9 years ago

Volume 18 Issue 8 - May 2013

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Theatre
  • Concerts
  • Musical
  • Jazz
  • Choral
  • Singers
  • Festival
  • Vocal
Includes the 2013 Canary Pages choral directory.

D. The ETCeterasHutcheon

D. The ETCeterasHutcheon and Linda Hutcheon, discussionparticipants. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-363-8231.$TBA; free(U of T st).●●May 17 7:00: Soundstreams. Salon 21:Introducing SoundMaker! Lecture aboutSoundMakers, a new website and appallowing users to listen, learn and create withmusic commissioned by Soundstreams. Performancesto follow. Rose Bolton and NickStorring, live electronics; Craig Dunsmuir, DJ.Gardiner Museum, 111 Queen’s Park. 416-504-1282. Free.●●May 21 7:00: North York Central Library/Toronto Symphony Orchestra. TSO Chat #2:Elgar’s Enigma Variations. Lecture by RickPhillips. 5120 Yonge St. 416-395-5639. Free.Register in advance.●●May 22 6:30: Canadian Music Centre. AnEvening with Udo Steingraeber. Lecture onthe history of Steingraeber and Sohne pianosand anecdotes about the composers whoinfluenced Steingraeber pianos, followed by amini-concert. 20 St. Joseph St. 416-961-6601x201. . Buy in advance to ensure a seat.●●May 24 9:15am: Fields Institute/PerimeterInsitute/Institute for Quantum Computing.Random Walks Festival –Music of Xenakis andBeyond: Morning Lectures: John Mighton;Sharon Kanach; Curtis Roads. Fields Institute222, College St. 416-348-8710. Free.●●May 24 3:00: Fields Institute/PerimeterInsitute/Institute for Quantum Computing.Random Walks Festival –Music of Xenakis andBeyond: Afternoon Lectures. James Harley;Daniel Hambleton. Fields Insitute 222, CollegeSt. 416-348-8710. Free.●●May 25 3:00: Fields Institute/PerimeterInsitute/Institute for Quantum Computing.Random Walks Festival –Music of Xenakisand Beyond: Panel Session: Music andAlgorhythms. Panelists: John Mighton, RaymondLaflamme, Laurent Friedel, Arne Eigenfeldt,Rob Wannamaker, Curtis Roads. Mikeand Ophelia Lazaridis Quantum Nano Centre,200 University Ave., Waterloo. 416-348-8710. Free.MASTERCLASSES●●May 5 and May 26 2:00–5:00: SingingStudio of Deborah Staiman. Masterclass.Musical theatre/audition preparation usualtextual analysis and other interpretative toolsfor the sung monologue. Yonge and Eglintonarea; call for exact location.●●May 10 and 11 Various times: ConservatoryCanada. Masterclass Youth Series. Tenvoice students will be selected to perform intwo-day workshops and receive mentorshipfrom one composer and one professionalperformer. Students must be recommendedby a private teacher or school teacher. ArisCarastathis, composer; Todd Wieczorek,voice clinician. Lakehead University MusicBuilding, 955 Oliver Rd., Thunder Bay. 1-800-461-5367. Also inAurora (May 10, 11) and Kanata (17, 18).●●May 10 and 11 Various times: ConservatoryCanada. Masterclass Youth Series. DeanBurry, composer; Catherine Gardner, voiceclinician. Aurora United Church, 15186 YongeSt., Aurora. 1-800-461-5367.●●May 17 and 18 Various times: ConservatoryCanada. Masterclass Youth Series.Fellowship Baptist Church 1078 Klondike Rd.,Kanata. 1-800-461-5367.●●May 4 10:30am–1:00pm: Toronto MendelssohnChoir. Singsation Saturday ChoralWorkshop. Saturday choral workshop:reading for singers. Bach: St John Passion.Patricia Wright, conductor. Cameron Hall,Yorkminster Park Baptist Church, 1585 YongeSt. 416-598-0422. .Singsation SaturdayChoral WorkshopMAY 4, 2013 10:30 AM - 1 PMYorkminster ParkBaptist ChurchCome out and singBach’s St. John Passionwith guestconductorPatricia Wright.,●●May 5 1:30–4:00: Toronto Early Music PlayersOrganization. Instrumental Workshop.Recorder player Shannon Purves-Smith,coach. Bring your recorders, early instrumentsand music stand; scores available atthe door. Armour Heights Community Centre,2140 Avenue Rd. 416-245-3413. .●●May 10 7:30: CAMMAC Recorder Players’Society. Renaissance and Baroque54 | May 1 – June 7, 2013

Workshop. For recorders and other earlyinstruments. Church of the Transfiguration,111 Manor Rd. E. 416-480-1853. ;free(members). Refreshments included.●●May 11 11:00: SING! Festival. Singin withthe Real Group. Swedish group coversvocal warm-ups, technique, performanceand rhythm and groove. Brigatine Room,Harbourfront Centre, 235 Queens Quay W.416-973-4000. .●●May 11 12:30: SING! Festival. Introductionto Overtone Singing with Scott Peterson.Singing in styles from Tuva, Mongolia, Tibetand North India. Studio Theatre, 235 QueensQuay W. 416-973-4000. .●●May 11 4:30: SING! Festival. Freeing theVoice with Aviva Chernick. Vocal play, improvisationalsong circles and breathing exercises.Miss Lou’s Room, Harbourfront Centre,235 Queens Quay W. 416-973-4000. .●●May 11 6:15: SING! Festival. The Singer asMusician: Raising the Bar for Jazz Singerswith Sundar Viswanathan. Improvisation, eartraining and other exercises in rhythm andform. Miss Lou’s Room, Harbourfront Centre,Swingle Singers workshopSinging without a Safety NetSunday,May 12 at noonwww.singtoronto.comco-producedwith:235 Queens Quay W. 416-973-4000. .●●May 12 12:00: SING! Festival. Singing withouta Safety Net with the Swingle Singers.Improvisation games combining rhythm,harmony and movement. Brigantine Room,Harbourfront Centre, 235 Queens Quay W.416-973-4000. .●●May 12 1:15: SING! Festival. Arranging forA Cappella with Dylan Bell. Form, bass lines,reharmonizations and alterations. BrigantineRoom, Harbourfront Centre, 235 QueensQuay W. 416-973-4000. .●●May 12 4:00: SING! Festival/SongwritersAssociation of Canada. Songwriting: Keysto Effective and Memorable Songs. BrigantineRoom, Harbourfront Centre, 235 QueensQuay W. 416-973-4000. .●●May 12 4:00: SING! Festival. This Businessof Music with Pat Silver, Paul Sanderson,Heather Reppen, Bob Missen and FACTOR.Miss Lou’s Room, Harbourfront Centre, 235Queens Quay W. 416-973-4000. .●●May 12 5:00: SING! Festival. EffortlessPerformance with Eugene Watts. Discussionand exercises conquering stage frightand becoming empowered in performance.Miss Lou’s Room, Harbourfront Centre, 235Queens Quay W. 416-973-4000. .●●May 26 2:00: CAMMAC. Reading forSinging withThe Real Group WorkshopSaturday, May 11 at 11amwww.singtoronto.comco-producedwith:Singers and Instrumentalists. Beethoven:Mass in C. Hilary Apfelstadt, conductor. ChristChurch Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 905-751-5519. ; (members).●●May 31 7:30: CAMMAC Recorder Players’Society. Renaissance and BaroqueWorkshop. For recorders and other earlyinstruments. Church of the Transfiguration,111 Manor Rd. E. 416-480-1853. ;free(members). Refreshments included.●●Jun 1 3:00: Arraymusic. Jim Pugliese ina World Music Song and Mbira Workshop.Workshop on Zimbabwe Shona culture; audienceparticipation learning an eight-partpolyrhythmic mbira song. Open to everyone.Array Space, 155 Walnut St. 416-532-3019.. Followed by an interactive Zimbabwestyle concert at 8pm.SCREENINGS●●May 09 8:00: Robert Bruce. “Safety Last!”(1923). Silent comedy classic with originallive music by Robert Bruce. St. Paul’s UnitedChurch, 427 Bloor St. W. 905-777-9196. .●●May 09 8:30: SING! Festival. NFB Sings!National Film Board short films set to musicby SING! artists, followed by a singalong. RedpathStage, 235 Queens Quay W. 416-973-4000. Free.OPEN HOUSES●●May 25 10:00am–5:00pm: CanadianJubilatesingersMUSIC DIRECTOR: ISABEL BERNAUSAUDITIONS THIS JUNE!Seven reasons to sing with us:• spicy World Music repertoire• smaller SATB auditionedchamber choir of 35 singers• opportunity to sing in manylanguages, including English• excellent ensemble training• solo opportunities• member fees waived for studentsREHEARSALS Tues. 7:30-9:45,Yonge/Lawrence areaCall 416-459-8927, David Reddinwww. May 1 – June 7, 2013 | 55

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