9 years ago

Volume 18 Issue 8 - May 2013

  • Text
  • Choir
  • Toronto
  • Theatre
  • Concerts
  • Musical
  • Jazz
  • Choral
  • Singers
  • Festival
  • Vocal
Includes the 2013 Canary Pages choral directory.

CANARY PAGESdirected by

CANARY PAGESdirected by Bob Hamper and Mim Adams.Karen Burke directs the 100-voice GospelChoir. The World Music Chorus, presentingtraditional songs from around the globe, isled by Judith Cohen. Each ensemble givesseveral public concerts during the season inthe superb new Tribute Communities RecitalHall at York. All the choirs are open to Yorkstudents, faculty and staff, with auditions heldin early singerstheWholeNote 2013/14 CANARY PAGES DIRECTORYAUDITION THE CHOIR! Thinking about joining? Visit concerts when possible. Vocal Mosaicis part of the Toronto Singing Studio andrehearses Monday evenings from 7pm–9pmfrom September to May at Bloor Street UnitedChurch, 300 Bloor St. W., Toronto. Rehearsalsare lively and sociable (camaraderie andlaughter create good singing!). Vocal Mosaicis directed by Linda Eyman. A season membershipis paid.Linda Eyman, music●●Voices Chamber ChoirWith a diverse repertoire that ranges fromthe Renaissance to the 21st century, Voiceshas been entertaining audiences since 1996.This 20-member mixed-voice chamber choirperforms three regular concerts each seasonin addition to special engagements such asthe Toronto Christmas Market in the DistilleryDistrict. Now in its 17th season under thedirection of its founder, Ron Ka Ming Cheung,Voices remains one of the finest communitychamber choirs in Toronto and has receivednumerous awards and accolades. Voicespromotes a program of community involvement,including collaborations with otherchoral groups and with several Toronto-basedorchestras. Rehearsals are held on Wednesdayevening in downtown Toronto. If anyone wouldlike to audition for the choir, please contact themusic director for more information.Ron●●Wayne Gilpin SingersBeautiful melodies, rocking sax solos,edgy new jazz arrangements of Handel’sMessiah — if any of this appeals to you, readon. The Waterloo-based Wayne Gilpin Singersis an auditioned (a singer-friendly audition,we promise!) chamber choir that sings a widevariety of music, including contemporaryChristian, gospel, show tunes, spirituals, andmore. Resident composer/accompanist AndrewGilpin pens unique arrangements for an everexpandingJazz Messiah, an annual event thattwins Handel’s beautiful melodies with modernrhythms and musical styles. Also featured inconcert are talented guest artists on bass,drums and saxophone, providing an unforgettablemusical experience for both audienceand choir.Wayne●York ● University Departmentof Music ChoirsYork University’s Music Department is hometo ten choral ensembles. Lisette Canton directsthe Chamber Choir, Men’s Chorus and the70-voice Concert Choir, all performing westernclassical repertoire. There are four jazz choirs●Yorkminstrels ●Show ChoirThe Yorkminstrels Show Choir is a mixedvoicecommunity choir founded in 1974 as aspin-off of the Yorkminstrels musical theatrecompany. With our mostly Broadway repertoire,costumes and choreography, the choirhas evolved into a unique group, performing 15to 18 concerts annually (in seniors’ residencesand at private, corporate and communityevents). Rehearsals are held on Wednesdaysfrom 7:30pm–10:30pm at Cummer Lodge,North York, September through June. Openingsare available in the tenor and bass-baritonesections. We perform off-book and asimple audition is required. If you love to sing,please join us!Sandi●Young ● SingersExperience the magic of music and releaseyour child’s musical artistry through choralmusic! Young Singers is composed of fourdistinct choirs in programs between Septemberand June. A unique musical education is offeredin a supportive and challenging environment.YoungER Singers, for ages 6 to 8, rehearsesMondays, 5:45pm–6:45pm. Treble Notes, forages 8 to 14, rehearses Mondays, 7pm–8pm.Director’s Choir is an auditioned treble choirfor children aged 10 to 15, which rehearsesTuesdays, 7pm–8:45pm, and alternate Saturdays,9:30am–11:30am. Random Notes is anauditioned SATB choir for ages 14 and olderwhich rehearses Wednesdays, 7pm–9pm. Wehave two annual concerts a year: a winterconcert in December and our spring concertin Thank you for taking a gander at this year’s Canaries! If you are looking for a specific group of songbirds,visit our directory online, at where you can do more browsing, or conduct a more focussedsearch — by genre, geography, audition type, gender, age range, skill level and more.

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)