9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 2 - October 2013

  • Text
  • October
  • Toronto
  • Choir
  • Concerts
  • Jazz
  • November
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Musical
  • Symphony


BLUE PAGES 2013/14of our most popular comic shows featuring LauraPudwell and we round out the season with TheMyth of Europa, featuring soprano Suzie LeBlancand a new work from composer James Rolfe.“Beckwith & Co. have the right idea and theright attitude, thinking not only of the past, but ofthe present and future.” —Toronto StarVivien●Toronto ● Mendelssohn ChoirGrand symphonic sound has been the trademarkof the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir, Canada’sworld renowned large vocal ensemble, forover 100 years. TMC concerts feature choralmasterworks, music expressing hope, joy, desolationand faith — the drama of the human conditiontold through music and word. The 120-voicechoir includes a professional core, auditioned volunteersand apprentices. The TMC has a five-concertsubscription season and performs regularlywith the TSO, including Handel’s Messiah.The 2013/14 concerts include “Britten at 100”on November 20, a concert of two rarely-performedcantatas: The Company of Heaven andSt. Nicolas; “Festival of Carols” on December 11with special guest, Canadian tenor superstarBen Heppner; the B Minor Mass on March 26at Koerner Hall; and our traditional Good Fridayconcert, “Sacred Music for a Sacred Space,” at St.Paul’s Basilica, featuring Duruflé’s Requiem andVierne’s Messe Solennelle.The TMC’s education and outreach programsinclude the annual Conductors’ Symposium foremerging conductors, the Apprentice Programto support young singers and Singsation Saturdaychoral workshops for anyone who lovesto sing.Noel Edison,artistic director and conductorCynthia Hawkins, executive●Toronto ● Singing StudioWelcome to a new season of singing! The TorontoSinging Studio offers many ways to improve anddevelop your voice and singing skills.Interested in private singing lessons? Discoverthe unique sound that is your singing voice. Areyou more comfortable in a group class? Thesevery popular classes (for singers ages 18 and up)will be a perfect fit: “Singing Basics” for beginnersor “Singers’ Repertoire Class” for experiencedsingers.TTSS has four amateur adult choirs: VocalMosaic (60 voices, no audition), Celebration Choir(60 voices, no audition, for singers over age 55),Vivace Vox (chamber choir, by audition only) andSummer Singers (65 voices, no audition, meetsJune and July).The Toronto Singing Studio has locations downtownand midtown. For more information, visitthe TTSS website.Linda Eyman,●Toronto ● Symphony OrchestraUnder the artistic leadership of music directorPeter Oundjian, the Toronto Symphony Orchestraperforms over 100 concerts featuring an impressivelineup of guest artists and repertoire in thevisually stunning and acoustically superb RoyThomson Hall.This season you won’t want to miss Orff’smemorable and ever popular Carmina Burana,Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto performed bythe beloved Itzhak Perlman and Britten’s ViolinConcerto No.1 played by crowd favourite JamesEhnes. The orchestra will also be showcased ingrand works including Mahler’s Symphony No.9,Beethoven’s Eroica Symphony, and Dvořák’s SymphonyNo.7.Great deals for audiences aged 15 to 35: signup for free at and get TSO ticketsfor ! Some restrictions apply.Peter Oundjian, music directorSir Andrew Davis, conductor laureateSteven Reineke, principal pops conductorAndrew R. Shaw, president and CEOLoie Fallis, director of artistic planning416-593-7769, general inquiriesBox Office:●Toronto ● Welsh Male Voice ChoirThe TWMVC continues to explore new horizonsunder the leadership of artistic director andconductor William Woloschuk and accompanistChristina Fey. On its latest recording, TorontoWelsh Male Voice Choir with Shannon Mercer,Live at Glenn Gould Studio, the choir exhibitsthe unique sound of Welsh four-part harmony,performing a vibrant blend of traditional Welshsongs celebrating the rich culture of the “Landof Song” as well as contemporary works fromaround the globe. Highlights from the choir’sbusy schedule include tours through NorthernOntario, Western Canada, New York State andWales. TWMVC welcomes prospective members.“Welshness” is optional! Rehearsals are held Wednesdaysfrom 7:30pm to 10pm, at 33 Melrose Ave.,●TorQ ● Percussion QuartetHailed as “outstanding — no, make that astonishing”by the Ottawa Citizen, TorQ PercussionQuartet has performed to standing ovationsand critical acclaim across the country andaround the world and is recognized for engagingperformances and captivating programming.TorQ (Richard Burrows, Adam Campbell,Jamie Drake and Daniel Morphy) has premieredcompositions by Christos Hatzis, Eric Robertsonand Paul Frehner. They have performed at theOttawa Chamber Music Festival and the IndianRiver Festival, with the Stuttgart Chamber Choirin Canada and Germany, and for Prairie Debut,Debut Atlantic, Jeunesses Musicales Canadaand Soundstreams Canada, amongst others.Their evolving repertoire sees them performingmusic of established composers such as JohnCage and Steve Reich and commissioning newCanadian works. They have released two recordingson the independent label Bedoint Records;their first self-titled recording was given 3.5/4stars by Toronto music writer John Terauds andtheir more recent album two + two was laudedas a “landmark recording […demonstrating]an artistry that puts TorQ squarely on par withthe best percussion ensembles in the world” byformer NEXUS member Robin●Toyich ● International ProjectsToyich International Projects is a non-profit charitableorganization devoted to developing theskills, professional training and musical educationof music students, performers, mature amateurmusicians and music teachers by providingthem with opportunities to develop and presenttheir talents nationally and internationally.Our acclaimed Monster Concerts (pianoorchestras) have showcased many talented performersover the years and have been featuredin Canadian and European media.TIP’s mandate is inclusive and we provide andsupport professional training on an ongoingbasis to musicians of all ages, in the form ofcoaching, masterclasses and performancepractice (contact Boyanna Toyich for informationabout participation).TIP, in collaboration with the University ofToronto’s Faculty of Music, is proud to presentRomeSMARTS (Rome Summer Musical Arts) inRome, Italy, each summer, offering performanceprograms, masterclasses with Canadian and Italianteachers, lectures, seminars, public performancesand University of Toronto credit coursesfor eligible students. The dates for next year’s programin Rome are July 14 to 26, 2014.Boyanna Toyich,artistic director, president and CEO416-922-0755boyanna@sympatico.caromesmarts.orgtoyichinternationalprojects.caB28 | theWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES

●Trillium ● Brass QuintetThe Trillium Brass Quintet (Andre Dubelsten andScott Harrison, trumpets; Katie Toksoy, horn;Cathy Stone, trombone; and Courtney Lambert,tuba) is a versatile and professional chamberensemble.Formed in 1996, TBQ has performed throughoutOntario, including recital appearances forthe Boycageon Music Council, Gananoque ConcertAssociation, the inaugural Brass in the GrassFestival, the Kincardine Summer Music Festivaland the Toronto International Chamber MusicFestival, and as featured guests with the SaultSte. Marie Symphony. The quintet has collaboratedwith, among others, Exultate Chamber Singers,Pax Christi Chorale and Cantores CelestesWomen’s Chamber Choir. TBQ maintains a strongcommitment to education with a busy scheduleof educational concerts through Prologue to thePerforming Arts.By commissioning new works as well as transcribingmusic from many styles and eras, TBQhas developed a sophisticated and dynamicstage presentation.TBQ’s recordings include their debut CD,Revecy, and Seasons of the Spirit (with the PaxChristi Chorale).Please visit our website for audio and videosamples and for more information about thisunique●Trinity ● College ChapelTrinity College Chapel’s tradition of musicalexcellence is maintained by current music directorJohn Tuttle, organ scholar David Simonand the Trinity Chapel Choir. Every Wednesday(at 5:15pm) during the academic year, the choirsings Choral Evensong, presenting music froma broad historical spectrum extending from therenaissance to our own era. The chapel’s annualservice of Advent Lessons and Carols will be SundayDecember 8, at 4pm.This year, a Monday music series (12:15pm to12:45pm) will alternate monthly presentations of“Sacred Music in a Sacred Space” (liturgical musicfrom both Eastern and Western traditions, curatedby Peter Drobac) with recitals by studentsand other musicians associated with Trinity andrecorded music for meditation. Please see thechapel website for more detailed information.The chapel is available for rental at reasonablerates. Its excellent acoustics and elegantGothic interior make it an ideal venue for choraland chamber performances and it is equippedwith a Casavant organ and a single-manualWilhelm chamber organ. The nave is wheelchairaccessible.Rev’d Andrea Budgey416-978-3288chaplain@trinity.utoronto.catrinitychapel.caVIVA! YOUTH SINGERS OF TORONTO●●Trio ArkelFormed in 2006, Trio Arkel is Marie Bérard,concertmaster of the Canadian Opera CompanyOrchestra, Teng Li, principal violist of theToronto Symphony Orchestra, and WinonaZelenka, assistant principal cellist of the TorontoSymphony Orchestra. We are acclaimed interpretersof classical chamber music from the 17thcentury up to present-day composers.Trio Arkel is pleased to announce a new seriesat the Church of the Holy Trinity in Toronto.Three concerts each season will explore musicboth past and present; each concert featuresmusic from a specific country and includes a celebratedcomposer now living in that country. Weare joined by guest artists who are well knownand loved in Canada, our own homeland!For more information, please check our blog.Winona Zelenka75 James St., Toronto, ON M8W●●University of TorontoFaculty of MusicThe Faculty of Music at the University of Torontois regarded as a top destination for the professionaland scholarly study of music in NorthAmerica. As part of one of the world’s top universities,the Faculty of Music is home to a diverseand dynamic community of scholars, performers,composers and educators. With superb educatorsin every area of music study and dozensof areas of specialization in our degree and diplomaprograms, we offer an education that isboth broad and deep. Our students and alumnihave garnered such awards as Prix Italia, thePeabody, JUNO and National Jazz Awards, andoccupy prominent positions with such ensemblesas the Toronto Symphony, Cleveland Orchestra,Boston Symphony and the Berlin Philharmonic.The Faculty of Music’s annual concert seasonfeatures students, faculty and guests in over 100public concerts, lectures and masterclasses. Thisyear’s featured guests include pianist Vijay Iyer,Gabrieli Consort, composers Gabriel Prokofievand Paul Chihara, conductor Alice Parker, vocalistsSir Thomas Allen, Stephanie Blythe and TracyDahl, and the Brentano Quartet.Dr. Don McLean, deanBox Office:●●University SettlementMusic and Arts SchoolThe University Settlement Music and Arts Schoolhas been providing quality, affordable music lessonsand group classes for over 90 years indowntown Toronto. We believe that the arts area right, not a privilege, and we offer music andarts programs to everyone, regardless of age,ethnicity, perceived talent, disability or ability topay. Individual lessons are available from a facultyof highly qualified professionals on a wide varietyof instruments as well as in voice and theory.Group activities include Children’s Choir, ChamberMusic, Ear Training, RCM Rudiments, Harmonyand History, Dance for Children (ballet, jazzand tap) and Computer Music. We offer lessonsin jazz on piano, guitar and saxophone. There canbe opportunities for more advanced jazz playersto work in ensembles.Lesson fees are modest and we offer subsidiesto children of low-income families who qualify.Scholarships, practice facilities and instrumentrentals are also available to our students. Regularstudent recitals offer excellent performanceopportunities in a family environment. Call us,email us or check us out on Facebook!Anne Yardley, director,Music and Arts SchoolMichelle Simmons, program assistant416-598-3444 x243/244theWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES | B29

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)