● ● 3:00: Gallery 345. From Handel To Tango.Works by Scarlatti, Hummel, Handel, Viardot,Rodrigo, Delibes and Piazzolla. Iris Rodrigues,soprano; Paul Sanvidotti, trumpet; EdwardMoroney, piano; Mary-Katherine Finch, cello;Don MacDonald, guitar. 345 Sorauren Ave.416-822-9781. ; (sr/arts worker);(st).● ● 3:00: Royal Conservatory. ARC Ensemblewith Peter Barrett, baritone. Stravinsky: Suiteitalienne; Puccini: Chrysanthemums; Wolf:Italian Serenade; Castelnuovo-Tedesco: PianoQuintet No.1; Respighi: The Sunset for voiceand string quartet. Koerner Hall, 273 BloorSt. W. 416-408-0208. Free (reservationrequired). Culture Days Concert.● ● 3:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra.Casual Concert: Mendelssohn Violin Concerto.Britten: Variations and Fugue on aTheme of Purcell; Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto;Dvořák: Symphony No. 7. Ray Chen,violin; Peter Oundjian, conductor. GeorgeWeston Recital Hall, Toronto Centre for theArts, 5040 Yonge St. 416-593-4828. .50-.50. Also Sep 28 (Roy Thomson Hall; noBritten).● ● 4:00: Cathedral Church of St. James. TwilightRecitals. Andrew Ager, organ. 65 ChurchSt. 416-364-7865 x231. Freewill offering.● ● 4:00: Lower Ossington Theatre. Next toNormal. See Sep 1.● ● 4:00: St. Olave’s Anglican Church. BenjaminBritten 100. Choral Evensong with ScholaEcclesiam, followed by Peach Tea and discussionon works by Britten. Clem Carelse, conductorand lecturer. 360 Windermere Ave.416-769-5686. Contributions appreciated.Religious service.● ● 9:00: Small World Music Festival. OdessaHavana. Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St. W. 416-588-0307. /(adv).Monday September 30● ● 12:15: Music Mondays. From Ragas toA. Concerts in the GTARhythm. Indo-Canadian fusion. Autorickshaw.Church of the Holy Trinity, 10 TrinitySq. 416-598-4521 x304. Free, suggesteddonation.● ● 7:00: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Monday Evening Concerts: GryphonTrio (Ensemble-in-Residence), and JamesCampbell, clarinet. Ravel: Piano Trio in a; Messiaen:Quatuor pour la fin du temps (Quartetfor the End of Time). Walter Hall, EdwardJohnson Building, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-408-0208. ; (sr); (st).● ● 7:30: Toronto Masque Theatre. Salon:Ten years of Toronto Masque Theatre –a retrospective. Featuring dramatic andmusical entertainment. Teri Dunn, soprano;Lucas Harris, lute; and others. Studio,21 Shaftesbury Ave. 416-410-4561. By donation( suggested). Refreshments included.Tuesday October 1● ● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Jazz Series: Swinging on a Star. Jazz standardsand original tunes. Morgan Childs,drummer; Kelly Jefferson, sax; Dave Restivo,piano; John Mahara, bass. Richard BradshawAmphitheatre, Four Seasons Centre forthe Performing Arts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.● ● 1:00: Cathedral Church of St. James.Music at Midday. Thomas Gonder, organ.65 Church St. 416-364-7865 x231. Freewilloffering.● ● 7:30: Ontario Registered Music Teachers’Association (BBC branch). Brampton ChamberMusic Concert Series. Recital of worksfor piano trio and piano solo. Trio AquaDulci;Patrick Tomczyszyn and Lynne Li, piano. St.Paul’s United Church (Brampton), 30 Main St.S., Brampton. 905-450-9220. By donation.● ● 8:00: Soundstreams. The Music of ArvoPärt. Pärt: Adam’s Lament (Canadian premiere);L’abbé Agathon (Canadian premiere);Rolfe: Open Road (world premiere); Maimets:new work (world premiere). Shannon Mercer,soprano; Choir 21; Virtuoso StringOrchestra; Tõnu Kaljuste, conductor. KoernerHall, Royal Conservatory, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. -. 7:00: Pre-concert chatwith James Rolfe and Riho Maimets.Wednesday October 2● ● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Chamber Music Series: An Afternoon ofBeethoven. Beethoven: Quartet No.2 in G;Quartet No.10 in E-flat. Benjamin Bowmanand Ashley Vandiver, violin; Teng Li, viola; AlastairEng, cello. Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.● ● 8:00: Flato Markham Theatre. BuffySainte-Marie, singer-songwriter. 171 TownCentre Blvd., Markham. 905-305-7469.-.● ● 9:00: Small World Music Festival. Brownmanand Gruvasylum a lo Cubano: Orishas.Guests: Ogguere and Telmary, rap. LulaLounge, 1585 Dundas St. W. 416-588-0307./(adv). Reservation required.Thursday October 3● ● 12:00 noon: Canadian Opera Company.Piano Virtuoso Series: Have Harpsichord, WillTravel. Music by Byrd, Frescobaldi, Rameau,Geminiani and Bach. Hank Knox, harpsichord.Richard Bradshaw Amphitheatre,Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts,145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. Free.● ● 12:00 noon: Encore Symphonic ConcertBand. Lunchtime Concert. Selectionof concert band music including classical,musicals and other genres, usually with onevocal selection. John Edward Liddle, conductor.Encore Hall, Wilmar Heights Centre,963 Pharmacy Ave., Scarborough. 416-346-3910. . Lunch friendly.● ● 12:10: Nine Sparrows Arts Foundation/Christ Church Deer Park. Lunchtime ChamberMusic. Mehdi Ghazi, piano. Christ ChurchDeer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416-241-1298. Free.Donations welcome.● ● 12:10: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. Thursdays at Noon: Ancora Quattro.Works for flute quartet by M. Dubois, E.Brown, Fiday and Charke. Camille Watts, LeslieNewman, Susan Hoeppner and DianneAitken, flutes. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-978-3750.Free.● ● 12:15: Music at Metropolitan. Noon at Met.Marina Tchepel, soprano; Patricia Wright,piano. Metropolitan United Church, 56 QueenSt. E. 416-363-0331 x26. Free.● ● 7:30: Canadian Opera Company. LaBohème. Puccini. Grazia Doronzio, soprano(Mimi - Oct 6, 12, 16, 18, 22, 25, 29); Joyce El-Khoury, soprano (Mimi - Oct 9, 19, 27, 30);David Lomelí, tenor (Rodolfo - Oct 6, 12, 16,18, 22, 25, 29); Eric Margiore, tenor (Rodolfo- Oct 9, 19, 27, 30); Joyce El-Khoury, soprano(Musetta - Oct 6, 12, 16, 18, 22, 25, 29); SimoneOsborne, soprano (Musetta - Oct 9, 19, 27, 30);Joshua Hopkins, tenor (Marcello - Oct 6, 12,16, 18, 22, 25, 29); Phillip Addis, baritone (Marcello- Oct 9, 19, 27, 30); COC Orchestra andChorus; Carlo Rizzi, conductor. Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts, 145 Queen St.W. 416-363-8231. -5. Also Oct 6(mat),9, 12(mat), 16, 18, 19, 22, 25, 27(mat), 29 and30.● ● 7:30: University of Toronto Faculty ofMusic. U of T Symphony Orchestra SeasonOpening Concert. Grieg: Peer Gynt Suite No.1;Nielsen: Clarinet Concerto Op.57; VaughanWilliams: Fantasia on a Theme by ThomasTallis; Britten: The Young Person’s Guide tothe Orchestra. Michael Dassios, clarinet;David Briskin, conductor. MacMillan Theatre,Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen’s Park.416-408-0208. ; (sr); (st).● ● 8:00: Canadian Music Centre. LucianeCardassi, piano. Contemporary works forpiano by Canadian and Brazilian composers.20 St. Joseph St. 647-438-9874. ;(sr/st).● ● 8:00: Music Toronto. Quartet Series: JerusalemQuartet. Mozart: Quartet in B-flatK589 (Prussian); Shostakovich: QuartetNo.11 in f Op.122; Dvořák: Quartet in G Op.106.Jane Mallett Theatre, St. Lawrence Centrefor the Arts, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723 or1-800-708-6754. -; (st); pay-yourage(ages18-35, plus facility and handlingfees and HST).● ● 8:00: Small World Music Festival. JorgeDrexler. Guest: Lenka Lichtenberg, vocals.St. Andrew’s Church, 73 Simcoe St. 416-929-0811. /(adv).● ● 8:00: Tafelmusik. Baroque Austria: Salzburgand Vienna. Works by Fux, Schmelzer,Rittler, Muffat and Biber. Guest: ManfredoKraemer, violin and conductor. Trinity-St.Paul’s Centre, 427 Bloor St. W. 416-964-6337.-; -(65 and over); -(35and under). Also Oct 4, 5, 6, 8(George WestonRecital Hall). Start times vary.Pax Christi ChoraleNew hymns giving fresh expressions of faith for our time.Sunday, October 6 th , 3:00pmGrace Church on-the-Hill, TorontoPaxChristiChorale.org 416-491-854246 | September 1 – October 7, 2013 thewholenote.com
BAROQUEAUSTRIASALZBURG& VIENNAOCT 3–8TRINITY-ST. PAUL’S CENTRE,JEANNE LAMON HALL &GEORGE WESTON RECITAL HALLtafelmusik.orgBaroque OrchestraJeanne Lamon, Music DirectorFriday October 4● ● 8:00: Aurora Cultural Centre. JohnSheard Presents The Great Reunion. Guest:Russell deCarle (Prairie Oyster). 22 ChurchSt., Aurora. 905 713-1818. /(adv).● ● 8:00: Flato Markham Theatre. ChamberOrchestra Kremlin. Rossini: Sonata forStrings; Prokofiev: Visions Fugitives; Tchaikovsky:Serenade for Strings. Misha Rachlevsky,conductor. 171 Town Centre Blvd.,Markham. 905-305-7469. -.● ● 8:00: Royal Conservatory. Royal ConservatoryOrchestra. Strauss: Dance of the SevenVeils (from Salome); Tchaikovsky: Violin Concertoin D; Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring. LuriLee, violin; Julian Kuerti, conductor. KoernerHall, 273 Bloor St. W. 416-408-0208. -.● ● 8:00: Small World Music Festival. Mashrou’Leila. Lee’s Palace, 529 Bloor St. W. 416-532-1598. /(adv).● ● 8:00: Tafelmusik. Baroque Austria: Salzburgand Vienna. See Oct 3.Saturday October 5● ● 7:30: Canadian Opera Company. PeterGrimes. Britten. Ben Heppner, tenor (PeterGrimes); Ileana Montalbetti, soprano (EllenOrford); Alan Held, bass (Captain Balstrode);Roger Honeywell, tenor (Bob Boles); PeterBarrett, baritone (Ned Keene); and others;COC Orchestra and Chorus; Johannes Debus,conductor. Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231.-2. Also Oct 8, 11, 17, 20(mat), 23 and26(mat).● ● 8:00: Gallery 345. Story-songs/Songpaintings.Soozi Schlanger solo CD releaseand art exhibition. Guests: Colleen Allen,saxophone; Emilyn Stam, piano and fiddle;Tony Quarrington, guitar; Holly Treddenick,aerial performing artist. 345 Sorauren Ave.416-822-9781. .● ● 8:00: Greater Toronto PhilharmonicOrchestra. Autumn Classics. Featuring winnersof North York Music Festival. Wagner:Sigfried’s Idyll; Beethoven: Symphony No.7;Bruch: Scottish Fantasy; Mozart: Concertoin d; Beethoven: Violin Concerto. Rachelle Li,violin; Alexander Volkov, violin; Charissa Vandikas,piano; David Fallis, conductor. CalvinPresbyterian Church, 26 Delisle Ave. 647-478-6122. ; (sr/st).● ● 8:00: Tafelmusik. Baroque Austria:Salzburg and Vienna. See Oct 3.Sunday October 6● ● 1:15: Mooredale Concerts. Music & Truffles.Excerpts from Mendelssohn’s Octet, foryoung audiences ages 6-15. Cecilia and AfiaraString Quartets. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-922-3714x103. (includes a chocolate truffle at theconclusion).● ● 2:00: Canadian Opera Company. LaBohème. See Oct 3.● ● 2:00: Roy Thomson Hall. MariinskyOrchestra. Stravinsky: Firebird (complete);Pétrouchka (1911); The Rite of Spring. ValeryGergiev, conductor. 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. .50-9.50.● ● 2:30: VOICEBOX: Opera in Concert. TheStressed-Out Impresario. A spoof basedon Mozart’s one-act satire. Leigh-Ann Allen,Christina Campsall, Lise Maher, Tessa Laengert,Guillermo Silva-Marin (The Impresario)and others; Nicole Bellamy, piano. JaneMallett Theatre, St. Lawrence Centre for theArts, 27 Front St. E. 416-366-7723 or 1-800-708-6754. -.● ● 3:00: North York Suzuki School of Music.Deirdre Reynolds Scholarship Concert. LawrencePark Community Church, 2180 BayviewAve. 416-222-5315. By donation.● ● 3:00: Oshawa Opera. An Afternoon atThe Opera. Highlights from Carmen, Il Trovatoreand Così fan tutte. Jennifer Carterand Jacqueline McIntyre, soprano; KristineDandavino and Sarah Christina Steinert,mezzo; Joseph Levesque, tenor; Stuart Graham,baritone; Christopher Burton, piano;and others. Ritson Road Alliance Church,605 Ritson Rd. N., Oshawa. 905-995-2847..● ● 3:00: Pax Christi Chorale. Great CanadianHymn Competition 2. New works. CatherineRobbin, host. Grace Church on-the-Hill,300 Lonsdale Rd. 416-491-8542. ; (sr);(st); (child).● ● 3:00: Vesnivka Choir/Toronto UkrainianMale Chamber Choir. Dance Tunes of the40s and 50s. Works by Vesolowskyj. Guest:Barvinok Dance Ensemble. St. Mary’s UkrainianCatholic Church, 3625 Cawthra Rd., Mississauga.416-246-9880 or 416-763-2197. ;(sr/st).● ● 3:15: Mooredale Concerts. Cecilia StringQuartet. Tchaikovsky: String Quartet No.1 in DOp.11; Haydn: String Quartet No.4 in D Op.20;Mendelssohn: Octet in E-flat. Guest: AfiaraString Quartet. Walter Hall, Edward JohnsonBuilding, 80 Queen’s Park. 416-922-3714 x103.; (under 30).● ● 3:30: Tafelmusik. Baroque Austria: Salzburgand Vienna. See Oct 3.● ● 4:00: Cathedral Church of St. James. TwilightRecitals. Andrew Ager, organ. 65 ChurchSt. 416-364-7865 x231. Freewill offering.● ● 4:00: St. Philip’s Anglican Church. JazzVespers. George Koller Quartet. 25 St. PhillipsRd., Etobicoke. 416-247-5181. Freewill offering.● ● 7:00: St. Anne’s Anglican Church. Bernieon Book. Tenor songs through the ages. BernieLynch, tenor; Matthew Otto, piano andorgan. 270 Gladstone Ave. 905-867-1194. Bydonation. Proceeds to St. Anne’s Organ Fund.● ● 8:00: Gallery 345. Music Of Heart And Passion:Tango and more. Traditional and nuevotango; also Italian and Japanese art song.Ayumi Moriwaki, vocals; Soohyun Nam, cello;Elbio Fernandez, vocals; Shinichiro Sudo,piano; Steve Yee and Marilena Stalteri, dancers.345 Sorauren Ave. 416-822-9781. .● ● 8:00: New Music Concerts. Stefan meetsAnton and Morty meets John. Wolpe: Concertofor nine instruments; Chamber PieceNo.1; Webern: Konzert Op.24; Feldman: Structuresfor string quartet; Projection 5; Cage:String Quartet in Four Parts. Accordes stringquartet; New Music Concerts Ensemble; RobertAitken, flute and conductor. Betty OliphantTheatre, 404 Jarvis St. 416-961-9594. ;(sr/arts worker); (st). 7:15: Introduction.2:30: Free seminar with curator AustinClarkson; see Section D, “The ETCeteras,”under Lectures & Symposia for details.● ● 8:00: Small World Music Festival. Dakha-Brakha. Revival Bar, 783 College St. 416-535-7888. /(adv).B. Concerts Beyond the GTAIN THIS ISSUE: Ancaster, Barrie, Bloomfield, Guelph, Hamilton,Leith, London, Markdale, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Orangeville,Owen Sound, Paris, Peterborough, Picton, Port Hope,St. Catharines, Stratford, Wasaga Beach and Waterloo.Sunday September 1● ● 2:00: Shaw Festival. The Light in thePiazza. Music and lyrics by Guettel; bookby Lucas. Patty Jamieson (Margaret Johnson);Jacqueline Thair (Clara Johnson);Jeff Irving (Fabrizio Naccarelli); Julain Molnar(Signora Naccarelli); Peter Millard (ThePriest); and others; Jay Turvey, stage director;Paul Sportelli, music director; Linda Garneau,choreographer. Court House Theatre,26 Queen St., Niagara-on-the-Lake. 905-468-21721 or 1-800-511-7429. .20-9.61;.90(under 30). Runs to October 13. Checkwebsite for performance dates and times.LISTING NOT REPEATED.● ● 2:00: Stratford Festival. Fiddler on theRoof. Book by J. Stein; music by J. Bock; lyricsby S. Harnick. Based on Sholem Aleichemstories. Kate Hennig (Golde); Scott Wentworth(Tevye); Jennifer Stewart (Tzeitel);Jacquelyn French (Hodel); Keely Hutton(Chava); Gabrielle Jones (Yente); and others;Donna Feore, director and choreographer;Shelley Hanson, music director. Festival Theatre,55 Queen St., Stratford. 519-273-1600or 1-800-567-1600. -0.00; (18 andunder). Runs to October 20. Check websitefor performance dates and times. LISTINGNOT REPEATED.Tuesday September 3● ● 8:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. World PercussionSummit. Pandit Anindo Chatterjee,Dong-Won Kim, Hamid Drake and Jesse Stewart.Co-operators Hall, River Run Centre,35 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or1-877-520-2408. Free.Wednesday September 4● ● 12:00 noon: Colours of Music. MiddayMusic With Shigeru. Mollie Moloney, pianoand voice. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church,50 Anne St. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ;free(st).● ● 1:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. Workshop:Loteria del Sotavento, Sonido del Solotempo/Free Fandango. Alain Derbez, Kali Nino Mendozaand others. See listings Section D, “TheETCeteras,” under Workshops.● ● 5:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. Sandy Evans,Matt Brubeck and Pandit Anindo Chatterjee.Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, 358 GordonSt., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or 1-877-520-2408. Free.● ● 8:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. Atomic DoubleBill with Moskus Trio. Moskus Trio (Hans Hulbaekmo,Anja Lauvdal, Fredrik Luhr Dietrichson);Atomic (Fredrik Ljungkvist, MagnusBroo, Håvard Wiik, Ingebrigt Håker Flaten,Paal Nilssen-Love). Co-operators Hall, RiverRun Centre, 35 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or 1-877-520-2408. ; (sr/st).● ● 8:00: Stratford Festival. Tommy. Musicand lyrics by Townshend; book by Townshendand McAnuff. Additional music andlyrics by Entwistle and Moon. Robert Markus(Tommy); Jewelle Blackman (Gypsy); KiraGuloien (Mrs. Walker); Jeremy Kushnier(Captain Walker); Paul Nolan (Cousin Kevin);and others; Des McAnuff, director. Avon Theatre,99 Downie St., Stratford. 519-273-1600thewholenote.com September 1 – October 7, 2013 | 47