soprano; Stephanie Burgoyne, conductor.48 Broadway St. W., Paris. 519-752-0965.Free.● ● 7:30: Colours of Music. Hot Club of France:music of Django Reinhardt and StéphaneGrappelli. Original sound of European swing.Mark Fewer, violin; James Campbell, clarinet;Graham Campbell, Roberto Rosenman andChris Bezant, guitar; Chris Kettlewell, bass.Central United Church, 54 Ross St., Barrie.705-726-1181. -; (st); -(adultpassport); -(st passport).Monday September 30● ● 12:00 noon: Colours of Music. Schubert’sGrand String Quintet: Cecilia String Quartet;Adrian Fung, cello. First Baptist Church,550 Grove St. E., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ;(st); -(adult passport); -(stpassport).● ● 2:30: Colours of Music. Music for theDance: Narrator/Ballet Legend Evelyn Hartand Duo Concertante. Bartók: RumanianKitchener-WaterlooChamber Music SocietypresentsTrioEstoniaArvo Pärt, Erkki-Sven Tüür; Piazzolla;Sumera / Kangro / Kuulberg;Beethoven Piano Trio #1Sept. 27, 8:00pm57 Young St. W., Waterloo (, sr/st) TRIOESTONIA TOUR DATESSept 24, 7:30pm:Murray Street Baptist Church (Peterborough)Sept 25, 1pm:University of Toronto (Scarborough Campus)Sept 25, 8pm:Tartu College (Toronto)Sept 26, 12:10pm:Christ Church Deer Park (Toronto)Sept 26, 8 pm:Barrhead Pub and Grill (Markdale)B. Concerts Beyond the GTADances; Saint-Saëns: Danse Macabre; Khachaturian:Sabre Dance. Nancy Dahn, violin;Timothy Steeves, piano. Central UnitedChurch, 54 Ross St., Barrie. 705-726-1181.; (st); -(adult passport); -(st passport).● ● 7:30: Colours of Music. Strike Up TheBand: From Percy Grainger to Colonel BogeyMarch. U of T Wind Ensemble; Gillian Mackay,conductor. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church,50 Anne St. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ;(st); -(adult passport); -(stpassport).Tuesday October 1● ● 10:00am: Colours of Music. Talk on Musicof the Day. Conductor/commentator KerryStratton provides a discussion and reviewof the day’s concerts. See listings Section D,“The ETCeteras,” under Lectures & Symposia.● ● 12:00 noon: Colours of Music. Poems ofLeonard Cohen and Lien Chao. Duo Concertante(Nancy Dahn, violin; Timothy Steeves,piano); Evelyn Hart, narrator. Burton AvenueUnited Church, 37 Burton Ave., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ; (st); -(adult passport);-(st passport).● ● 2:30: Colours of Music. Afternoon inFrance. Works by Ravel and Chausson.Michael Kim, piano; Brian Lewis, violin; CeciliaString Quartet. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church,50 Anne St. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ;(st); -(adult passport); -(stpassport).● ● 7:30: Colours of Music. Quartet for theEnd of Time. Messiaen. Gryphon Piano Trio;James Campbell, clarinet. Central UnitedChurch, 54 Ross St., Barrie. 705-726-1181.; (st); -(adult passport); -(st passport).● ● 8:00: Aeolian Hall. Buffy Sainte-Marie.795 Dundas St. E., London. 519-672-7950./(adv).● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Irina Kulikova, guitar. Bach:Cello Suite No.1 in G BWV1007; Vassiliev:Three Forest Paintings - The Old Oak, Snowdrops,Dance of the Forest Ghosts; Kozlov:Dedication to the Russian Land; Rudnev:Old Lime Tree; Sor: Fantasia Op.30. KWCMSMusic Room, 57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673. ; (sr); (st).Wednesday October 2● ● 10:00am: Colours of Music. Meet the Composer:Andrew Ager, composer-in-residence.See listings Section D, “The ETCeteras,” underLectures & Symposia.● ● 12:00 noon: Colours of Music. Ben Smithplays Dussek. Sonatas by Czech composerand pianist Jan Ladislav Dussek. CentralUnited Church, 54 Ross St., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ; (st); -(adult passport);-(st passport).● ● 2:30: Colours of Music. Fabulous French.Works by Milhaud, Vieuxtemps and Saint-Saëns. Brian Lewis, violin; Michael Kim,piano. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church, 50 AnneSt. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ; (st); -(adult passport); -(st passport).● ● 7:30: Colours of Music. On the Upbeat.Works by Beethoven, Suk and others; Ager:Klezmer Wedding (premiere). Amara PianoQuartet; James Campbell, clarinet. CentralUnited Church, 54 Ross St., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ; (st); -(adult passport);-(st passport).Thursday October 3● ● 10:00am: Colours of Music. Talk on Musicof the Day. Conductor/commentator KerryStratton provides discussion and review ofthe day’s concert. See listings Section D, “TheETCeteras,” under Lectures & Symposia.● ● 12:00 noon: Colours of Music. A Songin the Air. Works by Mozart, Mendelssohn,Brahms, Britten, Barber and Duke. JenniferKrabbe, soprano; David Roth, baritone; TomKing, piano. Burton Avenue United Church,37 Burton Ave., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ;(st); -(adult passport); -(stpassport).● ● 12:00 noon: University of Guelph Collegeof Arts. Thursday at Noon Concert Series:Chamber Klezmer - Lightstone/Katz KlezmerDuo. Brian Katz, guitar/piano/voice; JonnoLightstone, clarinet and flute. GoldschmidtRoom, 107 MacKinnon Bldg., 50 Stone Rd. E.,Guelph. 519-824-4120 x52991. Free.● ● 2:30: Colours of Music. Michael Kim,piano. Works by Mozart, Chopin and Mussorgsky.Central United Church, 54 RossSt., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ; (st); -(adult passport); -(st passport).● ● 7:30: Colours of Music. A Happy Time.Works by Dvořák. Brian Lewis, violin; AmaraPiano Quartet. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church,50 Anne St. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ;(st); -(adult passport); -(stpassport).Friday October 4● ● 12:00 noon: Colours of Music. Music ofIrving Berlin. Alexander’s Ragtime Band,What’ll I Do?, Always, All Alone and otherselections. Mike Lewis, piano. Central UnitedChurch, 54 Ross St., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ;(st); -(adult passport); -(stpassport).● ● 2:30: Colours of Music. Bursting Beauty.Evolution of the piano quartet, from Mozartto Brahms to Walton. Amara Piano Quartet(Borivoj Martinic-Jercic, violin; JonathanSturm, viola; George Work, cello; Mei-HsuanHuang, piano). Hi-Way Pentecostal Church,50 Anne St. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ;(st); -(adult passport); -(stpassport).● ● 7:30: Colours of Music. Sing Out! Worksby Daley, Glick, Adam and Ager. Amabile Boysand Mens Choirs. Central United Church,54 Ross St., Barrie. 705-726-1181. -;(st); -(adult passport); -(stpassport).● ● 7:30: Cuckoo’s Nest Folk Club. RichardGrainger. Chaucer’s Pub (upstairs),122 Carling St., London. 519-473-2099./(adv).● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Anton Kuerti Returns! Good: What the Chickpeasaid to the Cook; Beethoven: Piano ConcertoNo.1 in C; Vaughan Williams: Fantasia ona Theme by Thomas Tallis; Beethoven: SymphonyNo.4 in B-flat . Anton Kuerti, piano;Edwin Outwater, conductor. Centre in theSquare, 101 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519-745-4711 or 1-888-745-4717. $19 and up. Also Oct 5and 6(mat).Saturday October 5● ● 10:00am: Colours of Music. Masterclass.Pianist Robert Kortgaard works with thetop three pianists from the Barrie KiwanisMusic Festival. See listings Section D, “TheETCeteras,” under Masterclasses.● ● 12:00 noon: Colours of Music. Ian Sadler,organ. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church,47 Owen St., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ;(st); -(adult passport); -(stpassport).● ● 2:30: Colours of Music. The IncredibleBanjo. Works by Bach, Debussy and others;music from the Appalachians. Jayme Stone,banjo; Kevin Turcotte, trumpet; AndrewDowning, cello; Joe Phillips, bass; Nick Fraser,drums. First Baptist Church, 550 GroveSt. E., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ; (st); -(adult passport); -(st passport).● ● 7:30: Colours of Music. Festival Gala: BrianLewis, violin, and Sinfonia Toronto. McLean:Elements. Nurhan Arman, conductor. Hi-WayPentecostal Church, 50 Anne St. N., Barrie.705-726-1181. -; (st); -(adultpassport); -(st passport).● ● 7:30: Opera by Request/Kitchener-WaterlooFrancophone Association. Manon.Massenet. Caroline Dery, soprano (Manon);Lenard Whiting, tenor (Des Grieux); MichaelRobert-Broder, baritone (Lescaut); AveryKrisman, tenor (Guillot); Andrew Tam, baritone(Bretigny); and others; William Shookhoff,piano. Knox Presbyterian Church, 50 ErbSt. W., Waterloo. 416-455-2365. .● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Anton Kuerti Returns! See Oct 4.● ● 8:00: Peterborough Symphony Orchestra.Sultans of String. Flamenco to EastCoast Celtic music. Michael Newnham, conductor.Showplace Performance Centre,290 George St. N., Peterborough. 1-866-444-2154. .50-.50; (st). 7:10: Pre-concertchat.Sunday October 6● ● 2:30: Colours of Music. The CanadianGuitar Quartet: Julien Bisaillon, Philip Candelaria,Bruno Roussel and Louis Trépanier.Westminster Presbyterian Church, 170 SteelSt., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ; (st); -(adult passport); -(st passport).● ● 2:30: Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.Anton Kuerti Returns! See Oct 4.● ● 7:30: Colours of Music. I’ll Be Seeing You.Songs from wartime. Wendy Nielsen, soprano;Patrick Raftery, tenor; Robert Kortgaardand Peter Tiefenbach, piano. BurtonAvenue United Church, 37 Burton Ave., Barrie.705-726-1181. -; (st); -(adult passport); -(st passport).● ● 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo ChamberMusic Society. Robert Silverman, piano.Brahms: Rhapsodies Op.79 (Nos. 1 and 2);Six Piano Pieces Op.118 (Intermezzi; Ballade;Romance); Variations and Fugue on a Themeby Handel Op.24. KWCMS Music Room,57 Young St. W., Waterloo. 519-886-1673.; (sr); (st).FREE EVENT LISTINGSlistings@thewholenote.com50 | September 1 – October 7, 2013
C. In the Clubs (Mostly Jazz)IN THE CLUBS continued from page 15Alleycatz2409 Yonge St. 416-481-6865 alleycatz.caEvery Mon 8pm Salsa Night w/ Frank Bischunand free lessons. Every Tue 8:30pmCarlo Berardinucci Band. No Cover. EveryWed 8:30pm City Soul Swinging Blues & VintageR&B. No Cover. Every Thu 9pm Soul andR&B (bands alternate weekly). Every Fri/Sat 9:30pm Funk, Soul, R&B, Top 40 after8:30pm. Sep 5 The Community Soul Project.Sep 6, 7 Lady Kane. Sep 12 Daniella Walters.Sep 13 Ascension. Sep 14 Soular. Sep 19 Dustin Jones & the Rising Tide. Sep 20, 21 LadyKane. Sep 26 Blues & Troubles. Sep 27 LadyKane. Sep 28 Jamesking.Annette Studios566 Annette St. 647-880-8378annettestudios.comEvery Mon 9:30pm Jazz Jam w/ Nick MorganQuartet. Suggested donation /(st).Artword Artbar15 Colbourne St., Hamilton. (full schedule)Bon Vivant Restaurant1924 Avenue Rd. 416-630-5153bonvivantdining.comEvery Thu 6-9pm Bill Naphan Solo Guitar.Every Fri 6-9pm Margaret Stowe Solo Guitar.Castro’s Lounge2116 Queen St. E. No Cover/PWYC.Every Sun 4pm Live jazz. Every Mon 9pmRockabilly Night w/ the Cosmotones. EveryTue 8pm rotating bluegrass bands; 10:30pmblueVenus. Every Wed 8pm MediterraneanStars. Every Thu 9pm Jerry Leger & the Situation.Every Fri 5pm Ronnie Hayward. EverySat 4:30pm Big Rude Jake.Chalkers Pub, Billiards & Bistro247 Marlee Ave. 416-789-2531chalkerspub.comAll weekend events: cover;free(under 16).Every Wed 8pm-midnight Girls Night OutJazz Jam w/ host Lisa Particelli. PWYC.Sep 14 6-9pm Mike Murley Trio: Murley (sax);Reg Schwager (guitar); Steve Wallace (bass). Sep 21 6-9pm Robi Botos Trio. Sep 277-10pm We Are One Jazz Voices w/ HowardReese Trio . Sep 28 6-9pm Lorne LofskyTrio: Lofsky (guitar); Kieran Overs (bass);Barry Romberg (drums).Classico Pizza & Pasta2457 Bloor St. W. 416-763-1313Every Thu 7pm Nate Renner. No Cover.Communist’s Daughter, The1149 Dundas St. W. 647-435-0103Every Sat 4-7pm Gypsy Jazz w Michael Johnson& Red Rhythm. PWYC.DeSotos1079 St. Clair Ave. W. 416-651-2109Every Thu 8pm-midnight Open Mic Jazz Jam,hosted by Double A Jazz.Dominion on Queen500 Queen St. E. (full schedule)Every Sat 4-7:30pm Ronnie Hayward. EverySun 11am-3pm Rockabilly Brunch w/ AlistairChristl and the Cosmotones. No Cover. EveryTue 8:30pm Hot Club of Corktown DjangoJam w/ host Wayne Nakamura. PWYC. EveryWed 8pm Corktown Ukelele Jam . Sep 57pm Wee Folk Club . Sep 6 9pm Havana toToronto: Afro Cuban Jazz . Sep 8 4:30pmWintergarten Orchestra . Sep 14 9pmPeter Karp & Sue Foley $TBA. Sep 19 WeeFolk Club . Sep 20, 21 22 East End RockabillyRiot (details TBA).Dovercourt House805 Dovercourt Rd. (full schedule)Every Sat 9pm-1am Saturday Night Swing:Dance featuring Live Swing Bands and twopre-party dance classes. Dance ; withone class, with both. Sep 7 Bertie & theGents. Sep 14 Alex Pangman & the Alleycats.Sep 21, 28 TBA.EDO Sushi484 Eglinton Ave. W. 416-322-3033Every Thu Live Jazz 7-10pm. No Cover.Sep 5 Joel Hartt (vocals); Mike Daley (guitar);Don Thompson (bass). Sep 12 Reg Schwager(guitar); Kiki Misumi (cello); Drew Jurecka(violin). Sep 19 Serafin LaRiviere (vocals);Tony Quarrington (guitar); Lee Saba Hutchinson(bass). Sep 26 Zoey Adams (vocals); TonyQuarrington (guitar); Tony Laviola (bass).Emmet Ray, The924 College St. (full schedule)All shows: No Cover/PWYC.Sep 1 9pm Graham Playford. Sep 2 7pm GramWhitty Trio; 9pm Brendan Davis, Chris Gale& Reg Schwager. Sep 4 9pm Kevin Butler.Sep 5 9pm John Wayne Swingtet. Sep 8 9pmJon Shearsmith, Soren Nissen & Eric West.Sep 9 7pm Matt Rait Trio; 9pm Adam Arruda.Sep 11 pm Peter Boyd. Sep 12 9pm FindersKeepers. Sep 15 9pm Union Duke. Sep 16 7pmAlex Fournier Quartet; 9pm Composers’ Collective.Sep 18 Kevin Butler & Friends. Sep 199pm Vokurka’s Vicarious Virtuoso Violin.Sep 22 9pm Tropical Punch. Sep 23 7pm DaveChan, Ryan Butler & Phill Albert; 9pm GeoffYoung Trio. Sep 25 9pm Peter Boyd. Sep 269pm Ghetto Hicks. Sep 29 2pm-midnightEmmett Ray One Day Music Festival. Sep 307pm Norbert Botos; 9pm Chris Gale Quartet:Gale (sax); Harley Card (guitar); Dan Fortin(bass); Anthony Michelli (drums).Fionn MacCool’s181 University Ave. 416-363-1944fionnmaccools.comEvery Sun 8-11pm Classical Social, hosted bySimon Capet. No Cover.Flying Beaver Pubaret, The488 Parliament St. (full schedule)Sep 6, 7 7pm Broadsway: Heather Bambrick,Julie Michels & Diane Leah /(adv).Sep 13 7pm Alex Tait Trio /(adv). Seewebsite for updated listings.Gate 403403 Roncesvalles Ave. All shows: PWYC.Sep 1 5pm Yanis Khamsi Solo; 9pm AimeeButcher Jazz Band. Sep 2 5pm Mike DaleyJazz Trio; 9pm Richard Whiteman Jazz Bandreading some ofthe press aboutEuphonia, startedto have a conversationamong hiscolleagues, andthey were saying,“when did weget so afraid ofpushing ourselvesoutside of thecomfort zone?”And it’s true:musicians tend tofeel that they’rereally good whenthey play withinthis comfortzone ... but theexcitement is, forexample, TanyaCharles directingher piece for thefirst time, placedColleen Allen.her outside ofher comfortzone; us playing at the Lula Lounge, places us outside of our comfortzone because we have no acoustic to make life easy for us. If weplay in a church, or at Koerner Hall, there is a little bit of resonancethat will help us tune, but we have to be so much more accurate atLula because there is no acoustic to help us. But the audience isn’tcomplaining about our tuning, or the occasional wrong note; whatthey are responding to is the authenticity and energy of the experience.And that’s where music comes alive, because music is anemotional communication between human beings, and it starts withthe musicians, not with the music.”Here’s hoping you’ll all check out what Simon Capet is doing atFionn MacCool’s and Lula Lounge; these are exciting times for theensemble. For those who wish to plan ahead, Euphonia will beback at Lula Lounge on September 16, October 21, November 11 andDecember 16. Admission is pay-what-you-can, suggested .On a closing note, isn’t it great when risks pay off? Readers mayrecall that the Fridays at Five series featuring the Canadian JazzQuartet was forced to pause when Quotes (220 King St. W.) closedits doors. A few months back, the series moved a few doors downand one day back. Thursdays at Five takes place at KAMA ClassicalIndian Cuisine (214 King St. W.) and word is that it has been incrediblysuccessful.“We’ve been thrilled with the big crowds we’ve been generatingall summer,” says Fay Olson, who books the series. “Summer isa time when a lot of clubs don’t want to risk that attendance willgo down. We took a chance after only having been going for a fewweeks when it was summer, but I think the fact it’s on Thursdays(instead of Fridays) is why it’s working. Even on long weekendswhen a lot of people leave town on Fridays, we’ve done really well onThursday nights.”According to what I’ve heard, the buffet is spectacular and managerKen Clarke has arranged for a Jazz Menu on Thursdays, featuringclassical Indian takes on sliders, nachos and wings!Let’s be sure to keep this excellent series going. The CanadianJazz Quartet features Don Vickery on drums, Gary Benson on guitar,Frank Wright on vibes and Duncan Hopkins on bass. Their exquisitehorn playing guests this month are Dave Dunlop on September 5,Kelly Jefferson on September 12, Mike Malone on September 19 andColleen Allen on September 26.Happy fall to all, and here’s hoping to see you in the clubs!Ori Dagan is a Toronto-based jazz vocalist,voice actor and entertainment journalist. He canbe contacted at September 1 – October 7, 2013 | 51