9 years ago

Volume 18 Issue 8 - May 2013

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Theatre
  • Concerts
  • Musical
  • Jazz
  • Choral
  • Singers
  • Festival
  • Vocal
Includes the 2013 Canary Pages choral directory.


CANARY●●Guelph Youth Singersguelph youth singerstheWholeNote 2013/14 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORYAUDITION THE CHOIR!entertained with annual holiday and springconcerts and a cabaret, tours and participatesin outreach to support LGBTQ communitydevelopment, attends national and internationalchoral festivals and performs withartists such as Margaret Cho, Jackie Richardsonand Marilyn Lightstone.Rehearsals take place Monday evenings nearYonge and Bloor. Membership is by audition.Please see our website or email us to arrangean audition.Tyler●●Georgetown Bach ChoraleSince its inception in 2000, the GeorgetownBach Chorale has wooed audiencesin the Halton Hills area with great concerts.The 20-member chorale revels in creatingan authentic baroque sound, blended withthe crafted playing of period instruments.Conducted from the harpsichord by directorRon Greidanus, the GBC is committed tomusical excellence and recognized by Torontomusicians as a discerning group. By reachingout to and educating the local community,GBC has fostered devoted audiences, who aretreated to many interesting venues and enjoybeing an intimate part of concerts. The positiveenergy audiences experience is supportedby an unusual level of friendship among themembers. This summer the chorale is off toNewfoundland to be part of Festival 500 andlooking forward to another opportunity to“raise eyebrows!”Ron●●Grace Church on-the-Hill ChoirsThere is no sound like the soaring tone oftrebles, boys and girls, trained in the Englishcathedral tradition and singing in the superbacoustics of Grace Church on-the-Hill. Ourextensive music program features men’s,women’s and children’s choirs, singing thebest choral repertoire each week in worship, inconcerts and on tour. Supported by a beautifulCasavant organ and grand piano, the choirsperform at a high standard, singing at twomorning services each Sunday and numerousother events throughout the year. Adults withexperience singing and reading music arewelcome to join. Boys and girls ages five andup are welcome to participate; no prior musicaltraining is necessary. Children receive a smallstipend for singing and participate in vocaltraining and music theory●●Grand River ChorusThe Grand River Chorus is a Brantford areaauditioned 70-voice SATB community choir.We present four main concerts per year andalso perform at various community eventsand in concerts hosted by other organizations.Our 2013/14 season opens October 27, 2013,with “Spotlight on our Youth,” followed by “AChristmas Garland” on December 1, 2013, and“Sing-Along Messiah” on December 20. Jointlywith the Brantford Symphony Orchestra willbe “Rodgers and Hammerstein,” on March 8,2014. We conclude our season with “RachmaninovEaster Vigil,” on May 31, 2014. Our chorussings works of the great masters and contemporarycomposers. Rehearsals are Mondays at7:30pm from September to June.Contact Richard Cunningham for an audition— tenors and basses are especially invited.Richard Cunninghamctenor@rogers.comGuelph Youth Singers, founded in 1991, isentering its 23rd year this season under itsnew artistic director and conductor MarkusHoward. GYS has four treble choirs of youthand children aged 6 to 18. Choristers areplaced in each of the choirs based on age andskill level. Weekly rehearsals at Guelph YouthMusic Centre include vocal technique, theoryand sight singing. GYS performs up to threemajor concerts per season as well as workshop,festival, community and guest performances.Auditions are held in April and May for entryin September and in November for a limitednumber of positions in January.Cathy Meggison,●●Hamilton Children’s ChoirCome Sing With Us! The award-winningHamilton Children’s Choir offers performancesgoing far beyond technical excellence whiledazzling audiences with a focused sound, brilliantrepertoire and captivating stage presence.Guided by world renowned Zimfira Poloz, whobelieves “if you can speak, you can sing,” anda talented artistic team, the HCC offers fivedifferent choral programs to over 150 youngsingers ranging in ages from 4 to 18 yearswho live in Hamilton and surrounding areas.The HCC presents an unmatched opportunityfor personal growth, challenging work andrewarding experiences accomplished throughchoir camp, rehearsals, workshops, recording,performances and touring.Tricia LeClair, executive●●Harbourfront ChorusYou are invited to join the HarbourfrontChorus, a non-auditioned choir performinga diverse repertoire for a diverse city. Underthe direction of Josh Priess, we rehearse Tuesdays,7:45pm–9:15pm, in the dance studioat Harbourfront Community Centre, 627Queens Quay W. at Bathurst. Our season runsSeptember through May. All levels of experienceare welcome. The 2013/14 season beginsTuesday, September 10, 2013. For information,please contact us by phone or email.Dwight

●●Harlequin SingersFor the past 45 years, the Harlequin Singershas specialized in performing popular musicfrom great Broadway shows such as Les Miserables,Evita, Carousel and West Side Story. Ourmusical scores are memorized and presentedin an exciting cabaret-style show. This auditionedcommunity choir in the Hamilton/Burlington area performs throughout thesurrounding communities at charity functions,seniors’ homes and special engagementsas well as performing two major concerts ayear. Singing to sold-out shows, the Harlequinshave developed a rich, unique, jazzy andmellow sound. The vast repertoire is drawnfrom Broadway musicals, award winning filmsand the big band era as well as jazz, contemporary,folk and pop charts.Michael Pin, artistic●●Harmony SingersThinking about joining? Visit–8:30pm, at Ellington’s Music andCafe, 805 St. Clair Ave. W. Registration fornext season starts June 1, 2013.pianovox8@gmail.comharlequin singersUnder conductor Harvey Patterson, thisdynamic 35-voice women’s chorus memorizes,stages and performs a sparkling repertoireof pop, show, folk and light classical pieces.Our accompanist is the renowned pianistBruce Harvey. The Singers stage a yearlyChristmas concert and on May 24 and 25 willpresent “Song of the Land,” an all-Canadianprogram, with award-winning vocalist JamieGroote. The group recently performed abenefit concert for the charity L’Arche andthey have sung the national anthems at BlueJays games and appeared in a music video withDown With Webster. There are a few openingsfor new members. Rehearsals are Mondays,7:30pm–9:45pm, at Martin Grove UnitedChurch, Etobicoke.Harvey●●Hart House ChorusOne of Toronto’s premier large choirs, theHart House Chorus is a 50-member auditionedchoir comprising musically talented students,faculty and alumni of the University of Toronto.Since its inception in 1972, the chorus hasmaintained a reputation for the highest standardof performance locally, nationally and alsoabroad, on the occasion of tours to Scandinavia(1999) and Eastern Europe (2003). Rehearsalsare at 5:45pm every Monday evening and freeconcerts take place twice annually in theGreat Hall at Hart House at the University ofToronto. An ensemble group is available forspecial performances. Our music director isDavid Bowser.Natalie Yiu, publicity manager●●Healey Willan SingersFounded in 2005 by artistic director RonCheung, the Healey Willan Singers started as atribute to the dean of Canadian composers, Dr.Healey Willan, on the 125th anniversary of hisbirth. This innovative women’s chamber choiroffers an eclectic repertoire and performs ina variety of styles, from medieval to modernmusic, and in several languages. Of course,the music of Healey Willan and other greatCanadian composers are featured regularly inthe choir’s performances.The Healey Willan Singers rehearse andperform at the Church of St. Martin in-the-Fields, located at 151 Glenlake Ave., Toronto.Rehearsals are held Saturday mornings from10:15am–12:15pm. If you are interested in auditioningor would like to contribute to or volunteerwith the organization, please contact us.Ron●●Hillcrest Village ChoirSince 2003, this SATB non-auditionedteaching choir has enabled amateur singers toimprove their singing technique and performanceskills in full choir, small-group and solosettings. In an open and engaging atmosphere,members enjoy an eclectic repertoire thatevolves with the interests of the membership.The director/conductor, Ben D’Cunha, trainsmembers in vocal technique, sight-reading,theory and improvisation, and writes thearrangements for the choir. Choir rehearsalsare held September to June on Tuesdays,7pm–9pm, with sectionals on Mondays,●●Islington United Church ChoirsThe extensive and active music programat Islington, under the direction of Dr. JohnDerksen and assisted by many talented andcommitted musicians, includes the junior(ages 6 to 12), youth and senior choirs, alongwith four handbell choirs, chimes, string andbrass ensembles and evening worship band.Supported by a magnificent Schoenstein organand grand piano, music rings through the neo-Gothic sanctuary for two morning serviceseach Sunday, monthly Taizé and eveningcontemporary services and numerous specialservices, events and concerts. The accomplishedsenior choir, with 25 to 30 talentedsingers enriched by section leads, is attentiveto musical detail and expressiveness toenhance worship.John Derksen416-239-1131 x26john@islingtonunited.orgRonald●●John Laing SingersThe John Laing Singers is a chamber choirfounded by John Laing in 1982 and based inOntario’s Golden Horseshoe. Throughout its30-year history, the choir has earned a reputationfor vibrant performances and recordings.Now under the artistic direction of Dr.Roger Bergs, the singers continue to win overaudiences in Hamilton and surrounding areaswith their compelling performances of diversechoral repertoire. Information about the JLStheWholeNote 2013/14 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORY

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)