Last month’s“Priceless” pitchin this page 6 spotasked that you take the time to look at ourReader Survey (middle of the Septemberissue) and either mail it in or complete itonline at We wantyou to know (a) that HUNDREDS of youalready have, and (b) that there’s still timeto count yourself in. We’ll only start tallyingthe responses October 15.Special thanks to those of you who notonly chewed your way through the questionsbut also took the time to comment aswell. Music to our ears!This month’s pitch?If you haven’t yet, please take the timeon your next visit to our website to registerwhen you log on. In the case of the ReaderSurvey, the very fact that we offered noprizes or incentives for participating addsincalculably to the credibility of the exercise.Registering on the website by contrastbrings promises of prizes and specialoffers galore in its wake. That’s becauseSeptember 23 we launched our mid-monthe-letter, HALFTONES, and people whoregister on our website will be the firstin line for all it has to offer. Next issue ofHALFTONES is Wednesday October 16.FOR OPENERS | DAVID PERLMANRainbow ChasingPeople who have watched this magazine grow and change over the decades have seenus add other strands to our core commitment: to paint as a comprehensive picture aswe can of live local music as it happens. Our BLUE PAGES came first — this month’s isthe 14th iteration. A couple of years later we added our CANARY PAGES every May — anattempt to give choirs and prospective choristers an opportunity to find each otherand new audiences. (Bit of trivia, we started out calling it the Choral YELLOW pages but a kindlylawyer advised us not to play with fire.) Our GREEN PAGES came next — not so much a commitmentto things ecological as a nod to the verdant fact of summer music making.And now, as we chase some rainbow ideal of full spectrum usefulness, it is music education,in all its forms, that has us choosing ORANGE as a colour to symbolize this brave new quest.First installment of our ORANGE PAGES came in March, second comes next issue. Whereasin the first we tried to get a bit of a feel for who’s out there in the world of continuing education— private teachers, studios, community music schools — this time round we’re planningto start looking at the topic of full-time music-centred education at the secondary and postsecondarylevel.Here’s the twist: this is a quest like no other before it. Because its starting point will be notwhat schools choose to say about themselves, but rather the questions that you, the prospectivestudent, should have the confidence to ask.All a bit cryptic? Never mind. All will be revealed.And meanwhile, speaking of chasing rainbows, this is an issue of The WholeNote that sparkleslike a prism in the autumn sun. Great writing, lots of candour, much as always to do andhear. We are happy to have you along for the great musical ride!—publisher@thewholenote.comThe WholeNote VOLUME 19 NO 2 | OCTOBER 1 – NOVEMBER 7, 2013Centre for Social Innovation720 Bathurst St., Suite 503, Toronto ON M5S 2R4PHONE 416-323-2232 | FAX 416-603-4791Publisher/Editor In Chief | David Perlmanpublisher@thewholenote.comChairman of the Board | Allan Pulkerdirectors@thewholenote.comEDITORIALListings Editor | Sharna Searlelistings@thewholenote.comManaging Editor | Paul Enniseditorial@thewholenote.comRecordings Editor | David Oldsdiscoveries@thewholenote.comSocial Media Editor | Sara Constanteditorial@thewholenote.comClub Listings Editor | Ori Daganjazz@thewholenote.comSALES, MARKETING & MEMBERSHIPConcerts & Events/Membership | Karen Agesmembers@thewholenote.comRetail Sales/Marketing | Garry Pagemarketing@thewholenote.comDirectories | Adam Weinmanneducation@thewholenote.comAdvertising/Production Support/OperationsJack Buell | adart@thewholenote.comClassified Ads | classad@thewholenote.comWebsite/Systems | Bryson Winchestersystems@thewholenote.comCirculation/Subscriptions | Chris Malcolmcirculation@thewholenote.comSUBSCRIPTIONS per year + HST (9 issues)THANKS TO THIS MONTH’S CONTRIBUTORSBeat ColumnistsHans de Groot, Jack MacQuarrie, Benjamin Stein,Sharna Searle, David Olds, Dave Podgorski,Ori Dagan, Wendalyn Bartley, Jim Galloway,mJ buell, Christopher Hoile, Andrew TimarFeaturesPaula Citron, Janos Gardonyi, Pamela Margles,David JaegerCD ReviewersStuart Broomer, Hans de Groot,Daniel Foley, Richard Haskell, Tiina Kiik, PamelaMargles, Alison Melville, Lesley Mitchell-Clarke,Terry Robbins, Michael Schwartz, Bruce Surtees,Robert Tomas, Ken Waxman, Dianne WellsProofreadingSharna Searle, Paul Ennis,John Sharpe, Sara ConstantListingsSharna Searle, Ori Dagan,Adam Weinmann, Tilly Kooyman,JennieLea McLeish, Ruth AtwoodCirculation TeamAbram Bergen, Asa Perlman, Beth Bartley, BobJerome, Dagmar Sullivan, Dave Taylor, GeroHajek, Jack Buell, Jack Suttaby, Jeff Hogben,Joan Andrews, John Dodington, Lorna Nevison,Micah Herzog, Niamh Malcolm, Patrick Slimmon,Paul Ennis, Randy Weir, Rebecca Carpenter,Robert Faulkner, Sharon Clark, The Giang Nguyen,Tom Sepp, Vicki Stainton, Wende BartleyLayout & DesignUno RamatTHE ONTARIO ARTS COUNCIL IS AN AGENCY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIOUpcoming Dates & DeadlinesFree Event Listings Deadline6pm Tuesday October 8Display Ad Reservations Deadline6pm Tuesday October 15Classifieds Deadline6pm Thursday October 24Advertising Materials Due6pm Thursday October 17Publication DateWednesday October 30Next issue, Volume 19 No 3 coversNovember 2013WholeNote Media Inc. accepts no responsibility orliability for claims made for any product or servicereported on or advertised in this issue.Printed in CanadaCouto Printing & Publishing ServicesCirculation StatementOctober 2013: 30,000 printed & distributedCanadian Publication Product Sales Agreement1263846ISSN 14888-8785 WHOLENOTEPublications Mail Agreement #40026682Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to:WholeNote Media Inc.Centre for Social Innovation503–720 Bathurst StreetToronto ON M5S 2R4COPYRIGHT © 2013 WHOLENOTE MEDIA INCthewholenote.com6 | October 1 – November 7, 2013
MARIINSKY ORCHESTRAValery Gergiev, conductorSunday, October 6 2pmStravinsky: The Firebird (complete)Stravinsky: Pétrouchka (1911)Stavinsky: The Rite of SpringSponsored by24 TH ANNUALMASSED MILITARYBAND SPECTACULARNew Beginnings,Honoured TraditionsWith a very special appearanceby Col. Chris HadfieldSunday, October 27 2pmDoors and Military displays open at 12:30pmCo-presented with theRoyal Canadian Military InstituteYO-YO MA, cello andKATHRYN STOTT, pianoFriday, November 22 8pmSponsored byTHE PRIESTSwith featured guest Patricia O'CallaghanSaturday, November 16 8pmCall 416-872-4255roythomson.comMedia Partner
In Memoriam Richard Truhlar(Februar
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MERVON MEHTA: Royal Mandate | conti
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BLUE PAGES 2013/14Concerts are held