CANARY PAGES●Toronto ● Beach Choraletoronto chamber choirtheWholeNote 2013/14 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORYAUDITION THE CHOIR!styles. The choir ended its 2012/13 seasonwith a highly successful concert on April 27 atthe Cathedral Church of St. James, “A GrandConcert for the Battle of York, 1813,” markingthe 200th anniversary of that historic event.The 2013/14 season features “Splendours of theSistine Chapel” in October, “A Celebration ofCarols and Psalms” in November, “Requiemfor Richard III” in March and “The Merry Harpand Viol” in May. Guest appearances are alsoplanned for Stouffville and Barrie. Rehearsalsare Wednesday evenings at Trinity College,University of●Tapestry ●Chamber ChoirTapestry Chamber Choir is celebratingits 25th anniversary this season. Founded in1988, Tapestry has developed into an excitingcultural gem in York Region. Under the musicaldirection of Tony Browning, Tapestry enjoys“weaving its song” while exploring the artistryof composers of any period. Most of the repertoireis a cappella but recent pairings withthe York Chamber Ensemble have been mostsuccessful and rewarding for our audiences. Ifinterested in joining our choir (basses especiallywelcome) please contact us in Augustor early September. Tapestry presents threeconcerts in December, March and June in theNewmarket/Aurora area.Catherine Brydon, business●Tempus ● Choral SocietyThe Tempus Choral Society is a 100-voiceSATB community choir based in Oakville andfounded as a millennium project by directorBrian Turnbull. Its repertoire encompassescontemporary, Broadway, Great AmericanSongbook, gospel, classical and jazz. Tempushas sung with the Canadian Male OrpheusChoir, Sankt Annae Youth Choir of Denmarkand at many festivals including the CharlestonInternational Choral Festival and recentlyat the 2012 World Choir Games where theyplaced third in the jazz category. They havebeen invited to sing the Messiah at LincolnCenter on December 1, 2013.Its choristers are an eclectic bunch withmany musical interests, which is why break-outgroups, including a high-powered male quartet,add to the sparkle of Tempus performances.Karena de●Timothy ●Eaton Memorial ChurchChoir SchoolFounded in 1976 by David Ouchterlony, theTEMC Choir School introduces young singersaged 6 to 18 to the joy of making music together.Under the enthusiastic direction of musicdirector Elaine Choi, choristers perform musicfrom many genres, from classical to gospel tojazz. Choirs perform at two Sunday servicesper month, September through May. The choirschool also performs in community outreachperformances, sings in Christmas events andputs on a spring celebration concert — “SingOut!” TEMC Choir School has received goldawards at the Kiwanis Music Festival threetimes since 2011. Rehearsals are Wednesdaysat Timothy Eaton Memorial Church, 5:30pm–7pm. Our new season begins September 11,2013, with an information session and firstrehearsal open to all interested — come join us!Elaine Choi, choir school director416-925-8494 x227elainechoi@temc.catemcchoir.caToronto Beach Chorale is an auditionedSATB choir of approximately 50 voices, underthe direction of Mervin William Fick. The choirfocuses on repertoire from the Renaissanceto the 20th century (with occasional foraysinto Broadway, jazz or pop music), presentsfour concerts per season and participatesin community and fundraising events. TBCis a registered charitable organization andwas awarded a Choirs Ontario ProfessionalDevelopment Grant in 2012. Rehearsals areWednesdays, 7pm–9:30pm, September toMay, at Kingston Road United Church (975Kingston Rd., Toronto). Auditions are heldin September and January for all voice parts;ability to read music and previous choralexperience are definite assets.Nancy●Toronto ● Beaches Children’s ChorusDo you love singing? Do you enjoy drama?Then the Toronto Beaches Children’s Chorusis for you! The TBCC was founded by musicdirector and singer Bronwen Low in 2006 andprovides vocal and dramatic training in a funand supportive environment. The childrenlearn a variety of music from all genres andenjoy bi-weekly drama classes with actor andteacher Joanne Mitchell. The choir has fourlevels of instruction for kids aged 4 to 15. Weperform at least three of our own concerts eachyear, including a fully staged musical everyspring. Our Chamber Choir for kids aged 12and up will also be attending the CrossroadsChildren’s and Youth Choral Festival in Nashville,Tennesse, in July 2014!We are continuously invited to sing fordifferent engagements in the GTA.Bronwen●Toronto ● Chamber ChoirToronto Chamber Choir holds a place ofprominence in Canada’s early music scene,specializing in renaissance and baroque musicas well as works from other eras related toour programming. Our four-concert 2013/14season titled “Songs for Soul and Spirit”features poignant and plaintive works for AllHallows’ Eve, Christmas with J.S. Bach, chromaticismand dissonance with Pärt and Purcell,and Handel’s Chandos Anthems. Concerts areheld at Church of the Redeemer and GraceChurch on-the-Hill — see our website for details.Rehearsals are at St. Patrick’s church hallWednesday evenings. We are auditioning for
all voices in mid-June.Don●Toronto ● Children’s ChorusThe Toronto Children’s Chorus, under theleadership of artistic director Elise Bradley,celebrates its 35th anniversary this year. Recognizedas one of the world’s leading choralensembles for children, the 300-member TCCcomprises four Training Choirs, the Boys’Choir and the Main Choir. The chorus providesan exceptional musical education for childrenaged 6 to 17 and offers senior choristers theopportunity to tour and perform nationally andinternationally. Weekly rehearsals are held inmid-town Toronto (Yonge and St. Clair) andinclude instruction in theory, sight-singing andear-training. Auditions for the chorus are heldannually in May and early September; pleaseregister online. A non-auditioned program forchildren aged 3 to 6 is also available. Pleasecall our office for further information.Carol Stairs,manager, artistic administration416-932-8666●Toronto ● Choral SocietyThe Toronto Choral Society is Toronto’soldest community choir. It was founded in 1845to present concerts and foster the developmentof the local musical community. Todaythe 130-voice TCS choir continues to presentgreat works of the choral repertoire as wellas innovative concerts celebrating this city’shistory and diversity. It produces at least twomajor concerts each season, collaborates inother artistic productions and participates inspecial community events. Artistic directorGeoffrey Butler, accompanist William O’Mearaand assistant conductor Jenny Crober providemusical leadership. Rehearsals are Wednesdaysat 7:30pm at Eastminster United Church, 310Danforth Ave.Geoffrey Butler, artistic●Toronto ● ChoristersThe Toronto Choristers, under the directionof Ralph Peters, is a non-auditioned mixedchoir made up of retired teachers or those whoworked in the field of education. Our membershipnumbers more than a hundred and womenwishing to join may be placed on a waitinglist. Vacancies exist for male voices. We love tomake music together! Our repertoire is varied(classical, spirituals, folksongs and BroadwayThinking about joining? Visit, to name a few). Rehearsals are Thursdayafternoons, from mid-September through May.We perform one concert in December and twoconcerts in May. Please join us at this year’sSpring Concert, May 22, 7:30pm, at Sir JohnA. MacDonald Collegiate, 2300 Pharmacy Ave.(between Sheppard and Finch).Kathy●Toronto ● Classical SingersUnder the direction of Jurgen Petrenko,the Toronto Classical Singers produce threeperformances each year, enthralling audienceswith their versatility and tenacity whiletackling the works of composers who haveearned a place in music history for both theirnotorious lives and their wonderful music.Mark your calendars for December 1, March 2and May 4 as we celebrate our 2013/14 seasonwith concerts held at 4pm at Christ ChurchDeer Park, 1570 Yonge St. Auditions are heldin September. Season tickets are (adults)or (seniors/students), with single ticketsfor (adult) or (seniors/students)●Toronto ● Jewish Folk ChoirThe Toronto Jewish Folk Choir is conductedby Alexander Veprinsky and accompanied byLina Zemelman. Founded in 1925 by immigrantneedle-trade workers, this SATB choirsings folksongs, classics and original worksin Yiddish and other languages. Our 87thannual spring concert, “Raisins and Almonds”June 2 at 3pm at Temple Sinai (210 WilsonAve.), features beloved Yiddish theatre songsby Goldfaden — with soprano Kyra Folk-Farberand tenor Martin Houtman as soloists — andmarks the 65th anniversary of Israel andcentennial of John Weinzweig with his stirringchoral work, Am Yisroel Chai (Israel Lives). Wewill also sing other songs in Yiddish, Hebrew,Ladino and English. The choir is uniting withtwo other choirs in a November concert forHolocaust Education●Toronto ● Lithuanian Choir “Volungė”Founded in 1975, “Volunge,” a women’s octet,was formed under the direction of Dalia Skrinskas-Viskontas.By 1980, the small women’sgroup expanded into a full 45-member mixedchoir. Throughout the years Volunge hasperformed a variety of music including Lithuanianfolk, classical, liturgical and contemporarymusic.Rehearsals are held on Fridays from7pm–9:30pm in the music room of the Churchof the Resurrection.Dalia Viskontas,conductor/artistic●Toronto ● Mendelssohn ChoirGrand symphonic sound has been theToronto Mendelssohn Choir’s trademark forover 100 years. Performing sacred and secularrepertoire, the TMC offers audiences authenticinterpretation of some of the greatest musicever composed. The 120-voice choir includesa professional core, auditioned volunteers andapprentices aged 17 to 22. The TMC performsover 20 concerts annually, including Messiahand other works with the TSO, “Festival ofCarols” at Yorkminster Park Baptist Church,toronto jewish folk choirtheWholeNote 2013/14 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORY
Baroque Orchestra and Chamber Choir
Volume 18 No 8 | May 1 - June 7, 20
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