ETCETERA: MISCELLANEOUS●●Oct. 16, 7:30: Centre for the Arts, BrockUniversity. An Evening with Marc Jordanand Jane Siberry. Concert to close theart exhibition Flat Music by Marc Jordan.Exhibition runs Sep 25 to Oct 16 in the SeanO’Sullivan Theatre lobby. Sean O’SullivanTheatre, 500 Glenridge Ave., St. Catharines.905-688-5550 x3257. ; (st); (eyeGOtickets for high school students).●●Oct 18, 7:00: Soundstreams Salon21. Imagining Flamenco. Gathering ofmusicians in jam session style exploringflamenco. Performances curated by TorontoInternational Flamenco Festival. GardinerMuseum, 111 Queen’s Park. 416-504-1282 Free.D. The ETCeterasFor details:●●Oct 18, 9:00: Uma Nota Festival of TropicalExpressions/World Famous Music. WorldSoul Party. UK Singer Alice Russell, PhilMotion and the Easy Lo-Fi, Marque Toiverand DJ General Eclectic. The Garrison,1197 Dundas St. W. 647-293-2266. .●●Oct 19, 7:00: United Jewish People’s Order.Cultural Program. Labour union solidaritymusic, klezmer and Yiddish music with photodisplay and art exhibit of political cartoonsby Avrom Yanovsky. Alarm Her Majesty;Camp Naivelt musicians, Martin Van deVen, bandleader; Toronto Jewish Folk Choir.Reservations requested. Winchevsky Centre,585 Cranbrooke Ave. 416-789-5502. Free. Fordetails:●●Oct 19, 9:00: Uma Nota Festival of TropicalExpressions/Dos Mundos Arts and Media.Bridges Tropical Mashup: Live, Analog andDigital. The Great Hall, 1087 Queen St. W. 647-293-2266. .●●Oct 20, 27 and Nov 3, 10:30am: CanadianOpera Company. Tour the Four SeasonsCentre for the Performing Arts. 90-minutetours including backstage access and more!145 Queen St. W. 416-306-2329. ; (sr/st).●●Oct 20, 2:00pm–11:00pm: Uma NotaFestival of Tropical Expressions/DosMundos Arts and Media/Koffler Centreof the Arts/Lula Lounge. CommunityCultural Fair. Live music, workshops, culturaltalks, dance and food. Tio Chorinhon,Rick Udler, Heavyweights Brass Band andForrallstar. Lula Lounge, 1585 Dundas St. W.647-293-2266. minimum donation; pwyc.●●Oct 26, 6:30: Trillio. Baroquetoberfest.Oktoberfest food and drink with Germanbaroque music. Works by Bach, Telemannand others. Peformance by Trillio on periodinstruments. First Baptist Church,110 Sydenham St., Kingston. 613-634-9312. (concert, food and one drink). Limitedseating; reserve ahead.●●Oct 26, 3:00: Neapolitan Connection.Musical Matinées at Montgomery’sInn. Stanislav Vitort, tenor, and ZhenyaYesmanovich, piano. Tea, historical tourand cookies. Museum tour at 2pm, concertat 3pm. Montgomery’s Inn Museum,4709 Dundas St. W., Etobicoke. 647-955-2108. /.50(sr/st). For details:neapolitanconnection.comClassified Advertising | classad@thewholenote.comAUDITIONS & OPPORTUNITIESAVAILABLE POSITIONS FOR MUSICIANSAT THE KINDRED SPIRITS ORCHESTRA:Principal Oboist (pro bono), PrincipalBassoonist (pro bono), Associate (or2nd) Trumpeter (pro bono), PrincipalContrabassist (with stipend) as well asSectional Violinists, Violists, Cellists andContrabassists (pro bono). The KSO is anauditioned-based community orchestrathat rehearses once a week (Tuesdayevenings) at the state-of-the-art CornellRecital Hall in Markham (407 ETR and9th Ln). Led by the charismatic MaestroKristian Alexander, the Orchestra isenjoying an enormous popularity amongYork Region’s residents and continuesto attract avid audiences across theGTA. Guest soloists for the 2013.2014concert season include pianists AntonKuerti and James Parker, violinistJacques Israelievitch and Canadianteenage sensation, violinist Nicole Li.The repertoire features symphonies byBrahms, Schumann and Shostakovich aswell as masterworks by Handel, Wagner,Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky and Saint-Saëns. Interested musicians are invited toe-mail General Manager Jobert Sevillenoat and visit for more information.CHOIR DIRECTOR: Blessed Trinity RC Church,Toronto. 57-voice liturgical choir. StartJanuary 2014. Contact Marguerite Applicationdeadline October 31, 2013.C-FLATS YOUTH JAZZ BAND at LeasideUnited Church welcomes new membersgrade 7 to 12, all instruments and levels.Thursday evenings 5:15-6pm. 416-806-6488, COMMUNITYORCHESTRA ( volunteer musicians: Mondayevening rehearsals, downtown Toronto.Especially looking for trombones andstrings. Email DIRECTOR NEEDED for ChaverimChristian Youth Band. Currently CCYBcomprises young people in grades 7through 12 representing various Christiandenominations from Simcoe County.Weekly practices from September toJune and performances are held inchurches local to Barrie and surroundingcommunities For more details pleaseinquire: CCYB Recruitment Committee, c/ AND/OR MUSICIANS WANTED toform a performing duo/ensemble for variousvenues. For more information on the mezzosopranovocalist who will be performing withthem, please visit (, and contact through website.FOR SALEFRENCH HORN: one owner, excellentcondition, suitable for advanced student orworking musician. TYPE A, GRAND PIANO: ebony,exquisite bell-like tone, pristine condition.Serious queries only please, Toronto416-440-1700.INSTRUCTIONCLASSICAL GUITAR LESSONS: beginnerto advanced from one of Toronto’sfinest classical guitar instructors andnationally renowned author of manyguitar publications. Located in midtownToronto.,, PIANO, THEORY LESSONS, RCMEXAM PREPARATION: Samantha Chang,Royal Academy of Music PGDip, LRAM, ARCT.416-293-1302, LESSONS: Beginners – advanced.All levels Royal Conservatory of Musicand beyond. Intensive course for adults.Lessons are given on a 9 foot Steinwayconcert grand. 416-449-1665.TRUMPET, THEORY LESSONS: CyndaFleming (B.Mus., B.Ed., M.Mus., M.Ed.), 20+years teaching experience, all styles andlevels including RCM Exam and UniversityAudition Preparation. 416-806-6488, LESSONS: ECE ARCT diplomas.Preparation for examinations. Childrenand adult beginners or returners. ORMTAmember. Questions? Katharine LESSONS: personalizedinstruction by experienced teacher,concert pianist EVE EGOYAN (M. Mus.,L.R.A.M., F.R.S.C.). All ages and levels.Downtown location. eve.egoyan@bell.netor 416- 603-4640.WARM, SEASONED PIANO TEACHER,American immigrant with sterlingcredentials, unfailing good humor, andbuckets of patience. Royal Conservatorywashouts and nervous teens/adultsespecially welcome. Lovely Cabbagetownstudio, with German grand piano and ampleKleenex. Testimonials: “I was paying 0/hour for therapy: Bach is better!” - Beachesman, 50s. “Sure beats studying with thoseQuebec nuns!” - downtown woman, 65+.“Best teacher ever!” - Riverdale girl, age 13.Peter Kristian Mose, 416-923-3060; My students have never wonany prizes, except for love of music. (Andloyalty.)THE YOUNGEST SHAKESPEARE COMPANY:Professional Classical Theatre training foryoung people aged 8 - 15. Classes in Toronto.Full production in May 2013. For info andbrochure .416-588-8077. Member of TAASMUSICIANS AVAILABLEBARD – EARLY MUSIC DUO playing recorderand virginal available to provide backgroundatmosphere for teas, receptions or otherfunctions – greater Toronto area. For ratesand info call 905-722-5618 or email us AND INCOME TAXSERVICE for small business andindividuals, to save you time and money,customized to meet your needs. NormPulker, B. Math. CMA. 905-251-0309 or905-830-2985.DO YOU HAVE PRECIOUS MEMORIESLOST ON OLD RECORDS, TAPES, PHOTOSetc.? Recitals-gigs-auditions-air checksfamilystuff. 78’s-cassettes-reels-35mmslides-etc. ArtsMediaProjects will restorethem on CD’s or DVD’s. Call George @416-910-1091.VENUESARE YOU PLANNING A CONCERT ORRECITAL? Looking for a venue? ConsiderBloor Street United Church. Phone: 416-924-7439 x22. Email: / PERFORMANCE SPACEAVAILABLE: Yonge / Wellesley. Weekdayrates: /hr., Evening (events) 0/night.Seats 40-60 people. Contact with SheilaSheila McCoy416 574 Woodbine subway)ChildrenʼsPiano LessonsFriendly, approachable– and strict!Liz Parker416.544.1803liz.parker@rogers.comQueen/Bathurst56 | October 1 – November 7, 2013
TINA ROWDENWE ARE ALL MUSIC’S CHILDRENOctober’s Child, Atom Egoyan, spent muchof October in Europe, once the Toronto InternationalFilm Festival ended. We’ll have more totell you about music in his life at a later date.Acclaimed film andstage director AtomEgoyan (born in Cairo,raised in Victoria, BC)recently directed Feng YiTeng, an opera composedby Guo Wenjing, whichwas presented at Luminatoin June. Egoyan’s latestfeature film, The Devil’s Knot, with a scoreby long-time collaborator Mychael Danna,premiered at TIFF on September 8 and willcontinue to premiere internationally throughOctober and November. Egoyan, who directedSalome for the Canadian Opera Company lastseason, returns to direct Mozart’s Così fan tutte(January 8 to February 21). —MJ BuellWho will be November’s Child?Like children, live music organizationsrequire patience, humour, tough love andvast amounts of round-the-clock lovingattention, from remarkable people. Likeparents, their reward is the knowledge thatthey have nurtured, for a time, somethingbeautiful that hopefully will outlive themand make the world a better place.Who are your BLUE PAGES heroes?Pick one “musical hero” — sung orunsung — responsible for the well-beingof any “entity” profiled in our BLUEPAGES this year. In 50 words tell us whyyou chose them! Email your entries byOctober 23, 2013.CONGRATULATIONS!A pair of tickets to attend Così fan tutte hasbeen won by WholeNote reader Bill Wilson.REMEMBERING . . . . .Larry Lake[ 2 July 1943 to 17 September 2013 ]I met my good friend Larry Lake in September 1970at the University of Toronto. The day we met, wewere among a group of students taking the graduateentrance exam at the Faculty of Music. Larry alreadyhad three degrees from the University of Miami: aBachelor of Music, a Master of Education, and aMaster of Music in musicology, so why the U of TFaculty of Music felt he needed to be examined forgraduate study is still, to me, a bit of a mystery. But Iremember that he was seated in the back row of theexamining room, not too far from another candidate,James Montgomery, and when I entered the room Larry and Jim had already bonded.I took a seat in the front row, and I can still remember that there seemed to be a socialclub already under way at the back of the room.We three were all deemed acceptable for graduate study, and soon found ourselvestogether in the bowels of the Edward Johnson Building, home to the U of T ElectronicMusic Studio, in the class of professor Gustav Ciamaga. Larry seemed more interestedin electronic music than in the degree program he was enrolled in, which was as aPh.D. candidate in musicology. And he was far more intrigued by the challenges ofcontemporary composition than those of settings of medieval Latin. Soon he and Jimand I were spending long hours together in the studio figuring out how to manipulatethe cumbersome gear on the studio racks the way a real musician would play a properinstrument. The eventual formation of the Canadian Electronic Ensemble came nearerfor us all, and the musicology doctorate receded for Larry.In 1972 Larry was offered full-time employment as a music producer by CBC Radio.This opportunity gave him the perfect motivation to park the Ph.D. and launch intoa career that would harness two of his favourite activities: working with audio technologyand communicating his passion for music with a national audience. And hewas good at it. He quickly became the producer of several of CBC Radio’s flagshipmusic programs: Musicscope, Themes and Variations and Music Alive. In the early1970s, network shows were still expected to run with so-called “staff announcers”;people like Ken Haslam, Lamont Tilden, Allan Maitland and Warren Davis, to name afew — but during Larry’s tenure in Radio Music, things began to change. Highly qualifiedpresenters were sought as the Stereo Network developed. Larry was always goodat spotting talent, and he easily found Karen Kieser and hired her to host Themes andVariations. She flourished on air.As Karen moved into program production, Larry made the CEE (Canadian ElectronicEnsemble, established in 1971 by David Grimes, Larry Lake, David Jaeger andJames Montgomery) his focus and his main vehicle for composing. He was a giftedcomposer, and the CEE was an ideal outlet for his desire to mix musical technologywith live performance. The CEE began touring during the mid 1970s and we often wereaccompanied by an exceptional pianist, the talented, multi-tasking Karen Kieser, soonto become Larry’s wife.I joined CBC Radio Music in 1973 and by 1977 I had convinced CBC Radio to supporta national new music show for the CBC Stereo network. The new program was TwoNew Hours. It was originally hosted by David Grimes and Warren Davis. I could thinkof no better person to write for this show than Larry Lake.The program enjoyed success, and lasted just under 30 years. Larry became the hostin 1996, and was the voice of Two New Hours until 2007, when CBC cancelled theprogram. Larry remained with Two New Hours for its entire run because he believeddeeply in the creative power of Canadian composers and musicians. His work on TwoNew Hours gave him a platform for developing this belief.The fact that he was himself a gifted composer and musician, an incredibly articulatespeaker and writer, and was a natural teacher made him particularly effectiveas an advocate for new music on air. His interviews with composers illuminated thethinking behind new compositions and helped listeners of all types to discover whycomposers create new music.Larry always put a human face on these new creations. And he worked hard to introduceradio listeners to all the people that were involved in bringing the art of contemporarymusic to life, especially as it was practised in Canada. He introduced CBC RadioTwo listeners to the next generation of great Canadian composers as they emerged. Heencouraged countless young, mid-career and even senior composers to realize theircreative dreams. Larry’s life and work showed them it was possible.—David JaegerV TONY October 1 – November 7, 2013 | 57
Baroque Orchestra and Chamber Choir