9 years ago

Volume 18 Issue 8 - May 2013

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Theatre
  • Concerts
  • Musical
  • Jazz
  • Choral
  • Singers
  • Festival
  • Vocal
Includes the 2013 Canary Pages choral directory.

CANARY PAGESbasses and

CANARY PAGESbasses and baritones.Rhonda Marks,business manager andmembership●●Downtown Vocal Music Academyof TorontoDaCapo Chamber choirtheWholeNote 2013/14 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORYAUDITION THE CHOIR!repertoire. We hold two major concerts per yearin December and May, as well as communityconcerts at nursing homes, corporate functionsand fundraising events. In 2012, werepresented Canada at the InternationalChoral Festival, Rhythms of One World, inNew York City, performing with choirs fromaround the world at Lincoln Centre and theUnited Nations. Rehearsals are held Wednesdays,7:30pm–10pm, at Simcoe Street UnitedChurch, Oshawa. Auditions are the first two orthree Wednesdays of September (fall season)and January (spring season) and we welcomenew members!Ken●●Cummer Avenue United ChurchChancel ChoirFormerly the Newtonbrook United ChurchChoir, Cummer Avenue United Church ChancelChoir consists of a group of volunteer singerssupported by a number of professional sectionleads. The choir sings classical and contemporaryrepertoire and provides strong musicalleadership for Sunday worship services. Inaddition to full choir anthems, various ensemblesand solos are presented by members of thechancel choir. On selected Sundays the choirpresents extra choral music such as traditionalcarols at Christmas and a cantata at Easter.Choral music from all parts of the globe isalso regularly featured in the choir’s offerings.Rehearsals are held on Sunday mornings beforethe service and on selected Thursday eveningsthrough the year.Taylor Sullivan,●●DaCapo Chamber ChoirThe 24-voice DaCapo Chamber Choirwas founded in 1998 in Kitchener-Waterloo,Ontario, under the direction of LeonardEnns. The mission of the choir is to identify,study, rehearse and present outstandingchoral chamber works of the past 100 yearsand to champion music of Canadian and localcomposers. In 2010, DaCapo received theACCC national choral recording of the yearaward for ShadowLand; in 2011 it received firstand second prizes in the National Competitionfor Canadian Amateur Choirs. The choircelebrates its 15th anniversary during 2013/14and will be presenting an almost entirelyCanadian season. DaCapo also annually offersNewWorks, a national choral compositioncompetition. Like us on Facebook or followus on Twitter @DaCapoChoir!Leonard Enns, directorSara Martin,●●DCAT ChorusDCAT Chorus, under the direction of WyattGill, is an amateur vocal ensemble of morethan 40 men and women singing a cappellain six- and eight-part harmony. Our repertoireranges from Broadway to folk, pop totraditional, patriotic to devotional. Music isdelivered with showmanship and a passion forentertaining. We perform without music, noprogrammed accompaniments to tie us downand no set musical form. We sometimes addlive brass and percussion, choreography ordance elements.Rehearsals are Wednesdays, 7:30pm–10pm,at Estonian House, 958 Broadview Ave.Do you love music? Come join us, no auditionnecessary. We have an immediate need ofWe are the Toronto District School Board’sfull day school program delivering theOntario curriculum with a focus on integratedvocal music! The school opened inSeptember 2012. Applications for Grades 4, 5,6 and 7 are being accepted for September 2013.We will be extending to include Grade 8 inSeptember 2014. Numerous performanceopportunities are offered in the school andin the community. Glee clubs, large andsmall singing groups, choirs, musical theatre,chamber ensembles and solo performances arealso available. No audition is required. Pleasevisit our website for more information and ourperformance schedule.Craig Tsuji, principalMark Bell, vice;●●Eastminster ChoirThe Eastminster Choir, under new direction,makes its home at Eastminster UnitedChurch in the heart of Danforth Village.The 40-member choir comprises four professionalsoloists and a dedicated team of proamateursingers. Singing everything from Bachto Broadway to the Beatles, the choir, in additionto regular performances at Eastminster,has performed as guest artists at RiverdaleShare, Elgin/Winter Garden, the Vaughan CityPlayhouse, Metropolitan United and CarnegieHall, and has participated in fundraising effortsfor Out of the Cold, the relief effort in Haiti,SickKids Hospital, Toronto Greening Initiativesand many more.Susan●●ECHO Women’s ChoirECHO is an 80-voice community choir forwomen from all walks of life. ECHO singsTuesday nights at Holy Trinity (beside theEaton Centre), performs at city-wide grassrootsevents and holds December and Mayconcerts. ECHO, a non-auditioned choir co-ledby Becca Whitla and Alan Gasser, aims to

uild a strong, varied and vibrant culture andcommunity through song, and keeps membershipfees and concert tickets accessible to all.Repertoire comes from village singing traditionsaround the world and newly-commissionedmusic. While membership is open, thereis a six month waiting list. Our spring 2013concert is “Mouth Music,” with special guestMaria Dunn, May 5, 3pm, at Holy Trinity.Alan●●Eglinton St. George’s United ChurchThis non-auditioned 45-voice choir meetsThursday evenings for two hours and Sundaymornings for worship, preparing music rangingfrom renaissance motets to jazz songs andfrom chant to oratorio. Prior experience inchoral singing is a requirement. Hymn sings,outreach and benefit concerts are regular fare.We work regularly with artists such as BrianBarlow and Guido Basso, as well as featuringour eight paid lead singers.Fred K.●●Elmer Iseler SingersElmer Iseler Singers is a 20-voice professionalchamber choir based in Toronto andfounded in 1979 by Dr. Elmer Iseler. Directedby the acclaimed Lydia Adams, the Singersare known for tonal beauty and interpretiverange, and valued for their contributions tomasterclasses and workshops by schools andcommunity choirs. The unique “Get Music!Educational Outreach Initiative” mentorsconductors, music educators and students.In salute to the Canadian composer EIS hasrecorded 12 CDs in ten years with Lydia Adams,one of 50 Canadian Music Centre ambassadors!Annual auditions are in May/June. Weeklyrehearsals, a Toronto concert series, touringand recording put the Elmer Iseler Singersamong Canada’s illustrious choral ensembles.Jessie Iseler, general●●Elora Festival SingersFounded in 1980, the Elora Festival Singers(EFS) continue to better with age. As aGRAMMY- and 2-time JUNO-nominated (2013JUNO nomination for I Saw Eternity) chamberchoir, EFS has established itself as one of thefinest chamber choirs in Canada and beyond.Since 1997, the choir has been the professionalcore of the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir, all thewhile remaining true to its beginnings as theThinking about joining? Visit ensemble-in-residence of the annualsummertime Elora Festival. With Noel Edisonstill at the helm, this choir knows no bounds.EFS is renowned for its diverse styles,commitment to Canadian repertoire andcollaborations with other Canadian artists.EFS is also known for its rich, warm soundand clarity of texture.Esther Farrell, artistic●●Etobicoke Centennial ChoirFounded for Canada’s centennial celebrationin 1967, the Etobicoke Centennial Choiris an SATB choir with a strong tradition ofchoral excellence which also offers a warmand welcoming community for singers. Undermusic director Henry Renglich, the choir iscommitted to innovative programming andcollaboration with other arts groups. Our threeconcertseason encompasses a varied repertoireof classical and contemporary works, bothsacred and secular.Rehearsals are Tuesdays from 7:30pm–10pmat Humber Valley United Church in Etobicoke.Membership is by audition. Interested singersare invited to attend any rehearsal, includingour Open House in early September.Lindsay Dodge,●●Etobicoke Youth ChoirMusic director Louise Jardine provides excellenttutelage and artistic inspiration. Choristersaged 7 to 17 enjoy singing, gaining lifeskills, sharing talents and developing musicalabilities. Rehearsals are Tuesday eveningsat Humbervale United Church, 1447 RoyalYork Rd., September through May. Auditionsare simple and fees are reasonable. Repertoireincludes contemporary, theatre, classicaland sacred music. Our season featurestwo concerts, community performances, acabaret featuring individual choristers andfall and spring workshop weekends. Highlightevents for the choir include participation in asold-out 2009 concert at Carnegie Hall, the2011 Festival of the Aegean in Greece and theupcoming 2013 International Children’s ChoirFestival in●●Exultate Chamber SingersFor more than 30 years, Exultate hasgarnered praise as a precise, passionateensemble with a wide-ranging repertoire.Established by conductor John Tuttle, Exultateis enriched by the musicianship and variedbackgrounds of its members. Exultate presentsa four-concert subscription series in Torontoand contributes to the development of thechoral community through outreach initiatives.Auditions are held as required to fill vacancies.Rehearsals are typically on Tuesday nightsfrom 5:30pm–7pm.Elana●●Forte Men’s ChorusFounded in 1997, Forte is a 40-voice men’schamber choir drawn primarily from Toronto’stalented and diverse gay community. Under theleadership of Edward Connell, one of Canada’sfinest choral directors, Forte performs originalarrangements of classical, pop, Broadway andcontemporary songs. Forte has consistentlyforte men’s chorustheWholeNote 2013/14 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORY

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