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BANDSTAND continued from page 34or carrying the mace for the band, MacMillan was the definition ofcommunity involvement.So, after a busy summer of weekly concerts, the band’s principalactivity will be, as mentioned, their annual participation inthe commemoration of the Battle of Plattsburgh on September 14.The theme of the weekend is the “Canadian Connection” whichwill feature them along with the Cobourg Legion Pipes and Drumsof Branch 133. The bands will be featured in a parade, beat retreatceremony and evening concert. In the concert the band will have thehonour of opening the newly renovated Strand Theatre in Plattsburgh.On another down note, I recently attended a benefit event at theFrenchman’s Bay Yacht Club to honour trumpeter Carlo Vanini. Wellknown in Toronto band circles and a regular for many years in theBob Cary Orchestra at what was formerly the Chick ’n’ Deli, Carlo hasbeen seriously ill. Hundreds of friends and family members were thereto express their support. We hope to see him back soon.Definition DepartmentThis month’s lesser known musical term is An-Dante: a tempo that’sinfernally slow. We invite submissions from readers. Let’s hear yourdaffynitions.Jack MacQuarrie plays several brass instruments andhas performed in many community ensembles. He canbe contacted at bandstand@thewholenote.com.WILL YOUR BAND/CHOIR/ORCHESTRA/ENSEMBLEGET THE BLUES IF YOU MISSTHE DEADLINE?Every October musical Ontario blowsits own horn in The WholeNote’s annualblue PageS. Share the wealth of whoyou are, the music you perform and yourplans for the 2013/14 season, with a 175-word profile in October’s print magazine,available online all year!Count yourself in!directories@thewholenote.comdeadline: September 6!thewholenote.com September 1 – October 7, 2013 | 39