9 years ago

Volume 18 Issue 8 - May 2013

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Theatre
  • Concerts
  • Musical
  • Jazz
  • Choral
  • Singers
  • Festival
  • Vocal
Includes the 2013 Canary Pages choral directory.


CANARY PAGESWelcome to the ELEVENTHedition of The WholeNote’sannual Canary Pages, as wecontinue to provide an opportunityfor Southern Ontario’s choirsto introduce themselves toindividuals of all ages seekingopportunities to sing, in everygenre and at every level of skilland commitment. The 122 choirsin this year’s directory cover anincredible range: choirs thathave thrived for decades, newgroups breaking energeticallyinto the scene, powerful chorusesof more than 100 voices, smalland intimate chamber choirs,children’s choirs, choirs enhancingworship and choirs connectingcommunities across the province.Bach Chamber Youth ChoirSo if you are a lapsed choristerlooking to breathe again, new tothe region, looking for new choralchallenges or thinking of takingthe plunge for the first time, this isthe perfect place to start. And if achoir you are involved with missedthe deadline for this print edition,it can still apply to the onlinedirectory year round. It’s alwaystime to join the singing!THE 2013 CANARY PAGES TEAMPROJECT MANAGER Karen AgesProject Editor Adam WeinmannProofreader Sharna SearleLayout & Design Uno RamatWebsite Bryson WinchesterSurveys & Mapping Patrick SlimmonFor more information contactcanary@thewholenote.comor phone Karen at 416-323-2232 x26.●●Achill Choral SocietyAchill Choral Society (ACS) is a mixedchoir of accomplished amateur singers underfounding director Dale Wood. It has beendelighting audiences for over 25 years. ACSperforms in Alliston, Beeton, Bolton, Caledon,Orangeville, Shelburne and Tottenham. Thechoir attracts high calibre soloists and accompanistsusing an extensive and varied repertoireof classical and contemporary music. It hastoured in Ireland, England and Holland, andhas also sung at Roy Thomson Hall, Toronto.Concerts are held in spring and at Christmasand rehearsals take place Wednesday eveningsin Hockley. Auditions are held twice annually.Naomi Simpson905-729-3699●●Amadeus ChoirGoing into its 39th Season, the 85-voiceAmadeus Choir, under the inspired directionof conductor Lydia Adams, has evolved intoone of Canada’s pre-eminent choral groups.The choir’s 2013/14 season includes, amongothers, great works by Bach, Daley, Ledger,Mozart and Watson Henderson. Collaborationswith the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, BachChildren’s Chorus and the Elmer Iseler Singerswill make this an unforgettable season of music!Rehearsals take place Tuesday evenings inDon Mills; performances happen throughoutthe city. Membership is by audition, with auditionsheld in May/June — please phone or emailthe choir office.Olena Jatsyshyn, general●●Annex Singers of TorontotheWholeNote 2013/14 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORYThe Annex Singers of Toronto is a vibrantcommunity choir delivering an eclectic repertoirewith spirit and sophistication. Now in its34th season, the 60-voice choir performs classicaland contemporary repertoire, includingpremieres of Canadian works. The AnnexChamber Choir is a 20-voice ensembledrawn from the larger choir, presenting worksfrom the chamber repertoire. Director MariaCase’s dynamic leadership and programmingcontinue to invigorate the choir, attracting newmembers and wider audiences. We presenttwo formal concerts each year and close theseason with a cabaret. Experienced singersshould contact our membership coordinatorthrough our website to arrange an audition.We rehearse Monday evenings at St. Thomas’sChurch, 383 Huron St.Richard

●●ASLAN Boys ChoirThe ASLAN Boys Choir is a community choirfor boys aged 7 to 13. Rehearsals take place onTuesdays from 4:30pm–6pm at 111 Manor Rd.E., the Church of the Transfiguration (MountPleasant and Eglinton). Major concerts areheld at the same venue. This year they include“Good News!” (Sunday December 8 at 4pm)and “Pirates, Sailors and the High Cs!” (SundayMay 11 at 4pm).The ASLAN Boys Choir is a premierperforming ensemble and as such strives forexcellence in performance. The boys learn awide range of valuable musical and performanceskills. Membership is by audition, heldon selected dates throughout the springand summer.Thomas Bell416-859-SING (416-859-7464)aslanboyschoir@gmail.comAUDITION THE CHOIR! Thinking about joining? Visit CHAMBER YOUTH CHOIR●●Bach Chamber Youth ChoirThe Bach Chamber Youth Choir, now in its18th season, is an award-winning SATB choirfor boys with changed or changing voicesand girls aged 16 years and up. BCYC is the2013 winner of the Elmer Iseler Best ChoirAward. As the senior level of the Bach Children’sChorus, BCYC will perform at the twoannual concerts at the Toronto Centre for theArts. Additional performances will include acabaret-style concert and a benefit concert.In September 2013, BCYC will move theirrehearsal location to a church on DanforthAve. Linda Beaupré, artistic director of theBCC/BCYC, will continue to conduct the YouthChoir and will welcome associate conductorJordan Travis, an award-winning conductor ofyouth and adult choirs.Jane●●Bach Children’s ChorusBach Children’s Chorus, now in its 26thseason, is an award-winning organization ofthree treble voice choirs and one mixed voicechoir (Bach Chamber Youth Choir — seeseparate listing). Led by founder and artisticdirector Linda Beaupré, an award-winningToronto conductor and clinician, these choirshave a membership of 200 young people, agedsix and up. Training is offered in vocal technique,sight-singing and theory. BCC rehearsesweekly in east Scarborough, performs as aCompany-in-Residence at the Toronto Centrefor the Arts and appears regularly at Torontoevents. Each choir participates in weekendfestivals, workshops and concerts with otheryouth choirs and world-renowned clinicians.BCC has released six solo CDs and has wonprovincial and national choral awards.Jane●●Bach Elgar ChoirFounded in 1905, the Bach Elgar Choir isa leader in Canadian choral music with animportant history. The choir has several firststo its credit, including the North Americanpremiere of Verdi’s Requiem and the Canadianpremiere of Mahler’s Symphony No.2. Thechoir produces a four-concert season and hasenjoyed guest appearances with local organizationssuch as the Hamilton PhilharmonicOrchestra and Opera Hamilton. The Bach Elgarchoir is a large concert choir in Hamilton dedicatedto presenting choral masterpieces to thehighest artistic standard. The choir is currentlyunder the leadership of artistic director AlexanderCann, graduate of McMaster and McGilluniversities, pianist and conductor of choirsand●●Bel Canto SingersDirected by Linda Meyer, the Bel CantoSingers is a 40-voice community-based SATBchoir that provides good music, fun and fellowship.Auditions to determine voice range arerequired. We perform two concerts per year,fall and spring. We also sing in seniors’ residencesand at fundraisers for other organizations.Repertoire is varied and includes folk,movie music, swing, spirituals, Broadway andclassical selections. Rehearsals are 7:30pm–10pm, Tuesdays, at St. Nicholas AnglicanChurch, Warden and Kingston, Birchcliff.Elaine, membership●●Bell’Arte SingersThe Bell’Arte Singers, directed by BrendaUchimaru, is one of Canada’s finest communitychoirs. Founded in 1988 by Dr. Lee Willingham,Bell’Arte is a choir of advanced amateur singers,music educators, music students and professionalswho value the community createdby making music together and sharing thismusic with others. The choir performs a mixof global and traditional choral repertoire fromall periods and integrates into its performancesthe work of other artists through dance, multimediaand storytelling.The choir performs three concerts perseason. Rehearsals are Saturday morningsfrom 10am–12:30pm at the Toronto MennoniteCentre on Queen St. E., in the beautiful Beachneighbourhood of Toronto.Tanya Berezuk,●●Bravado! Show ChoirBravado! is not your ordinary communitychoir. With its unique performance styleof accessible music from across the globe,Bravado! offers its audiences a rare andunforgettable choral experience. Founded in1996, this 34-voice auditioned SATB choir,under the leadership of long-time member andlocal musician Scott Boyer, presents an eclecticrepertoire from traditional and sacred to jazz,pop and rock. All pieces are performed frommemory, allowing the choir to be more interpretiveand to better connect with the audience.The result is dynamic entertainment witha focus on musical excellence combined withthe visual appeal of staging or choreography.theWholeNote 2013/14 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORY

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

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Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

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