9 years ago

Volume 18 Issue 8 - May 2013

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Theatre
  • Concerts
  • Musical
  • Jazz
  • Choral
  • Singers
  • Festival
  • Vocal
Includes the 2013 Canary Pages choral directory.


FROM THE PUBLISHERDear Reader,Since our first day almost 18 years ago, it has been our goal to providea rich, comprehensive picture of the live musical scene in SouthernOntario. Over that time, we’ve published listings for some 75,000 livelocal events -- adding up to an extraordinary chronicle of communitymusical life.Over three million copies of The WholeNote have circulated, free ofcharge, since we first began. What many of our readers may not realizeis that all events are also listed free of charge, regardless of whetheror not a presenter buys advertising.More people than ever now count on The WholeNote. The WholeNote is whereyou turn to get the information you need. And now we are turning to you,our most loyal readers.The WholeNote has helped to make the grassroots musical life of Torontoand Southern Ontario more open, accessible and visible. Not only have wegathered the information, we have put it directly into your hands sothat you can know as much as possible about the music you want to hear.We are asking you to be one of 3,000 readers we hope will step forwardby midnight, May 15, the production deadline for our summer issue, tomake a gift in order to keep listings and circulation at The WholeNotealive and free.Like all publications today, we are facing the challenges of a rapidlychanging media landscape. The live music scene has burgeoned, audienceshave grown and, thanks to our loyal advertising base, we have neverneeded to ask you for help. Our advertisers now bear a disproportionateshare of the cost of keeping The WholeNote in circulation. We cannotcontinue that way.We need your help. If you read The Wholenote for free, we are asking youto please chip in. Think of it as an act of solidarity with like-mindedreaders. Take a stand for The WholeNote.Thank you for helping us to continue telling the whole story, not justthe money story.David PerlmanPLEASE CONTRIBUTE what you can by visiting you prefer not to use the internet, you can send a cheque toWholeNote Media Inc by Canada Post. Please turn to FOR OPENERS, onpage 6, where you will find more details.

Volume 18 No 8 | May 1 – June 7, 2013FOR OPENERS6. Where Dem Boidies Iz | david perlmanFEATURES8. SING! at Two: an A Cappella Q & A9. DISCoveries: Wagner at 200 | janos GardonyiBEAT BY BEAT10. Music Theatre | robert wallace13. Classical & Beyond | sharna Searle15. Early Music | Simone DesileTS18. In With the New | wendalyn bartleY20. Choral Scene | Benjamin Stein22. World View | andrew timar23. Jazz Notes | jim gallowaY24. Bandstand | Jack MacQUARRIE26. On Opera | CHRISTOPHER HOILE27. Art of Song | hans de groot51. In the Clubs | ORI DAGANLISTINGS30. A | Concerts in the GTA48. B | Concerts Beyond the GTA50. C | In the Clubs (Mostly Jazz)53. D | The ETCeterasMUSICAL LIFE57. We Are All Music’s Children | mJ buellDISCOVERIES: RECORDINGS REVIEWED58. Editor’s Corner | David Olds59. Vocal59. Early Music & Period Performance59. Classical & Beyond61. Strings Attached | terry robbins62. Modern & Contemporary62. Jazz & Improvised62. Jazz, Eh? | stuart broomer63. Something in the Air | Ken Waxman64. Old Wine, New Bottles | bruce surteesmore6. Contact Information & Deadlines28. Index of Advertisers57. Classified AdsACD2 2672QUATUOR MOLINARIOne of Canada’s leadingstring quartets.R. MURRAY SCHAFERString Quartets 8 ■12To be released on April 30thIN THIS ISSUEAVAILABLE IN HD ATATMACLASSIQUE.COMSelect ATMA titles now on saleDa JI 19 Gia ionesco 51 Alison Mackay 27

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)