9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 1 - September 2013

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  • September
  • Jazz
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  • Orchestra
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  • Concerts
  • Guelph

or 1-800-567-1600.

or 1-800-567-1600. .50-3.75; (18and under). Runs to October 19. Check websitefor performance dates and times. LIST-ING NOT REPEATED.Thursday September 5B. Concerts Beyond the GTA● ● 9:15am: Guelph Jazz Festival. Workshop:In Case of Emergency Please BreakGlass: A Multi-Modal Fantasia on Philip Glass’Knee Play 4. See listings Section D, “TheETCeteras,” under Workshops.● ● 1:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. Workshop:Jazz Futures – A Bridge to the Unknown.Nicole Mitchell, Anja Lauvdal and others. Seelistings Section D, “The ETCeteras,” underWorkshops.● ● 5:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. Oolong 7. TimPosgate, Ravi Naimpally, Jaimie McClymentand Neil Hendry. Macdonald Stewart Art Centre,358 Gordon St., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or1-877-520-2408. Free.● ● 8:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. Nicole Mitchell’sIndigo Trio Double Bill with Matt Brubeck.Indigo Trio (Nicole Mitchell, Harrison Bankhead,Hamid Drake). St. George’s AnglicanChurch, 99 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or 1-877-520-2408. ; (sr/st).● ● 11:30: Guelph Jazz Festival. BadBadNot-Good. Matthew Tavares, Chester Hensen andAlex Sowinski. St. George’s Anglican Church,99 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or1-877-520-2408. ; (sr/st).Friday September 6● ● 1:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. Workshop: InOther Spaces – Improvising Interventions.Joane Hétu, Lori Freedman and others. Seelistings Section D, “The ETCeteras,” underWorkshops.● ● 5:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. Tisziji Muñoz.Tisziji Muñoz, guitar; George Koller, bass;Greg Pilo, drums; Bernie Senensky, piano.Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, 358 GordonSt., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or 1-877-520-2408.; (sr/st).● ● 8:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. MarianneTrudel, William Parker and Hamid DrakeDouble Bill with Dawn of Midi. Dawn of Midi(Aakaash Israni, Amino Belyamani, QasimNaqvi). Co-operators Hall, River Run Centre,35 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or1-877-520-2408. ; (sr/st).● ● 11:30: Guelph Jazz Festival. Esmerineand Guests Double Bill with Hamid Drakeand Jesse Stewart. Rebecca Foon, BruceCawdron, Brian Sanderson, Jamie Thompson,Hakan Vreskala and others. St. George’sAnglican Church, 99 Woolwich St., Guelph.519-763-3000 or 1-877-520-2408. ;(sr/st).Saturday September 7● ● 10:30am: Guelph Jazz Festival. SatokoFujii and Kaze. Satoko Fujii, Natsuki Tamura,Christian Pruvost and Peter Orins. Co-operatorsHall, River Run Centre, 35 Woolwich St.,Guelph. 519-763-3000 or 1-877-520-2408.; (sr/st).● ● 12:00 noon: Guelph Jazz Festival. FriendlyRich’s Scheherazade. Musicians collaboratewith kids from Guelph. Richard Marsella,conductor. St. George’s Anglican Church,99 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or1-877-520-2408. Free.● ● 1:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. Concert Seriesat Community Stage, Market Square. IsaiahFarahbakhsh, cello improvisations (1pm);Bomata (2:30); Drumhand (4pm); Jane Bunnett’sRumba Meets Jazz (5:30); Jayme Stoneand the Other Side of the Air (7:30pm); Battleof Santiago (9:30pm); Nuit Blanche: Eccodekwith Onkar Singh (11:30pm). Market Square,1 Carden St., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or 1-877-520-2408. Free.● ● 4:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. EnsembleSuperMusique: Pour ne pas désespérerseul. Joane Hétu, Jean Derome, Josh Zubot,Danielle Palardy Roger, David Lafranceand others. Guelph Youth Music Centre,75 Cardigan St., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or1-877-520-2408. ; (sr/st).● ● 8:00: Aeolian Hall/Constellation Records/Sweet Magic London. Esmerine, MatanaRoberts, Jerusalem In My Heart and Saltland.Aeolian Hall, 795 Dundas St. E., London. 519-672-7950. /(adv); (st).● ● 8:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. Pharoah andthe Underground Double Bill with WadadaLeo Smith’s Golden Quartet. River Run Centre,35 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519-763-3000or 1-877-520-2408. 6(VIP); -;-(sr/st).Sunday September 8● ● 12:00am: Guelph Jazz Festival. NuitBlanche: Souljazz Orchestra. Soul, Jazz, Afro,Latin and Caribbean rhythms. Pierre Chrétien,Zakari Frantz, Philippe Lafrenière, RayMurray, Marielle Rivard and Steve Patterson.St. George’s Anglican Church, 99 WoolwichSt., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or 1-877-520-2408.; (sr/st).● ● 12:00am: Guelph Jazz Festival. NuitBlanche at Silence. Jean Derome and JoaneHétu (12am); Patrick Graham, percussionimprovisations (1:30am); Ondine Chorus,voice combined with physical movement; Oliveros,tuning meditation; with Susan Smith;Shannon Kingsbury; Tannis Slimmon (3am);Variazioni Oscuro, interpretation of Italianbaroque work by Guido Buonarroti non Papa;Matt Brubeck, cello; Ben Grossman, ghironda(4:30am); Marianne Trudel, improvised solopiano music (6am). Silence, 46 Essex St.,Guelph. 519-763-3000 or 1-877-520-2408.Free. Runs 12am to 7am.● ● 12:00am: Guelph Jazz Festival. NuitBlanche at Sukha Yoga Centre. Lori Freedmanand Nicolas Caloïa, bass clarinet anddouble bass improvisations (12am); BernardFalaise, electric guitar improvisations(1am); Jayme Stone and Joe Phillips, banjoand double bass improvisations (2am). 101-42 Wyndham St. N., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or1-877-520-2408. Free. Runs 12am to 3am.● ● 12:20am: Guelph Jazz Festival. NuitBlanche at Guelph Youth Music Centre.Mother of Girl: Ann Denny; Ryan Veltmeyer;John Snow; Greg Woolner (12:20am);Birds of Paradox, improvised jazz synthesizedwith traditional Chinese, Western andIndian music; with Ron Samworth, NeelamjitDhillon, Lan Tung and Andre Lachance (2am);Friendly Rich and the Lollipop People: RichardMarsella; Brandi Disterheft; Gregory Oh; JeffBurke; Kimberley Pritchard (3:30am); WilliamParker, Mark Laver and Dong-Won Kim, saxophone,bass, and percussion improvisations(5:30am). 75 Cardigan St., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or 1-877-520-2408. Free. Runs 12:20amto 6:30am.● ● 2:00am: Guelph Jazz Festival. NuitBlanche at St. George’s Anglican Church.DJ Eccodek (Patrick Macpherson) andDeliveryboy, dance music influenced byglobalism (2am); Noche Blanca, dance musicby DJs and live musicians; with Amadeo Venturaand others (3:30). 99 Woolwich St.,Guelph. 519-763-3000 or 1-877-520-2408.Free. Runs 2am to 4:30am.● ● 10:30am: Guelph Jazz Festival. São PauloUnderground. Rob Mazurek, cornet and harmonium;Guilherme Granado, keyboardsand vocals; Mauricio Takara, percussionand electronics. Guelph Youth Music Centre,75 Cardigan St., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or1-877-520-2408. ; $19(sr/st).● ● 2:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. Jesse Stewartand the Penderecki String Quartet. Percussionwith string quartet. Stewart: GnomonVariations. Co-operators Hall, River Run Centre,35 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519-763-3000or 1-877-520-2408. ; (sr/st).Wednesday September 11● ● 2:30: Barrie Concert Association/Coloursof Music. Seniors Serenade. JanetNess, voice; Chris Ness, piano. Central UnitedChurch, 54 Ross St., Barrie. 705-726-1181.Free.● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Soheil Nasseri, piano.Beethoven: Sonata No.16 in G Op.31 No.1;Brahms: Klavierstücke Op.76; Rachmaninoff:Sonata No.2 in b Op.36 (1913 version); Hersch:Tenebrae (Canadian premiere); 2 Lullabies(Canadian premiere). KWCMS Music Room,57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ;(sr); (st).Thursday September 12● ● 12:00 noon: University of Guelph Collegeof Arts. Thursday at Noon Concert Series:An Afternoon of Schubert Lieder and OperaSelections. Works by Schubert, Mozart andTchaikovsky. Adrian Kramer, baritone; AnnaRonai, piano. Goldschmidt Room, 107 MacKinnonBldg., 50 Stone Rd. E., Guelph. 519-824-4120 x52991. Free.Friday September 13● ● 7:00: Wasaga Beach Blues. Main StageConcerts. D’Mar and Gill (7pm); DownchildBlues Band (9pm). Stonebridge Town Centre,291 Main St., Wasaga Beach. 905-866-4052.Free; donations accepted.Saturday September 14● ● 12:00 noon: Wasaga Beach Blues.Stonebridge Boulevard Street Shuffle. FraserDaley, Bradley and the Bouncers, Mark Staffordand the Dues Brothers, Ronnie DouglasBlues Band with Roly Platt, The Sensationsand others. Stonebridge Town Centre,291 Main St., Wasaga Beach. 905-866-4052.Free; donations accepted.● ● 4:00: Wasaga Beach Blues. Main StageConcerts. Irene Torres and the Sugar Devils(4pm); Dexter Allen (5:30pm); Jack De Keyzer(7:30pm); A Tribute to the Last Waltz: TheMusic of The Band (9:30pm). StonebridgeTown Centre, 291 Main St., Wasaga Beach.905-866-4052. Free; donations accepted.Sunday September 15● ● 1:00: Wasaga Beach Blues. Main StageConcerts. Mark “Bird” Staffords Junior Jam(1pm); Paul James Band (3:30pm); MississippiAllStars (5pm). Stonebridge Town Centre,291 Main St., Wasaga Beach. 905-866-4052.Free; donations accepted.● ● 7:30: Cuckoo’s Nest Folk Club. Friends ofFiddler’s Green. Chaucer’s Pub, 122 CarlingSt., London. 519-473-2099. /(adv).Wednesday September 18● ● 12:00 noon: Barrie Concert Association.Music at St. Andrews. Simon Walker, organ.St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 47 OwenSt., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ; free(st).● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Andrew Sords, violin, andCheryl Duvall, piano. Elgar: Sonata; Mozart:Sonata in e K604; Bach: Solo Partita ind; Hubay: Carmen Fantasie. KWCMS MusicRoom, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).Friday September 20● ● 7:30: Cuckoo’s Nest Folk Club. Jeni & Billy.Appalachian Roots Music. Chaucer’s Pub(upstairs), 122 Carling St., London. 519-473-2099. /(adv).● ● 7:30: Prince Edward County Music Festival.Festival’s Greatest Hits. Works by Schubert,Gellman and Brahms. Donna Brown,soprano; Ross Edwards, clarinet; JacquesIsraelievitch, violin; Aaron Au, viola; TanyaProchazka, cello; Stéphane Lemelin, piano.Church of St. Mary Magdalene, 339 Main St.,Picton. 613-476-8416 x28 or 1-877-411-4761.; 5 cents(teen). See website for festivalpasses.● ● 8:00: Aeolian Hall. Aeolian DiscoverySeries. Megan Hamilton, singer-songwriter.Guests: Carly Thomas; Katy Carswell.795 Dundas St. E., London. 519-672-7950./(adv); (st).● ● 8:00: SweetWater Music Festival. FridayEvening Concert. Schulhoff: Five Piecesfor String Quartet; Haydn: String QuartetOp.76 No.2; Ryan: Bellatrix for Solo Violin;Dvořák: String Sextet in A Op.48. AnnaleePatipatanakoon, Edwin Huizinga and MarkFewer, violin; Philip Ying, viola; Roman Borys,cello; and others. Leith Church, 419134 TomThomson Ln., Leith. 519-470-2011. .● ● 8:00: Theatre Ancaster. Side By SideBy Sondheim. Cabaret celebration featuringsongs from Sondheim musicals such asA Funny Thing Happened on the way to theForum, Company, West Side Story, SweeneyTodd, Gypsy and others. Andy Blackwood, director;Monica Admiral, piano. Old FirehallArts Centre, 334 Wilson St. E., Ancaster. 905-304-8863. ; (sr); (st). Also Sep 21,22(mat), 27, 28.● ● 10:00: All-Canadian Jazz Festival. Free FridayNight Concert. Tom Lavin and LegendaryPowder Blues. Memorial Park, 56 Queen St.,Port Hope. 1-855-713-9310. Free.Saturday September 21● ● 11:00am: All-Canadian Jazz Festival. DaytimeConcerts. M. Occhipinti: The Universeof John Lennon; and other selections. ClubDjango, Alex Pangman, Mike Murley Septet,Michael Occhipinti with Shine On and ElizabethShepherd, and others. Memorial Park,56 Queen St., Port Hope. 1-855-713-9310. day pass.● ● 2:00: SweetWater Music Festival. AMusical Celebration of Django Reinhardt andStéphane Grappelli by Van Django. North Gallery,Tom Thomson Art Gallery, 810 1st Ave.W., Owen Sound. 519-470-2011. Pwyc.● ● 3:00: Capella Intima. Celestial Sirens:Music from the Benedictine Nuns of 17th-Century Milan. Erin Bardua and Emily Klassen,soprano; Jennifer Enns Modolo, alto;Bud Roach, tenor; Erika Reiman, portativeorgan. MacNeill Baptist Church, 1145 King St.48 | September 1 – October 7, 2013

W., Hamilton. 905-517-3594. suggesteddonation. Also Sep 28 (Toronto).● ● 6:30: SweetWater Music Festival. Sweet-Water Young Artists Concert. Emily Aquin,violin; Sebastian Ostertag, cello; Katie Gleiser,piano. Georgian Shores United Church, 9974th Ave E., Owen Sound. 519-470-2011. Pwyc.● ● 7:30: All-Canadian Jazz Festival. All-CanadianLegends. Renee Rosnes, P.J. Perry,Terry Clarke, Neil Swainson. Memorial Park,56 Queen St., Port Hope. 1-855-713-9310. .● ● 7:30: Prince Edward County Music Festival.Mary Lou Fallis and Peter Tiefenbach,More or Less Alive. Musical comedy featuringa soprano and pianist. Church of St. MaryMagdalene, 339 Main St., Picton. 613-476-8416 x28 or 1-877-411-4761. ; 5 cents(teen).See website for festival passes.● ● 8:00: SweetWater Music Festival. MainStage Concert. Bach: complete BrandenburgConcerti; Carli: Seventh Brandenburg. JamesCampbell, clarinet; Rosanne Wieringa, flute;Annalee Patipatanakoon, violin; Roman Borysand David Ying, cello; and others. GeorgianShores United Church, 997 4th Ave E., OwenSound. 519-470-2011. .● ● 8:00: Theatre Ancaster. Side By Side BySondheim. See Sep 20.Sunday September 22● ● 12:00 noon: All-Canadian Jazz Festival.Daytime Concerts. TD Canada Trust YoungJazz Showcase, Bebop Cowboys with RussellDecarle, Ron Davis, Cadence, Cimarrón.Memorial Park, 56 Queen St., Port Hope.1-855-713-9310. day pass.● ● 2:00: Prince Edward County Music Festival.Gryphon Trio. Works by Haydn, Mozetichand Dvořák. Church of St. Mary Magdalene,339 Main St., Picton. 613-476-8416 x28 or1-877-411-4761. ; 5 cents(teen). See websitefor festival passes.● ● 2:00: SweetWater Music Festival. MainStage Concert. Bach: Concerto for Two Violins;Mozart: Clarinet Concerto in A K622;Haydn: Concerto for Cello in C. Mark Fewerand Emily Aquin, violin; James Campbell,clarinet; Denise Djokic, cello; and others.Georgian Shores United Church, 997 4th AveE., Owen Sound. 519-470-2011. .● ● 2:00: Theatre Ancaster. Side By Side BySondheim. See Sep 20.● ● 5:00: Strut Entertainment. Celtic Thunder:Mythology CD/DVD Release Tour. TraditionalIrish music and international hits.Emmet Cahill, Keith Harkin, Ryan Kelly,George Donaldson, Neil Byrne and ColmKeegan. Hamilton Place, 10 Macnab St. S.,Hamilton. 905-546-3100. -. AlsoSep 20(Oshawa), 21(Toronto). Start timesvary.● ● 8:00: Aeolian Hall. James Keelaghan,singer-songwriter/guitar. 795 Dundas St. E.,London. 519-672-7950. /(adv).● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Peter Stoll, clarinet; JosephMacerollo, accordion. Works by Kovacs, Nimmons,Messiaen, Palej, Nordheim and others.KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo.519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).Tuesday September 24● ● 12:15: St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral. StephanieBurgoyne and William Vandertuin. Organsolo and organ four hands. 472 Richmond St.,London. 519-752-0965. Free.● ● 7:30: Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra.TrioEstonia. Cirri: Duet for Violin andCello; Piazzolla: The Seasons; Sumera/Kangro/Kuulberg: Piano Trio “MaLeRaKaSuKu”; Pärt: Fratres; Beethoven: PianoTrio in e Op.1 No.1; and other works includingEstonian art songs. Arvo Leibur, violin;Norman Reintamm, piano; Aare Tammesalu,cello. Guest: Pam Birrell, soprano. MurrayStreet Baptist Church, 175 Murray St., Peterborough.705-745-1820. ; (st).Thursday September 26● ● 12:00 noon: University of Guelph Collegeof Arts. Thursday at Noon Concert Series:Sassy Songs for Sassy Women. Music andpoetry by women. Works by A. Mahler, Viardotand Larsen. Marion Samuel-Stevens, soprano;Anna Ronai, piano. Goldschmidt Room,107 MacKinnon Bldg., 50 Stone Rd. E., Guelph.519-824-4120 x52991. Free.● ● 2:00: Theatre Orangeville. Wichita Lineman:The Music Of Glen Campbell. By TheTime I Get To Phoenix, Galveston, GentleOn My Mind, Southern Nights, RhinestoneCowboy and others. Aaron Solomon,vocals. Guests: Leisa Way and Randall Kempf.87 Broadway, Orangeville. 519-942-3423 or1-800-424-1295. . Also Sep 27-29; starttimes vary.● ● 7:30: Prince Edward County Music Festival.La Bohème. Puccini. Premiere ofJeunesses Musicales du Canada’s touringproduction. Regent Theatre, 224 Main St.,Picton. 613-476-8416 x28 or 1-877-411-4761.; 5 cents(teen).● ● 8:00: Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra.TrioEstonia. Cirri: Duet for Violin andCello; Piazzolla: The Seasons; Sumera/Kangro/Kuulberg: Piano Trio “MaLeRaKaSuKu”; Pärt: Fratres; Beethoven: PianoTrio in e Op.1 No.1; and other works. Arvo Leibur,violin; Norman Reintamm, piano; AareTammesalu, cello. Barrhead Pub and Grill,735198 Westback Line, Markdale. 416-550-6465. .Friday September 27● ● 7:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. ABeautiful Night with Natalie MacMaster. CanadianCeltic music. Natalie MacMaster, fiddle;Evan Mitchell, conductor. Centre in theSquare, 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-745-4711 or 1-888-745-4717. and up. AlsoSep 28(8pm).● ● 7:30: Colours of Music. Bizet’s RivetingCarmen. Concert version of the Bizet opera.Barbara King, mezzo (Carmen); AndrewTees, baritone (Escamillo); Stanislas Vitort,tenor (Don José); Sharon Tikiryan, soprano(Micaëla); Lenard Whiting, choral director;William Shookoff, conductor. Central UnitedChurch, 54 Ross St., Barrie. 705-726-1181.-; (st); -(adult passport);-(st passport).● ● 7:30: Prince Edward County Music Festival.Baroque at Oeno Gallery. GrégoireJeay, flute; Luc Beauséjour, harpsichord.2274 County Rd.1, Bloomfield. 613-476-8416x28 or 1-877-411-4761. . Food and wineincluded.● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. TrioEstonia. Cirri: Duet forViolin and Cello; Piazzolla: Spring and Fallfrom The Seasons; Sumera/Kangro/Kuulberg:Piano Trio “MaLeRa KaSuKu”; Pärt:Fratres; Beethoven: Piano Trio in e Op.1 No.1.Arvo Leibur, violin; Norman Reintamm, piano;Aare Tammesalu, cello. KWCMS Music Room,57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ;(sr); (st).● ● 8:00: Theatre Ancaster. Side By Side BySondheim. See Sep 20.● ● 8:00: Theatre Orangeville. Wichita Lineman:The Music Of Glen Campbell. SeeSep 26.Saturday September 28● ● 12:00 noon: Colours of Music. Classicsat Noon: Mark Fewer, violin; James Campbell,clarinet; Angela Park, piano. Works byBartók, Milhaud, Brahms, Beethoven, Saint-Saëns and Catoire. Hi-Way PentecostalChurch, 50 Anne St. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181.; (st); -(adult passport); -(st passport).● ● 2:00: Prince Edward County Music Festival.Festival Debut. Featuring young artistsfrom the region. Elizabeth McDonald,soprano; Marek Krowicki, piano. Church ofSt. Mary Magdalene, 339 Main St., Picton.613-476-8416 x28 or 1-877-411-4761. ; 5cents(teen). See website for festival passes.● ● 2:30: Colours of Music. Lilting Melodies:Judy Loman, harp; Nora Shulman, flute.Works by Rota, Piazzolla, Liebermann andSchaposchnikov. Westminster PresbyterianChurch, 170 Steel St., Barrie. 705-726-1181.; (st); -(adult passport); -(st passport).● ● 7:30: Colours of Music. The Glory of theEnglish Anthem: Peter Mahon conducts theTallis Choir. Works by Purcell, Handel andParry. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church,47 Owen St., Barrie. 705-726-1181. -;(st); -(adult passport); -(stpassport).● ● 7:30: Prince Edward County Music Festival.Grand Finale! Piano 1-2-3-4-5-6 Hands.Works for one hand to 30 fingers on onepiano. David Jalbert, Andrew Tunis and StéphaneLemelin, piano. Church of St. MaryMagdalene, 339 Main St., Picton. 613-476-8416 x28 or 1-877-411-4761. ; 5 cents(teen).See website for festival passes.● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. ABeautiful Night with Natalie MacMaster. SeeSep 27.● ● 8:00: Theatre Ancaster. Side By Side BySondheim. See Sep 20.● ● 8:00: Theatre Orangeville. Wichita Lineman:The Music Of Glen Campbell. SeeSep 26.Sunday September 29● ● 2:00: Theatre Orangeville. Wichita Lineman:The Music Of Glen Campbell. SeeSep 26.● ● 2:30: Colours of Music. Four Hands/OnePiano. Works by Mozart, Schumann, Dvořák,Ravel, Poulenc and Grieg. Robert Kortgaardand Peter Tiefenbach, piano. Hi-WayPentecostal Church, 50 Anne St. N., Barrie.705-726-1181. ; (st); -(adult passport);-(st passport).● ● 2:30: Niagara Symphony Orchestra.Masterworks Series: One Thousand and OneNights. Lau: Artemis; Sibelius: Violin Concerto;Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade.Andrea Tyniec, violin; Bradley Thachuk, conductor.Sean O’Sullivan Theatre, Brock UniversityCentre for the Arts, 500 GlenridgeAve., St. Catharines. 905-688-5550 x3257or 1-866-617-3257. .50-. 1:45: Pre-concertchat.● ● 3:00: St. Paul’s United Church (Paris).Variety Concert. St. Paul’s Choir and Soloists;Sean Colwell, trumpet; Alina Barnett, September 1 – October 7, 2013 | 49

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

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Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)