9 years ago

Volume 19 Issue 2 - October 2013

  • Text
  • October
  • Toronto
  • Choir
  • Concerts
  • Jazz
  • November
  • Arts
  • Orchestra
  • Musical
  • Symphony

& Jamie Bird. Every Sat

& Jamie Bird. Every Sat 10pm-1:30am KendallPartington.Supermarket268 Augusta Ave. 416-840-0501supermarkettoronto.comOct 2 8:30pm Ben Sures CD Release .Tranzac292 Brunswick Ave. (full schedule)3-4 shows daily, various styles. Mostly PWYC.Every Mon 7pm This is Awesome; 10pm OpenMic. Every Fri 5pm The Foolish Things. EverySat 3pm Jamzac. This month’s shows include:Oct 1 10pm Peripheral Vision. Oct 2 7:30pmKatie DuTemple. Oct 6 5pm Monk’s Music.Oct 8 10pm Stop Time. Oct 20 10pm MakeshiftIsland. Oct 23 7:30pm Trevor Giancola.Oct 25 10pm Ryan Driver Quartet. Oct 2710:30pm Steve Ward Presents. Oct 29 10pmNick Fraser Presents.Victory Café, The581 Markham St. 416-516-5787Every Wed 9:30pm-12am Hot Jazz StringQuartet: Drew Jurecka (violin); Jesse Barksdale(guitar); Chris Bezant (guitar); ChrisBanks (bass). Every Sun 9pm Open Mic.Zipperz72 Carlton St. 416-921-0066Every Mon 10pm-12am & Every Fri 7-9pmRoxxie Terrain w/ Adam Weinmann. NoCover/PWYC.GALAS & FUNDRAISERS●●Oct 17, 5:30–11:00: Ken Page MemorialTrust. Annual Jazz Fundraiser saluting thereturn of the Kings of Swing. Cocktail reception,dinner and grand raffle prizes. Old Mill,21 Old Mill Rd., Etobicoke. 416-515-0200.0( tax receipt).●●Oct 24, 9:00: Canadian Opera Company.Operanat10n: A Night of Temptation. Galafundraiser with performances by the COCEnsemble Studio and other musical guests,with installations, food, fashion and visualarts. Four Seasons Centre for the PerformingArts, 145 Queen St. W. 416-363-8231. 0.●●Oct 25, 6:00: Toronto Mendelssohn Choir.Crowning Glory Gala. Celebration of QueenElizabeth II’s 60th anniversary. Actors, trumpetersand musicians, with colour film footage.Dinner and show. Casa Loma, 1 AustinTerrace. 416-598-0422 x221. 0.●●Oct 25, 7:00: Sinfonia Toronto. 15th AnniversaryParty. Introduction to the upcomingseason by conductor Nurhan Arman, conversationwith violin virtuoso Lara St. John andmusic by Sinfonia Toronto musicians, alongwith reception, dinner and cake. DonaldaClub, 12 Bushbury Dr. 416-499-0403. (tax receipt).●●Nov 2, 8:00: Kindred Spirits Orchestra.Brahms, Mendelssohn, Wagner. Openingnight fundraising gala and silent auction.See concert listings for program. JamesYOUNGCOMPOSERSCOMPETITION 2013Deadline for submissions: November 1, 2013.The Etobicoke Philharmonic Orchestra invites submissions of originalworks scored for orchestra. Three young composers (32 years and younger)will be awarded cash prizes and the Grand Prize composition will beperformed by the EPO during the 2013/14 season.Grand Prize: ,000 plus performance of compositionRunner-Up: ,000Promising High School Composer: 0Visit for information and application formCompetition Judges: Gary Kulesha, Canadian composer; Dr. Patricia Shand, Professor Emerita, Facultyof Music, University of Toronto; Sabatino Vacca, Music Director, Etobicoke Philharmonic Orchestra8th Annual Toronto SinfoniettaYoung MusiciansCONCERTO COMPETITION 2013for the best performance of a solo work with an orchestraInstruments: Violin, Cello, Piano, and WoodwindsAge Categories: Under 16, 16 to 19 yearsApplications to be received before November 24, 2013Gala Concert of the Winners, February 22, 2014 - 7:30 PMSt. Michael's College Centre for the Arts, 1515 Bathurst St.For applications and information visit:www.torontosinfonietta.comD. The ETCeterasParker, piano; Kristian Alexander, conductor.Flato Markham Theatre, 171 Town CentreBlvd., Markham. 905-305-7469. -;0(with dinner).COMPETITIONS●●Deadline to Apply: Oct 27: Melos ChamberOrchestra. Baroque Idol Competition. ForKingston area voice students singing baroquearias. First prize: 0 and a solo engagementwith Melos Chamber Orchestra. 613-549-7125.●●Deadline to Apply: Nov 1: Etobicoke PhilharmonicOrchestra. Young ComposersCompetition 2013. Canadian composersages 32 and under; original compositions fororchestra. Winning composition will be performedby the ETO; cash prizes presented.416-239-5665. For details:;●●Deadline to Apply: Nov 15: MississaugaSymphony Orchestra. Youth Concerto Competition2013. Prizes of 00, 0 and0. Application fee: . A concerto movementor concert piece under 20 minutes.Winner plays with the MSO in its Feb 8 2014concert. For details:●●Deadline to Apply: Nov 24: Toronto Sinfonietta.Young Musicians Competition 2013. Forviolin, cello, piano and woodwinds in two agecategories: under 16 and 16-19. Winners willplay with the Sinfonietta in its Feb 22 2014concert. For details: & SYMPOSIA●●Oct 1, 1:30: MNjcc Active Seniors. OperaAppreciation with Iain Scott – Peter Grimes.Preview of the COC and Live from the Metproductions, with video excerpts. Miles NadalJewish Community Centre, 750 Spadina Ave.416-924-6211 x0. ; (series of 4).●●Oct 1 and 3, 10:00am: Colours of Music.Talk on Music of the Day. Conductor/commentatorKerry Stratton provides a discussionand review of the day’s concerts. CentralUnited Church, 54 Ross St., Barrie. 705-726-1181. .●●Oct 2, 10:00am: Colours of Music. Meet theComposer: Composer-in-Residence AndrewAger. Central United Church, 54 Ross St.,Barrie. 705-726-1181. ; (st).●●Oct 6, 2:30: New Music Concerts. Stefanmeets Anton and Morty meets John. Virtualsymposium by Austin Clarkson exploring themusic of Wolpe, Webern, Feldman and Cage,followed by an open dress rehearsal of theevening’s concert. Betty Oliphant Theatre,404 Jarvis St. 416-961-9594. Free. For●●Oct 8, 1:30: MNjcc Active Seniors. OperaAppreciation with Iain Scott – Così Fan Tutte.Preview of the COC and Live from the Metproductions, with video excerpts. Miles NadalJewish Community Centre, 750 Spadina Ave.416-924-6211 x0. ; (series of 4).●●Oct 10, 3:30: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. Graduate Colloquium: MartinScherzinger. NYU’s Martin Scherzingerpresents a talk, African Music as an InterfaceEffect. Room 130, Edward Johnson Bldg.,80 Queen’s Park. 416-978-3750. Free.●●Oct 10, 7:00: North York Central Library.Opera Talks: Wayne Gooding on BenjaminBritten’s Peter Grimes. Chat led by OperaCanada editor Wayne Gooding with opera history,guided listening, production images andQ & A session. Call to register. North YorkCentral Library Auditorium, 5120 Yonge St.416-395-5639. Free.●●Oct 13, 3:00: Music Gallery. This Is OurMusic: The Canada Council for the Arts. Discussionwith CCA officer Jeff Morton on theplace of the Canada Council in the Canadianmusic scene. 197 John St. 416-204-1080. Free.●●Oct 15, 1:30: MNjcc Active Seniors. OperaAppreciation with Iain Scott – Don Quichotte.Preview of the COC and Live from the Metproductions, with video excerpts. Miles NadalJewish Community Centre, 750 Spadina Ave.416-924-6211 x0. ; (series of 4).●●Oct 17, 24 and 31, 7:00: Toronto PublicLibrary. Impressionism in Music With RickPhillips, Sound Advice. Examining masterworksof Debussy, Ravel and others. Bloor/Gladstone Branch, 1101 Bloor St. W. 416-393-7674. Free.●●Oct 27, 11:00am: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. SING! Fest: Parker in the Pulpit:Service of Worship. Speech by Alice Parker inlieu of regular sermon. Music by YPBC Choir.1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. Free.●●Oct 27, 3:00: Toronto Chamber Choir.Kaffeemusik: Spooks and Saints. Discussionand performances of renaissance works.Church of the Redeemer, 162 Bloor St. W. 416-763-1695. ; (sr); .50(under 30).●●Nov 3, 2:00: Toronto Opera Club. The ExoticWorld of French Baroque Opera. David Stanley-Porter,speaker. Faculty of Music, EdwardJohnson Building, Room 330, 80 QueensPark. 416-924-3940. .●●Nov 5, 7:00: Holocaust Education Week.A Czech Torah Gives Voice to a Once-ThrivingJewish Community. Multimedia lecturewith live choral music; the journey of a scroll,saved from the1939 Nazi Czech invasion, to aThornhill synagogue. Beth Radom Congregation,18 Reiner Rd. 416-636-3451. Free.MASTERCLASSES●●Oct 5, 10:00am: Colours of Music. Masterclass.Pianist Robert Kortgaard works withthe top three pianists from the Barrie KiwanisMusic Festival. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church,50 Anne St. N., Barrie. 705-726-1181. ;(st).●●Oct 10, 1:00: York University Departmentof Music. Piano Masterclass with MaureenVolk. Tribute Communities Recital Hall,Accolade East, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-2100x22926. Free.●●Oct 11, 1:30: York University Departmentof Music. Vocal Masterclass with Jane Leibel,soprano. Tribute Communities Recital Hall,Accolade East, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-2100x22926. Free.●●Oct 15, 16, 17, 18, 12:00–5:00: Atelier S.International Masterclass Series – BernardTurgeon: Music and the Mind. Open to auditorsand participants. Audition required forparticipants; application deadline Oct 5. FirstUnitarian Church, 175 St. Clair Ave. W. 416-927-9105. ; 0(4 day subscription). Fordetails:●●Oct 27, 2:00–5:00: Singing Studio of DeborahStaiman. Masterclass. Musical theatre/audition preparation, using textual analysisand other interpretative tools for the sungmonologue. Yonge and Eglinton area; call forexact location.●●Nov 2, 2:00: CAMMAC. Double ReedMasterclass with Barbara Bolte. NorthernDistrict Library, 40 Orchard View Blvd. 416-386-0258. ; (members).54 | October 1 – November 7, 2013

WORKSHOPS●●Oct 6, 1:30–4:00: Toronto Early Music PlayersOrganization. Early Music Workshop forWoodwinds and Strings. Bring your recorders,early instruments and music stand;scores will be provided. Scott Paterson, conductor.Armour Heights Community Centre,2140 Avenue Rd. 416-537-3733. ;free(members).●●Oct 10, 5:30: Sight-singing with Sheila.Group sight-singing workshop: Rounds. Alllevels welcome. Sheila McCoy, leader. Privatestudio, 96 Barker Ave. (near Woodbine subway).416-574-5250. .●●Oct 13, various times: Toronto InternationalFlamenco Festival. Free AbsoluteBeginner Flamenco Classes. The Citadel,304 Parliament St. 416-457-2085. Free;advance registration required. To●●Oct 13–Oct 17: Toronto International FlamencoFestival. Workshops. Classes in singing,guitar technique and accompaniment,dance technique and choreography. 416-457-2085. and up (single class). For●●Oct 17, 5:30: Sight-singing with Sheila.Group sight-singing workshop: Taizé Chants.All levels welcome. Sheila McCoy, leader. Privatestudio, 96 Barker Ave. (near Woodbinesubway). 416-574-5250. .●●Oct 20, 2:00: CAMMAC. Reading for Singersand Instrumentalists. Bach: Magnificatand Cantata No.131. Cheryll Chung, conductor.Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416-781-4745/ ; (members).●●Oct 24, 5:30: Sight-singing with Sheila.Group sight-singing workshop: Folk Songs.All levels welcome. Sheila McCoy, leader. Privatestudio, 96 Barker Ave. (near Woodbinesubway). 416-574-5250. .●●Oct 26, 9:30am: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. SING! Fest: Creative Use of Hymns inWorship. For church musicians interested inexploring ways of enlivening congregationalhymn singing. Led by Alice Parker. 1585 YongeSt. 416-922-1167. Free.●●Oct 31, 5:30: Sight-singing with Sheila.Group sight-singing workshop: Hymns. Alllevels welcome. Sheila McCoy, leader. Privatestudio, 96 Barker Ave. (near Woodbine subway).416-574-5250. .●●Nov 3, 1:30–4:00: Toronto Early MusicPlayers Organization. Early Music Workshopfor Woodwinds and Strings. Bring yourrecorders, early instruments and musicstand; scores will be provided. János Ungváry,conductor. Armour Heights CommunityCentre, 2140 Avenue Rd. 416-537-3733. ;free(members).●●Nov 7, 5:30: Sight-singing with Sheila.Group sight-singing workshop: Madrigals. Alllevels welcome. Sheila McCoy, leader. Privatestudio, 96 Barker Ave. (near Woodbine subway).416-574-5250. .OPEN REHEARSALS/SINGALONGS●●Oct 6, 3:00: Musikay. Community RepertoireReading/Sing-along. Open reading coveringmusic from the choir’s upcoming season.Stéphane Potvin, conductor. Grace LutheranChurch, 304 Spruce St., Oakville. 905-825-9740. Free; reserve online at:●●Oct 8, 7:00: Canada Sings!/Chantons Canada!Toronto-Riverdale. NeighbourhoodSingalong. Canadian folk songs, rock, Broadwayand ballads. Mark Bell, song leader; MarjorieWiens, piano. Ralph Thornton Centre,765 Queen St. E. 416-778-0796. Free; donationsaccepted.●●Oct 13, 7:00: Shelter Valley Shape-noteSingers. Monthly Singing. All voices welcome,no experience required. Grafton CommunityCentre, 135 Old Danforth Rd., Grafton. 905-349-2042. Freewill offering.●●Oct 25, 7:30: Yorkminster Park BaptistChurch. Community SING! Ways of makingmusic without notation; unison and partsinging. Led by Alice Parker. Open to all.1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. ; (sr);(st).SCREENINGS●●Oct 13, 1:00: Toronto International FlamencoFestival. Flamenco Film Screenings:The Fabulous Sabicas. TheCitadel, 304 Parliament St. 416-457-2085./(adv).●●Oct 13, 2:40: Toronto International FlamencoFestival. Flamenco Film Screenings:The Compilation of the Casa PatasPerformance by Jorge Biancotti. The Citadel,304 Parliament St. 416-457-2085./(adv).●●Oct 21, 6:30: The Royal Conservatory/Hot Docs. MUSIC ON FILM Festival: Wagnerand Me. Introduction to the life and legacy ofWagner, featuring actor Stephen Fry. Postscreeningchat with Mervon Mehta and COCdirector Johannes Debus. Bloor Hot DocsCinema, 506 Bloor St. W. 416-408-2824 x265.; (series pass).●●Oct 28, 6:30: The Royal Conservatory/Hot Docs. MUSIC ON FILM Festival: The LastSong Before the War. Film chronicling the2011 Festival of the Desert in Timbuktu, Mali,before the city was taken over by radicalIslamic fighters who outlawed music. Postscreeningchat with Mervon Mehta and Indo-Canadian singer Kiran Ahluwalia. Bloor HotDocs Cinema, 506 Bloor St. W. 416-408-2824x265. ; (series pass).●●Nov 4, 6:30: The Royal Conservatory/Hot Docs. MUSIC ON FILM Festival: Jazzon a Summer’s Day. 1958 Newport Festival,including performances by Dinah Washington,Chuck Berry and Louis Armstrong. Postscreeningchat with Mervon Mehta and jazzmusicians Joe Sealy and Jackie Richardson.Bloor Hot Docs Cinema, 506 Bloor St. W. 416-408-2824 x265. ; (series pass).●●Oct 25, 7:00: University of Toronto Facultyof Music. A Late Quartet. Film spotlightingthe 25th anniversary concert of a fictionalquartet, with soundtrack by the BrentanoQuartet. Walter Hall, Edward Johnson Bldg.,80 Queens’ Park. 416-408-0208. Open exclusivelyto ticket holders of the Oct 28 BrentanoQuartet Concert.ANNOUNCEMENTS:● ● Toronto New Music Alliance presents itsNew Music Passport. See ad page 35 for listof partnering presenters. One-time purchaseof the passport provides the holder with tickets to 11 new music concerts this season.. WITH SHEILAPrivate Lessons & Group Workshops• Improve your sight-singing skills;practice challenging choral repertoire• Master intervals, rhythms, andcomplex syncopations.• Prepare for auditions and singing exams,sight-sing solos and duets with confidencePrivate lessons: per hourWorkshops: Fall Workshop Schedule:Oct. 10 – RoundsOct. 17 – Taizé ChantsOct. 24 – Folk SongsOct. 31 – HymnsNov. 7 – MadrigalsNov. 14 – Sacred RenaissanceNov. 21 – Secular ClassicsNov. 28 – Sacred ClassicsDec. 5 – Carols IDec. 12 – Carols IIDec. 19 – Carols IIIA MarketPlace ad is like handing outyour business cardto over 30,000 music (near Woodbine subway)smccoy@rogers.comwww.sightsingingwithsheila.comMarjorie SparksVoice StudioWell established private voice studio offers high qualityinstruction for singers at all levels; voice lessons, masterclasses, recitals, and summer voice programs.Ms. Sparks is an experienced teacher with a great range of teachingmethods. She offers a free consultation for the first appointment.The hourly rate is very reasonable. Her studio is located atBloor and Royal York with excellent access for TTC and parking.Call at 416 893 8648 or email book appointment. Only a few spaces available. Call now.NEED HELP WITH YOUR TAXES?Specializing in personal andbusiness tax returns including prioryears and adjustmentsHORIZON TAX SERVICES INC.1 -866-268-1319 •• free consultation • accurate work • pickup & deliveryMoellerPipe Organs Inc.New Instruments and AdditionsTunings and MaintenanceRestorations and RepairsMetal Pipes2393 Gareth Rd., Mississauga, L5B 1Z4www.moellerorgans.comTel/Fax(905) October 1 – November 7, 2013 | 55

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