D. The ETCeterasTHE MISSISSAUGA SYMPHONYORCHESTRA IS THRILLED TO APPOINTDENIS MASTROMONACO AS ITS NEWMUSIC DIRECTORDenis Mastromonaco will takeover as Music Director in June2013 from Music Director of 34years, John Barnum.Mastromonaco brings with himover 20 years of experience inconducting and teaching. Hehas worked with orchestrasnationally and internationally,including New York’s OrchardPark Orchestra, CzechRepublic’s West BohemianNational Orchestra, and theNational Academy Orchestra of Canada, among many others.He is a strong advocate for music within the community.Join us in welcoming Denis Mastromonaco to the MSO at ourfinal concert of the 2012–2013 seasonon May 11 when Maestro John Barnumwill hand the baton over to MaestroDenis Mastromonaco.MississaugaSymphony.caMusic Centre. Doors Open. Visit the CMC’snew performance space; various pianoperformances throughout the day. 20 JosephSt. 416-961-6601 x201. Free.SINGALONGS●●May 14 7:00–8:00: Canada Sings/ChantonsCanada! Toronto-Riverdale. NeighbourhoodSingalong. Brazilian and Cuban music withRodrigo Chavez from Cassava Latin Music.Neighbourhood Unitarian UniversalistChurch, 79 Hiawatha Rd. 416-778-0796. Free;donations accepted. canadasings.ca.ETCETERA: MISCELLANEOUS●●May 1 –May 31 all hours: Toronto NewMusic Alliance. New Music 101: Part 5 –Cellphonia. New Adventures in Sound Artpresent an interactive installation by SteveBull and Scot Gresham-Lancaster. ElizabethBeeton Auditorium, Toronto ReferenceLibrary, 789 Yonge St. 416-961-6601 x207.Free. naisa.ca●●May 4 3:00–10:00: Art Fushion Collectives.Art Fushion Festival. A free open stage for allforms of performance and art. Mel LastmanSquare, 5100 Yonge St. 647-286-9557. Free.●●May 4 8:00: Harbourfront Centre.HATCH Festival: Winterreise Projekt. Crossdisciplinaryexploration of Schubert’s songcycle by diverse Canadian artists. 235 QueensQuay W. 416-973-400. ; (sr/st/artsworker).●●May 6 1:00: Music Monday. ISS – IsSomebody Singing. Collaboration betweenastronaut Chris Hadfield and BarenakedLadies frontman Ed Robertson, co-writing theofficial song for Music Monday. Performedby Hadfield, joined by Robertson and theWexford Gleeks. Free. See musicmonday.ca.●●May 12 6:00: SING! Festival. SING! PublicSingalong and Legacy Award Ceremony,Honouring Frank Busseri of the Four Lads.Public singalong as part of the awardceremony. Brigantine Room, HarbourfrontCentre, 235 Queens Quay W. 416-973-4000.Free.●●May 25 7:00: Milton Concert Band.Maytoberfest. German style buffet, cash barand party. Alphorn Choir of the Ein PrositGerman Band of Kalamazoo, Milton ConcertBand and Halton Hills Concert Band. GrandChalet, 324 Steeles Ave. E., Milton. 905-878-7934. .●●Jun 1 3:00–6:00: Open Ears/CAFKA.Between the Ears Festival: Guide WithinThese Walls at the Walper. Open explorationand hour-long guided tours through a seriesof micro-performances featuring the spaceof the Walper Hotel. Walper Hotel, 1 King St.W., Kitchener. 519-579-8564. Free; donationsaccepted.56 | May 1 – June 7, 2013 thewholenote.com
Classified Advertising | classad@thewholenote.comAUDITIONS/OPPORTUNITIESASSOCIATE CONDUCTOR POSITION:Toronto Mendelssohn Choir seeks a newAssociate Conductor to work under theleadership of Noel Edison. This position issuitable for a talented choral conductorin the early stages of an emergingcareer. Details about the position and theapplication process can be found at www.tmchoir.org. Application deadline is May13, 2013ENTHUSIASTIC MUSICAL DIRECTORAND SINGERS WANTED: Pizazz MusicalPresentations is a newly forming amateurCabaret group in north Toronto, seekinga Musical Director and singers withexperience. Tel: Ian 905-852-5417OASIS VOCAL JAZZ, Toronto’s longestrunning close harmony group is looking fora new director and a new bass. Directorshould have several years’ vocal jazz directingexperience, wide scope of musical contacts,be able to bring new ideas/directions, andoffer further refinement of our soundand be available Wednesday evenings forrehearsals. Requesting a minimum two-yearcommitment. Bass should have strongbackground in choral singing with someexposure to singing vocal jazz. A minimumone year commitment requested. For moreinfo, visit http://www.oasisvocaljazz.com.Contact: auditions@oasisvocaljazz.comTHE OAKVILLE ENSEMBLE is holdingauditions to form a new paid core of eightsingers. Auditions are by appointment.905-825-9740 www.oakville-ensemble.caINSTRUCTIONDICTION COACHING/TUTORING for singersand actors: Dutch, English, French, German,Italian, Spanish, and Latin – across from HighPark subway station. 416-769-0812FLUTE, PIANO, THEORY LESSONS, RCMEXAM PREPARATION: Samantha Chang,Royal Academy of Music PGDip, LRAM, ARCT.416-293-1302, samantha.studio@gmail.comwww.samanthaflute.comlook outside to dreamlook inside to awakenMarketPlace | marketplace@thewholenote.comdepth therapyMatthew Kelly, M.A., psychoanalystshift creative blocks and more416.694.0015 (ex. 225)www.depththerapy.caSight-Singing with SheilaSheila McCoy416 574 5250smccoy@rogers.comwww.sightsingingwithsheila.com(near Woodbine subway)PIANO LESSONS: personalizedinstruction by experienced teacher,concert pianist EVE EGOYAN (M. Mus.,L.R.A.M., F.R.S.C.). All ages and levels.Downtown location. eve.egoyan@bell.netor 416- 603-4640STUDY SAXOPHONE with Bruce Redstone.M.M. in Performance, B.A. in Education,25+ years’ experience, 6 years universityinstructor, reasonable rates, convenientlocation, all levels and styles. bredstone@rogers.com or 416-706-8161MUSICIANS AVAILABLEBARD – EARLY MUSIC DUO playing recorderand virginal available to provide backgroundatmosphere for teas, receptions or otherfunctions – greater Toronto area. For ratesand info call 905-722-5618 or email us atmhpape@interhop.netSERVICESACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAXSERVICE for small business andindividuals, to save you time and money,customized to meet your needs. NormPulker, B. Math. CMA. 905-251-0309 or905-830-2985DO YOU HAVE PRECIOUS MEMORIESLOST ON OLD RECORDS, TAPES, PHOTOSetc.? Recitals-gigs-auditions-air checksfamilystuff. 78’s-cassettes-reels-35mmslides-etc. ArtsMediaProjects will restorethem on CD’s or DVD’s. Call George @416-910-1091VENUESARE YOU PLANNING A CONCERT ORRECITAL? Looking for a venue? ConsiderBloor Street United Church. Phone: 416-924-7439 x22. Email: tina@bloorstreetunited.orgREHEARSAL/PERFORMANCE SPACEAVAILABLE. Yonge/Wellesley. Weekdayrates: /hr, Evening (events) 0/night.Seats 40–60 people. Contact bookings@gladdaybookshop.comNEED HELP WITH YOUR TAXES?Specializing in personal andbusiness tax returns including prioryears and adjustmentsHORIZON TAX SERVICES INC.1 -866-268-1319 • npulker@rogers.comwww.horizontax.ca• free consultation • accurate work • pickup & deliveryChildrenʼsPiano LessonsFriendly, approachable– and strict!Liz Parker416.544.1803liz.parker@rogers.comQueen/BathurstWE ARE ALL MUSIC’S CHILDRENMay’s ChildRichard Margisonmj buellRichard Margison and daughter Lauren — co-creators ofa new show, “Back-to-Back,” featuring “classical arias,Neapolitan love songs, jazz and a little Gordon Lightfoot.”Tenor Richard Margison’s career takes him to the world’s operahouses — the Metropolitan Opera, La Scala, the Royal Opera House,Covent Garden, the San Francisco Opera, the Théâtre Royale de laMonnaie, the Sydney Opera and the Gran Teatro del Liceu. Currentlyhe’s singing the role of Herod in the Canadian Opera Companyproduction of Salome (to May 22).Born and raised in Victoria BC, Margison performed in lounges asa teenager, singing and playing guitar in duos and bands. He beganvoice studies with Selena James at the Victoria Conservatory of Musicin 1976. Early experiences included summer at The Banff Centre andCanada Opera Piccola at the Victoria International Festival.In 2007 Margison and his wife, violist Valerie Kuinka, launched anadvanced month-long training program in Haliburton for emergingoperatic performers. Believing that artists at this level should not payfor a summer program, their Highland Opera Studio offers full scholarshipseach year to a number of young Canadians.About that childhood photo? Eagle Island, BC: fun days fishingwith my dad!Anything to say to that little fellow? Keep on practising.Or ask him? Ask what lure he caught that fish on!Earliest musical memories? My dad singing The Green EyedDragon, and my mom playing the piano: music at home, at church,and on records.Musicians in your family? My mom was a piano teacher. She wasmy first teacher and I loved it. She was verypatient. My dad sang and played the viola. Ialways hid behind the couch ...For a longer version visit thewholenote.com.No new contest this month! Music’s Children willresume in June.CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNERS!Strauss’ Salome, to the horror of herstepfather Herod, demands the head ofJohn the Baptist in return for her Dance ofthe Seven Veils. Atom Egoyan directs ErikaSunnegårdh, Martin Gantner and Alan Held,Richard Margison and Hanna Schwarz.Conducted by Johannes Debus (Derek Bate,May 22). A wicked night out for two (May 22)awaits Eileen Best.Viva Verdi! Celebrating Verdi’s 200th, theEtobicoke Philharmonic Orchestra is joined(May 24) by Jeffrey Carl, baritone, RachelCleland, soprano, and Richard Margison,tenor, for opera highlights. Susan Callaghanwins a pair of tickets.Thank you Marcy, Moira and Megan, Gil and Dorothy, and Patricia.thewholenote.com May 1 – June 7, 2013 | 57STIRLING PHOTOGRAPHY
Baroque Orchestra and Chamber Choir