Beat by Beat | Classical & BeyondHeading OutInto FallSHARNA SEARLELast issue, way back in June, I made what I hope was a successfulcase — I am an ex-lawyer, after all — for “staying put” andexploring Toronto’s busy summer concert series scene. And,admittedly, I gave short shrift to the abundance of festivals that wereon offer around the province all summer. So, to make amends, I nowencourage you to head out of the city and experience some of the fallfestival fare. However, if you’re intent on staying put, there is enoughgoing on in September/early October to put you in that beginning-ofthe-new-concert-seasonstate of mind.Festivals sweet, PECturesque and colourful: There are three festivalsin September that are definitely worth the drive out of thecity ... and even the often-exasperating drive back in. Two of them,SweetWater Music Festival and Prince Edward County (PEC) MusicFestival, begin on the same day (September 20) and each is celebratingits tenth season; the third and much larger Colours ofMusic begins a week later (September 27) and celebrates its 11thseason over ten days. One of the things they share amongst themselvesis the roster of artists; and sometimes even concert themes.A delightful byproduct — for audiences and musicians alike — and afinancial practicality when mounting festivals in smaller communities.SweetWater, for example, takes place in the village of Leith andthe neighbouring smallish city of Owen Sound; PEC Music Festivalhappens mostly in the “unincorporated community” of Picton, withone concert in the village of Bloomfield. Colours of Music, too, whilelocated in Canada’s 34th largest city, Barrie, benefits from the joys ofsharing. And with that little preamble, it’s off to the festivals!Prince Edward County (PEC) Music Festival: PEC Music Festivalartistic director, the distinguished Canadian pianist, StéphaneLemelin, has this to say about his approach to programming thefestival: “I have always believed that musical communication is athree-way street flowing between performer, composer and audience.The intimate setting and superlative acoustics of St. Mary MagdaleneChurch in Picton have for the last ten years repeatedly allowed forStéphane Lemelin.that communicationto inspire performersand audience membersalike. Our programminghas been broadand I have sought tobalance celebratedmasterworks of thepast with music ofJerusalem Quartet.our time.”You can experiencewhat he’s talking aboutin “Festival’s GreatestHits,” the opening concert on September 20. It features works bySchubert, Brahms and Ottawa composer Steven Gellman, with someexcellent performers including violinist Jacques Israelievitch, soprano16 | September 1 – October 7, 2013
Donna Brown, Ross Edwards on clarinet, and Lemelin, himself, at thepiano. The Gryphon Trio will perform works by Haydn, Mozetich andDvořák on the 22nd. And the “Grand Finale! Piano 1-2-3-4-5-6 Hands”on September 28 sounds spectacular ... and maybe even a little bitdangerous! “Can David Jalbert, Andrew Tunis and Stéphane Lemelinall fit on the same bench?” we’re asked. Find out for yourself, as theprogram progresses from music written for one hand to works forsix — that’s 30 highly-skilled fingers — on one piano!You can also catch hilarious musical antics with “Mary Lou Fallisand Peter Tiefenbach, More or Less Alive,” the premiere of JeunessesMusicales’ touringproduction of LaBohème, and thedebut of someof the region’syoung artists. I’dsay that Lemelinhas met, and quitepossibly exceeded,his programmingprinciples!SweetWaterMusic Festival:Mark Fewer.Cathedral BluffsSYMPHONY ORCHESTRA2013–2014 SEASONNorman ReintammArtistic Director/Principal ConductorSweetWater is,indeed, a sweetlittle three-day/five-concertfestival, programmed by the hugely talented violinist Mark Fewer,the festival’s founding and present-day artistic director. Its Fridayevening opener features the Gryphon’s Annalee Patipatanakoon(violin) and Roman Borys (cello), along with several other superbmusicians including violist Philip Ying, Fewer and fellow violinistEdwin Huizinga (he of “Classical Revolution” fame; worth a google),in works by Schulhoff, Haydn, Ryan and Dvořák. Those “Gryphonites”can also be heard, along with the other members of the “SweetWaterhouse band,” including clarinettist James Campbell, flutist RosanneWieringa, cellists Denise Djokic and David Ying, (along with Fewer,Huizinga and violist Ying) in two beautiful concerts featuring themusic of Bach: the complete Brandenburg Concertos on September 21,with Rob Carli’s Seventh Brandenburg; and the Concerto for TwoViolins on the 22nd; violinist Emily Aquin, introduced in SweetWater’s“Young Artists Concert,” joins them in the Bach “Double.”SweetWater is a festival that “explores the continuities and evolutionof small ensemble music from the Baroque to contemporarymusic and jazz.” True to its word, on September 21 it hosts a fabulousafternoon of Hot-Club-of-France/gypsy-jazz-inspired music, “AJOIN US FOR A TERRIFIC SEASONOrchestral favourites, world music, dance and opera!Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 3 with ARTHUR OZOLINSBeethoven . Brahms . Mozart . Tchaikovsky . Grieg . Ravel . More!✔ Save 30% or more on the price of all 5 concerts in the Subscription Series✔ Receive a FREE guest ticket with each subscription✔ Save an additional off each new subscriptionFor more information and to subscribe, visit the web site116 13T H SEASON14MUSIC IN THEAFT E R NOONW O M E N ’ S M U S I C A L C L U B O F T O R O N T OOCTOBER 17, 2013 | 1.30 PMBAX & CHUNGpiano duoNOVEMBER 21, 2013 | 1.30 PMS U Z I ELEBLANCsopranoFEBRUARY 27, 2014 | 1.30 PMV I N C E N TLAUZERrecorderMARCH 20, 2014 | 1.30 PMY E G O RDYACHKOVcelloJ E A NSAULNIERpianoARTISTIC DIRECTOR: SIMON FRYERWalter Hall, Faculty of Music, University of Toronto (Museum Subway Station)LES VOIX HUMAINESCONSORT OF VIOLSMargaret Little; Susie Napper; Mélisande Corriveau; Felix DeakWinner of the WMCT 2012 Career Development AwardAPRIL 10, 2014 | 1.30 PMPAVEL HAASQ UA RT E TFive Concerts for 5Subscriptions available – don’t be disappointed – subscribe nowFor information and to subscribe call 416-923-7052All artists, dates, and programmes are subject to change without notice.Support of the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario, andthe City of Toronto through the Toronto Arts Council is gratefully acknowledged.PRESENTED BYTORONTODEBUTVeronika Jarušková,°violin; Marek Zwiebel, violin;Pavel Nikl, viola; Peter Jarušek,°celloArtist Sponsor for Suzie LeBlanc:BMO Financial GroupConcert Sponsor: WMCT FoundationProgramme includes Atonement by Christos Hatzis(WMCT Commission and World Première)The Ontario Trillium Foundation is an agencyof the Government of | September 1 – October 7, 2013 | 17
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