meets Anton and Morty meets John. Virtualsymposium by Austin Clarkson exploring themusic of Wolpe, Webern, Feldman and Cage,followed by an open dress rehearsal of theevening’s concert. Betty Oliphant Theatre,404 Jarvis St. 416-961-9594. Free. For●●Oct 5, 10:00am: Colours of Music. Masterclass.Pianist Robert Kortgaard works withthe top three pianists from the Barrie KiwanisMusic Festival. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church,50 Anne St. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ;(st); -(adult passport); -(stpassport).WORKSHOPS●●Sep 4, 1:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. Workshop:Loteria del Sotavento, Sonido delSolotempo/Free Fandango. Alain Derbez;Kali Nino Mendoza; Alec Dempster; Rob Clutton;Jessica Deutsch. Macdonald StewartArt Centre, 358 Gordon St., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or 1-877-520-2408. Free. Part of GJFColloquium.●●Sep 5, 9:15am: Guelph Jazz Festival. Workshop:In Case of Emergency Please BreakD. The ETCeterasGlass: A Multi-Modal Fantasia on Philip Glass’Knee Play 4. Sarah Tolmie, Scott Straker,Jack Pender, Jonny Sauder, Danica Guenetteand others. Macdonald Stewart Art Centre,358 Gordon St., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or1-877-520-2408. Free. Part of GJF Colloquium.●●Sep 5, 1:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. Workshop:Jazz Futures – A Bridge to theUnknown. Nicole Mitchell; Anja Lauvdal; FredrikLuhr Dietrichson; Hans Hulbaekmo; DavidDove; Isaiah Farahbakhsh. Macdonald StewartArt Centre, 358 Gordon St., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or 1-877-520-2408. Free. Part ofGJF Colloquium.●●Sep 6, 1:00: Guelph Jazz Festival. Workshop:In Other Spaces – Improvising Interventions.Joane Hétu; Danielle Palardy Roger;Jean Derome; Lori Freedman; Scott Thomson;and others. Macdonald Stewart Art Centre,358 Gordon St., Guelph. 519-763-3000 or1-877-520-2408. Free. Part of GJF Colloquium.●●Sep 8, 1:30–4:00: Toronto Early MusicPlayers Organization. Instrumental Workshop.Bring your recorders, early instrumentsand music stand; scores will beprovided. Armour Heights Community Centre,2140 Avenue Rd. 416-537-3733. ;free(members).●●Sep 28 10:30am–12:00pm: Toronto MendelssohnChoir. Singsation Saturday ChoralWorkshop. Saturday choral workshop forCulture Days. Vocal warm-ups followed byreading of well-loved choral works. MatthewOtto, conductor. ING Direct Presentationroom, Centre for Social Innovation Annex,720 Bathurst St. 416-598-0422. Free.●●Sep 29, 10:30am: Early Childhood MusicAssociation of Ontario. Fun and EffectiveMusic Teaching. All-day workshop with RobSayer, to help early childhood music teachersdevelop new skills. Lunch provided. Room330, Edward Johnson Bldg., 80 QueensPark. 416-240-8573. /(members);/(members) before Sep 19.OPEN HOUSES●●Sep 7, 9am–1pm: silence. Open House.Saturday morning drop in, with sound art,installations, experimental music and more.46 Essex St., Guelph. Free. REHEARSALS/SINGALONGS●●Sep 10, 7:15–10:00: Etobicoke CentennialChoir. Open Rehearsal. Sing with the choir,meet the conductor and choristers. HumberWANTEDORCHESTRAMEMBERS(violin, viola, cello,bass, flute)for the newly formedCELTIC FIDDLEORCHESTRA ofSOUTHERNONTARIOContact Byron Grantbyrongrant@cogeco.ca905-469-1417ANNOUNCEMENTThe Bach children’s chorus and arTisTicdirecTor, linda Beaupré, announce TheaddiTion of Jordan Travis as associaTeconducTor of The Bach chamBer YouTh choir.Jordan is Associate Director and vocal coach to theToronto Northern Lights, the 2013 Barbershop HarmonySociety's international chorus champions. Jordan bringshis love of classical and popular music to the men andwomen (aged 16 and up) of the Bach chamber Youthchoir. BCYC is currently recruiting new members –join us for an open rehearsal on Sunday, September 15,6:15-8:45 St. Barnabas Anglican Church,361 Danforth Avenue to see what we’re all about.See you | September 1 – October 7, 2013
Valley United Church, 76 Anglesey Blvd.,Etobicoke. 416-622-6923. . For●●Sep 11, 7:30: Village Voices. OpenRehearsal. Read through of Handel’s Messiahin preparation for upcoming concerts.All voices welcome. Rehearsal Hall, CornellCommunity Centre, 3201 Bur Oak Ave., Markham.905-294-8687. For details:●●Sep 14, 10:00am–12:00pm: Hamilton Sing!Community Choir. Opening Rehearsal. Newcommunity choir seeking singers at its firstrehearsal. No audition, open to all. HARRRP,705 Main St. E., Hamilton. 905-544-1302. Fordetails:●●Sep 28, 10:00am: Toronto SymphonyOrchestra. TSO at Culture Days. A behindthe-sceneslook at how the orchestra preparesfor a concert. Britten: Variations andFugue on a Theme of Purcell; Mendelssohn:Violin Concerto; Dvořák: Symphony No.7.Ray Chen, violin; Peter Oundjian, conductor.Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-598-3375. Free, reservations required. AccessRoy Thomson Hall through the backstageentrance off Wellington St. W. at Simcoe St.●●Sep 28, 2:00–4:00: Amadeus Choir. OpenRehearsal. Mozart: Coronation Mass. AllSaints Kingsway Anglican Church, 2850 BloorSt. W. 416-446-0188. Free. Part of OntarioCulture Days.ETCETERA: MISCELLANEOUS●●Sep 21 and 22, 11:00am–6:00pm: City ofToronto Historic Sites. On Common Ground.Multi-disciplinary arts festival with music,dance, storytelling, crafts, local food andmore, celebrating peace and the harvest.Fort York Historic Site, 250 Fort York Blvd.416-392-6907. Free.●●Sep 28, 12:00–4:00: City of TorontoHistoric Sites/Toronto Early Music Centre.Early Music Fair at Montgomery’s Inn. Concertsand demonstrations of music before1800 through the museum as part of CultureDays. Montgomery’s Inn, 4709 Dundas St. W.416-394-8113. Free.●●Sep 27–29, various times: Ontario CultureDays 2013. Various activities at locationsacross the province. Kindermusik and familyfriendlymusic classes, open rehearsals, openmics, pub crawls, exhibitions and other activities.For full programming according to location,see:●●Sep 21, 11:00am–2:30pm: Sweet WaterMusic Festival. Luthier Exhibition. Interactiveexhibit of string instrum ents by local andinternational artists. Community Gallery, TomThomson Art Gallery, 840 1st Ave. W., OwenSound. 519-470-2011. Free.Village Voices of Markham invites choristers to participatein an Open Rehearsal on Wednesday, September 11, 2013at 7:30 pm, to read through Handel’s “Messiah”.Participants in this special reading may have the opportunityto join us in performing this classic oratorio with theKindred Spirits Orchestra on December 14, 2013, at MarkhamTheatre. All voices are welcome, particularly tenors and basses.For details call 905.294.8687 or eMail: info@villagevoices.caMarketPlace |“ LITTLE VOICES,DANCING FEET”with Jodie FriesenMusic &Movementfor Newbornto 8 YearsAge specific, Interactive, Educational & FUN!Sharing the joy of discovering music for over 20 years.REGISTER NOW(3 Beach/Leslieville Locations)littlevoices@sympatico.ca416-461-9989Find us on with SheilaSheila McCoy416 574 Woodbine subway)ChildrenʼsPiano LessonsFriendly, approachable– and strict!Liz Parker416.544.1803liz.parker@rogers.comQueen/ September 1 – October 7, 2013 | 55