9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 2 - October 2013

  • Text
  • October
  • Toronto
  • Choir
  • Concerts
  • Jazz
  • November
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Musical
  • Symphony


BLUE PAGES 2013/14Concerts are held Thursday afternoons at1:30pm at Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Building,80 Queen’s Park, Toronto.Artists for the 116th (2013/14) season includeBax and Chung Piano Duo (Thursday October 17);Suzie LeBlanc, soprano, and Les Voix HumainesConsort of Viols (Thursday November 21); theWMCT’s most recent Career Development Awardwinner Vincent Lauzer and a guest (ThursdayFebruary 27); Yegor Dyachkov, cello, and JeanSaulnier, piano, presenting the premiere of anew work by Christos Hatzis, commissioned byWMCT (Thursday March 20); and Pavel HaasQuartet (Thursday April 10).Member/subscriber benefits include “TuningYour Mind,” a free pre-concert lecture seriespresented in partnership with the Faculty ofMusic, University of Toronto, on a topic related tothe day’s concert.Susan Corrigan,●Wychwood ●Clarinet ChoirNow in its fifth season, the Wychwood ClarinetChoir is directed by conductor and clarinetistMichele Jacot. The members of the choir includeskilled clarinetists of all ages who share a loveof music making, friendship and fun. The grouprehearses on Tuesday evenings and performs ona regular basis in Toronto’s St. Clair and Wychwoodarea. Choir members are admitted by auditionand pay an annual membership fee.The choir’s instrumentation extends from thecontrabass clarinet to the E-flat sopranino, andwe regularly perform new compositions andarrangements for the ensemble, many writtenby our own Composers’ Collective. We embracethe ideal of “music for life” and are committed tosharing our musical experience in educationalsettings and in the wider community.In early 2013, we established the WychwoodYouth Clarinet Choir for younger students whowant the challenge of playing in a small chambergroup and performing with the adult choir.Michele●York ● UniversityDepartment of MusicYork University’s Department of Music showcasestalent in more than 100 events each season.This year our Faculty Concert Series spotlightspianist/composer David Lidov, pianist ChristinaPetrowska Quilico, jazz trombonist Ron Westrayand saxophonist Sundar Viswanathan. Classicalchamber concerts and performances by the YorkU. Concert and Chamber Choirs are offeredalongside electroacoustic explorations andoriginal student compositions. The annual worldmusic festival celebrates global traditions, fromCaribbean and Middle Eastern music to WestAfrican drumming and Chinese orchestra. Eachterm concludes with York U. Symphony Orchestra,Gospel Choir and Wind Symphony performances,and a four-day jazz festival. Masterclassesare frequently open to observers.The Music at Midday series offers free lunchtimeperformances and other concerts are heldweek-long. Performances happen in the TributeCommunities Recital Hall or the informal settingof the Martin Family Lounge at the Accolade EastBuilding of York’s Keele campus.A 2013/14 season highlight is the productionof John Gay’s The Beggar’s Opera, featuring ourMusic, Theatre, Dance and Digital Media departmentsand adapted and directed by Gwen Dobie,with musical direction by Stephanie Martin,musical preparation by Catherine Robbin andchoreography by Michael Greyeyes.William Thomas, chairMatt Vander Woude, associate chairMichael Coghlan,graduate program director416-736-5186Judy Karacs,events and promotions coordinatormusicprg@yorku.caBox Office: 416-736-5888;●Yorkminster ●Park Baptist ChurchYorkminster Park is synonymous with magnificentmusic. Whether it’s the choir accompaniedby the majestic Casavant organ or the congregationlifting their voices in hymns of praise, vocaland instrumental expressions of faith are integralin the Yorkminster Park experience.The senior choir, under organist and musicdirector William Maddox, enjoys a reputation asone of the best congregational choirs in the cityof Toronto.Yorkminster Park presents a series of freeorgan recitals at 12:30pm, every Wednesday fromSeptember through June, with performers fromaround the world.We have a wide variety of unique musicalevents throughout the year but Yorkminster Parkis renowned for its special seasonal concerts.The quality and dedication of the music ministryat YPBC is never more evident than during Adventand Holy Week and these services have becomecommunity traditions: City Carol Sing, Carols byCandlelight, the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols,Passiontide Devotion during Holy Week andtraditional Evensong services three times a year.Our sanctuary is frequently made available toother choral and concerts groups, which drawappreciative audiences from all over SouthernOntario.William Maddox,organist and director of music416-922-1550;wcmaddox@yorkminsterpark.comDenise Byard, ministry assistant416-922-1589;●Young ● Voices TorontoUnder the leadership and development of artisticdirector Zimfira Poloz, the children of YoungVoices Toronto work together to create a beautiful,shimmering sound. We offer skills-baseddivisions for children ages 5 to 18: Piccolo, Intermezzo,Brio and Allegria (auditioned from Brio).Weekly rehearsals, held in Bloor West Village,include music theory and ear training and focuson breathing and resonance techniques. Childrenare engaged in the creative process throughperformance of and involvement in the creationof new music. Young Voices Toronto performslarge-scale public concerts each year in additionto numerous community engagements, as well asparticipating in workshops, retreats and tours.July 2014 will see YVT appearing at the ChoralOlympics in Riga, Latvia.Auditions are held many times throughout theyear and new members are always welcome.Details on our upcoming season are forthcoming;please visit our website.416-762-0657Young Voices Torontoyoungvoicestoronto.comUpdated online atthewholenote.comPRESENTER PROFILES 2013/14B32 | theWholeNote 2013/14 PRESENTER PROFILES

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