CANARY PAGES●●newchoirnorth metro chorusAUDITION THE CHOIR!Let your inner rock star out into the world!newchoir, directed by Scott Pietrangelo, isa dynamic SATB adult non-professionalrock/pop choir of 150 singers with a repertoireranging from classic rock to alternativehits to today’s chart toppers. With its fivepiece professional band, newchoir focuses onpresenting large-scale rock concerts but alsoparticipates in other musical events in thecommunity. newchoir rehearses Monday nightsat St. Simon-the-Apostle Anglican Church onBloor St. E. We accept new members eachyear subject to a vocal assessment and availabilityand are always looking for more malevoices. You can apply for our next season eitherthrough our website or by contacting membershipcoordinator Jade Woo.Jade Woo, membership coordinatornewchoirofficial@gmail.comnewchoir.catheWholeNote 2013/14 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORY●●MNjcc Adult DaytimeJoyful Noise ChoirLove to sing? Want to sing in a choir, but tootired or too busy at night? Join the MNjcc’sAdult Daytime Choir, led by conductor GillianStecyk. No experience or sight-reading necessary.Join us and fill your life with the joy ofsinging in harmony, in a fun-filled, relaxedenvironment. The choir meets Tuesday afternoons,1pm–2:30pm, and runs all year long.Join for a semester or for the whole year. Youcan also drop in and pay as you go. Generouslysupported by Karen Green and GoldieFeldman. Conveniently located near theSpadina TTC●●MNjcc Community ChoirSing like you’ve never sung before! Tackleworld, jazz, classical, Jewish, folk, Canadian,gospel and pop music. Our 80-member SATBchoir meets Wednesday evenings, Septemberto June. Rehearsals are well structured andsingers learn skills in different musicalgenres, expression, blend, vocal productionand reading, all under the direction of HarrietWichin. Choir members enjoy a wonderfulcommunity of dedicated singers. Annual springconcerts take place in the Al Green Theatre,with other occasional informal performancesthroughout the year. Conveniently located nearthe Spadina TTC●●MNjcc Women’s ChorusLet the joy of music inspire you by singingwith women of all ages. No experience oraudition required. Enjoy diverse repertoire,learn vocal technique and train your ear toharmony, under the direction of Gillian Stecyk.All women are welcome. The choir meetsMonday evenings, 7:30pm–9:30pm, Septemberto June. Conveniently located near the SpadinaTTC●●Nathaniel Dett ChoraleThe Nathaniel Dett Chorale is a 24-voiceSATB professional choir based in Toronto,dedicated to performing Afrocentric musicof all genres, including classical, spiritual,gospel, jazz, folk and blues. Founded by artisticdirector Brainerd Blyden-Taylor in 1998, theNDC is Canada’s premier performer of Afrocentriccomposers and a touchstone for theeducation of audiences and communitiesregarding the full spectrum of Afrocentricchoral music. The mission of the chorale isto build bridges of understanding, appreciationand acceptance between communitiesof people through the medium of music. Thechorale has a three-concert subscription seriesin Toronto, tours extensively each season andhas released several CDs and DVDs. Membershipis by audition.Joy Bullen, general●●North Metro ChorusNorth Metro Chorus is a women’s a cappellachoral group that boasts about 150 activemembers. Established in 1967 as a memberof Sweet Adelines International, the chorus hasbeen conducted by June Dale since 1971. As aninternationally successful competitive chorus,North Metro has been among the top fourbarbershop choruses since 1994 and has beenthe international champion chorus four times.Our repertoire includes everything from classicbarbershop to folk, rock and pop. If you lovea cappella singing and wish to join a dynamic,competitive chorus with a strong sense offellowship and common purpose, come checkus out. Rehearsals are held Wednesday nights,7pm–10pm, at St. Clement of Ohrid MacedonianOrthodox Cathedral, 76 Overlea Blvd.,●●Oakham House ChoirOakham House Choir of Ryerson Universitywas founded in 1986. It is led by musicdirector Matthew Jaskiewicz and specializesin large oratorio and choral masterworks.Oakham House Choir is one of thefew Toronto choirs in which amateur singersperform with a professional orchestra — theToronto Sinfonietta. The choir has more than70 members, including students, alumni,Ryerson faculty and staff, and communitymembers. Rehearsals are on Monday eveningsat Oakham House, 63 Gould St. Concerts areplanned for November 30, 2013, and April 26,2014. Experienced community choristers arewelcome. Please contact us (email preferred)for more information.Matthew Jaskiewicz416-763-8746●●Oakville Children’s ChoirThe Oakville Children’s Choir is an awardwinningnot-for-profit charitable organizationproviding excellence in choral, musicaland performance training to a diverse groupof 150 or more children and youth fromOakville, Burlington and Mississauga, whilealso providing aspects of leadership trainingthat contribute to young people becomingcommunity-minded adults. The OCC providesfour concerts to the community each season,performs at workshops, provides guest appearancesat community events, collaborates withother choirs and artistic assembles and valuescommunity partnerships. The OCC supportsaccessibility through a financial assistanceprogram and has community outreach andYoung Leaders●●Oakville Choral SocietyThe Oakville Choral Society has been anintegral part of the Oakville community since1960. Directed by David Bowser, we are acommunity-based choir of 60 to 80 memberswho love music, possess a true passion forsinging and enjoy contributing culturally tothe community. No auditions are required,however, a love of music and a willingness tolearn are important. We perform a wide repertoireand are often joined by professional soloistsand orchestra.Rehearsals are Tuesdays, 7:45pm–10pm,at St. Aidan’s Anglican Church, 318 QueenMary Dr., Oakville, and registration is held inSeptember and January. We hold two performancesannually, in late April/early May andearly December.Lynda Sturgeoff,●●Oasis Vocal JazzOasis Vocal Jazz, Toronto’s longest runningclose harmony ensemble, has been making aunique contribution to the city’s artistic lifesince 1985. Influenced by pioneers Lambert,Hendricks and Ross, and inspired by modernday masters of the genre such as New YorkVoice, Take 6 and Toronto’s own Cadence,we enjoy sharing our love of vocal jazz with awide range of audiences. Whether performingin community events, corporate events orcharitable fundraisers, or putting on our ownconcert backed by some of the city’s top jazzinstrumentalists, we have always valued boththe pursuit of musical excellence and the joyof making music with each other. For moreThinking about joining? Visit, why not become a fan of our homepage on Facebook?Alan●●Oriana Singers of NorthumberlandOur lively director, Markus Howard, challengesand delights us weekly with newlearning and varied repertoire as we preparefor our three or four concerts a year. Our skilledaccompanist, Bob Grandy, gives experiencedsupport. The growing choir membership ofover 60 auditioned voices travels from near andfar to rehearse on Mondays from Septemberto June in Cobourg. For more information orcontacts see our●●ORIANA Women’s ChoirORIANA Women’s Choir is an auditioned,amateur ensemble of about 30 female singers.ORIANA’s mandate is to promote choral musicin Canada by striving for excellence and versatilityin performing music for women’s voices.The choir supports the choral communityby expanding the repertoire for women’svoices through commissioning new works byCanadian composers.Under artistic director Mitchell Pady,ORIANA is now in its 42nd season andwelcomes new members. Rehearsals take placeon Tuesdays, 7:30pm–10pm, at North TorontoCollegiate Institute. ORIANA presents threesubscription concerts every year, usually inDecember, March and May, at Grace●●Orpheus Choir of TorontoExpect something different! The OrpheusChoir celebrates its 50th anniversary seasonwith a spectacular array of concerts featuringthe Canadian premieres of Britten’s Worldof the Spirit and Granados’ Song of the Starsalong with the rarely heard Dvořák Requiemand appearances with Hannaford Street SilverBand, virtuoso accordionist Joseph Macerolloand Chorus Niagara, plus a performance inKoerner Hall. Under director Robert Cooper,the 60-voice Orpheus Choir offers somethingdifferent for both concert-goers and singersalike, from less familiar classics to the newand recently composed, from a cappella tofull orchestral works. The choir offers scholarshipsfor young aspiring vocalists throughits Sidgwick Scholars Program. Rehearsals areTuesday evenings at Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. Admission is by audition in May/Juneand periodically throughout the year.Helen●●Pax Christi ChoraleEntering its 27th season, Pax ChristiChorale is a 90-voice auditioned oratoriochoir attracting singers from across theGTA. Artistic director Stephanie Martinis known for programming great works,reviving masterpieces ignored or forgottenby the mainstream of choral practitioners.Concerts feature outstanding soloists andorchestra. Our 2013/14 season includes theGreat Canadian Hymn Competition II, worksby Willan, Finzi, Fauré and L’Anglais, RandallThompson’s The Peaceable Kingdom, the Children’sMessiah community concert and anactive youth outreach program. Paid positionsexist for choral scholars. Rehearsals are heldoriana women’s choirtheWholeNote 2013/14 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORY
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Volume 18 No 8 | May 1 - June 7, 20
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