by Canadian poets,one per province/territory, by Aaron Jensen.Featuring Elora Festival Singers, That Choir,Countermeasure and the SING! Singers.Fleck Dance Theatre, Harbourfront Centre,235 Queens Quay W. 416-973-4000. .SING! runs May 9 to 12 with concerts andworkshops at various Harbourfront Centrevenues. See also section D, “The ETCeteras,”under Workshops.FROM SEA TO SEAnew Canadian choral worksfeaturingElora Festival SingersMay 12, 2:30 | Fleck Dance Theatrewww.singtoronto.comco-producedwith:● ● 3:00: Arraymusic. Mother’s Day Fundraiser:CD release of John Cage’s Sonatasand Interludes. L.C. Smith: In Black Ink; Cage:She Is Asleep, for four percussionists; andother works. Fides Krucker, mezzo; StephenClarke, piano; Peggy Baker, choreography toa Cage sonata; TorQ Percussion Quartet. Gallery345, 345 Sorauren Ave. 416-532-3019.; (with CD). Buffet included; silent auction;refreshments served (cash bar); rafflefor iPad.● ● 3:00: Green Door. Cabaret Series. LaurenMargison, vocals. Lower Ossington Theatre,100A Ossington Ave. 416-915-6747./(reserved); (arts worker, rush).● ● 3:00: Toronto Masque Theatre. Lessons ofLove: A Double Bill of Passion. See May 10.● ● 3:30: Wychwood Clarinet Choir. SpringConcert: Clarinet on the Town. Church of St.Michael and All Angels, 611 St. Clair W. 416-923-2161. ; (sr); (st/child).● ● 4:00: Church of St. Mary Magdalene.Andrew Adair, organ. Franck: organ works.477 Manning Ave. 416-531-7955. Free.● ● 4:00: Hamilton Children’s Choir. AnnualSpring Concert: One Voice. Compass PointBible Church, 1500 Kerns Rd., Burlington.905-527-1618. ; (sr); (st); (10and under).● ● 4:00: Mississauga Youth Orchestra.Mother’s Day Concert. Handel: Water Music;Beethoven: Egmont Overture; Dvořák: FirstSlavonic Dance; Bizet: Carmen. Ben Bolt-Martinand Brandon Chui, conductors. Living ArtsCentre, 4141 Living Arts Dr., Mississauga.905-306-6000. ; (child 4-17).● ● 4:00: Small World Music. Mother’s DayCelebration: Ramneek Singh, classical Indianvocals. Khayal, thumri, shabad-kirtan, sufianaand folk music styles. Maja Prentice Theatre,3650 Dixie Rd., Mississauga. 647-866-7432./(adv).● ● 4:00: St. Philip’s Anglican Church. JazzVespers. Lara Solnicki Trio: Lara Solnicki,vocals; Ted Quinlan, guitar; George Koller,bass. 25 St. Phillips Rd., Etobicoke. 416-247-5181. Freewill offering. Religious service.● ● 4:00: Toronto Singing Studio. Songs FromThe Movies. Favourites from the moviesincluding Singin’ In The Rain, Moon River,Over The Rainbow, Unchained Melody andothers. Celebration Choir, Vivace Vox andVocal Mosaic; Linda Eyman, conductor. Trinity-St.Paul’s United Church, 427 Bloor St. W.416-455-9238. ; (sr/st); (family).● ● 4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. Jazz Vespers.Lenny Solomon Trio. 1570 Yonge St.416-920-5211 x22. Free, donations welcome.Religious service.● ● 7:00: Acting Up Stage Company. Falsettos.Also 2:00. See May 1.● ● 7:00: SING! The Toronto Vocal Arts Festival.Swingle Singers: 50th Anniversary Concert.Opening act: Retrocity. Fleck DanceTheatre, Harbourfront Centre, 235 QueensQuay W. 416-973-4000. . SING! runsMay 9 to 12 with concerts and workshopsat various Harbourfront Centre venues.See also section D, “The ETCeteras,” underWorkshops.Monday May 13● ● 5:30: Canadian Music Centre. 13th StreetWinery Piano Series: Flung Loose Into TheStars. Canadian solo piano music inspiredby the cosmos. Works by Gougeon, Harley,Murphy, Nobles and Sherkin. Adam Sherkin,piano. 20 St. Joseph St. 416-961-6601 x205./(adv).● ● 5:30: Canadian Opera Company. TheChristina and Louis Quilico Awards. The artistsof the COC Ensemble Studio compete inthe fifth edition of the Christina and LouisQuilico Awards. Opera arias of the artists’choice. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts,145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.● ● 7:30: Associates of the Toronto SymphonyOrchestra. Five Small Concerts: TheJoy of Music Comes from a Pure Heart.Mozart: String Quartet No.17 in B-flat K458“The Hunt”; Brahms: Clarinet Quintet in bOp.115 . Etsuko Kimura and Eri Kosaka, violin;thewholenote.com May 1 – June 7, 2013 | 37
●●Victoria College ChoirThe Vic